
since 1995


since 2019

Saturday August 31, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #467.

As we reach the end of the month here is a random snapshot of some of what we covered in August.

What did you miss?

Friday August 30, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #466.

Tru7h or Dare?

Go on ask her.

I dare you!

Mara by Fernando Tejada on ArtStation. February, 2024.

Mara is by Fernando Tejada, a character artist from Spain, on ArtStation.

Fernando writes:
Character portrait I have been doing in my spare time. Loosely inspired by some sketches from behind the scenes of the new Marathon game from Bungie. Still a wip but sharing these since it's hard to find time to balance personal projects with a full time job and trying to have a (barely) healthy life.
Fernando has captured that thousand-yard stare down to a T.

Mara stare by Fernando Tejada. February, 2024.

Want more of that iconic look?

Well Fernando has you covered.

Mara by Fernando Tejada on ArtStation. February, 2024.

But what about the...

Well Fernando has you covered.

Mara by Fernando Tejada on ArtStation. February, 2024.

Mara is a UESC Runner?

Well sign me up!

Today's news was sponsored by the...

Welcome to the Unified Earth Space Council, the preeminent governing body for human expansion into the stars. Our organization is dedicated to ensuring the continued success of humanity's foray into space through rigorous protocols. diplomacy, and peacekeeping actions.

Shoot to Kill. Roger that.

Thursday August 29, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #465.

Sparkle off! It's Thursday!

Sparkle off. It's Thursday by qrowscant (@qrowscant) on tumblr. June 25, 2024

I bet you didn't see that coming.

qrowscant writes:
wanted to match with durandal's gif
qrowscant (@qrowscant) on tumblr followed up his Durandal "Sparkle on! It's Wednesday" image (see yesterday) with what he called a "shoutout to cyborgs everywhere".

Of course, some cyborgs just want to watch the world burn.

On the subject of burning, the only thing that is going to clear this hallway is fire!

Welcome to Fungal Hallway!

Fungal Hallway by Dani Becker on ArtStation. March, 2024.

Fungal Hallway is by Dani Becker on ArtStation. Dani is a student at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and current president of VCU's unofficial Concept Art Club. Dani writes:
A piece based off the work shown for bungie's marathon, created for Sci Fi & Fantasy with Cat Samples @ VCU. I created a base with simple colored based textures to use as a base to emulate the style of rounded shapes with minimal textures and realistic shading, trying to emulate the Marathon style. I think it was fairly successful, but I think pushing the piece even further with more painting will push it further. I hope to revisit it soon!
Fungal Hallway is no doubt inspired by this piece of Marathon concept artwork.

Here's a work in progress shot by Dani.

Fungal Hallway (base) by Dani Becker on ArtStation. March, 2024.

So grab your Tozt and clean out that hallway.

Elon Musk demonstrates how to do it on set.

Elon Musk demonstrates the prototype Tozt Flame Unit for the Occupy Mars mission.

The creature behind Elon Musk is a Chockisen apparently. A native species of Tau Ceti IV.

No I don't make this stuff up. It's in the Marathon manual.

Wednesday August 28, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #464.

Sparkle on! It's Wednesday!

Sparkle on! It's Wednesday by qrowscant (@qrowscant) on tumblr. December 8, 2023

On the subject of sparkle... A Scanner Sparkly on Marathon Discord gives us the S'pht'Kr Defender with everyone's favorite Battleroid.

S'pht'Kr and Battleroid by A Scanner Sparkly on Marathon Discord. June 14, 2024.

A Scanner Sparkly wrote:
Very influenced by Garrett Post's art but tried not to be too derivative
Here's is Garrett Post's S'pht'Kr image created for Inktober 2020.

S'pht'Kr by Garrett Post on October 26, 2020.

As you might expect on social media these days people commented on the size difference... claiming that the S'pht'Kr Defender was larger.

A Scanner Sparkly wrote:
Here we go I fixed it

S'pht'Kr and Battleroid (Big) by A Scanner Sparkly on Marathon Discord. June 14, 2024.

Be careful what you wish for. Jugger'Kr.

Personally I think A Scanner Sparkly nailed the original image size.



Tuesday August 27, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #463.

So back on August 21, 2024 we featured a Marathon symbol by Delphius on DeviantArt which dated back to 2011.

Marathon Lives by Delphius on DeviantArt. October 5, 2011.

To complete a duality we are not featuring a similar Marathon symbol by GuidingLight (@GuidingLight) on X.

Marathon lore by GuidingLight on July 27, 2024.

GuidingLight writes:
Found this screenshot I took from a few YEARS back... the hidden message.
I'll let you figure out the hidden message.

Don't underestimate the time it takes to create something like this unless you have some sophisticated software.

In other news...

Continuing our theme of Marathon iconic moments. Dobledas is doing his version of the bridge (walkway) on Defend THIS!

Defend THIS! (WIP) by Dobledas on Marathon Discord. August 23, 2024.

Note this is a work in progress.

Regarding the raised alcoves with the Pfhor fighters, Dobledas writes:
Apparently there's like ammo and grenades in there with the Pfhor. interesting little spots to get to if you can grenade jump well enough.
Only one problem. THIS! isn't the bridge I remember. It looked more like THIS!

Defend THIS!

Monday August 26, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #462.

What's in a logo?

madeleine on the Marathon Discord points to a MIDA-like logo by Obrazur Brands for Melden International.

Obrazur Brands describe the logo as follows:
Melden International -

Discover the future of logistics with our innovative American company. We redefine goods movement from producer to consumer with cutting-edge technology, seamlessly integrating transportation, handling, and storage.

Our logo, a blend of lines and ellipses, symbolizes stability and adaptability, leading to three logos representing air, land, and sea transport-showcasing our full range of capabilities.

Our color palette of vibrant orange, bold black, and crisp white conveys energy, trust, and clarity.
Bungie's describe their MIDA logo as follows:
The mark consists of the bottom part of a circle cut with a triangular indentation from above, hovering over a geometric design consisting of two stylized hexagons facing each other, coming together at a point, forming triangular indentations at the sides, top, and bottom.
Corporate lawyers debate the issue and agree that the logos are totally different. Big mega payouts for everyone!

End of story?

Then this happens...

Westerico card by Obrazur Brands on Instragram. August 6, 2024.

Oddly this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember...

Hell, yes I can...

Then this happens...

Corn pillow by Obrazur Brands on Instragram. July 30, 2024.

A corn pillow?

And I'm like T-Bird in the Crow.

There ain't no coming back. The Crow

There ain't no coming back Christopher Barrett... there ain't no coming back...

Screen capture from Marathon Discord. Orxy is Christopher Barrett. Time is GMT.

Christopher Barrett??  Seriously Mulder... he's gone. There ain't no coming back.

Sunday August 25, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #461.

Whose side are you on?

Traxus T-Shirt worn by Christin on August 21, 2024.

People are picking sides and drawing lines in the sand. Whose side will you be on at Tau Ceti IV?

Christin (@MissKuri89) from Brandenburg in Germany is on the side of Traxus Global.

And how could we blame her. Traxus have the best clones, the best gear and the best pay!

Now I know what you are thinking... this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember...

And then the penny drops... we featured MissKuri89 back on May 21, 2024 wearing the same shirt!

(circumstances are cyclical)

You know you've played Marathon Infinity way too much when you keep repeating the same timeline... only it's slightly different.

Welcome to my life. This is a true story.

I had no idea what today's update was going to be as the clock ticked down.

You see... I only have so much time for each daily update.

The AI who runs the show around here keeps telling me "I need time to calm down."

So why not play Marathon?

Why Not Play Marathon by recursivetransformarray on tumblr. August 24, 2024.

This single image nicely encapsulates some of the things that make Marathon great. It's by recursivetransformarray (@recursivetransformarray) on tumblr.

recursivetransformarray writes:
originally made because I couldn't articulate a good way to rec beyond urhghhhhghuthgh ai drama big lore metatext good
So if you want to describe what makes Marathon good in seven words them it's got to be... "urhghhhhghuthgh ai drama big lore metatext good".

Alternatively just show them the above image.

Saturday August 24, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #460.

Now that we are truly into the summer madness with the release of Marathon Infinity on Steam I came across this oddity by scriptkindling (@scriptkindling) on tumblr.

The piece is entitled: Revenge as Cosmic Horror, S. | Marathon Infinity (1996), Bungie.

Revenge as Cosmic Horror by scriptkindling on tumblr. June 24, 2024.

I will leave it to you to discover the original redacted text and to figure out what it all means.

This is Marathon Infinity... after all.

The horror... the horror...
The moving hand once having writ moves on. Nor all thy piety nor wit can lure it back to cancel half a line.
Omar Khayyám, Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

A sketch from one of my old journals by Christopher Paolini on r/marathon. January 12, 2018.

The hand in question is a sketch by American author Christopher Paolini.

An author of some repute and a big Marathon fan.

When asked if Marathon was an inspiration for him as a kid?

He replied: Still is! Some of the best deep lore of any sci-fi story I think.

Christopher Paolini is most famous for The Inheritance Cycle, a trilogy starting with Eragon (2002) which would later be made into a 20th Century Fox film of the same name.

More recently he has moved into science fiction with the Fractalverse series.

Fractalverse by Christopher Paolini at

His most recent book in the series is Fractal Noise. The blurb reads:
A stellar survey team in the mid-2030s discovers an anomaly on a seemingly uninhabited planet. A pit 50 kilometer wide and most certainly not of natural origin.

How did it get there? And who, or what, built it? A small team must land and journey on foot across alien terrain to find out.

Fractal Noise by Christopher Paolini. Published May 16, 2023.

Humanity is not alone.

Somewhere in the heavens... they are waiting.

Friday August 23, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #459.

SIR DOUBLE D continues his exploration of Marathon with bespoke artwork of each level capturing that iconic moment.

Iconic moment: Never Burn Money.

Never Burn Money by SIR DOUBLE D on r/marathon. August 21, 2024.

SIR DOUBLE D writes:
wanted to do something different with the perspective so I went with a Security camera POV. idk if I got the color and vibes right but I needed to finish it and get it out. working on the next one as we speak and it's coming out great. Lot's of action in that one!
Decode the binary at your peril!

This is the third piece in the series. You can see the other pieces int the series below.

Iconic moment: Arrival.

Arrival by SIR DOUBLE D on August 7, 2024.

Iconic moment: Bigger Guns Nearby.

Bigger Guns Nearby by SIR DOUBLE D on August 9, 2024.

Never Burn Money is the level where we must collect three replacement circuit boards for the Marathon's defense system.

Without these Leela can't reactivate the Marathon's automated defenses.

So here we are in the Marathon's Automatic Manufacturing Systems collecting the replacement circuits but there is one problem...

But I digress.

There are two suicide traps (called 'softlocks' today to avoid offence) on this level. One is by design, the other is unintentional.

If you can't wall climb out of the secret Deprivation Chamber then you will need to kill yourself (suicide) and restart from a previous saved game.

Frankly how anyone did this the first time around is beyond me.

If this was done today social media would be like... Bungie prompts player suicide!

Bungie would later tell us about wall climbing in a secret terminal on the penultimate level Try again.
Climbing Walls.  Correct application of grenades to one's own feet while running parallel to a wall can allow players to "climb" them.
Pfhor ■■■■'s sake.

The Deprivation Chamber holds a secret that has perplexed fans for 30 years.

If you know you know. It you don't... learn how to wall climb. Greg Kirkpatrick left you a story.

Greg wrote:
Read my lips:
Computer games tell stories.
That's what they're for.
This level also has the story about... The Woman.

But that's a story for another day.

In other news...

Marathon Infinity (aka Classic Marathon Infinity) is now available on Steam.

The Marathon Trifecta on Steam PowAR.

In 1924 the first 'cyborg' walked the streets of London.

But be warned.

Play Marathon Infinity at your own risk.

Marathon Infinity by c-53 on tumblr. June 19, 2023

You have been warned!

Thursday August 22, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #458.

So back on August 5, 2023 we featured a Marathon RUNЯ t-shirt which was given out to content creators at the 2023 Gaming Community Expo (GCX) in Orlando, Florida.

RUNЯ shirt. Photograph courtesy of m1k3y60659 on r/marathon. There is nothing on the back.

Now thanks to a seller on eBay we have some high quality pics of the front of the shirt showing exact details of all the logos.

First up is the full image of the front of the shirt.

Marathon RUNЯ t-shirt by The Door Maker on eBay. August 13, 2024.

RUNЯ logo.


Sekiguchi Genetics logo.

Traxus Offworld logo.

UAS logo.

No doubt at the time of manufacture these companies/entities were destined to feature in the new game.

They are included here because that is what we do on the Story page.

Twenty years from now people will ask... "Dumalogi?"... "Offworld?"... "WTF is UAS?".

Traxus Offworld has that Blade Runner vibe to it.

If you want to know about what went down at GCX 2023 in relation to Bungie and their RUNЯ t-shirt for content creators then watch this YouTube video - "The Future of Communications from Bungie".

Note that Andy Lunique recently left Bungie.

Wednesday August 21, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #457.

And now for something completely different.

To celebrate Happy 819 Day, Pfhortnite on the Marathon Discord created this Marathon/SpongeBob SquarePants parady using episode "Reef Blower" from Season 1.

Marathon/SpongeBob SquarePants parady by Pfhortnite on Marathon Discord. August 19, 2024

The amount of effort it took to create this is phenomenal. Matching the most appropriate Marathon sound and music to the cartoon action with precise timing takes a brain the size of planet or something.

Hats off to Pfhortnite.

On the same day... Happy 819 Day, Mythoclast (@Mythoclast_X) posted the following:

Back to the Marathon by Mythoclast (@Mythoclast_X) on August 19, 2024.

Finally someone is getting it.

Mythoclast quotes from a 2008 blog by Chris Baer:
Why the rabid fan base? Setting aside the fact that this amazing game was Mac-only, fostering quite proprietary feelings in the breasts of many Mac gamers, the game's immersive story kept people coming back for more even after the last level.
Nicely put.

Mythoclast's piece is based on the final room in the Stanley Kubrick movie 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).

2001: A Space Odyssey. Final room. 1968.

Due to clever set design and cinematography the space within this room is no longer bound by the conventions of linear time.

But I digress.

The Marathon symbol used is by Delphius on DeviantArt and dates from 2011.

Marathon Lives by Delphius on DeviantArt. October 5, 2011.

Tuesday August 20, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #456.

Ok... so it has only been 456 days since the Marathon announcement but AlexB207 (@AlexB207Swag) has waited enough for Marathon news.

He's dead!

POV: waiting for news about Nu-Marathon by AlexB207 (@AlexB207Swag) on August 18, 2024.

This of course reminds me of that famous Monty Python parrot sketch.

He's not dead... he's resting...

Monty Python. Dead parrot sketch. December 7, 1969.

And anyone who is a Monty Python fan will know exactly where this is heading.

But I digress.

While you are waiting for Marathon why not take up lumberjacking aluminum foil sculpturing.

All the Rage apparently.

Security Officer - Aluminum Foil Sculpture by TheFoilGuy (@foil_guy) on August 15, 2024.

TheFoilGuy writes:
I can make anything you can think of out of aluminum foil.

Monday August 19, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #454.

Happy Eight Nineteen Day!

Yes folks, August 19 is traditionally 819 Day unless you are in Europe then it is 198 Day.

Of course, it's a lot more complicated than that but that's about the gist of it.

On this day of days it is traditional to fire up the secret Double Aught map buried alive in Marathon Infinity called 'Hats off to Eight Nineteen' and go a round or two in Hangar 96.

I'm back in the hanger again...

I'm back in the hanger again... by jayeuse (@jayeuse) on tumblr. June 25, 2024.

Full color variant.

I'm back in the hanger again... by jayeuse (@jayeuse) on tumblr. June 25, 2024.

This is Blender render of the map 'Hats off to Eight Nineteen' (aka Hangar 96) made by jayeuse (@jayeuse) on tumblr a few months ago.

The objective of Hangar 96 is to survive long enough to read the raised terminal containing... the autocrat's tale.
Nicodeem blinked, staring at the slug-gun poised in the figure's hand, realizing the sub-sonic bullets had come not from the poly, but from the figure in the door, who had been watching the whole transaction.
Lessons applicable to Hangar 96: move fast, seize the initiative, wield superior firepower, dive into the melee, anticipate enemy movements, slaughter the defenseless, endure.

Hangar 96 by mickel (@dook) on Cara. February 14, 2024.

Marathon Furries... They're Everywhere!

But I digress.

Other notable things about the number 819.
  • 819 is the height of the Marathon's security officer in World Units. Slightly taller than Jack Reacher?
  • 819 is one minute before 0820, the time of the attack on the U.E.S.C. Marathon.
  • Hats off to Eight Nineteen is one of the levels in Double Aught's net map pack Coriolis Loop.
  • If you divide 819 by Bungie's magic number 7 you get 117, the designation of Halo's Master Chief John-117.
  • 819 reduces to 9 (8+1+9 = 18 = 1+8 = 9). Similarly 117 reduces to 9. And 54 (Mjolnir Recon number 54) reduces to 9.
  • Hats off to 819 is one of the achievements in Marathon: Durandal for Xbox. To achieve this you have to read every single terminal in the single player game.
And just how many terminals are there in Marathon 2?  Is the number 81?  And can you read them all?

Can you spot the 819 achievement?

Happy 819 Day. It's a magic number afterall.

Sunday August 18, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #453.

Today we continue our theme of iconic moments that define a Marathon level.

Iconic moment... Nuke And Pave.

The Kick!

Nuke and Pave by General-RADIX on DeviantArt. December 21, 2017.

What Fun to Watch You Work by JimothyGreene on DeviantArt. November 10, 2022.

To be honest Nuke and Pave (originally called Beg To Die) has few memorable moments.

It's more of a filler level (part of the level is actually the same as the net level, "No Distinigrations").

I mean come on... seriously. What kind of day was Greg Kirkpatrick having?

Its sole purpose appears to be to get us to the final terminal where we learn about the fate of Berhnard Strauss.

He died!

Well according to Durandal anyway.

However we have been told (by those that know aka Dr Bernhard H Strauss, DSc) not to believe anything we are told by a rampant AI.

Perhaps Bernhard Strauss is still alive?

Dr Bernhard Strauss by General-RADIX on DeviantArt. May 31, 2016.

Back in 2016 General-RADIX wrote:
So, uh, am I the first person to draw Bernhard Strauss? My theory, as I've mentioned elsewhere, is that he was an agent of MIDA; that's another agent behind him, one of the many who would seek out "volunteers" for their effort in the Third Martian War. I took a fair bit of influence from Brian Horton's "Tiny Secrets" (The Art of X-Files, 1998).
Those dirty little secrets!

But I digress.

The Kick is an iconic terminal image on the Marathon 2 level Nuke and Pave.

The image was created by Robert McLees and shows the Security Officer kicking a Pfhor fighter into a wall and the wall shattering with the force.

Nuke and Pave by Robert McLees from the Marathon Scrapbook. May 1997.

When Frank Miller drew "The Kick" back in 1998 did he know...

300. Frank Miller (writer and artist) and Lynn Varley (colorist). Dark Horse Comics. May-September 1998.

...that he would create an image that would endure. Durability.

THIS IS SPARTA. Gerard Butler in the film "300" based on the comic book by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley. 2007


Saturday August 17, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #452.

Hang onto your space monkey cause...

...Double Aught's Coriolis Loop Netmap Pack is coming to Steam.

Eighteen network levels to test your courage and fortitude in battle by the boys and girl who gave us the Marathon Infinity scenario Blood Tides of Lh'owon.

Coriolis Loop was released on February 6, 1997. Double Aught's website announced the release and gave us a download link.

Coriolis Loop contained level architecture to die for... and you would... over and over.

The release of Coriolis Loop would lead to The Battle of Brooklyn.

Promoted by Don King Promotions it ushered in the 'new bushido'.

Two player net games. Mano a mano pavement chewing carnage. Two men enter, one man leaves.

Up to this point net games were more like gangbangs... fire at will... let God sort it out... more luck than skill.

The 'new bushido' offered peace, harmony and that 'one shot' kill.

Greg Kirkpatrick (toolboi) wrote:
Randy likes to hang out on ledges and jump on your head after letting himself go blank on the motion sensor... so you can't tell where he is.
Going Ninja became the buzzword for a whole generation of Marathon players.

Sadly all gone.

Now it's all gangbangs... fire at will... let God sort it out... more luck than skill!

Bring back the 'new bushido'.

Sanjuro (1962) directed by Akira Kurosawa starring Toshiro Mifune.

Today's news was sponsored by the Marathon's Story page (Toyko, Japan).


Friday August 16, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #451.


...recently hgrethedelon (@hgrethedelon), who openly admits "i make terrible drawings sometimes",  posted the following with the tagline "he was forced to play Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap"

Forced to play Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap by hgrethedelon (@hgrethedelon) on August 13, 2024.

And I'm like... THAT'S IT! The definitive piece of Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap artwork.

Mjolnir Recon 54 is going to shoot himself in the head rather than go through Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap.

Finally someone gets it!


Then I see a work in progress (line art) piece.

Forced to play Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap (work in progress) by hgrethedelon (@hgrethedelon) on Marathon Discord. August 14, 2024.

And then I'm like... Private Hudson in Aliens "this ain't happening, man... This can't be happening, man! This isn't happening!"

Mjolnir Recon 54 is not going to shoot himself in the head rather than go through Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap?

hgrethedelon went on to post a subsequent piece stating: "same piece but without the coloured lighting just to make it potentially easier to read"

Forced to play Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap (color variant) by hgrethedelon (@hgrethedelon) on August 14, 2024.

In a twist to the plot hgrethedelon would post yet another variant of his picture. This time a little lighter showing the gun isn't pointing at the player's head.

Forced to play Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap (report) by hgrethedelon (@hgrethedelon) on August 15, 2024.

hgrethedelon writes:
gun wasn't clear enough, reposting
don't worry guys! he beat Colony Ship for Sale, Cheap
Somewhere in the Heavens... Jason Jones is laughing.

Back on August 11, 2024 we asked... what is the most iconic part of each Marathon level that would easily identify it?

So without further ado...

Iconic moment... Fatum Iustum Stultorum.

I'm Back by juzo-kun on tumblr. July 16, 2017.

We've featured this artwork before by Italian artist juzo-kun and it just screams... Fatum Iustum Stultorum but with a humorous twist.

You either get it or you don't.

Play more Marathon!

Thursday August 15, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #450.

And now for something completely different.

Marathon gouache.

Marathon terminal gouache sketch by Ryker Woodward (@ArtistRyker) on August 10, 2024.

This is a piece of gouache artwork by Ryker Woodward (@ArtistRyker) an artist and gamer in Monterey, California, United States.

Gouache painting has a long history and is similar to watercolor painting but the paint used is a mixture of natural or synthetic pigments, water and gum arabic, which essentially acts as a binding agent. In some gouache paints chalk is added to give the paint additional body

Here's a nice piece of text that gets under the skin of the artist himself.
In this exploration of the cultural echoes of gaming histories, Woodward excavates these nostalgic vignettes for emotive paintings. His work imbues sincerity and affective resonance, affording viewers an evocative realm where memory and narrative converge. There, the line blurs between observer and participant, where the act of creation becomes an act of remembrance and cultural critique. His paintings, first, limn moments frozen in digital time, but also serve as conduits for introspection and collective reevaluation.
If you recall we featured watercolor Marathon art by South African artist Tshidiso Tshetlo back on July 3, 2024

Marathon watercolor by Tshidiso Tshetlo (@tshidisotshetlo) on June 20, 2023.

And of course there is the famous acrylic on canvas painting of a Homesick Pfhor by Scottish artist Stephen Beveridge. No doubt hanging in an art gallery... somewhere in the heavens.
In its glory years, Battle Group Three had been known throughout the Empire; decorated in every battle anyone remembered from the Wars of Imperium, for turning back the loyalists at Tahrm's Gap and holding the approaches to the Pfhor homeworld itself during the slave revolt of the Nakh.

Undefeated in battle, it was finally politics that splintered Battle Group Three; by sending a few ships to suppress subservient races here, a few more to garrison the fringes of Pfhor influence there, the nobility had slowly broken the power of the old Navy.

What was left of Battle Group Three had been assigned to this dead world in the Galactic Core. To defend the system against a single enemy no one expected would ever arrive, and who had last been seen thousands of light-years away.

The tedium of blockade duty had destroyed morale and discipline.

I want to go home.

Pfhor-Head by justinhubbell on DeviantArt. October 19, 2016.

Marathon Inspires Diverse Art.

Wednesday August 14, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #449.

Continuing our theme of celebrating Marathon art from around the world we give you...

T zzzzz a digital artist from Shenzhen, China.

Marathon Runners by T zzzzz on ArtStation. June, 2023.

This nice action shot of Marathon PvP team play dates back to June 2023. Check out that Runner pouch with T zzzzz's name on it.

It's all in the detail.

More recently Bradley Cai a concept artist from Pasadena, United States gives us Project M - Plasma Rifle.

Project M - Plasma Rifle by Bradley Cai on ArtStation. July, 2024.

Project M - Plasma Rifle by Bradley Cai on ArtStation. July, 2024.

Staying on the subject of guns Neïte a French artist gives us Marathon Fusion Power!

Using radical cutting edge technology Neïte (@Neite_off) takes the following concept art from the Marathon ViDoc...

Marathon concept art. Marathon ViDoc. May 2023.

...and gives us this.

Fusion Gun by Neïte (@Neite_off) on August 4, 2024.

But where's the trigger?

Tuesday August 13, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #448.

And now back to Marathon.

cameron (@Stormtroopaahh) gives us RUNNER-07.

These are using Destiny assets in case you are wondering.

RUNNER-07 by cameron (@Stormtroopaahh) at June 15, 2023.

Really feeling this ice shot.

RUNNER-07 by cameron (@Stormtroopaahh) at June 15, 2023.

Reminds me of the MIDA Mini-Tool lore about shooting the ice.
Shot the ice this morning. The gun fired a thermal round and then a pellet of water purifier. Came out pure and sweet. Marvelous.

In other news...

Soul (@Soul_ant19) gives us another one of those Halo/Marathon crossover pics.

Never Forget New Mombasa by Soul (@Soul_ant19) on August 5 2024.

No doubt I will get another bunch of emails telling me this is no longer a Marathon symbol. It's a Halo symbol.

Of course the question you should be asking is... am I missing any in the Soul baseball card series?

Monday August 12, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #447.

Back on July 6, 2024 we featured an audio and visual interpretation of the MIDA Mini-Tool lore which contains Marathon references.

MIDA Mini-Tool lore by Jack Strider (@strider_au) on June 29, 2024.

Concerning the lore text I wrote:
It would not surprise me if this was written by former Halo and Destiny writer Jon Goff, now narrative lead on Marathon.
Now Seth Dickinson, fantasy and science fiction writer, writes:
Much love to Jon, who is a great writer, but the MIDA Minitool lore - and, as far as I know, all the other Marathon references in Destiny up through Beyond Light - were my work.

Curious how many of them were caught!
Curious indeed.

Destiny fans will know Seth as one, if not the main, Destiny lore writer.

Interesting to note that Seth graduated from the University of Chicago... like Jason Jones and Alex Seropian.

But I digress.

This would also make Seth the creator of the first MIDA acronym.

In the MIDA Multi-Tool lore there is a humorous reference to MIDA meaning Mars Is Damnably Arid.

On the subject of iconic moments in Marathon here are two more.

Iconic moment... Try again.

Try again by Jay Faircloth (aka anaphiel) at

Yes we've all been here multiple times. If you die on Ingue Ferroque without finding the secret pattern buffer then this will become a common sight - the exit terminal on Try again.

The old adage goes - "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

In Marathon the adage goes - "If at first you don't succeed, die, die again."

Iconic moment... Ingue Ferroque.

M1A1 End Screen by Jay Faircloth (aka anaphiel) at

If you have reached the final terminal on Ingue Ferroque the hard way though multiple attempts and leaps of faith then you know exactly how the Security Officer feels because you were there.

The battle for the Marathon is finally over!

Sunday August 11, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #446.

SIR DOUBLE D (@SIRDOBLEDAS) has been playing Marathon (as you do) but he's also been documenting his experience through art.

Only two levels so far but it is early days.


Arrival by SIR DOUBLE D on August 7, 2024.

Bigger Guns Nearby.

Bigger Guns Nearby by SIR DOUBLE D on August 9, 2024.

Will be interesting to see what he comes up with for the next level 'Never Burn Money' and the Gheritt White terminal.

Assuming he made it. Not everybody does.

In similar style Paz (@TheRealQuenny) gives us Mjolnir Recon 54.

Mjolnir Recon 54 by Paz on August 5, 2024.

Paz writes:
This is probably my longest and best looking piece yet, I am very happy with how it turned out.
This could easily pass for Couch Fishing in the maze like area at the start.

One wonders if there is a piece of art for every Marathon level?

Recently AlexB207 (@AlexB207Swag) gave us the much loved Colony Ship for Sale, Cheap level.

Colony Ship for Sale, Cheap by AlexB207 (@AlexB207Swag) on August 2, 2024.

So here's the question - what is the most iconic part of each Marathon level that would easily identify it?

For example. Stuck at the bottom of a hole. How droll.

Stuck at the bottom of a hole. How droll by NapalmG. 2005.

Saturday August 10, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #445.

Happy Marathon Infinity Demo Day!

On this day 28 years ago the Marathon Infinity Demo was released.

The Infinity Demo read me was quite vague on what to expect in terms of the Blood Tides of Lh'owon story.

However it did reveal:
Some of the messages you get are from the different computers aboard the Marathon, some are log entries left by inhabitants of the Marathon, and some are just garbage, spewing out from the digital geysers created by the Alien compilers.

But it did go on to say:
Expect the unexpected.
Well that's an understatement.

Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Marathon Infinity demo is. You have to play it for yourself.

Oddly, this is familiar to you,
as if it were from an old dream,
but you can't exactly remember...

The first level of the Marathon Infinity demo had been cleverly designed to give you that déjà vu feeling of being back on the Marathon.

Just not your Marathon.

UESC Marathon by Myrzir on the Marathon Discord. November 23, 2023.


Happy Marathon Infinity Demo Day!

Play it and understand.
the dark reflection of ~self
seeping through
my maze of mirrors my circus glass

I am hero by ThousandMasks on September 11, 2022.

Friday August 9, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #444.

All the fours in triple Pfhor!

Well this brought a smile to my face.

Jack Strider (@strider_au) does the Olympics. Well a meme of the Paris Olympics 2024.

Tau Ceti Olympics by Jack Strider (@strider_au) on August 6, 2024.

For those that may be confused this is a meme about Yusuf Dikeç from Turkey who won silver in the 10m air pistol mixed team event without any cybernetic enhancements and his hand in his pocket.

His look and attitude has gone on to create an epic meme fest internationally.

Here are some additional shots from Jack.

Tau Ceti Olympics by Jack Strider (@strider_au) on August 6, 2024.

Tau Ceti Olympics by Jack Strider (@strider_au) on August 6, 2024.

Tau Ceti Olympics by Jack Strider (@strider_au) on August 6, 2024.

For those who are still not clear here is a segment from the Battle of Supremacy YouTube channel.

Here's part of the text.
Kim Yeji a silver medalist in the women's 10m air pistol event is celebrated for her striking health Goth aesthetic and advanced shooting equipment. Her look is a fusion of sleek high tech gear and modern fashion including futuristic eye wear designed to enhance visual accuracy and focus. Kim's style resonates with a blend of dark athletic fashion that has captured both sport enthusiasts and fashion aficionados.

Health Goth aesthetic. The new Marathon look for 2025?

Mjolnir Recon 54 be like...

Olympic shooting silver medalist Yusuf Dikec reprising his iconic posture.

Thursday August 8, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #443.

Happy Marathon 2: Durandal Unveil Day!

On this day 29 years ago Bungie unveiled their new game Marathon 2: Durandal at Macworld Expo 1995 in Boston (August 8-11).

You could walk right up to their booth and play it. Early access 20th century style!

Here's a report of what went down at the Bungie booth on the first day.

But wait there is more...

Today is also Happy Marathon 2: Durandal Preview Day!

That's right folks Power Computing (in conjunction with Bungie) were giving out "The Disc" containing a preview of Marathon 2: Durandal at Macworld.
Whatever you do, don't leave Boston without a free copy of "The Disc."
You could walk right up to their booth and grab it. Take it home and play it. Early access 20th century style!

Power Computing "The Disc" Macworld Expo 1995 in Boston (August 8-11)

But wait there is even more...

If you picked up a copy of Inside Mac Games July/August 1995 you could read a sneek peek of Bungie's new game.

Marathon 2 had rootin' tootin' gun-packing Bobs and cyborg tanks with miniguns.

And all we got were a pair of duelling shotguns.

vidboi by AlexB207 (@AlexB207Swag) on August 6, 2024.

Thanks to AlexB207 (@AlexB207Swag) with this epic shotguns akimbo piece to celebrate the day that is in it.

Now I know what you are thinking... how do those reload?

Well to quote Durandal from the Marathon 2 manual...
I won't waste my time trying to explain the loading mechanism to you - your primitive mind could never grasp its complex nature.

Wednesday August 7, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #442.

The Muse is fleeting... ideas can hit at any moment...

... like dishwashers.

This is a rare Bungie Comic dating back to February 25, 2003.

Greg Kirkpatrick's run-in with a dishwasher actually dates back to Pathways Into Darkness.

On the aptly titled level "Watch Your Step" you will find Greg's body. If you ask him about his death he will reveal:
Then something hit me like a dish washer-
it must have been one of those zombies.

Zombie by jamessmith6 on Deviant Art. December 2015.

If you ask him about the dishwasher he will reveal:
Yeah, like a dish washer dropped from three
stories or something. I don't even remember
getting hit before that. I was spanking them
until I died.
Apparently this left him with a big bruise on his head making it possible for Jason to beat him at Street Fighter.

Yes, this is all the game. I kid you not.

The Muse is fleeting... ideas can come at any moment... write them down.

This exactly what Onions did. On his homework!

Marathon by Onions on Marathon Discord. August 5, 2024.

You can just about make out the subject.

I guess he had that fleeting Muse moment. Got to get that idea down quick.

Hope to see more from Onions in the future. His artwork has that edgy vibe.

On the subject of Greg Kirkpatrick, ukimalefu on DeviantArt asked an AI (not Durandal) to create an image based on the dishwasher incident.

Greg. Watch your Step by ukimalefu on DeviantArt. July 25, 2024.

It's always interesting to see how AI handles these esoteric concepts.

I guess like any fleeting Muse moment it's what you write down that's important.

In other news...

Jack Strider (@strider_au) gives us Neither High nor Low (Reprise).

Neither High nor Low (Reprise) by Jack Strider (@strider_au) on August 6, 2024.

Along with individual Runner, Spec-Ops, Hacker characters.

Runner, Spec-Ops, Hacker characters by Jack Strider (@strider_au) on August 6, 2024.

And a very atmospheric exterior group shot.

Neither High nor Low (Reprise) exterior by Jack Strider (@strider_au) on August 6, 2024.

As Durandal would say...

Tuesday August 6, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #441.

Continuing our theme of celebrating Marathon art from around the world we give you...

WilT (@Goodsarnaritan) a Korean artist.

As a Destiny fan his Marathon artwork is influenced by that aesthetic.

For example, his interpretation of the Marathon's AIs. Durandal, Tycho and Leela.

Marathon AIs by Wilt on August 4, 2024.

The piece that caught my attention was this sequence of three nicely executed panels.

You are Destiny by Wilt on Marathon Discord. August 5, 2024.

You are Destiny by Wilt on Marathon Discord. August 5, 2024.

You are Destiny by Wilt on Marathon Discord. August 5, 2024.

A man long dead. Grafted to machines your builders did not understand.
The eerie last panel reminds me of that Gravemind scene in Halo 2.

The encounter was nicely captured by Muttconcept (@muttconcept) in an illustration for @joekramerchaho. See below:

Gravemind by Muttconcept on February 2020.

This one is machine and nerve, and has its mind concluded.

Monday August 5, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #440.

Staying on the subject of trauma.

This is going on my Freak List for 2024.

Now don't get me wrong, being on the Freak List is not a BAD thing, it's a GOOD thing. It made me look not once, not twice, but thrice! It made me go... WTF and stare!

L'owon by gog (aka gog451) on Marathon Discord. May 29, 2024.

This is a sketch by gog (gog451) on Marathon Discord. Simply entitled L'owon (as written on the paper) and dates from May 29, 2024.

Now at first glance you might think it is just a sketch of the Lh'owon chapter screen by Craig Mullins.

Then you eyes slowly pan down...

Is that a little...

And you look again...

Are her feet...

And you look again...

And now you are like Daniel Kaluuya in that 2022 American science fiction horror film... Nope.

What has been seen cannot be unseen.


Is this some sort of Art Therapy for the trauma caused by playing Marathon and Yume Nikki?

Back in March 27, 2024 we featured Yume Nikki/Marathon crossover art by Cookiepwee.

yume nikki/bungie marathon crossover art by Cookiepwee on August 20, 2023.

Little did we know it would open a flood gate of interest and possible trauma.

Back then we wrote:
In the Yume Nikki / Marathon Infinity crossover "Where are monsters in dreams", Mjolnir Recon 54 be like...

We are truly sorry for any resulting trauma.

If you have experienced trauma while reading the Marathon's Story page then Marathoners Anonymous is here to help you. We have a seat here for you... beside gog and Hamish.


Sunday August 4, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #439.

And now for something completely different.


AlexB207 (@AlexB207Swag) gives us Colony Ship for Sale, Cheap.

Colony Ship for Sale, Cheap by AlexB207 (@AlexB207Swag) on August 2, 2024.


Most people are so traumatised by Colony Ship for Sale, Cheap they never want to experience it again. Why draw a picture of it?

Well art therapy is a recognised form of trauma therapy which provides a safe way to approach traumatic memories through the use of images and colors.

In the above image Alex has drawn the number 94 on the player. This has been the 94th time Alex has attempted to aligned the pillars correctly. He knows he will get it right on the 95th attempt.

He just has to draw it!

He would have torn out the eyes of his beater. He would have made him pay for his abuses.

S O by Phantosoma on DeviantArt. April 4, 2014.

The above image is by Phantosoma on DeviantArt. Simply entitled S O it remains unfinished after 10 years. Phantosoma wrote:
i'm kinda upset that i'm not gonna finish this
So are we.

Does the image express the trauma experienced by the player at the hands of the Pfhor?

Or the hatred for a schoolyard bully?
Everyone was a murderer, but Gheritt couldn't remember his reason for why that was so. He thought it was something about hands, the passion for justice.
Or for Jason Jones?
In Marathon 2, when I said that I hoped "All Roads Lead To Sol" atoned for the sins of "Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap!" I was serious. I can't believe anyone ever finished Marathon 1. I can't believe Greg didn't shoot me.
Only Phantosoma knows.

He just has to finish it!


If you have experienced trauma while playing Marathon then Marathoners Anonymous is here to help you. We have a seat here for you... beside Hamish.


Saturday August 3, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #438.

Happy Pathways Into Darkness Release Day

That's right folks... on this day 31 years ago Bungie released their new game Pathways Into Darkness at Macworld Expo 1993 in Boston.

Bungie had copies for sale at their booth and 350 people walked away with Pathways Into Darkness v1.0.

Interestingly, if you find the body of a dead Special Forces guy called Jason on the level Need A Light? and ask him about "pathways"... will get the following response.
I'm coding this script in the afternoon of
July 22nd, do you think we'll make MacWorld
on August 3rd?
That's some pretty tight coding.

Find out more on the Pathways Into Darkness page.

To celebrate the day here is some rare PID artwork by Phobos-Romulus (aka Neal D. Anderson) originally created for Marathon: Pathways into Darkness (MPiD), a fan-made total conversation of the original game for Aleph One.

Marathon: Pathways Into Darkness chapter screen by Phobos-Romulus. 16 October, 2008.

Marathon: Pathways Into Darkness chapter screen by Phobos-Romulus. 16 October, 2008.

Marathon: Pathways Into Darkness chapter screen by Phobos-Romulus. 16 October, 2008.

Marathon: Pathways Into Darkness chapter screen by Phobos-Romulus. 1 April, 2009.

Concerning the last piece Phobos-Romulus wrote:
Here's the final chapter screen. In the sky on the left, you can see a German soldier, an American soldier, and a Cuban soldier. In the middle is Deceit, and on the right is a Tribesman, Ryu Toth(A Jjaro) and a Zombie.
The names Greed, Malice and Deceit were the original names for special monsters in Pathways.

Bungie's Matt Soell described an early version of the Pathways Into Darkness Hint Book where the original names were revealed:
The Big Blue Meanie was named "Greed" in the draft. Likewise, the "Giant Purple Mutant Hellbeast or Barney on Steroids" was originally named "Malice" and the "Flaming Smokey Dude" went by the name "Deceit." Jason does not remember if these names were his idea or not, nor does he remember specifically why they were dropped in favor of the more colloquial descriptive names found in the final hint book.
Greed, Malice and Deceit.

This aptly describes the stages those who enter the pyramid go through.

A form of human-like Rampancy perhaps?

Happy Pathways Into Darkness Release Day.

Friday August 2, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #437.

Happy Marathon Unveil Day.

On this day 30 years ago Bungie unveiled Marathon at Macworld Expo 1994 in Boston.

People queued up for hours to play Marathon using a Virtual Reality (VR) headset.

A subsequent press release from Bungie stated that Marathon would have... "compatibility with VR headsets and the ability to look and fire up and down."

Those who believe that this was all faked (like the moon landings) point to the fact that in the 30 years since the summer of 1994 no one has been able to replicate the events at Macworld despite three decades of technological advances.

Others point to the fact that the gun used in the hoax was a plastic toy gun not a real gun!

The few that want to believe point to the events in Spring 1994 when the alien projection first appeared deep within the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.

What unfolded afterwards and the subsequent cover up are still classified.

Pathways Into Darkness (wider) by Myrzir / soyjak brothers mashup. No one saw me do it. July 7, 2024.

Also classified is how Bungie got the technology to run Marathon in virtual reality in the summer of 1994.

Virtual reality?  Seriously Mulder... it was 1994. No one had that technology.

In other news...

Taking inspiration from this piece of Marathon concept art from May 24, 2023.

Jack Strider (@strider_au) now gives us Marathon Runners (aka the Three Amigos).

Marathon Runners by Jack Strider (@strider_au) on July 31, 2024.

Marathon Runners (No. 77) by Jack Strider (@strider_au) on Marathon Discord. July 31, 2024.

Jack writes:
finally all weighted, rigged, and fixed up! so keen to finally make an artpiece with these three
Looking forward to seeing the subsequent artwork.

Thursday August 1, 2024  

This Day in Marathon.

Day #436.

Happy Marathon: Durandal Day!

On this day 14 years ago Marathon: Durandal, an 'enhanced port' of Marathon 2: Durandal, was released for Xbox Live Arcade on the Xbox 360. It was developed by Freeverse Inc. in association with Bungie Studios.

For those without an Xbox Marathon: Durandal is something of a mystery. An elusive hybrid. An enigma.

The game offered high definition graphics and support for 720p widescreen displays.

A new "Survival Mode" was added to provide that arcade experience on specially designed maps with titles like Sonic Electronic Ball Breakers and the Pfhor level Calm Like Your Mom.


How long would you last on Ball Breakers... fists only?

Sonic Electronic Ball Breakers. WTF is going on!

Lastly, Marathon: Durandal offered Leaderboards and Achievements.

Originally twelve Achievements could be obtained including the infamous Hats off to 819.

Due to demand three additional achievements would later be added.

The story goes that when Luke Smith joined Bungie Studios as content editor in May 2007 one of his first jobs was to interview Freeverse about the upcoming release of Marathon: Durandal for Xbox.

Bruce Morrison (Freeverse) drew the short straw.

Luke's opening question in his typical journalistic style was:
"Who is Freeverse and why are they messing with my Marathon?"
The interview gives us the lowdown on who Freeverse were and the gang of Marathon nuts fans who took on the job. Why they decided Jason Jones' smiling face had to be on Xbox Live Arcade. And the enhancements made to the game, including the "brand spanking new"  Survival Mode. Bruce Morrison revealed:
Survival is a giant truck that pulls up to your house one day, where a platoon of alien commandos jump out, kidnap you, and wail on you until you're dead. And then the truck explodes, just to make sure the job gets done. If you're lucky, you'll take out a few hundred of them before your final moments.
The full interview from Bungie's old website posted on July 17, 2007 is archived on the Story page because that's what we do.

You can't hide from your past.

Two expansion packs for Marathon: Durandal would later be offered. The Jjaro Net Pack and the Total Carnage Net Pack.

The Jjaro Net Pack would provide us with the first images of the alien race known as the Jjaro... or so we thought.

Happy Marathon: Durandal Day!

"Yes or No, Jason. Yes or No!  Jjaro were at Tau Ceti?"

Jason Jones (right), Luke Smith (left) | Image courtesy Bungie.

In other news...

Another round of layoffs at Bungie.

Pete Parsons broke the news on (yesterday) and outlined a new path for Bungie.

A total of 220 jobs gone, representing roughly 17% of their workforce.

Bungie still have over 850 staff working on Destiny and Marathon.

But the original goal of shipping games in three enduring, global franchises is over.

Two games. One path.

Eat the Path.

Go to What's New for July 2024

Page maintained by Hamish Sinclair
Last updated August 31, 2024