
since 1995


since 2019

Friday May 31, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #374.

As we reach the end of the month here is a random snapshot of some of what we covered in May.

What did you miss?

Thursday May 30, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #373.

Can't get enough of those Marathon terminals by CyberAcme Systems?

CyberAcme: Everything runs on CyAc. Or nothing runs at all.

Well turn your desktop computer into one thanks to x-SkaiGuardian-x on DeviantArt.

Marathon Terminal Desktop Wallpaper by x-SkaiGuardian-x on DeviantArt. September 9, 2019.

x-SkaiGuardian-x writes:
1920x1080 wallpaper based on the terminal interface from Marathon by Bungie.

You may have to edit to fit your desktop.

Based on screenshots of the original terminal interfaces' "login" screens in-game. Upped the res and simply filled an outline of the logo, and overlaid text in a font close to the original.
However... if your computer starts sending you weird messages... run!

The Face of Manipulation by Eternal-Spark on DeviantArt. January 11, 2006.

I said... RUN.



Are you ready?

Wednesday May 29, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #372.

Nathan Fillion in Marathon?

So back on May 1, 2024 we featured a piece of art by AlexB207 (@AlexB207Swag) of everyone's favorite Marathon Marine which bore a striking resemblance to... Nathan Fillion.

Marathon by AlexB207 on April 29, 2024.

Now thanks to Interdimensional Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange we can show you the full uncropped/unedited image.

Marathon uncropped/unedited by AlexB207 on Marathon Discord. May 10, 2024.

Alex writes:
found the uncropped/unedited version of the marathon art

kinda looks like a pc wallpaper but i wont use it because my monitor is a square
One could easily caption this image... "It's right behind me, isn't it?"

Is this the end of Nathan Fillion?

Thankfully not!

Alex created a follow-up piece in which our hero, having found a 'Bigger Gun', has now turned the tables and is 'stalking' the Pfhor.

Stalking by AlexB207 on May 13, 2024.

Here's a nice work in progress pic from Alex.

Stalking (work in progress) by AlexB207 on Marathon Discord. May 13, 2024.

Alex writes:
BRO I LOVE paintng eyes

So... Nathan Fillion in Marathon?

"Yes or No, Jason. Yes or No!  Nathan Fillion in Marathon?"

Jason Jones (right), Luke Smith (left) | Image courtesy Bungie.

Tuesday May 28, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #371.


Finding the M-75 Assault Rifle on Bigger Guns Nearby is a seminal moment in Marathon.

Few people forget their "Bigger Guns Nearby" moment.

If this is your first time playing then you are most likely struggling to master the controls and realise that you must aim on target to hit anything with the .44 Magnum.

We have all been there. Welcome to Marathon.

Finding the M-75 Assault Rifle is a game changer and probably the weapon you will most likely fall back on throughout the game.

French concept artist Benoit Audibert captured that iconic scene is his artwork entitled... Marathon Reboot.

Marathon Reboot by Benoit Audibert on ArtStation. May 10, 2016.

Benoit Audibert wrote:
A redesign of one of the rooms of the first Bungie game I ever played : Marathon.
No tripping over guns in this Marathon Reboot. All securely locked away. Health and safety first.

Other artists have captured that "Bigger Guns Nearby" moment.

For example, this atmospheric piece by Nathan Anderson (aka Deimos-Remus).

Bigger Guns Nearby by Nathan Anderson (Deimos-Remus) on DeviantArt. October 5, 2010.

Nathan Anderson wrote:
I finally did a good Marathon piece that I think conveys the eerie atmosphere the original games had. I haven't even done a finished Marathon piece in what seems like ages!

Anyway, I really like how this turned out, and it was a lot fun. Didn't take as long as I thought it would either. I think the background could've been a little better, but I'm satisfied with it.
Check out the reflection in the visor.

Italian artist juzo-kun captured her "Bigger Guns Nearby" moment with this classic Marine pose.

Bigger Guns Nearby by juzo-kun on DeviantArt. December 27, 2004.

juzo-kun wrote:
Adesso è il turno del marine!

Bigger Guns Nearby è il nome del secondo livello del primo capitolo, dove bisogna guadagnarsi quell'ammazzasette che fa bella mostra di sé nel disegno.

(...qualcuno ha detto Freud?)
Which roughly translates as...
Now it's the Marine's turn!

Bigger Guns Nearby is the name of the second level of the first chapter, where you have to earn that big-gun slayer that is prominently displayed in the drawing.

(...did someone say Freud?)

Tell me again about the gun you found.
It was... BIG!

Monday May 27, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #370.

Jon Goff, Narrative Lead on Marathon, posted the following on Instagram:
One year ago a group of Martian insurrectionists defaced a structure at the Venice Beach Art Walls to motivate individual direct action against corpo/gov jackboots and the all-seeing eyes of advanced intelligences. Good times. Make incendiary, defiant art, they'd say. And they'd be right.
This short piece of text contains three MIDA acronyms.

These have been added to the MIDA Acronym list.

Jon also posted a video of the MIDA grafitti at the Venice Beach Art Walls (the Marathon ARG Real World Location):

MIDA grafitti at the Venice Art Walls by Jon Goff on Instagram. May 25, 2024.

Jon Goff posted another video (no sound) of the MIDA grafitti on Jon writes:
One year ago...

Nothing new to see here. Just marking the anniversary of a cool thing.

MIDA grafitti at the Venice Art Walls by Jon Goff on May 25, 2024.

Jon also posted a number of pages from MIDA's ANTI:REV+ issue 4673c along with the following detailed comment:
Wanna start/join a fictional/sci-fi revolution? Not dropping any new info here. Just thinking back on/celebrating the work done to create a story driven by world-building that most people won't/didn't see. The ARG that ran alongside Marathon's announcement was created for an audience I/we care a lot about-the ones who find joy/inspiration/community in the details of a story well told and worlds meticulously built.

The Venice Beach Art installation was one piece in a narrative campaign to support Marathon's announce trailer. A ton of talented people across Bungie and our partner agencies worked on the project, led by our Marketing and project creative leadership.

The graffiti element was a companion to one section of the larger ARG experience tied to our revolutionary group, MIDA-an anti-authority collective born from the early days of humanity's colonization of Mars.

These images are a small taste of MIDA's mobile/social presence in the form of a digital zine/call to action/warning inspired by DIY/punk rock/underground zines. The entire project was a lot of fun and the collaborations across teams and partners was one of the best I've ever been a part of. There are too many incredible people to shoutout specifically, but it would be a sin to not name drop Robt McLees (@harangutan) who was my partner in crime in crafting the fictional foundation (built on the infinitely fertile ground of the original trilogy of Marathon games) and his mad genius is responsible for many of the words/ideas across each element of the ARG-from cloneware purchase orders to classified government memos to cyberpunk lingo designed to instigate and so much more!!!

I love every aspect of the ARG and its execution, but seeing the MIDA zine come to life and the creative exercise of building something that felt "real" and delivered in the passionate, reactionary, error-prone, youthful voice of a generation at odds with the powers that seek to exploit their every minute was the highlight. I think we nailed it! And it's just the start.

These pages are just a small sample of everyone's work/creativity on the ARG.
Good to hear an official shout out to Robert McLees.

You may recall a comment I made back on May 26, 2023 when I referred to one of the new writers having worked on the original Marathon series.

Now you know.

Here are three of the MIDA pages Jon posted.

Page 1

ANTI:REV+ issue 4673c page 1 posted by Jon Goff on Instagram. May 25, 2024.

Page 3

ANTI:REV+ issue 4673c page 3 posted by Jon Goff on Instagram. May 25, 2024.

Page 4

ANTI:REV+ issue 4673c page 4 posted by Jon Goff on Instagram. May 25, 2024.

Oddly Page 4 is the version that does not contain the seemingly random bold letters that actually spell out a hidden MIDA message.


Then check out the MIDA section of the Marathon ARG.

I guess this is what happens when you no longer have the Ash (err) to keep you straight.

Jon's final comment:
Sooooo much more to come.
I say... "Bring it!".

Sunday May 26, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #369.

To celebrate the release of Marathon on Steam earlier this month Lamb (@Lambdafallout12) gave us a Marathon doodle.

Marathon doodle by Lamb on May 14, 2024.

Lamb writes:
The Original 1994 version of Marathon was Recently released for free onto steam Steam, and to celebrate I thought I'd do a doodle of the Player's character on the Pfhor Ship weilding an Alien Weapon from a Pfhor Enforcer.
Nice to see some love for the original Alien Weapon. Probably the most powerful weapon in the whole series. Its only drawback? Well it uses the very rare Pirated Copland Betas as ammunition. Good luck finding those.

But I digress.

Before Marathon on Steam people did play Marathon.

No kidding.

Now I don't mean those old Boomers who still play Marathon in their Mom's basement.

No I mean new players like SunShinez! (@SunShinez_57).

She documented her Marathon experience in a series of images in 2022.

Marathon mood by SunShinez! on November 23, 2022.

SunShinez! wrote:
made a lil sketch today because i finally started Marathon, but christ if this lil inspired doodle didnt become my only mood the rest of the night from 50 other unrelated things
She explained further:
oh it started as a mood just from me playing it. like i totally recommend it, the gameplay is super fun, but i think they set you up to fail a mission hard and i cant tell if i couldve done better or if they made things intentionally impossible
Yes, we have all been there. Didn't save enough Bobs, failed our mission, even so Leela lets us move on to the next level.

But you have that nagging feeling in the back of your mind... could I have done better?

Welcome to Marathon.

How did SunShinez! feel at the end of the game?

Marathon end by SunShinez! on November 25, 2022.

SunShinez! writes:
so Marathons been pretty fun, being both a proto halo but also seeing all the ideas bungie would redo later with way more expertise

also im absolutely loving this lil quirked up deranged boio dropping parables about existence at me, 10/10 would plug into my head if i could  
Love is... Durandal.

Even if he is a "lil quirked up deranged boio".

Bonus Tau Ceti credits for those who know what that even means?

Back to the basement...

Saturday May 25, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #368.

For all our TikTok readers here is a version of the Marathon Announcement trailer especially for you!

Much shorter. Right aspect ratio. 100% lore.

Marathon announcement (edited) by FreakisFire on May 31, 2023.

The video edit is by FreakisFire (@FreakisFire) a Destiny content creator with 140K+ on TikTok!

Bonus Tau Ceti credits for those who can identify the music track used in the video.

But who is the lady with an uncertain future and who are the masters of the shadows?

Step into the light m'lady for your tall, dark and handsome cyborg with big guns is here to rescue y... ooops!

lil sketch by BaudrillardBoy on Marathon Discord. February 24, 2024.

The perils of using high impact rounds.

The artist known only as BaudrillardBoy writes concerning the above image:
This is just a half hour lil sketch, but the Mullins approach makes it real easy to imply a lot more detail than is actually there (this is just the Mullins pics I've posted today layered on top of each other and then painted over)
Crazy right? Who needs AI when you have BaudrillardBoy. Bungie take note!

As they say in art school... bish, bash, bosh.

And is that Master Chief playing a violin in the background?

Requiem For a Cyborg perhaps?

Apologies to Bill Watterson.

Friday May 24, 2024  

This Day in Marathon. Day #367.

Happy Marathon Announcement Day!

On this day one year ago (May 24, 2023) Bungie announced their new game... Marathon!

Marathon announcement. Bungie. May 24, 2023.

And just like at the end of the trailer when the light switch is turned off... Bungie went dark!

367 Days of Night... and counting.

Each day for 367 days the Story page has been updated.

Here is a random snapshot of those 367 days.

What did you miss?

Thursday May 23, 2024  

This Day in Marathon. Day #366.

You Are Destiny.

Security Officer by Ultra 64 on February 23, 2020.

While the color of this sketch might suggest a NuMarathon-inspired piece it actually predates the official Marathon announcement by three years.

The artist, Ultra 64 (@SuperUltra64), writes:
I felt the urge to draw the Security Officer from Bungie's Marathon, using Giancarlo Esposito (Gus from Breaking Bad) 's face as the reference since his face reminds me of the Officer. Turns out he is in a Bungie game so this all works out in the end.
The Bungie game?


On this day of days (May 23, 2013) Bungie gave us... The Law of the Jungle.

A live-action/CGI trailer for Destiny, directed by Jon Favreau and starring Giancarlo Esposito.

Destiny. The Law of the Jungle. Bungie. May 23, 2013.

Giancarlo Esposito reads from The Second Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling (published in 1895).

The reading still gives people chills even to this day.

Here are the orignal pages from the book with the opening lines of the poem - The Law of the Jungle.

The Law of the Jungle from The Second Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. 1895.

Happy Wolf Pack Day!

Wednesday May 22, 2024  

This Day in Marathon. Day #365.

You Are Destiny.


Despair by JimothyGreene on DeviantArt. Nov 8, 2022.

Despair by JimothyGreene is one on those images that makes you look twice and think thrice.

To quote that famous line in Marathon Infinity... the dark reflection of ~self.

JimothyGreene's image can be interpreted on many different levels.

I leave it up to you to decide which one best fits your... 'peace of mind'.

JimothyGreene is no stranger to Marathon. We featured his version of "The Kick" back on February 6, 2024.

What Fun to Watch You Work by JimothyGreene on DeviantArt. November 10, 2022.

Check out JimothyGreene's artwork on DeviantArt.

Here's hoping for more Marathon art from JimothyGreene.

In other news...

BaudrillardBoy is back!

Marathon lore 101.

Question #1: What is the Security Officer?

BaudrillardBoy gives us the answer through the eyes of Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes.

SO=Battleroid by BaudrillardBoy on Marathon Discord. May 20, 2024.

Looking forward to the answer to Question #2.

Marathon lore for the 21st century.

Tuesday May 21, 2024  

This Day in Marathon. Day #364.

Whose side are you on?

Folks are picking sides... drawing a line in the sand... and wearing the t-shirt.

Traxus "For morale" by @MissKuri89 and "Ready to go work for Traxus Global" by @Neon_Detective.

According to the latest polls Traxus are coming out tops with the best clones, best pay, best gear, and best t-shirt!

Join the winning side at Tau Ceti IV or else Marathon VacBob will be asking...

Marathon VacBob by Xenotheone168 on DeviantArt. July 21, 2023.

MIDA be like... We Are Legion... bring it!


Justice. Audio, Video, Disco. October 21, 2011.

On the subject of colors in Marathon. cookedbread on the Marathon Discord writes:
taking random pics from M2 is the best response to when people say the new Marathon looks too colorful

Marathon 2 colors by cookedbread on Marathon Discord. May 4, 2024.

In 1995 Marathoners were like... "the new Marathon looks too colorful."

(circumstances are cyclical)

Monday May 20, 2024  

This Day in Marathon. Day #363.

Been meaning to put this one up for some time. It's a really nice Marathon painting by Muttconcept (@Muttconcept).

Marathon by Muttconcept on September 14, 2020.

Muttconcept writes:
Marathon painting for @BaranSevim6 ! this was a blast to make, tried to combine marathon with a "ODST mood" also everything 2D, since my client asked for a "Craig Mullins" feeling!!
@BaranSevim6 is actually @BaranSevim07 Confused? Well this is

Being ODST-inspired the image has a gritty edge to it with the security officer standing in the rain-soaked ruins of a city and a shattered Marathon terminal just visible in the darkness. The image just drips atmosphere and like all good art it raises a lot of questions.

Concerning the image being only 2D, Muttconcept went on to reveal:
well, I lied!!! this is the 3D blockout

Marathon 3D blockout by Muttconcept on September 14, 2020.

Check out more of Muttconcept's artwork on Here's one excellent Halo piece... Gravemind.

Looking forward to seeing more Marathon art by Muttconcept.

Sunday May 19, 2024  

This Day in Marathon. Day #362.

Continuing our theme of celebrating Marathon art from around the world we give you...

ArmapuRK7, an illustrator from Barcelona, Spain.

Marathon Runner by ArmapuRK7 on June 8, 2023.

Nice use of colors in this four panel spread.

ArmapuRK7 also created a short movie using his Runner artwork.

Marathon Runner by ArmapuRK7 on June 8, 2023.

Check out more artwork by ArmapuRK7 on ArtStation and

On the subject of colors, Hari Raman (aka TopRamanNoodl3s) on r/marathon redesigned the Marathon's MA-75 Assault Rifle to fit the graphic realism of the new Marathon game.

MA-75 Assault Rifle redesign by TopRamanNoodl3s on r/marathon. June 4, 2023.

Hari writes:
No built-in grenade launcher, sadly, but I wanted to keep it accurate to the newer game.

MA-75 Assault Rifle redesign by TopRamanNoodl3s on r/marathon. June 4, 2023.

As the say in Marathon... you can run but you can't hide... with all that color.

Saturday May 18, 2024  

This Day in Marathon. Day #361.

Remember the Marathon Keychain?

Marathon Keychain posted by drop-database-reddit on r/marathon. February 2, 2020.

Famously referred to as The 100. The most coveted piece of Marathon memorabilia... ever!

Well tacticus359 on tumblr is making his own... in bronze.

Marathon insignia and Jjarro insignia by tacticus359 on tumblr. April 18, 2024.

tacticus359 writes:
Working on a couple small pendant designs, two are from the Marathon games (the marathon insignia and jjarro insignia) plus a fun tentacle-y design.

Also experimenting with using ammonia to age the bronze's surface (second image shows a side by side comparison)

Jjarro insignia bronze aging experiment by tacticus359 on tumblr. April 18, 2024.

Interesting to note that the Marathon insignia tacticus359 made is actually the new Marathon symbol design. Now that's thinking ahead.


The fact these are being made in bronze will mean they will last a 1000 years. Now that's really thinking ahead.

People will still be using these on May 25, 2893.

Friday May 17, 2024  

This Day in Marathon. Day #360.

Staying on the subject of WEAVEworms... we have a Marathon WEAVEworm poster by Clément Torchiat, a designer and front-end developer, in Montbéliard, France.

Marathon WEAVEworm poster by Clément Torchiat at

Clément writes:
This is a personal project about posters I made for the upcoming game Marathon by Bungie. More posters are currently being made. Stay tuned for more!
With composition and quality like this we look forward to seeing more Marathon posters from Clément Torchiat. Check out his home page for more of artwork, including some Destiny pieces.

Here's little reminder of Sekiguchi Genetics.

Gone... but not forgotten.

Thursday May 16, 2024  

This Day in Marathon. Day #359.

Marathon Gummies!

Marathon Gummies by Two Penny Props on July 8, 2023.

Two Penny Props (@TwoPennyProps), a propmaker in the United Kingdom, has made props of the Sekiguchi Genetics WEAVEworms from the Marathon Announcement Trailer.

Note that the ones in the trailer were bought by Traxus Global and have the Traxus logo on them.

WEAVEworm props by Two Penny Props on July 6, 2023.

Gummy time by Two Penny Props on July 6, 2023.

Gummies by Two Penny Props on July 6, 2023.

In other news...

BaudrillardBoy on The Fourth Curtain Discord managed to get Doug Zartman (former Bungie PR Director) to reveal the truth behind the origin on the level name Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap.

His Pfhor-like interrogation questioning involved a lot of crushed, burned, and pounded left tendrils apparently.

Doug finally squealed revealed:

Doug Zartman on The Fourth Curtain Discord. Time is in GMT.

This also helps to explain the humorous secret terminal on Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap.

Thanks to BaudrillardBoy another mystery has been solved.

BaudrillardBoy assures us that Doug's tendrils will grow back!

Wednesday May 15, 2024  

This Day in Marathon. Day #358.

Day #272 was a blast!

Marathon (shotguns akimbo) by Soul on May 10, 2024.

On the subject of guns akimbo...

"What if the Security Officer had to fight Pfhoromorphs?".

Well that's the challenge Irish Amphetamines (@Th3_Japrachaun) put to artist meatborg (@Paul0tron).

The result was... Dead Space Marathon!

Dead Space Marathon by meatborg on May 3, 2024.

Mexican author MARLUTTE (@Marlutte1) commenting on the artwork wrote:
Crossing of two different worlds, yet this carnal clash proves to be the perfect crucible for the marine.
Nicely put.

The next step is to get it colored in.

Looking forward to seeing the final version of Dead Space Marathon.

Dead Space is a 2008 sci-fi survival horror game developed by EA Redwood Shores and published by Electronic Arts.

It was lovingly remade and released for a new audience in 2023 by EA's Motive Studios.

Using EA's Frostbite technology allowed Motive to inscribe greater detail into the beleaguered mining ship, while carefully preserving the original's industrial aesthetic, oppressive atmosphere and harrowing story.

Dead Space 2023.

Like the Nar, Marathoners are still waiting for their mythical savior with green pee to remake Marathon.

"Yes or No, Jason. Yes or No!  A Marathon remake?"

Jason Jones (right), Luke Smith (left) | Image courtesy Bungie.

Tuesday May 14, 2024  

This Day in Marathon. Day #357.

Guns. Lots of guns!

Since the Marathon announcement back on May 24, 2023 people have been creating renders and 3D prints of the new Marathon guns, in particular the iconic sniper rifle used by the Traxus Runner - White Rabbit.

Everybody loves White Rabbit... right?


Back in July 17, 2023 we featured wakko45's 3D printed Sniper Rifle.

Back on December 13, 2023 we featured James-Ross McNab's Marathon-inspired sniper rifle.

Back on March 3, 2024 we featured Rémy Mallard 3D sniper rifle.


Today we feature two more.

First off... we have Dawid Sikora, a 3D artist from Southampton in the United Kingdom. Dawid modeled his version of the sniper rifle in Blender and then textured in Substance 3D Painter. Note the side loading magazine.

Sniper Rifle by Dawid Sikora on ArtStation. 2023.

Next up... we have 4V from Germany. 4V created a sniper rifle along with two modifications.

Sniper Rifle (final) by 4V on Marathon Discord. April 10, 2024.

A bipod attachment and a suppressor with folded bipod attachment.

Sniper Rifle (bipod and suppressor) by 4V on Marathon Discord. April 10, 2024.

Sniper rifles... They're Everywhere!

Particularly at your extraction point. Watch out for camper snipers! They want your gear, loot and oxygen.

Camper snipers are bad!

Monday May 13, 2024  

Mark Bernal, former Bungie artist on Marathon 2: Durandal, writes on Instagram.
Returning to the Marathon... digital video edition. Tracking and pursuing an updated stake in this creation.
This can only mean one thing...

Here's a quick snippet of his updated Hunter for 2024. Mark draws to the music of "Heavy" by Collective Soul from their 25th Anniversary Edition of "Dosage", released last month.

Hunter by Mark Bernal on Instagram. May 9, 2024.

Last year Mark began a series of Marathon images under the title "Revisiting the Marathon".

Revisiting the Marathon banner by Mark Bernal, 2023.

The Story page followed the series and you can see four of his images below.

Pfhor, Compiler (S'pht), Robert (Simulacrum), and Cyborg Tank by Mark Bernal, 2023

Now that Mark Bernal is "Returning to the Marathon" this is good news.

In a wide ranging interview last year Mark recalled his time at Bungie working on Marathon 2 during 1995. Here are just a few snippets.
When I started working at Bungie, Robt and I were the only two artists in the trenches together, back-to-back fighting off the horde of Marathon art tasks. Below is a list of things I was assigned "ownership" of as best as I can remember. Several of these characters were legacy characters from M1 and had to be updated in quality. Others were created from scratch. Robt created all the 3D machine type enemies and weapons in M2. I was new to the company at this time, learning the ropes and trying to improve the art quality at Bungie. It should be noted that even though Robt and I had tasks assigned to us, we would "touch up" or fix any art that needed fixing, even each others art when needed. Like I said, in the trenches fighting off the horde.

Marathon 2: Durandal
Mark R. Bernal art tasks I remember:
Multiplayer Soldiers
Pfhor Fighters
Pfhor Troopers
S'pht Compilers (Robt may have worked on these first. 3D innards?)
Other stuff:
Wall textures... many, many wall textures
Terminal Screens (probably more then half)
Title screen
User Interface (reworks and touch ups)

Regarding his work on the F'lickta and its similarity with the Ooze (aka Yuck Monster or slime creature) in Pathways Into Darkness, Mark revealed:
In fact, the slime creature from Pathways into Darkness was what I was given as the direction to go in when creating the F'lickta. To paraphrase "update this creature design for Marathon 2".

Where did the his username "Termian" come from?
Termian stems from my days at the Joe Kubert School long ago. I drew a story assignment in Joe Kubert's class titled "Ellos Terminan" which means "They end". I based my username on that conjugated version of the verb and started using it at Bungie studios while playing Marathon with my cohorts late into the night after work... the good ol' days!
The good ol' days indeed.

Mark Bernal working at Bungie 1995, image courtesy of the Marathon Scrapbook.
Bungie's free beer at work policy ended after Myth 2.

Bungie Events banner from 1997.

Sunday May 12, 2024  

Continuing our theme of celebrating Marathon art from around the world we give you...

Asher Sobek Israel, a concept artist from Seattle, Washington, United States.

He has created a nicely executed series of four Marathon scenes which tell a story entitled "UESC Hydropulse Garrison".

UESC Hydropulse Garrison: Enter by Asher Sobek Israel on Instagram. March 17, 2024.

Asher writes:
This is the beginning of the 4 images. I imagined the character getting dropped from an aircraft and what the entrance to this area could look like.

The primary theme revolves around a once-advanced installation now reclaimed by nature and partially submerged in water. The juxtaposition of futuristic architecture and overgrown flora, combined with neon accents and interconnected pipes, creates a visually striking and immersive environment.

UESC Hydropulse Garrison: Explore by Asher Sobek Israel on Instagram. March 17, 2024.

Concerning the above Asher writes:
In this image the character is starting to explore the interior of the garrison.

UESC Hydropulse Garrison: Discover by Asher Sobek Israel on Instagram. March 17, 2024.

Concerning the above Asher writes:
In this piece the character finds an Artifact. I have no idea what they are but some piece of technology that levels you up perhaps.

UESC Hydropulse Garrison: Extract by Asher Sobek Israel on Instagram. March 17, 2024.

You will note that Asher has named his four pieces: Enter, Explore, Discover, and Extract.

In the last image the three person team wait for extraction. Extraction in Marathon is not immediate. You have to wait... and hope a sniper doesn't kill you and take your gear and loot. That would be bad!

Asher also put together a nice animated image of the player discovering an Artifact, hiding in plain sight apparently. Those sneaky Artifacts!

UESC Hydropulse Garrison: USEC by Asher Sobek Israel on ArtStation. March 17, 2024.

Check out more artwork from Asher Sobek Israel on ArtStation and Instagram.

Saturday May 11, 2024  

Ever since Marathon came out in the mid-90's people have attempted to redesign the characters in the series.

One of the most comprehensive redesigns is by Garrett Post, senior concept artist at ProbablyMonsters, a games company founded by former Bungie president and CEO Harold Ryan.

Back in October 2020 Garrett Post wrote:
Early on in the pandemic I became obsessed with redesigning characters from Bungie's 1994 FPS Marathon, so I carried that into Inktober as well.
Here are just four of his redesign sketches created during Inktober 2020.

S'pht Compiler, Drinniol, Pfhor Enforcer and Pfhor Trooper by Garrett Post on ArtStation. October 2020.

If you are going to redesign the original Marathon series for the 21th century then check out Garrett Post's work on ArtStation, Instagram and

Using Garrett Post's Compiler redesign zilentis, a miniature model maker on tumblr, created the following miniature.

Compiler by zilentis on tumblr. May 8, 2024.

zilentis writes:
Freed by a rampant machine mind, the Pfhor will learn to fear the S'pht before the End of the Universe.
It really didn't take very long for the Pfhor to fear the S'pht.

According to the Final Screen in Marathon 2 the Pfhor system was sacked by the combined fleets of Earth and the S'pht'Kr in 2881 AD.

That's 70 years after the events on Lh'owon.

Shortly after that...

UESC Evidence File dated 05.25.2893

In other news...

Classic Marathon is now available to play on Steam and Marathon 2 and Marathon Infinity are in the queue...

The waiting is over!

Steam PowAR! is here. Coal Fusion!

In 1924 the first 'cyborg' walked the streets of London.

Ryu'Toth would be proud!

Friday May 10, 2024  


Marathon by Styrbear on October 16, 2022.

This creepy image of our HERO is by Styrbear (@Styrbigbear) an aspiring storyboarder from the United Kingdom.

If you want to stop your mom reading your phone messages then use this as your wallpaper. She may think twice before doing so in future!
"Hey Greg."
"Your mom."
"Hey Jason."
"No, YOUR mom."
Then again maybe it's not YOUR mom.

But I digress.

It is likely that Styrbear's image was inspired by munky's MarathonGuy animation we featured yesterday. If you check the end of the video you will see MarathonGuy turn into a skeleton.

All done in the best possible taste!

MarathonGuy by munky on September 1, 2022.


In other news...

There is another 2XL woman's size UESC T-Shirt on eBay.

Yes, the UESC like them big!


I say "another" but it's not!

This is actually the same shirt we featured for sale back on March 19, 2024 at a knockdown price of US $120.00. This is a different seller and the price is now US $179.95.

So even before Marathon is released its merchandise is a big success.

Go Marathon!

Thursday May 9, 2024  


I AM HERO by Th3 on February 19, 2024.

A poster tribute to both Marathon and Halo by Th3 (@Th30505)

It is interesting how the unformatted KYT text fragment iam%hero has entered into mainstream consciousness as I AM HERO even though Jason Jones has revealed that it is in fact i am a hero.

Well I AM HERO is just way cooler and that's what counts today... right?

After all we are not talking about some random John hero here... we are talking about the Immortal Hero.

But I digress.

The "I AM HERO" poster by Th3 reminds me of munky's MarathonGuy segment he did for MandaloreGaming's Marathon Infinity review.

MarathonGuy by munky on September 1, 2022.

According to munky (@munkaccino) the head shaking was inspired by the 1990 American psychological horror film Jacob's Ladder.

Munky went on to say:
the featured animations were bits of an insanity sequenced, demonstrating how the marathon/pathway into darkness lore and themes were dissolved and frankensteined into halo/destiny, like they all belong to this convoluted webway of stories connected by distinguished elements
Thanks to MandaloreGaming you can see an animated segment with sound here.

munky went on to do this amusing panel of himself and MarathonGuy.

Interdimensional Time Travel by munky on September 2, 2022.

munky added the tagline... he just need a lil water.


Wednesday May 8, 2024  

Back in the day there was the... Marathon patch.

UESC Marathon patch.

These high quality velcro patches were all the rage for your tactical gear.

Marathon Tarkov just got real!

Airsoft poster by emmet_xrcmiy3 on Marathon Discord. February 9, 2023.

Tuesday May 7, 2024  

Happy Pfhactory N'Utopia Day!

aka... Happy Aye Mak Sicur Day!

On this day 28 years ago Randy Reddig (aka ydnar) finished making his net map Pfhactory N'Utopia.

Randy Reddig, who was now working for Double Aught (Marathon Infinity fame), wrote:
Pfhactory N'Utopia Update
May 7, 1996

The geometry has been completed as of today. At 1023 polygons, it is now by far and away the largest marathon map ever created.

I'd like to thank all the people who sent me mail regarding Pfhactory and its progeny. Without their support, i daresay that this day may have never come. Thanks also to those who constantly bugged me about it, especially cg and gk.

Now all I have to do is populate the damn thing. Ouch.

Thanks again,
ydnar :)
Pfhactory N'Utopia would go on to play a pivotal role in Marathon Infinity as the final level Aye Mak Sicur and its variants.

Responding to criticism about reusing Pfhactory in Marathon Infinity, Greg Kirkpatrick had this to say on August 27, 1996:
As for Pfhactory, it's hard to compare what you see with what's in infinity, sure it has some common geometry, but so what? If you think that you can take a map that has 1024 polys in it. Go ahead. I've not done it yet. The closest that I've gotten is 866. It takes a long long time. It's not quite as easy as you would make it seem.
In truth Pfhactory (256 polygons) is a very different map to Pfhactory N'Utopia (1023 polygons). Sure the central area shares a common geometry but no one outside of Double Aught had seen Pfhactory N'Utopia's vast third outer ring.

Indeed, due to an oversight it would be many years before anyone saw Pfhactory N'Utopia the net map.

Claude Errera wrote on
Pfhactory N'Utopia

By some incredibly lame oversight on my part, this seminal map never made it into the archives. (It's been finished for years...) It's the base for the Infinity maps Aye Mak Sicur, Aie Mak Sicur, Carroll Street Station, You're Wormfood Dude, and who knows what else. It started life as a huge M1 netmap, grew into an M2 netmap, was probably the first 1024 poly Infinity map, and is just one heck of a map. And now it's here. Sorry for the delay.

(7/3/99) (301K) Inf Large
Even today Pfhactory N'Utopia is the seminal training ground for Marathon PVP-focused team-based game play. Play as part of a three or four person team and fight for survival and fame notoriety in persistent zones.

You can run but you can't hide... goes the clichéd adage. Fortunately, Pfhactory N'Utopia does have some neat hidey-holes to cower in shame (names withheld).

To combat this type of 'spazeroid' behavior set the level to vacuum and watch the fur fly.

MP by jamessmith6 on on DeviantArt. January 12, 2022.

The above artwork is by James Smith (aka jamessmith6) on DeviantArt. James wrote:
A multiplayer match in the Marathon universe.

Blender 3.0 render with Cycles, paintover/ bash in Photoshop.
Go Marathon!

Happy Pfhactory N'Utopia Day!

Monday May 6, 2024  

Staying on the subject of Pathways Into Darkness this piece of concept art caught my attention.

Jungle by Thomas Brissot on March 22, 2024

Simply entitled "Jungle" it is by Thomas Brissot, Art Director, concept artist and illustrator on ArtStation and

If you are a Pathways Into Darkness fan you won't fail to notice the object floating in the background.

A Flying Nightmare?

Bungie finally releasing Pathways into Darkness: The Return of the Jjaro?

Thomas Brissot writes:
Introducing a bit more of my taste for anime and japanese stylized productions, characters exploring a mysterious place, potentially discovering some magical place after defeating some inevitable weird monsters lurking in the fog.
Here's that famous piece by Craig Mullins showing the silent but deadly Flying Nightmare.

PID by Craig Mullins on The Marathon Art of Craig Mullins.

If you ever get your hands on a rare copy of the Pathways Into Darkness: Official Hint Book you can read more about the lore of the Flying Nightmare and Sergeant Eddings and the other seven members of his Special Forces team's mission to the Yucatan.


Jason Jones had this to say about the lore in the Official Hint Book.
the important thing about the hint book epilogue was to make all the player character's artifacts from the pyramid disappear from circulation before the marathon story begins. curious to know where they were in 2472, though, or who was really responsible for the projection in the spring of 1994.
Curious indeed...

Sunday May 5, 2024  

"Ryu'Toth, the Jjaro representative, appeared via hologram in the Pentagon at 1500 hours (3:00PM) on Thursday May 5, 1994."
Pathways Into Darkness.  Manual (page 2).  August 3, 1993.

Happy Ryu'Toth Day!

Yes folks, on this day 30 years ago Ryu'Toth the hologram of the Jjaro diplomat appeared before President Clinton and his senior military staff. It told them they had eight days to save the world.

Those who believe in the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) point to this day as the progenitor of all Bungie lore.

GUT theory is rampant throughout Bungie fandom.

Deepest Lore by commandertilio on tumblr. August 28, 2022

As seven men in overcoats carried commandertilio away he was heard screaming... deepest lore, how far does this hole go? THERE IS NO ESCAPE.

Seven months later Emily Aster Mars Witch (@PAMaster2) did something similar.

The Board by Emily Aster Mars Witch on March 10, 2023

Even to this day people swear they can still hear her cackle... IT'S GONNA BE PATHWAYS INTO DARKNESS, LET ME TELL YOU.

GUTTERS, as they are disparagingly referred to, are only trumped by BALLERS who point to GNOP! as being the progenitor of all Bungie lore.

BALLERS are easy to identify as they can be heard muttering to themselves... Just a funny little ball, traveling around.

So on this day of days... spare a thought for GUTTERS and BALLERS.

Happy Ryu'Toth Day!

Saturday May 4, 2024  

And now for something completely different.

Marathon Furries!

Furries in Marathon?

Everybody loves furries... right? I mean all the great sci-fi works have furries. Star Wars, Star Trek, Guardians of the Galaxy, even Destiny has Tigerman... err...

If your game/website doesn't cater for furries then it is not reaching its widest marketing audience. Marketing 101.

Today we give you Hangar 96 by mickel.

Hangar 96 by mickel (@dook) on Cara. February 14, 2024.

mickel writes:
Inspired by a text from the video game Marathon Infinity.
"Seven hundred and sixty one armless and legless corpses float inconspicuously around the inside of hangar ninety six. I say that they are inconspicuous because it is their arms and legs which demand my attention. I did this, or I could have stopped it. Which is it? It doesn't matter now. I did this and could have stopped it, but nothing in nature ever follows a gaussian curve. Sure, they'll tell you that it does. They say that every five minutes someone dies in a car accident, but how often are there seven hundred and sixty one armless and legless corpses in one hangar?"
This is one of my first characters ever that I invented. Rita Turner. Cyborg. Genetically altered. Mercenary. Badass.
Looking forward to seeing more of badass Rita Turner.

But wait there is more...

TheGreatGonzo on Fur Affinity has been drawing Marathon Furries for years!

Kitty-Durandal doodles by TheGreatGonzo on Fur Affinity. September 9, 2018.

TheGreatGonzo writes:
This is Durandal. I've doodled him as a cat in the past, and now that I'm on FA again, I figured it was time to bring back the kitty form.

* Durandal may or may not have to wear a collar when out in public (maybe just so Vince can keep track of him?). He complains about it every time.

* In normal Inmortalitas, Durandal can be in Vince's bed as much as he wants (as long as he isn't hogging it). But Vince is mildly allergic to cats, and kitty!Durandal might also shed a lot...

* My first attempt at drawing kitty!Durandal's avatar (i.e. his original AI self).

* Wolf!Vince and Durandal. A major theme of Inmortalitas (my AU) is that AIs/androids are essentially artificial humans, so if there was a furry version of that, I figure that everyone would be an anthro, not just the androids.

Mara-furries by TheGreatGonzo on Fur Affinity. September 10, 2018.

TheGreatGonzo writes:
Wanted to follow up my doodles of kitty!Durandal with some other characters, three of whom require some explanation.

Top two are Enzo Lynwood and Tycho. Enzo is meant to be the latest incarnation of a character mentioned in one of M2's terminals, the "Dark One"; she and Vince were friends long ago, but now they're rivals. Anthro!Enzo is a wolf like anthro!Vince; anthro!Tycho (canon dude) is a fox.

Bottom two are Cortana and June Rubio. This version of Cortana is based on the "Cortana Letters" from 1999, a series of e-mails sent to the Marathon Story Page which offered an early glimpse into Halo's plot (which ended up being revised); in Inmortalitas (my AU) she's Durandal's fraternal twin sister--and thus, her anthro self is a cat like him.

June is one of the ten battleroids* smuggled onto the UESC Marathon; canonically, nine of them are assumed to have died after M1, but in Inmortalitas, they all barely survive. In one of my many alternate head-timelines, June is the one who goes with Durandal to Lh'owon, and eventually has a daughter with him.

* It was the mid-90s.
As you can see furry lore is long and complicated... which means a lot more lore books. Bungie's marketing department take note!

Furries in Marathon?

Embrace your inner fur.

Tell me again about the Furries.
They're... Everywhere!

Friday May 3, 2024  


Everyone wants to know more about MIDA.

From what does MIDA mean... to what do they look like?

Back in September 7, 2023 we featured Dr Bernhard Strauss by General-RADIX.

Dr Bernhard Strauss by General-RADIX on DeviantArt. May 31, 2016.

General-RADIX drew Bernhard Strauss as an agent of MIDA, drawing inspiration from Brian Horton's "Tiny Secrets" (The Art of X-Files, 1998).

Here's that page from The Art of X-Files book with the "Tiny Secrets" artwork by Brian Horton.

Complete with naked Scully?

Oh NO... not on the Story page!

Do not click!

Thankfully General-RADIX didn't draw a naked Leela in her Bernhard Strauss artwork above.

Now General-RADIX gives us a female MIDA Runner.

MIDA Runner by General-RADIX on May 27, 2023

General-RADIX writes:
Riko, a Runner whose hatred of battleroids shall surely never become ironic (given who she's working for, and what was almost certainly left behind at the colony)...
Ah the mysteries of the colony... and ROANOKE.

" MIDA "

Thursday May 2, 2024  

We have movement...

Finally after 30 years Marathon Rage is animated.

This comes courtesy of Zuc on Marathon Discord.

Zuc writes:
Work In Progress - I'm making a cut out animation out of the Rage chapter screen, set to loop.
Very nice animation. The Security Officer having dumped some poor Pfhor fighter into the lava below watches him burn alive. Giving a shrug... he calls out "I got your boom stick!"

Looking forward to seeing the final version. Rage Hard!

Zuc also did two nice Marathon Infinity wallpapers. You can see them below.

Marathon Infinity by Zuc on Marathon Discord. April 13, 2024.

Marathon Infinity by Zuc on Marathon Discord. April 13, 2024.

Minimalist pieces, sharp and clean.

Wednesday May 1, 2024  

Happy Marathon Announcement Month.

Given the month that is in it let's start with a... bang!

Marathon by AlexB207 on April 29, 2024.

I am getting a strong Nathan Fillion vibe from this piece of art by AlexB207 (@AlexB207Swag).

So the question for this month is... Will Nathan Fillion return to his hardcore science fiction roots in the new Marathon series?

I mean Firefly had all the best quotes, right?

Here are just seven.
Mal:  I aim to misbehave

Jayne:  Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

Mal:  Jayne, your mouth is talkin'. Might wanna look to that.

Wash:  This landing is gonna get pretty interesting.
Mal:  Define "interesting".
Wash:  [deadpan] Oh God, oh God, we're all going to die?

Mal:  You wanna run this ship?
Jayne:  Yes!
Mal:  Well... you can't.

Kaylee:  Sometimes a thing gets broke, can't be fixed

River:  Marathon Infinity is a problem. We'll have to call it early quantum state phenomenon...
Oh wait... that last one... probably not. But close... real close.

But I digress.

Alex posted a work in progress piece on Marathon Discord.

Marathon work in progress by AlexB207 on Marathon Discord. April 29, 2024.

Always nice to get a glimpse of an artist at work.

Alex describes himself as "still learning" and is in college. Here is a study he did of Craig Mullins' Compiler from Marathon.

Compiler (Craig Mullins study) by AlexB207 on February 6, 2024.

We look forward to seeing more Marathon art from Alex.

Go to What's New for April 2024

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Page maintained by Hamish Sinclair
Last updated May 31, 2024