Marathon's Story... The Lost Network Packets

<Journal entries of Volker Von Müller>
<Data transferred from Unidentified warship 2703.4.21.4 as
part of burst download from Durandal>

<Date 2794.>
Our defenses are collapsing.  I had no idea just how soft all
of our security personnel have become.  They just can't fight
anymore.  Maybe it was the stasis, or maybe they just never
fought a hard fight.

Worse yet, that damn computer keeps giving me empty promises
about reinforcements.  I've been doing all that I can just to
keep the Aliens from reaching the main generator area, but we
won't last long without help.

<Date 2794.>

Thank god that the MADDs came on line.  We've been able to
hold the aliens off for now, but I've been getting reports that
a new class of alien has joined the fray, and the Madds aren't
much good against them.  Corridor three barricade was just
breached, and that leaves the core of our defense open to a
flank attack.

<Date 2794.>
We've had to fall back along three corridors, but one group
was cut off when the bulkhead door sealed shut.

Damn computers.  Now, I know that Durandal has gone Rampant.
Doors and elevators keep failing just when we need them.
What good does a intelligence quotient of ten thousand do
when you've got strangling hands around you're throat?

<Date 2794.>

I would shoot this terminal right now, if I thought that
it would reach that damn AI.  I might do it anyway, but
ammunition is short. I've run out of ammo for my assault
rifle, and the only flamethrower we had was lost when an
elevator failed to function, and squad two was cut off.
I understand that the aliens are taking prisoners.  I'll
hand it to them, they are better fighters that us.  But
I'll be damned if I'm going to be taken prisoner, my last
bullet is for me.

I've got a minute or two to rest, so I'm going to wax
philosophical. I can't say any of this to the men because
I don't want them to know how hopeless I think our fighting
is.  If I thought that we'd be safe if we surrendered, then
that is what I would do.

I don't know if our resistance has changed the outcome of
this conflict, but I know that I've killed more of them
than they have of me.  Battlefield humor is the driest that
there is.  How can I laugh at my own death, my own

<Date 2794.>
If anyone reads this, I'm dead.  The aliens cut us off,
and we all fought to the end.  I saw three of my best
friends killed by some kind of flying slug. There is a
way out of here that goes to the PWS Holo-Fun Park, but
I don't have the power in my suit to propel me there.

My final wish is that someone kill that damn computer...
And now, where did I put that last bullet.  Here it is...

<Date 2801.>
That goddamn computer.  It took him seven years just to
let me use a terminal. All of his messages came stamped
onto my food packets.  My protein bars told for an entire
year "You need time to calm down."  I still wish
that I could eradicate him, although I am at his mercy.
He keeps saying that I should be thankful that he saved
me.  For the record, I want to say again that computer
is not sane.

Durandal seems to be missing some of the chronology of
events that occurred before the launch of the Marathon.
When the Marathon was attacked, Leela began to scramble
and rewrite all of the historical information for mankind.
Of course, she was damaged, and her efforts were cut off
by the compilers and by Durandal.  The result is that some
but not all of the Marathon's data was muddled.  Leela's
effort at confusion failed to trick the Pfhor, but it has
confused Durandal, and that is funny.

This is the time line that I am going to give to him.
I can't verify some of the dates but I've done my best.
I don't understand why all of these dates are important
to Durandal, but he's threatened to isolate me with some
of those weird S'pht things if I don't do this.  Its bad
enough being the only human around, keeping company with
compilers for too long would make one mad.

2194- War between Icarus and Thermopylae.
2395- Purchase of Deimos from Free holders by UESG
2402- Doors Manual written up
2405- Marathon project begins pre-construction phase
2408- Deimos Conversion begins
2442- Misriah Massacre at food Riot
2465- Martians place munitions on Marathon
2466- Failed Martian Coup, MIDA controls government for
      short period.
2472- Launch of Marathon
2773- Marathon arrives at Tau Ceti
2787- Colony established
2794- Marathon attacked

Please note the above text is Copyright © Bungie Software Products Corporation, 1995.

To understand the relevance of the above you may need to read the dates section which highlights the confusing chronology of events in Marathon. You should then read Bungie's response to this. Read their first e-mail message, then the Lost Network Packets, and finally their second e-mail message.

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Page maintained by Hamish Sinclair
Last updated Sept 28, 1995