
Sekiguchi are new to Marathon.

Most of the information we currently have about Sekiguchi came from the Sekiguchi Genetics website at The site is no longer available since early February 2024. This is how the opening page originally looked.

If you tried to access the Sekiguchi Genetics website on your mobile device you got this. (Hint hint folks... Bungie say... get a desktop terminal to read Marathon stuff.)

Sekiguchi Genetics are part of the Sekiguchi Group.

In 2152, Hideo Murakami founded Sekiguchi Electronics with superconductivity and quantum computer systems as its core business.

In 2157, they successfully entered the automobile and robot industries.

In 2158, they manufactured the first artificial brain implant module.

In 2192, they manufactured a variety of prosthetics and assistive devices.

In 2459, they began to manufacture full-body prosthetics that combined industry-leading artificial tissues with high-tech components.


Since its founding in 2152 by Hideo Murakami, Sekiguchi Electronics has continued to lead the industry. With superconductivity and quantum computer systems as its core business, the company further diversified by aggressively entering related fields. 2157 saw the company enter the automotive and robotics industries with great success. 2158 saw Sekiguchi Electronics manufacture its first artificial brain implant module. In 2192, the company manufactured a variety of prosthetics and assistive devices, and in 2459, it began manufacturing full-body prosthetics that combined industry-leading artificial tissues with high-tech components.

Since the development of the first artificial brain implant module, the Sekiguchi Group has created a series of "firsts" and breakthrough technologies in all business areas of the solar system. From maintenance robots to autonomous vehicles to the latest high-performance biomata, the Sekiguchi Group continues to be at the forefront of technological originality and product innovation in this solar system.


It is intersting to note that the Sekiguchi Group were manufacturing artificial brain implants at the time Battleroids were first introduced.

In the original game (Marathon 1994) we are given an excerpt from the History of Battleroids. ref

The relevant text reveals:

Excerpts from the "History of Battleroids"

In 2194, a war was fought between the Independent Asteroid Government of Icarus and its neighbor, the Republic of Thermopylae on the asteroid of Onicis 492. These two small governments soon became the testing grounds for new weapons. Dead soldiers were recycled in makeshift battleroid factories. Easy to manufacture chips enhanced the fragile human brain, and genetically enhanced muscles and titanium bones replaced the fragile human form. The modern battleroid was born. Of course, the war was short. Battleroids got onto both asteroids and killed almost everyone.

The rampage of the Battleroid was short lived.

Twenty years later, the United Interplanetary League set up rules for the appropriate use and storage of Battleroids. Of course, any nation that used them for the allowed purpose, also had them lying about in stasis chambers in case of war.

The date 2194 was not one of the dates later corrected by Bungie ref so it stands as is in the Marathon timeline.

It is widely believed that the player in the original Marathon trilogy is a Battleroid. One of ten kept in stasis, put on board the UESC Marathon ref and awakened at Tau Ceti. The ten lived covertly among the colonists. ref

The rest they say is history.

Did the Sekiguchi Group make the Battleroids?

Sekiguchi Genetics now make clones.

On the marathonthegame page you will read the following.

by 2850, clone technology allows a person to reliably shift their consciousness from their 'born' body to new, synthetic bodies and back again.

In 2888 (Marathon ARG in-game date) Sekiguchi Genetics offer four series of clones (A, B, C, and S).

A Series

The 5th generation A Series was created to bring the joy of living to those who seek an experience of a higher dimension. More intuitive. Refined by those who know how to live beyond the excitement. Ready to meet any challenge. Maximum performance at any time and in any situation. You will smile at the moment you reach a new level that is more than just exhilarating.

The A Series opens the door to such a life. To become the person you have always dreamed of being. To live in a world of the unknown and unprecedented experiences. To make it your own.

Your life. Your ideal way of life.

Minimum Neural Protection Specification:

    •  UXDRIVE V9.14 Neural Sync
             ◦  ND : 0.0020%
             ◦  EP: Full Collect Bundle Package
             ◦   CS: SYNCLOCK>CB 3.1 SUSTAIN

B Series

The 5th generation B Series is more than just beautiful. It resonates with the senses, which can only be experienced by seeing, feeling, and living. Life is enriched by the pursuit of comfort.

With the desire to realize a special experience, we have created a perfect balance of power and beauty to deliver a style of living never before seen. The powerful physique and exhilarating performance encourage a vibrant lifestyle.

Minimum Neural Protection Specification:

    •  UDRIVE V51.010 Neural Sync
             ◦  ND: 0.0020%
             ◦  EP: Full Collect Bundle Package
             ◦   CS: SYNCLOCKCB 3.1 SUSTAIN

C Series

The C Series biomata are built for the toughest jobs and can handle any task. With a focus on versatility, these durable models combine power and flexibility.

Steel-reinforced carbon fiber, biologically inert titanium materials, and ceramic composites reduce weight while increasing joint strength and overall durability for high performance at work and play.

In addition, the extensive customization options available for the A and B series allow them to be a dominant presence in any setting.

Minimum Neural Protection Specification:

    •  UDRIVE V47.367 Neural Sync
             ◦  ND: 0.0022%
             ◦  EP: Full Collect Bundle Package
             ◦   CS: SYNCLOCKCB 24.2 REPEATER

S Series

Cloning technology is about to undergo a further evolution. The 5th generation S series has completed its final testing and has been approved. The shape, power-to-weight ratio, and center of gravity position based on kinematics have been thoroughly pursued to create the latest human model that concentrates functionality and emotion. Movement in which the mind and body become one. Every movement is proof of your existence. Open your senses and experience everything. Nothing binds you. This body is your body. Please look forward to future announcements for details on the operation method, upgraded specifications, and release date.

We will later learn that they have a more advanced prototype version of the S-series. But we are getting a little ahead of ourselves.

Interesting to note that even though Sekiguchi Genetics make clones the opening page of their website was updated with a notice that talks about new cybernetic enhancement technology that will allow humanity to continue to push the limits of the human body.

Enhanced Living ...

Sekiguchi Genetics continues to grow by constantly moving forward and changing. We are constantly researching to realize an ideal world in which humanity is not a product of its environment, but a master of it. Our new cybernetic enhancement technology will allow humanity to continue to push the limits of the human body. We look forward to sharing these advances with you.

The mission of Sekiguchi Genetics is Life EnhancementD .


The future is within reach. Sekiguchi Genetics offers new ways to make it a reality. From custom-made biomata and state-of-the-art neural sync transfer systems to advanced implants and cybernetics that support all carbon forms, Sekiguchi Genetics offers a wide array of groundbreaking genetic enhancement technologies to help humanity push beyond its innate limits.

At Sekiguchi Genetics, we are committed to building collaborative and caring relationships with our customers. Our award-winning1,2 service team provides personalized care for each and every client. Our wide range of options and solutions will support you every step of the way through the entire process, ensuring your peace of mind, trust, and success. Together, we will help you realize your true potential!

1. Transglobal customer care giver CB winners (2883-2888)
2. Proactive response unit banner winner (2887)

Mission - Life Enhancement D

Note that Sekiguchi Genetics offers:

  • bespoke biomata (clones) and state-of-the-art neural sink transfer systems.
  • advanced implants and cybernetics that support all carbon forms.
  • groundbreaking genetic enhancement technologies.

These are three different things.

The first puts a human consciousness into an artificial body (think Avatar with Sam Worthington). The second augments the human body with biomechanical implants and cybernetics (think Terminator Salvation with Sam Worthington). The third uses DNA manipulation to force evolutionary developments (think The Titan with Sam Worthington).

But back to biomata.


We offer Biomata, the pinnacle of biocybernetics technology in the modern era. The clones manufactured by Sekiguchi Genetics can be customized for a variety of roles and responsibilities, from ground work and heavy-duty work in harsh environments, to work outside the atmosphere.

Our manufacturing facility can accommodate any order, regardless of size. We accept orders from individuals, companies, and governments

(Orders for government agencies are handled only through Sekiguchi Wholesale Sales).

If you are currently a contracted customer, please contact Mina Goto. If you are a purchasing manager at UESC, please contact Yoshito Tamura.

Cloning - The New You

Some important points to note in this piece which will feature later as we uncover more information. The wide range of roles for clones. The fact that Sekiguchi Genetics can handle any size of order. And the names Mina Goto and Yoshito Tamura. Watch for them.


Biomata users can rest assured that their new body is in good hands thanks to our advanced DNA LINKCB personalization matrix. The Biomata operating and BIOS systems are paired with the user's DNA to ensure single ownership.



No hand-me-downs at Sekiguchi Genetics!


The next breakthrough in WEAVEWEARCB  technology begins with version 7.3 of our patented WEAVEWEARCB  biosynthetic layering system. Improved organism replication capabilities. Biological and artificial pairing; enhanced NNACB/DNA synchronous coding


WEAVEwormCB 7.3


All new generation biomata are equipped with an EpiDermal feed with built-in BIOS for "final layer" protection and ID package customization. NEWSKINCB  is a laser-printed customization add-on developed to seamlessly overlay all current and next-generation WEAVEWEARCB  Dermal systems.



This laser-printed customization will no doubt provide the in-game explanation for how players can create their own individual look.

The Sekiguchi Genetics website also gives short biographies of the Leadership team at Sekiguchi Genetics. These provide some interesting background information about the Sekiguchi Group as a whole and raises some questions.

All the senior leadership team at Sekiguchi Genetics came from within the Sekiguchi Group.

Let's start with Chief Executive Officer Teiji Sano.


Chief Executive Officer

Date of Birth: July 13, 2822

Born on July 13, 2822, he graduated from the Applied Physics Department of Shin-Shimane Vocational College in March 2852 and joined Sekiguchi Robotics in June 2852. He developed the VACWORMCB  autonomous unmanned driving system.

In 2892, he became Chief Executive Officer of Sekiguchi Genetics, and then Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Earth Business Center.

Awards and Biography:

2877IPME Brace C. Prosereau Award
2884Golden Crest Award
2846 JuneJoined Sekiguchi Robotics
2873 JuneAppointed Senior Manager, Technical Administration
2876 MayAppointed Senior Manager, Research and Development
2878 AprilAppointed Senior Executive Officer of Sekiguchi Robotics
2878 August   Appointed as Director of Sekiguchi Robotics
2881 MayAppointed Senior Vice President, Technology Strategy
2882 JuneAppointed a member of the Supervisory Board
2883 MayExecutive Vice President in charge of Corporate Strategy
2884 JulyAppointed Chief Executive Officer of Sekiguchi Robotics
2886 AprilAppointed Chief Executive Officer, Sekiguchi Genetics

Chief Executive Officer

Teiji Sano

Mr. Sano-san is a Sekiguchi Robotics man, having joined the company in 2852 or was it 2846? The dates don't match up.

He became Chief Executive Officer of Sekiguchi Robotics in 2884 before taking up the position of Chief Executive Officer at Sekiguchi Genetics in 2886 or was it 2892? The dates don't match up.

Indeed the date 2892 is at odds with the in-ARG date. Everything up to this point suggests that the events in the ARG take place in 2888.

However we will see other materials with dates more recent than 2888 indicating that... Everything is not as it seems{}. seems{}. seems{}. ref


Chief Financial Officer

Date of Birth: December 24, 2826

An experienced technology executive with over 30 years of finance and management experience in private and public technology companies. Prior to joining the Sekiguchi Group, he held various senior executive finance positions in Traxxas Interplanetary's business units.

Prior to that, he served as interim chief financial officer for several public and private companies, including RATICON Heavy Industries, Peerless Solutions, Zero Systems, and Onisys Machinery Industries. He also served as a management consultant for Alpha Interplanetary, Inc. where he led the company through a successful turnaround, IPO, and sale to the Tharsis Group.

He is a former director of TOOL Inc. He holds a master's degree in economics from Hitotsubashi ICS and has passed the Certified Public Accountant exam.

Awards and Biography:

2879 August    Joined Sekiguchi Genetics
2884 JuneAppointed Senior Manager, Research and Development
2885 MayAppointed Senior Vice President of Technology Strategy
2885 AugustAppointed a member of the Supervisory Board
2886 AugustAppointed Chief Financial Officer of Sekiguchi Genetics

Chief Financial Officer

Morio Sakamoto

Mr. Sakamoto-san has been around. A lot of company names in his biography and perhaps some competition for Traxus OffWorld Industries. The Tharsis Group who acquired Alpha Interplanetary, Inc. are probably named after Tharsis, a volcanic plateau centered near the equator in the western hemisphere of Mars.

Note the spelling of Traxxas. This may be a translation issue or a simple spelling mistake.


Chief Information Officer

Date of Birth: April 1, 2823

He has helped drive Sekiguchi's growth by streamlining processes and procedures, helping to secure a leading-edge position in the robotics and biomata manufacturing industry.

Mentored many of the core members of the current technical team, expanding key processes, workflows, and automation to achieve high productivity in all aspects of the manufacturing process, from each class of WORKWORMCB to each series of biomata.

Graduated from Sekiguchi Technical College in April 2852 with multiple degrees in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and applied physics.

Awards and Biography:

2868International Fellow of the Noble Academy of Engineering
2874Medal of Honor (highest honor)
2846 MayJoined Sekiguchi Robotics
2878 AprilAppointed as General Manager
2879 August    Appointed as Chief Auditor of Sekiguchi Robotics
2885 JuneAppointed Chief Auditor of Sekiguchi Genetics
2886 AugustAppointed a member of the Supervisory Board
2887 MayAppointed Chief Strategy Officer of Sekiguchi Genetics
2887 June Appointed Chief Information Officer of Sekiguchi Genetics

Chief Information Officer

Kaemon Hashimoto

Mr Hashimoto-san has been fast tracked in Sekiguchi Genetics. Having joined in 2885 he went from being Chief Auditor, to a member of the Supervisory Board, to Chief Strategy Officer, to Chief Information Officer in the space of two years. Then again he is a graduate of Sekiguchi Technical College.

WORKWORMCB is a new term. It is not a translation error as it written in English in the biography. Perhaps this was the original term for WEAVEWORMCB and the biography was not updated.


Chief Strategy Officer

Date of Birth: August 7, 2822

As Chief Strategy Officer, he played a pivotal role in developing the alliances necessary to protect the business interests of the Sekiguchi Group and maintain confidentiality, competitiveness and the highest industry standards.

Working with Sekiguchi Group's Loss Prevention department, he is steadfastly committed to preventing unauthorized resale of customer products and open source tampering

Awards and Biography:

2850 JuneRegistered as a lawyer
2850 August     Joined Takemura, Yuki & Takagi
2860 AprilAppointed partner of Takemura, Yuki & Takagi Law Office
2879 MarchAppointed Auditor of Sekiguchi Genetics
2884 MayAppointed Chief Strategy Officer of Sekiguchi Genetics

Chief Strategy Officer

Kaito Iwasaki


Chief Technical Officer

Date of Birth: August 6, 2828

A leading authority in the fields of genetics and human augmentation, he has spearheaded numerous technological innovations that have contributed to the development of Sekiguchi Genetics into a market-leading company.

He continues to be a pioneer in the industry, redefining the human condition by developing the revolutionary SILKWORMCB  security process, while pursuing the use of sustainable technologies.

Awards and biography:

2879Leadership Award, Society of Professional Engineers, Japan
2885International Fellow, Noble Academy of Engineering
2857 MayJoined Sekiguchi Robotics
2877 AprilAppointed as WEAVEWORMCB project chief
2879 AugustAppointed General Manager of the WEAVEWORMCB Project
2881 JuneAppointed General Manager of Planning Division, Sekiguchi Robotics
2882 AugustAppointed General Manager of Sekiguchi Robotics Development Division
2884 MarchAppointed Chief of Sekiguchi Robotics Planning Group
2884 AugustAppointed Chief Information Officer of Sekiguchi Robotics
2885 January    Appointed General Manager, Planning Group, Sekiguchi Genetics
2885 MarchAppointed General Manager, Sustainability Promotion Division
2885 JuneAssistant to Chief Sustainability Officer
2886 MarchAppointed Chief Sustainability Officer
2886 MayAppointed Assistant to Chief Technical Officer
2888 JuneAppointed Senior Fellow, Sustainability Promotion Division
2888 AprilAppointed Chief Technical Officer

Chief Technology Officer

Seri Sato

Mr. Sato-san headed the WEAVEWORMCB Project at Sekiguchi Robotics.

Now we have another new term SILKWORMCB. Again this is not a translation issue as it is written in English in the biography. So we have WORKWORMCB, SILKWORMCB, and WEAVEWORMCB.

Nothing new to Marathon though. We've seen this kind of thing before.

Oh and don't forget to read the small print at the bottom of the page.

Sekiguchi Genetics customers agree to the following terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. By purchasing or using our products or services, you acknowledge that Sekiguchi Genetics is not responsible for any mutations or other unforeseen effects resulting from genetic engineering.

1. Disclaimer Relating to Genetic Engineering
By purchasing or using our products or services, you acknowledge that Sekiguchi Genetics is not responsible for any mutations or other unforeseen effects resulting from genetic engineering. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any and all damages, claims, or losses arising from such mutations or unforeseen effects.

2. Intellectual Property Rights
Sekiguchi Genetics retains all intellectual property rights in its products and services, including patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. You may not copy, modify, distribute, or reverse engineer our products or services without our prior written consent.

3. Disclaimer Relating to Robotics
By purchasing or using our robotic products or services, you acknowledge that Sekiguchi Genetics shall not be liable for any failure, injury, or damage resulting from the operation or use of such products or services. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any and all damages, claims, or losses arising from such failure, injury, or damage.

4. Data Privacy Policy
We value data privacy and will not disclose personal information to third parties without your consent. However, we reserve the right to collect and use anonymized data for research and development purposes.

5. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
This Notice shall be governed by the laws of the UESC, including, without limitation, the laws of the planet Earth and Mars, without regard to conflict of laws provisions. Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Notice shall be resolved by arbitration through the Space Arbitration Agency. By using our products or services, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this Notice and agree to abide by its terms. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use our products or services.

Pretty much the same as the Bungie Legal Liability Notice.

As a point of interest when you visit the Sekiguchi Genetics website you will get a green screen displayed at the start on which the following kanji will be briefly displayed.

Based on the source code the kanji cycle through the following descriptions:

Scanning face
Scanning blood temperature
Granting access
Translating the actual kanji gives you:

Face recognition
Blood temperature measurement
Access permissions
Access established
The source code also reveals that there was an alternative set of kanji, namely

Scanning face
Scanning blood temperature
DNA Link not detected

But this version isn't displayed.

Sometimes the following image will briefly display (only for a split-second) at the start.

You can download the graphic from the page source. It has a creepy vibe to it.

At the top left hand corner of the Sekiguchi Genetics website there was a login.

Clinking on it gave you this.

Like the password for the Traxus Chat Room the username and password for the Sekiguchi Genetics login was in the Somewhere In The Heavens - ViDoc.

When the Somewhere In The Heavens - ViDoc went live at 6.10 PM PST May 24, 2023 it contained a clue to the username and password. At 4 minutes 29 seconds into the ViDoc at the point where Emily Katske (Animation Lead on Marathon) describes how the art style of Marathon is "graphic realism, bold, colorful, stylised art".

Her title banner briefly changes to...


This was the username and password for Sekiguchi Genetics login.

The name Yoshito Tamura was referred to under Innovation (see above). Part of the Innovation text reads:
If you are currently a contracted customer, please contact Mina Goto. If you are a purchasing manager at UESC, please contact Yoshito Tamura.
The Kanji had to be translated to English for the password to work.

The translation can vary depending on the online translator used. Common results were Karon, Karone, Carone, Carrón, or Charon. Only Charon will work and was translated by online translator Reverso.

Login failure.

Login success.


Page maintained by Hamish Sinclair
Last updated Aug 1, 2023