
since 1995


since 2019

Monday September 30, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #497.

Continuing our theme of celebrating Marathon art from around the world we give you...

...EinhanderZwei an artist from the Ukraine on DeviantArt.

Marathon 2: Durandal by EinhanderZwei on DeviantArt. June 24, 2013.

His bio on DeviantArt reads:
...But you were dead a thousand times. Hopeless encounters successfully won. A man long dead, grafted to machines your builders did not understand. You follow the path, fitting into an infinite pattern. Yours to manipulate, to destroy and rebuild. Now, in the quantum moment before the closure, when all becomes one. One moment left. One point of space and time. I know who you are. You are destiny.
So clearly a Marathon fan.

Looking at this image two thoughts comes to my mind.

First thought, is that Leela?

Well no! EinhanderZwei explains:
And for those who already played it: I know it's silly, but somehow I always imagined Durandal's human form as a long-haired bishounen! I can't do anything about it ~_~

Well look it up. I did!

Second thought. Is that a young Tom Cruise?

Here's another image of our young hero by EinhanderZwei.

Marathon Security Officer by EinhanderZwei on DeviantArt. July 22, 2013.

Now Tom Cruise is no stranger to Marathon. A Marathon fan who even called Bungie's help line to get him out of a tricky situation.

According to Doug Zartman, who took the call, Tom yelled "Hey Doug! I'm stuck in Marathon Infinity."

Yes folks, Tom Cruise is a big Marathon fan but is only human after all.

Did Doug Zartman help him?

Well that's a story for another day.

EinhanderZwei also gave us a Marathon/Crusader: No Remorse (Origin Systems) cross-over.

Marathon/Crusader cross-over by EinhanderZwei on DeviantArt. May 3, 2014.

This reminds me of the animatronics horror nightmare by Marathon fan AlexB207 (@AlexB207Swag).

Springtrap by AlexB207 on August 4, 2024.

Don't worry Nicolas Cage, another big Marathon fan has you covered.

Nic doing his version of "Vic on a real bad day" in the animatronics horror film Willy's Wonderland.

If you know.. you know.

Sunday September 29, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #496.

Marathon Inspired Decorative Accessory.

Got to love those MIDA acronymns. This one is courtesy of tacticus359 (@tacticus359) on tumblr.

Back on September 15, 2024 we highlighted his Marathon signet ring project.

Now he gives us an update on progress.

Marathon signet ring project by tacticus359 on tumblr. September 20, 2024.

Knocking it out of the park with that Marathon signet ring!

More recently on September 29, 2024 we reported that long time Marathon fan Yossarian was selling his old school Bungie Christmas cards from the 90s.

Bungie Christmas cards posted by Yossarian on eBay.

Well the sale ended with a wining bid of US $122.50. Not too shabby.

Will be interesting to see who picked up this nice memorabilia package.

Thanks to Bag (aka Baguetted) for posting a pic of Marathon for XBox 360. Released last month apparently.

Marathon for XBox 360 by Bag (aka Baguetted) on Marathon Discord. August 9, 2024.

Hard to believe right?

It must be a different timeline.

Blame Marathon Infinity... where everthing is possible.

We've featured Baguetted on the Story page before.

For example... Rage!

Marathon render by Baguetted on Marathon Discord. March 20, 2024.

The red mist... descends.
I did this and could have stopped it.
Seven hundred and sixty one armless and legless corpses floating around the inside of hangar ninety six. But that doesn't stop them from crying out in your head.

Trayendote la tru7h... desde 1995

Saturday September 28, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #495.

Marathon surreal.

Ish_C, a concept artist from Seattle in the United States, has been doing some nice 3D modeling of Marathon on ArtStation.

Marathon entrance by Ish C on ArtStation. September, 2024.

I am getting a strong quasi-surrealistic vibe from this image.

Marathon is a surreal nightmare and you're in it!

There is a classic line in Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 war film Apocalypse Now which goes... Never get out of the boat!

In Marathon the line goes... Never get out of the Pod!

Leonardo Maneuvering Pod by Ish C on ArtStation. September, 2024.

You got OUT of the Pod!

Leonardo Maneuvering Pod by Ish C on ArtStation. September, 2024.

You never get out of the Pod!

Too late...

Say hello to the Trooper!

Trooper by Ish C on ArtStation. September, 2024.

Say hello to the Juggernaut!

Juggernaut by Ish C on ArtStation. September, 2024.

Juggernaut by Ish C on ArtStation. September, 2024.

Say hello to the Compilers!

Compilers by Ish C on ArtStation. June, 2024.

Say hello to the Hulk!

Hulk (Drinnol) by Ish C on ArtStation. June, 2024.

Say hello to the Enforcers!

Enforcers by Ish C on ArtStation. June, 2024.

Say hello to Durandal!

Durandal by Ish C on ArtStation. June, 2024.

Marathon surreal.

Welcome to your nightmare!

Never get out of the Pod!

Friday September 27, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #494.

It's sketchy Friday.

We've got sketches.

First up LVO (@LVOARTX) on X, aka GIANTSALAMAND on Deviant Art.

From top left to bottom right...
Marathon inspired sketches, artificial body runner Miku sketch, Marathon sketch, and Pfhor-like alien creature.
Sign me up to play Miku!

But I digress.

Up next...

Spruce (@SpruceQ3) on X and on Cara gives us Security Officer sketches.

These have that gritty feel of a man/cyborg who is mad as hell, and is not going to take it anymore (apologies to Peter Finch in Network).

If you know you know.

Onward to KiwitheWeh on Marathon Discord. Kiwi writes:
Concept scribbles for Easy, Major Damage, and Total Carnage

That Total Carnage sketch is perfect for sketchy Friday.

I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!

Check out Kiwi's Divine Twilight Demo on Steam.
A sketchy scenario with a distinct lack of color! This is both a prologue and a single level demonstration for Divine Twilight, a 16+ level scenario done in its own art style with its own setting apart from Marathon.
With over 700 Marathon sketches collected over the years perhaps sketchy Friday will become a weekly feature.

Stay sketchy!

Thursday September 26, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #493.

What does Rampancy look like?

Well Paz (@TheRealQuenny) on X created her real world perception of it.

Rampancy by Paz (@TheRealQuenny) on September 17, 2024.

Apparently Paz is anti-AI. Well who isn't? I mean look what Durandal got up to!

Recently Paz wrote:
i think ive played too much Marathon infinity and its rotting my brain
I've played Marathon Infinity for near on 28 years and I have no brain left. Which explains a lot!

We featured Paz's Marathon artwork back on August 11, 2024.

Mjolnir Recon 54 by Paz on August 5, 2024.

Has that Couch Fishing vibe going on. If you know the start of Couch Fishing and the maze like corridors then you get the picture.

SIR DOUBLE D continues his memorable moment series in Marathon with... Couch Fishing.

Couch Fishing (Work In Progress) by SIR DOUBLE D on Marathon Discord. September 14, 2024.

SIR DOUBLE D writes:
been busy with work and life stuff but here's a Super Early WIP. Blocking out "Couch Surfing"
I see where he is going with this so looking forward to seeing the final version.

You have to play the start of Couch Fishing to know. It's tricky.

Here is Jason Jones (Bungie Software) showing you how to complete the start of Couch Fishing on the Total Carnage.

Not easy. He dies!

Jason Jones wrote:
I'm trying to figure out some trick to finishing "Couch Fishing" (#4) in this way, but so far I can only clear out the first wave and recharge.
The best ever Total Carnage film of Couch Fishing is available on the Marathon Vidmaster's page.

Unfortunately you can't see it anymore.

The Marathon Vidmaster's page wrote:
gone fishing is a film of Couch Fishing by an old timer. It's completed with fist and pistol only. It's one of those dive into the mêlée films. Enjoy.
Best ever?

You be the judge.

Hey WAIT! I can't see it!

Wednesday September 25, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #492.

And now back to Marathon.

Soul (@Soul_ant19) keeps the party going...

Marathon art to scratch the itch by Soul (@Soul_ant19) on September 24, 2024.

Soul writes:
If there isn't any Marathon news tonight from bungie, At least I made new Marathon art to scratch the itch.
492 days and counting!

How many weeks is that?

And now back to Marathon.

This brought a smile to my face.

Try, Try, Try Again by KiwitheWeh on Marathon Discord. September 24, 2024.


Now that's a new one.

If you are new to Marathon and low on ammo, Juggernauts are hard to kill. So try your teeth!

Good luck with that!

A nice rendering of the Juggernaut by Chuck Fox from back in the day. Chuck wrote:
"Ray Dream rendering of the best-armored enemy in the Marathon universe."
Reminds me of the so-called 'bridge' scene on Try again.

There is even an official Marathon screenshot showing you the scene with the 'bridge'.

Try again. Official screenshot from Bungie. 1994.

Clever people at Bungie back in 1994.

If you know you know.

Try again was created by... ?

Marathon 101.

Tuesday September 24, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #491.

I'm back.

Well Durandal anyway.

Alex Blashill (aka AlexB207, aka Bus Gamer 2) gives us Durandal.

Well actually NuDurandal.

Durandal by AlexB207 on September 21, 2024.

Alex writes:
i used pixel sorting for the cool stretched background specifically i used this site.

also the wings were inspired by this thing from the nu-marathon trailer

Marathon announcement (unused animation). May 24, 2023.

Here's an animated version of Alex's NuDurandal created by the boffins at the Story page office.

NuDurandal boffinised by the Story page. September 24, 2024.

It's what we do here at the Story page.

Since 1995.

Monday September 23, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #490.

What happened to Hound in Marathon?

Hound by SCW-Durandal on DeviantArt. August 26, 2011.

The artist SCW-Durandal writes:
Another creature that didn't make the cut into Marathon. The hound can be seen in concept art, pre-release screenshots, and in a mysterious background texture inside the Pfhor ship.
Considering how little we have in the way of images of the Hound, SCW-Durandal did an epic job in capturing the creepiness of this alien canine.

The concept art for the Hound can be seen front and center on page 1 of the Marathon manual.

Hunter and Hound concept art by Reginald Dujour in the Marathon manual, page 1.

The Marathon Scrapbook had this to say about the Hound in Marathon.
The Hound moved quite fast but could not climb stairs and only had a melee attack. Hounds acted a lot like piranhas, guarding low spots on a map and wandering off when they couldn't attack the player any longer.
The main reason for its demise?

Well along with the other aliens that didn't make the cut the problem was... memory.

The Marathon Scrapbook explains:
A memory limit on the number of monsters types per level forced Bungie to abandon them.
SCW-Durandal went on to give us his version of the Armageddon Beast.

Armageddon Beast by SCW-Durandal on DeviantArt. August 24, 2011.

The SCW-Durandal writes:
This is the Armageddon Beast, an enemy that would've been in Marathon, but was removed because of time and level constraints. Evidence of it includes a screenshot in a Marathon ad, concept art by Reginald Dujour, and sprites in the Marathon Scrapbook. I've also heard that the spawns for it are still on the alien ship levels where it would've been. I based this version of it on the concept art. I might do another version of it based on the actual sprites, where it seems to have more of a bug-like appearance.
Not sure about the "spawns for it are still on the alien ship levels where it would've been."

Readers of the Story page will know where to look for the Armageddon Beast on the UESC Marathon.

The Armageddon Tour leaves Hangar 7A Port every Pfhor hours. Please ensure you are wearing certified UESC Battle Armor and carry the regulation .45 Magnum Mega Class with vacuum enabled teflon rounds.

Good luck and good hunting!

Join the tour?

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM by Spaceface Mcgee on Marathon Discord. December 31, 2019.

Sunday September 22, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #489.

Happy Marathon Collage Day!

On this day 30 years ago Bungie released a collage of seven screenshots to advertise their new game Marathon.

These were the very first screenshots released for the game after it had been totally rewritten and a new artist (Reginald Dujour) had been brought on board.

Here are the separate screenshots.


Each screenshot has its own unique story told and retold over the years.

Perhaps it is time for a retelling.

Time for one more story.

The Hound of the Baskervilles Marathon.

Now you see it... now you don't.

What better time than at the weekend for a head scratcher.

What happened to the Hound in Marathon?

Note that both images are official Marathon screenshots and were released by Bungie in 1994.

Exhibit 'A' Your Honor in the case of The Furries v. Bungie Software.

Marathon Ad in Home Computer Warehouse magazine 1994.

Do Bungie hate Furries?

The Furries want to know!

What happened to Hound in Marathon?

To be continued...

Bungie also released another press announcement with their Marathon Collage.

Like you can't have too many press releases to announce your new game... right?

Entitled "Bungie Presents the Future of Mac Games" it focused on the new technologies in Marathon.

Here's one snippet:
The Marathon engine is sophisticated enough to create non-orthogonal spaces, giving the architecture a singularly organic quality. Game play moves over multiple elevations; each "level" is in fact several stories of realistic 3-D space.
Time for one more story in 3-D space.

Happy Marathon Collage Day!

Saturday September 21, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #488.

Christmas is coming...

Long time Marathon fan Yossarian came across seven (yes, seven!) old school Bungie Christmas cards from the 90s.

He has put them up for sale on eBay.

Bungie Christmas cards posted by Yossarian on eBay.

From left to right we have:
  • Christmas 1996 Marathon (Home Pfhor the Holidays) by Mark Bernal.
  • Christmas 1998 Myth (On Smasher) by Juan Ramirez and Robt McLees.
  • Christmas 1997 Myth (A Night to Dismember) by Robt McLees.
The Christmas 1997 Myth card "A Night to Dismember" complete with bag o' body parts and machete just screams Bungie humor of the 90s.

Of course it does comes from the mind of Robt McLees.

Back in the myths of time Robt McLees wrote:
This is totally a company sanctioned rant, or at least I guess it is, as it is being censored by "the Man". Anyway, to make a short story rather long and convoluted, I will talk about three different subjects simultaneously and go off into seemingly unconnected stories at any given moment. This will give you what might be called "a Virtual Taste of actually listening to Rob talk". By reading all the way through without taking a break to get something to eat or drink and not getting a word in edgewise, but occasionally stopping in the middle of a sentence and then starting up again inexplicably will give you the full "VT" effect! Oh, by the way, "the Man" want's me to "play nice" so I'm not going to (or at least I'll try not to) step on any toes or get too full of myself or use naughty words or threaten anyone's life etc., etc., etc.
The next 7 pages revealed the man, the myth, the monster.

Thanks to Miguel Chavez for reminding me of Rob's long lost video of his Hannibal Lecter improvisation.

Robt McLees at E3 1999

Ok.. not the flava beans moment you might have expected but it's certainly to the point!

Jon Goff (Narrative Lead on Marathon) revealed the following about Robt McLees and NuMarathon.
There are too many incredible people to shoutout specifically, but it would be a sin to not name drop Robt McLees (@harangutan) who was my partner in crime in crafting the fictional foundation (built on the infinitely fertile ground of the original trilogy of Marathon games) and his mad genius is responsible for many of the words/ideas across each element of the ARG-from cloneware purchase orders to classified government memos to cyberpunk lingo designed to instigate and so much more!!!
Zombies and more Zombies by Robt McLees on Instagram. September 2020.

Friday September 20, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #487.

Visions of a future... we were promised.

Back in the late 1970s authors Kenneth Gatland and David Jefferis created a series of books (published by Usborne Hayes) that envisioned the future in the 21th century.

These books and their images have gone on to inspired a generation of science fiction writers, artists, and film directors.

The World of the Future series by Kenneth Gatland and David Jefferis, published by Usborne Hayes.

In the book The World of the Future: Space Travel we are given a vision of how mankind will venture out past its earthly bounds to new worlds.

The World of the Future: Star Travel by Kenneth Gatland and David Jefferis, published by Usborne Hayes.

The World of the Future: Star Travel by Kenneth Gatland and David Jefferis, published by Usborne Hayes.

To quote Marcus Tiberius Buendia:
"This, the grandest achievement mankind has ever conceived will be for the purpose of peace and the preservation of the human race. May this great technological ark carry with it the sum total of all human wisdom, and may neither time nor distance weaken our common ties."
For those of you who only believe something if it's in a YouTube video here is your version.

The World of the Future: Star Travel (Usborne, 1979) by Sci-fi Art on YouTube.

Hey WAIT! That's a book!

Yes! A book from a library!

At The Library by captainkupo on tumblr. May 25, 2023.

It's the Marathon way!

Thursday September 19, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #486.
Do you know what kind of hat I'm wearing?

Happy Birthday to the Marathon's Story page.

Yes folks, the Story page is 29 years old today!

It went sentient on September 19, 1995. From there it just kinda went rampant!

Now in the 24th year of the 3rd millennium not even the Wayback Machine can fully map the Story page.

You need a planetary sized network of computers in order to do that.

But wait there's more!

This is also Marathon Announcement Day... AGAIN... and AGAIN.


Well Bungie actually announced Marathon back on July 25, 1994.

And then again on June 6, 1994.

Marathon press release posted by Joseph Ziegler on September 10, 2024.

Joseph Ziegler, Game Director on Marathon, wrote:
A blast from the past: Jason Jones sent me this image this morning and I felt like sharing this little piece of history with all of you:
Three announcements in the space of four months?

I mean you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried!

The third announcement on September 19, 1994 was almost identical to the second announcement... except for seven important changes.
  1. The number of levels was dropped from "more than 45" to "more than 40".
  2. Compatibility with VR headsets was added.
  3. The ability to look and fire up and down was added.
  4. Live microphone interaction during network play was added.
  5. A replay option was added allowing players to review networked contests.
  6. The game would now be available in the fall rather than the summer.
Wait! That's only six!

I'll let you find the seventh change yourself.

Happy Marathon Announcement Day... AGAIN... and AGAIN!

So good they announced it thrice.

(circumstances are cyclical)

Wednesday September 18, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #485.

Continuing our theme of celebrating Marathon art from around the world we give you...

...Colin C. (@CrunchyDetail), a freelance graphic designer, from Canada on Freelancer.

Marathon Marine by Colin C (aka CrunchyDetail) on January, 2020.

Colin wrote:
Cover for conceptual product, homage to classic video game
The image has that classic Judge Dredd look, complete with the large boots, originally made famous in the British comic 2000 AD.

2000 AD comic. June 7, 1980.

Mat Heldwein, a character designer and illustrator from Berlin, Germany created a similar Judge Dredd look.

0842 color by Mat Heldwein (aka Le-Mat). October 31, 2013.

Mat wrote:
Arrival at Airlock 54

Feeding inner nerd with some digi-colours over traditional inks.
One commentator wrote:
Good Job!!!!! he reminds me of Judge Dredd a bit
Mat replied:
Cause both Dredd and Security Officer are badasses :D
The image was originally posted on ArtStation and DeviantArt. All gone now.

But the Story page... never Pfhorgets.

It's what we do!

Tuesday September 17, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #484.

Happy Marathon Infinity Gold Master Day.

On this day 28 years ago Marathon Infinity went Gold Master.

Marathon Infinity Gold Master by Randy Reddig (aka ydnar), Double Aught Software.

Tuncer Deniz (Bungie Software) announced on the Infinity beta testing mailing list on September 17, 1996.
At 4:30 PM CST, Marathon Infinity went GM. The CD is off to manufacturing.
One step closer to...
the dark reflection of ~self
seeping through
my maze of mirrors my circus glass

Now in the 24th year of the 3rd millennium...

You'll Make Sure by piratesexmachine420 on tumblr. February 28, 2024.

A man long dead. Grafted to machines your builders did not understand. You follow the path, fitting into an infinite pattern.

Aye Mak Sicur.

Marathon Infinity by Jack Strider (@strider_au) on July 15, 2024.

Happy Marathon Infinity Gold Master Day.

Monday September 16, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #483.

And now for something completely different.

Using the power of degenerative AI, Alex Blashill (aka AlexB207, aka Bus Gamer 2) gives us Marathon 'TikTok' Man.

What's seen cannot be unseen.

Marathon Man by Bus Gamer 2 on Marathon Discord. September 7, 2024.

Of course Leela is having none of this, reminding him of his failure on The Rose. So close to being grounded.

What next?

Marathon Man "Paging Doctor Beat" ?

Come to think of it...

But I digress.

We've been featuring Alex's Marathon art since he started in early February 2024. Here's a quick snapshot of his work featured on the Story page.

Yes! We have been watching Alex's career with great interest.

Of course creating artwork for Marathon is never easy.

Alex began work on his seminal piece... "He's right behind me, isn't he?"

He's Right Behind Me (WIP) by AlexB209 on Marathon Discord. September 8, 2024.

A few days later Alex posted an update and wrote:
i dont think im gonna finish this one i cant find the direction im going for so have this

He's Right Behind Me (WIP) by AlexB209 on Marathon Discord. September 12, 2024.

The Story page never one to miss a trick took the unfinished image and cannibalised it creating this Pfhor banner.

It's what we do!

Sunday September 15, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #482.

So back on May 18, 2024 we featured tacticus359 (@tacticus359) on tumblr who was making Marathon insignia and Jjaro insignia pendents in bronze no less.

Bronze will last forever. Well... until the Pfhor arrive and glass the planet.

Now tacticus359 is making Marathon Signet Rings!

Marathon Signet Ring by tacticus359 on tumblrn. September 13, 2024.

tacticus359 writes:
Toying with making a marathon signet ring (for myself) alongside some other designs for sale. I plan on using sterling silver and vitreous enamel for the design.
Can't go wrong with sterling silver. Order today and avoid disappointment at Christmas!

tacticus359 is no stranger to Marathon.

He created Mjolnir Recon 47, one of the nine Mjolnir cyborgs living covertly in the Tau Ceti colony. Captured by the Pfhor she is now with Leela in the Vylae system.

Mjolnir Recon 47 by tacticus359 on tumblr. November 6, 2016.

tacticus359 writes:
For kicks: A rendering of the man character of the scenario I've working on (4 maps down, 2 more to go!) If only there was a program on Mac OS that could edit terminals and add images in scenario files.

Not THE security officer, but rather one of the cyborgs stationed planet-side during the first pfhor attack.
Think again if you try to kill Leela for Durandal in Marathon 4.

Mjolnir Recon 47 has your number.

And your number is...

Saturday September 14, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #481.

Happy Volker Von Müller day.

Yes folks, on this day 777 years from now Volker Von Müller will correct Marathon's historical dates for Durandal.

His journal entry dated 2801. will record:

That goddamn computer. It took him seven years just to let me use a terminal. All of his messages came stamped onto my food packets. My protein bars told for an entire year "You need time to calm down."

And this is the guy who wants Müller to calm down!

Durandal rendition by One-Author7990 on r/marathon. September 9, 2024.

But I digress.

Who was Volker Von Müller?

A decedent of Professor Müller, the leader of an archaeological expedition from a university in Munich in search of several lost Mayan artifacts?

An ancient pyramid- which is neither Aztec nor Mayan.

Like you bought that story, right?

Töte sie!  Tötet dann alle!

You're all going to die down here!

Zombie by jamessmith6 on Deviant Art. December 2015.

Happy Volker Von Müller Day.

777 years from today.

Friday September 13, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #480.

This made me chuckle.

PTSD by beverlybile on Marathon Discord. September 11, 2024.

Originally entitled PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) the Marathon man image is by beverlybile on the Marathon Discord.

It has now become something of a meme on the Marathon Discord entitled the '819 yard stare' (a play on the 1000 yard stare)

The 1000 yard stare was made famous in films like Stanley Kubrick's 1987 movie Full Metal Jacket.

Adam Baldwin as Animal Mother in the film Full Metal Jacket. September 11, 1987 (UK).

Like they say... you had to be there!

Given that this is the Story page here is the origin of the '819 yard stare' meme.

Back on September 10, 2024 beverlybile posted the following image on the Marathon Discord with the comment:
marathon 2 TC:

Marathon 2 TC by beverlybile on Marathon Discord. September 10, 2024.

Marathon 2 did rack up the Total Carnage difficulty level, particularly on levels like "Ex Cathedra" and "If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay".

Getting to the Rocket Launcher is sooooooo... satisfying!

If I Had a Rocket Launcher by Craig Mullins on the Marathon Art of Craig Mullins gallery.

Pfhortnite on the Marathon Discord wrote:
thousand yard stare marathon man would make a great sticker
The rest they say is history!

beverlybile gave us an alternative animated version of her original PTSD image.

Marathon 2 TC animated by beverlybile on Marathon Discord. September 11, 2024.

Hats off to beverlybile for creating this iconic Marathon meme... the '819 yard stare'.

Now that she is famous, beverlybile posted an image of herself entitled:
swirls of motion and visual snow

a very generous self portrait
It weighs in at a very generous 37 MBs...

Who is beverlybile?

To be continued...

Thursday September 12, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #479.

Always nice to see a post/blog like this.

coginthemachine (@coginthemachine) on tumblr writes:
so the game Marathon (1994) has had a web page full of lore, quotes, and discussions about the game going for 29 fucking years now - this page was basically a proto-wiki/fandom/tumblr page before that shit even existed, and i've been reading it since I was a literal child.

it's incredibly cool to look at the record of the page's evolution - the stuff from the 90s is essentially emails from fans compiled on a geocities page, turning into more modernly-recognizable wordpress/tumblr sorta thing over time.

in any case it makes me so goddamn happy that a fairly obscure game like Marathon(that nonetheless was a major inspiration for one of the most popular games of all time, Halo) still has a bunch of people who love it enough to maintain this record. Bungie as a company may have fallen incredibly hard but i'll always be thankful to their OGs who made such kickass shit back in the day.
In the Age of Likes it nice to see someone take the trouble to express WHY they LIKE something.

Yeah... call me old.

Get off my lawn!

devileaterjaek (@devileaterjaek) on tumblr posted a nice series of animated gifs from the first three levels of Marathon with the original Marathon interface.

Old school baby!

See if you can spot the location.

Classic Marathon by devileaterjaek (@devileaterjaek) on tumblr. September 8, 2024.

I have to admit that I have lost count of the number of times I have been hit and killed by a Wasp attack in the dark!

Marathon... in your FACE!

Wednesday September 11, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #478.

Blast for the Past.

Joseph Ziegler (@Ziegler_Dev), Game Director on Marathon, shared the following image on X yesterday.

Marathon press release posted by Joseph Ziegler on September 10, 2024.

Joseph Ziegler wrote:
A blast from the past: Jason Jones sent me this image this morning and I felt like sharing this little piece of history with all of you:
Apart from the questionable stain, the other odd thing about this press release is the date. Namely June 6, 1994.

The Story page has a similar version of a Marathon press release that was released on July 25, 1994.

I say similar because the press release text is not identical. The July 25, 1994 press release has been on the Story page since 1995 and was transcribed from the original.

So did Bungie announce Marathon on June 6, 1994, and then again on July 25, 1994... and then AGAIN on September 19, 1994?

So good they announced it thrice?

Want to know more?

Then go to the Release Dates section of the Story page and you will find a list of significant dates in the history of Marathon.

On the subject of Jason Jones and old stuff.

Steve Wood, long time Marathon fan and contributor to the Story page, sent in his Jason Jones signed copy of the Marathon manual.

No kidding.

Probably worth a 'one million dollars' on eBay but he sent it to the Story page!

This is going to the Museum of Marathon Antiquities.

Steve Wood got Jason Jones to sign this at Macworld Boston August 1995.

Steve adds:
...the PowerComputing people that made The Disc also had bungie jumping from a crane over Boston Harbor!

After your jump they gave you a VHS tape, here I am:
This reminds me of the time that Doug, Jason and Alex jumped from the seventh floor of their office on 350 W Ontario, 7th Floor Chicago, IL 60610.

(from left to right: Doug Zartman, Jason Jones and Alexander Seropian complete with Marathon t-shirt)

It didn't end well.

Bungie's Marathon Trilogy Boby Bags Ad. MacAddict May 1997.

Simulacrums. They're everywhere!

Tuesday September 10, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #477.

What happened in Lab 7... died in Lab 7.

You don't need to know.

Modular Hallway by Luke Donohue on ArtStation. May 2024.

Luke Donohue, on ArtStation, is a 3D environment artist from Richardson in the United States, currently working on 3d modeling at UT Dallas

Luke writes:
This project was done for my final capstone project, I worked on this modular hallway environment inspired by Bungies upcoming game Marathon.
Luke took his inspiration from the following Marathon concept art.

Marathon concept art posted by Luke Donohue on ArtStation. May 2024.

Luke also posted a time lapse of his work.

Modular Hallway Time Lapse by Luke Donohue on ArtStation. May 2024.

What happened in Lab 7?

In other news...

BaudrillardBoy on the Marathon Discord created a Marathon version of the Soyjak brothers.

It had to happen... right?

The Marathon Soyjak brothers point out that yesterday's Story page banner had Marathon hazard stripes

Marathon Soyjak Brothers by BaudrillardBoy on Marathon Discord. August 12, 2024.

Of course the Marathon Soyjak brothers failed to notice the obvious. The Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! reference in the banner image.

The banner image in question is gone now. Not even the Wayback Machine can keep up with the Story page's daily updates and the ever changing Story page banner.

How many banners have you missed?

Hey WAIT! Is that Leela?

Monday September 9, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #476.

And now for something completely different.

Marathon Furies are back!

The Cyborg by F4celessArt on DeviantArt. August 11, 2012.

Now this is going to take some explaining... so bear with me.

F4celessArt, who is on DeviantArt, is an art student at the Hamar University College in Norway.

His image, entitled 'The Cyborg', was part of the ATG in 2012.

ATG stands for Artist Training Grounds and is a 30 day event, run every year, where everyone with a pencil or mouse and mspaint is invited to draw something! The objective is to learn the skill, or improve your current ability.

F4celessArt wrote:
Well, ATG #9, "Draw a pony as a game/movie/book character"

It's a game. It's awesome and it's old. It's Marathon by Bungie. Pretty much Doom with an awesome sci-fi story. cool weapons and all that.

I enjoyed doing this so much. I know I have been drawing ponies in all of August but this prob the best picture of anything I have done this summer thus far.
On commenter wrote:
I've seen ponies crossed over with a lot of things, but this totally took me by surprise! And I wouldn't have even realized it was Marathon if it weren't for the S'ph't (or however they're spelled) in the background.
If you look at the picture carefully you will some interesting details.

Marathon Furies... They're Everywhere!

But I digress.

Mr. Nameless (name withheld on request) writes:
I found a naughty picture of Leela. It's where she is reprimanding you for not saving enough Bobs.

So back on January 10, 2023 we wrote:
It might seem odd then that Bungie created two levels in Marathon where your mission is to protect Bob and failure to do so got you a sharp reprimand from Leela.
"Bad Robot"

Depictions of Leela as a dominatrix are not uncommon in Marathon lore. After all, she is ordering you around a lot. Do this... do that. Reprimanding you on your failure... etc.

You can trace this domme theme right back to 1996 with Bacteria Joe (aka Red Pimpernipple) and his bobbie shapes file. According to Joe this shapes file turned "the bobs into scantily clad bobbies".

His logo gave you some idea of what was to come.

Logo by Bacteria Joe (aka Red Pimpernipple), 1996.

Here is his Pfhorette image also from 1996.

Pfhorette by Bacteria Joe (aka Red Pimpernipple), 1996.

But that's not all.

Some old school Marathon fans are anxiously awaiting the release of Erodrome on Steam. This is a controversial Marathon Infinity scenario by Søren Bech Jensen from the late 90s.

However, this type of whiteboard humor has no place in 2024.

Sunday September 8, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #475.

Continuing our theme of celebrating Marathon art from around the world we give you...

facezero (@seongjin_kim), a freelancer concept artist from Seoul, South Korea on X, Instagram and ArtStation.

New Diver by facezero on July 14, 2023.

According to facezero this piece is called Net Diver and is inspired by Marathon.

Liking the look.

Bigger Guns Nearby.

Alex Easter, a 3D artist from Edmonds in the United States on ArtStation, has created a new assault rifle for Marathon.

Marathon Assault Rifle by Alex Easter on ArtStation. June 2024.

Alex writes:
Hero asset project, designed to fit within Bungie's upcoming Marathon project. Modeled in Unity, textured in Substance Painter, and rendered in Unity.
Here are his early designs and some references he used.

Marathon Assault Rifle (concept phase) by Alex Easter on ArtStation. June 2024.

Guns. Lots of guns!

Saturday September 7, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #474.

BluePhoenix (@benoski73) gives us Marathon Man.

Marathon Man by BluePhoenix (@benoski73) on September 5, 2024.

BluePhoenix writes:
Wanted to do an homage to Bungie's shooter franchise *before* Halo. Hope you enjoy!
The inspiration for Marathon Man comes from the Garrison chapter screen by Craig Mullins.

Garrison by Craig Mullins on Marathon Art of Craig Mullins.

The Marathon Art of Craig Mullins gallery is the most popular section on the Story page by far in terms of hits... well apart from the those naughty pictures of Leela.

I have NO idea how they got there... honest!

But I digress.

A close inspection of Marathon Man reveals a secret...

When asked if this was Jason Jones? BluePhoenix replied: "Yup."

Yup! Jason Jones gets around!

No surprise really... after all Jason Jones was revealed as Master Chief on the Bungie website back on December 18, 2001.

Jason Jones Interviewed By You on December 18, 2001.

Hey WAIT!   Where are the pictures of Leela?

Friday September 6, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #473.

Happy TBWSAF Day!

Yes folks, on this day 28 years ago Bungie released Marathon 2: Durandal for Windows 95.

Marathon 2: Durandal for Windows 95 box. September 6, 1996.

For those of you who had played the Marathon 2 Win95 demo you pretty much knew what the backstory was about.

This is what the demo Read Me had to say about the story.

In a remote and now half-forgotten time, the human colony ship Marathon set out from Sol for Tau Ceti, 94 light years distant. The year 2794 found this fledgling colony in its seventh year, still suffering many hardships but striving for success.

That year, humanity made First Contact with the Pfhor, a ruthless race of slavers. The Pfhor attack came swiftly and without warning.

The Marathon was disabled in orbit and the colony overrun. Having been sent up to the Marathon in the first hours of the attack, you were the sole colonist left to face the onslaught. But you weren't entirely alone...

Damaged, one of the Marathon's onboard synthetic intellects, Durandal, struggled to organize a defense of the stricken vessel. Another, Tycho, was destroyed. The S'pht compilers ( cybernetic slaves of the Pfhor ) invaded the Marathon and rebuilt him, but in the process Tycho went insane.

Durandal struck a deal with the S'pht. In return for their freedom, the compilers agreed to rebel against their masters and give control of the Pfhor ship to Durandal.

After teleporting a boarding party to the giant Pfhor scoutship, Durandal transferred himself into its massive computer array and assumed complete control. Fearing imminent Pfhor retaliation, Durandal left Tau Ceti, taking the Rebel S'pht with him.

Three Terran months later, the Pfhor armada arrived at Tau Ceti and razed the planet to bedrock.

Seventeen years after the dust settled on Tau Ceti, Durandal found the lost homeworld of the S'pht...
In this Marathon timeline there is no Leela. The Marathon's AIs were synthetic intellects. One of the onboard synthetic intellects, Durandal, struggled to organize a defense of the stricken colony ship Marathon. The Tau Ceti colony was overrun. You were the sole colonist left to face the Pfhor onslaught on the Marathon.

Everyone is dead. There were no nine military Mjolnir Mark IV cyborgs covertly living among the colonists, who acting together were able to single-handedly turn back the latter stages of the Pfhor assault.

Everything is not as it seems{}. seems{}. seems{}.

Marathon Infinity had not yet been released. But the timeline shenanigans had already begun.

The Marathon timelines need to be revised.

The people responsible for this can be found at the back of the Marathon 2 Windows 95 manual.

Marathon 2: Durandal for Windows 95 manual. September 6, 1996.

Marathon fans back in 1996 cried out...

As they say in Marathon...

(circumstances are cyclical)

Happy TBWSAF Day!

WAIT!   What does TBWSAF mean?

Thursday September 5, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #472.

SIR DOUBLE D (@SIRDOBLEDAS) completes his iconic moment of the Marathon level Defend THIS!

Defend THIS! by SIR DOUBLE D (@SIRDOBLEDAS) on September 3, 2024.

WAIT! I hear you cry... isn't that Dobledas?

Yes indeed. Dobledas on Marathon Discord, SIR DOUBLE D on X.

Defend THIS! is that level with the crusher room (check the first terminal carefully), the secret terminal from Tycho (but he is being assimilated), the bridge (a massive suicide trap), the 'Holy Grail' of cybertonics, the autopsy report on the Pfhor and the S'pht (compiler), oh... and the colony is under attack. Oh no!

There is a lot going on in this level.

The end terminal (success message) tells us:
Well done!

I have detected Defense Drones activating all over the ship. Reports from security forces are jubilant. Now, the Pfhor will encounter stiff resistance, and they will have to pay in blood for every move.
Jay Faircloth (aka anaphiel) captured this iconic moment in this rare piece of artwork.

Counterattack by Jay Faircloth (work in progress).

I say rare because the final piece of artwork was actually this.

Counterattack by Jay Faircloth (final).

Jay's homepage with all his artwork ( appears to have gone.

No worries.

The Story page has it archived.

It's what we do!

Wednesday September 4, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #471.

Back on August 29, 2024 we brought you the Fungal Hallway and Elon Musk showing you how to clear it out with his new toy, the Tozt Mark I.

According to mycologists (thank you all) this is not the best way to clear out a fungi infested hallway.

No sir!

You need to call in the Fungal Exterminator!

Fungal Exterminator by Brandon Bell on ArtStation. June, 2024.

This expert has the equipment to get the job done right!

Fungal Exterminator equipment by Brandon Bell on ArtStation. June, 2024.

The Fungal Exterminator is concept art by Brandon Bell from Burlington in the United States. Brandon is on ArtStation and is currently a student at Champlain College studying Game Art.

Brandon writes:
This project is a concept art package for a reimagined version of the game Marathon, Bungie's unreleased reboot of their '90s trilogy of the same name. This was the final project for my Concept Painting class at Champlain College, and it includes designs for a protagonist, antagonist, protagonist weapon, protagonist vehicle, and environment.

Using the game's promotional art as a reference for its style, I developed a reimagined version of the Marathon world where an off-world colony is overrun with sentient fungal growths. The protagonist, a specialized exterminator, combats these growths with a modified fungicide sprayer and uses a flying windboard to quickly navigate the environment. This is one of my first forays into concept art, and any feedback is appreciated!
Sentient fungi?

First AIs... and now... THIS!

Sentient Fungi by Brandon Bell on ArtStation. June, 2024.

As Robert McLees (Bungie artist extraordinaire) eloquently put it back in 1995.
Pfhorget the Bollocks,
It's the Fungal Zombies!

Marathon 2: Durandal concept art by Robert McLees (1995).

Seriously dude... we warned you about this back on June 4, 2023.

Yeah! You forgot.

Wait what?

What does it say?

Don't mess with the Fungi?

Tuesday September 3, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #470.

Continuing our theme of celebrating Marathon art from around the world we give you...

Jorge Trevilla, a digital / traditional artist from Vancouver, Canada on ArtStation.

Bungie Marathon Fighter Redesign by Jorge Trevilla on ArtStation. March, 2024.

Jorge gives us an 'in-your-face' Marathon Pfhor Fighter redesign.

In truth this image is a cropped version of the full image. You can see the full image in a work-in-progress shot below.

Bungie Marathon Fighter Redesign (WIP) by Jorge Trevilla on ArtStation. March, 2024.

Now that's a pose!

Reminds me of Nathan Anderson's redesign back in 2009.

Pfhor Fighter by Nathan Anderson (Deimos-Remus)on DeviantArt. August 12, 2009.

But let's not forget the original of the species by J. Reginald Dujour (1994).

This lead to the inevitable question to Bungie...
Were you influenced by the Micronauts?
Make you own mind up on... Marathon & The Micronauts Influence?


We all know that when the Pfhor come back in any Marathon reboot they ain't coming back as a bunch of "dweebs".

No sir!

They're coming back as...

Fighter by IgnisFerroque on DeviantArt. October 6, 2014.

That's the day you find out... they're all out of bubblegum!

Monday September 2, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #469.

Dobledas continues working on his Defend THIS! iconic moment.

Defend THIS! by Dobledas on Marathon Discord. August 29, 2024.

Yes, everyone's favorite bridge scene, now complete with Pfhor energy bolts.

According to Dobledas... Just needs a few more touches.

Yeah... like a 'bazillion' more Pfhor.

Well Miss Plagued (@Miss_Plagued) has you covered in her own unique style.

Pfhor by Miss Plagued on September 1, 2024.

Miss Plagued is rocking the low poly count these days. Then again this is what she does. She's a low poly 3D modeler.

Miss Plagued writes:
I tried to stay fairly close to the original sprite art for them but I did kinda wanna give em jus a bit of menace cause gonna be real these guys seem kinda dweeby sometimes in marathon
Dweeby? Miss Plagued has just become public enemy No.1 on the Pfhor homeworld!

Interestingly, she gave us a low poly count version of the Marathon, but with a diference.

Marathon Deimos by Miss Plagued on September 1, 2024.

As J. Reginald Dujour (Marathon's lead and only artist) wrote: "...Marathon the spaceship being build inside a hollowed asteroid."

And there you have it.

Sunday September 1, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #468.

Whatever happened to the heroes?

If you are of a certain generation then this line is going to immediately lead to a chorus of...
No more heroes any more.
No more heroes any more.
If you are confused then just slap it into Google and let it do the work. Strangling hands and all that.

Matthieu Blot, a character artist in Paris (France), has created a Marathon hero on ArtStation.

Let's call her Tris.

Marathon Runner by Matthieu Blot on ArtStation. July 22, 2024.

Matthieu writes:
Had a lot of fun making this project and trying this "graphic realism" artstyle from Marathon.
This piece is based on artwork created by MK, a concept artist in Shanghai, China. We featured MK on Story page back on October 13, 2023.

Check out that look. Don't mess with Tris. She's UESC.

Marathon Runner by Matthieu Blot on ArtStation. July 22, 2024.

Check out her gun. Don't mess with Tris.

Marathon Runner by Matthieu Blot on ArtStation. July 22, 2024.

Guns akimbo, Marathon style, from our hero Tris.

Marathon Runner by Matthieu Blot on ArtStation. July 22, 2024.

Who will you choose to be in Marathon?

M K created two other characters in Marathon.


M K writes:
Tide is the 10000th mass-produced artificial person, and surprisingly, this 10000th artificial person has extraordinary perceptual abilities.

Marathon Tide by M K on ArtStation. June 12, 2023.

Abe. Wherever there is water Abe has you covered.

Marathon Abe by M K on ArtStation. June 8, 2023.

Abe sketch.

Marathon Abe (sketch) by M K on ArtStation. June 8, 2023.

Who will you choose to be in Marathon?

Go to What's New for August 2024

Page maintained by Hamish Sinclair
Last updated September 1, 2024