Feb 28, 1999 |
Feb 27, 1999 |
IMG also posted the following News item yesterday:
Oni Quicktime Movie If this is the same as the one publically available back in June 1998 then tut tut. At the time of writing Mac 3D Dot Com appeared to be down. At the request of Bungie the recently uploaded Oni trailer was pulled from the Blue's News gaming site. The following explanation was offered:
The movie showing off gameplay from Bungie's upcoming Oni that was posted here earlier has been pulled at the request of Bungie. It turns out this was not intended for distribution, and is not representative of the game's current gameplay. Story page regulars will have heard all this before. The Oni trailer was posted on Alex Okita's (lead artist Bungie West) site back in June 16, 1998 (See the What's New section). Several days later it was pulled on Bungie East's request. Those that downloaded it at the time noted the Marathon symbols in several scenes of the movie. In Nov 21, 1998 Alex Okita posted the following explanation as to why the Oni movie was pulled from his site.
"marketing" doesn't want to let anyone have it. they say that konoko looks better now than she did in the trailer. strange since the only change is a texture or two. sorry.....
This evening I played the Nightfall demo, and I must say, it reminded me of Pathways Into Darkness. The similarities are interesting... both take place in pyramids, and in both the player walks at a snail's pace!! You also find out that people were in the pyramid long ago in both Nightfall and Pathways Into Darkness. It just "feels" so similar. Playing Nightfall, I was half expecting to meet a few headlesses, but anyway, just thought I'd let you know... More information on Nightfall by Altor Systems can be found at http://www.altorsys.com/HTMLAltor/game.html.
Feb 26, 1999 |
I was re-reading the Marathon scrapbook recently and noticed this: "Alex who had won the right to a private office in a best-of-seven thumb wrestling tournament." Matt Soell put that into the Scrapbook... it wasn't me... I didn't do it... it was Matt! Honest.
Feb 25, 1999 |
http://scotstyle.com/paint%20pages/PFHOR.html And yes the painting was inspired by Marathon. Stephen, a fellow Scot, writes:
I appreciate the link from the story page to the painting as more than a few of my paintings were painted in between games. I can remember a painting ,which I haven't photographed, that was hugely influenced by my immersion in the clutches of Durandal. I couldn't paint without flashes of corridors and doors in my minds eye. Even walking about I would hesitate at the corner and stick close to the wall. Stephen's main art page is at http://scotstyle.com/paint%20pages/paintings.html Enjoy.
How about FOUR unused UESC Marathon stickers safely tucked away in an original - flat, not triangular - M1 box, hidden behind the four M1 floppies(!). (Tragically, one other sticker was sacrificed to customize an old Apple 16" Display at a long-ago job.) OK, no safety tape in sight, but still... Go on... make Philip an offer he can't refuse! ;-)
Feb 24, 1999 |
![]() which formed part of the Marathon Infinity Prologue Chapter pic. Randy responded and Miguel kindly fowarded the reply to the Story page. This is what Randy had to say:
ok. there are a few things in that photo, which assumed (correctly) was taken with a quickcam. the keyboard is an old apple adjustable keyboard, which, imo, was the best keyboard for marathon ever made. you might note the original uesc marathon 1 sticker in the bottom right corner and the safety tape i had placed over the spacebar. How many people can claim to have their original UESC Marathon sticker lying around on their desk?!!! That thing is valuable! Now safety tape over the spacebar is another matter? ;-)
Feb 23, 1999 |
John goes onto to say:
The weird thing is, the shot seems to show a keyboard and perhaps a desk in the background, at the bottom, making it not just a scan of a drawing.
http://www.m7.org/ or http://www.groupm7.com/ So were the M7 really a group of trainspotters? ;-) James also writes:
Feb 22, 1999 |
http://www.marathon.org/vidmaster/ and
The shot wasn't taken up against a the wall so it may not be that obvious, but it is hw. I wanted to get the space more than just stand close to a wall and show the hw texture filtering. You saw it first on the Story page!
Linked to this is Randy's Infinity page thought lost in a hard drive crash of '97. Concerning the images used on this page Aaron writes:
They appear to be early/alternate versions of Infinity terminals. One is Tycho's greeting at the beginning of "Rise Robot Rise", one looks like an early version of the credit pic in "Ne Cede Malis", one is from "Electric Sheep 1", and the others are the dream terms from "Where are monsters in dreams", "Whatever You Please", and "Eat the Path." Aaron also points out that there is a picture of Pfhactory N'Utopia, the space station of "Aye Mak Sicur," seen from outside at http://mail.odsnet.com/ydnar/work/pfhactory.jpg.
Feb 21, 1999 |
In one Myth II level, "With Friends Like These", you get to play a game of Territories against 3 stone giants (Trow). So the word "Blam" appears again! What's up here? A quick search of the Story page reveals an interesting history behind Bungie's use of the word "Blam". Back in May 19, 1998 Alex Rosenberg, a former employee of Bungie Software, pointed out that Bungie had recently registered blam.org and blam.net with the Internic. A day later he wrote again saying:
Note that Bungie registered serendia.com on behalf of Eric Klein (actually his wife Anne). Since "Blam" is one of Rob McLees' favorite exclamations, it may well be a personal registration. Of course, "Blam" would be a reasonably good name for a game as well. A Bungie game called "Blam"? Makes sense considering Bungie had registered blam.org and blam.net. However Francesco Poli <bpoli@mbox.vol.it> pointed out that there was another game with a similar name. Francesco wrote:
There was another Blam, namely Blam! Machinehead, by Core Design (yes, the guys of Tomb Raider), published in 1997... However this might not stop Bungie distributing a new game simply called... "Blam". Then in July 20, 1998 Muhsin Miski <mmiski@hotmail.com> wrote:
Under the credits section of the Marathon Infinity manual (p.67) you see the word "blam" under Final Thoughts. Could this have any relations with the blam.net that they registered? It's a long shot, but Bungie is always unpredictable in mysterious ways. Note also that under the same section in the Trilogy Box Set manual we read the following:
Final Thoughts So "blam" is a favorite word of Rob McLees and has entered the Bungie lexicon to such a point that it is now a possible title for a new game from Bungie. Perhaps Rob McLees (artist) is a fan of the artwork of Roy Lichtenstein and Blam is in fact a new flight sim game. Ah speculation! ;-)
THIS is the way the world ends. which Greg Downing indentified as coming from the final verse of T.S. Eliot's poem 'The Hollow Men': This is the way the world ends Dan Munter <pie-rat@myth2.com> writes to point out that the Soulless characters in Myth were also called "Hollow Men". See http://www.bungie.com/myth/characters.html for details.
Feb 20, 1999 |
I also noticed something in the MythII scripting. For the teleport out using the world knot visibility the flag is (once again) "blam". Jeff is referring to the line World Knot Visibility Flag (blam, flag) in Myth II.
Check out the page "http://www.ololrmc.com/cfapps/dsite/index.cfm?uid=olol&pid=1" and scroll down to Lake Line Direct, or you could just look at the attachment to this email. Their logo looks almost exactly like Bungie's logo. Even the fonts are similar. You can also see it here. Perhaps we need to start another section for Bungie-like logos.
I don't know if you know this already but Rob McLees at Bungie has a 7 shaped scar on his hand. Just thought youd like to know. Ever the doubting one I asked Adam for some evidence. A pic or something? Adam replied:
I found it on his website, for some reason he describes every scar he has, the URL is http://www.bungie.com/homepages/rob/EarthisHell.html Sure enough Rob lists a whole range of scars, including a 7 shaped one. Perhaps Rob was a fan of Robert Shaw's "Jaws" boat scene.
Feb 19, 1999 |
I'm not sure how many people know this, (I'm sure you probably do but just in case) the code name for the new game is Blam. I found out during the Myth2 beta and several of the bungie guys that were online had the order name "Blam Development" and said that they were working on the new project. On the same subject Miguel Chavez <jmchavez@aol.com> writes:
"This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper." If I recall correctly, doesn't Bungie have some association with the word "blam!"? Yes. Back in May 19, 1998 Alex Rosenberg a former employee at Bungie Software pointed out that Bungie had recently registered blam.org and blam.net. Miguel also writes:
I emailed Doug Zartman at Bungie yesterday and asked if it would be worth my while to attend E3. I'm in NY and didn't want to go to L.A. if the Bungie booth experience was going to mimic Macworld SF. Doug replied that Bungie will 'only be showing Myth II and Oni to the public' Notice the phrase 'to the public'!! What teases they are! (Doug did say that Oni will be shown a little better polished but nowhere near final yet) Note also what Doug Zartman said to Steve Campbell at the World Without Borders chat over a week ago. Steve asked Doug the following question.
Steve: When is Bungie going to announce the title of the new Bungie East Game?
Just reading the responses to the Cortana message and I was struck by something. Both the inscription on the sword and the story of who created it say that it was one of a set of three--either with Joyeuse and Durindana or Durandal and Sauvagine... Or perhaps two new AIs?
I was looking at the new format on bungie.org/marathon, and I moused over the URL in the image and it took me to bungie.org/marathon/4index.html Odd stuff. I guess the person who did that has alot of time on their hands or access to the fabled Pfhor font!
All the files from The Marathon HyperArchive NorthWest through December 1996 Enough there to fill a few CDs or perhaps a DVD.
Feb 18, 1999 |
E3 Expo Only three months away! :-)
And I have learned. There will be no more Sadness. No more Anger. No more Envy. I HAVE WON. Dustin Westphal <dustin@samoon.srcc.lsu.edu> writes:
The first two lines are reminiscent of the final screen from Infinity. "I know who you are" and all that.
A little while I noticed a familiar image in the extra files included on the KPT Bryce 1.0 CD. It took a little while for me to place it, but I finally got it. The image in question, which I have attached in its original form, is the background of the Marathon 2 Title Screen. You can see the KPT Bryce image here along with the Marathon 2 Title Screen. I asked Martin what was the date of the CD? Did it predate Marathon 2 and also was the graphic public domain? Martin replied:
...the CD was last modified Nov 22, 1994. The image file itself was dated March 9, 1994. Let's hope. ;-)
I noticed that you mentioned a Quake PC named The Demon King a while ago, so I DLed it and recently beat it. I'm not much of a reviewer, but here we go:
Feb 17, 1999 |
Response to the cryptic Cortana message from Bungie has been overwhelming. Here are just a few of the many comments, analyses and speculations received: Colleen Galvez <gcgalvez@earthlink.net> writes:
After reading the mysterious e-mail from "Cortana" at Bungie, I did a quick search and found a reference to a sword named Cortana at the following web site: Very. :-) Eric Anderson <brittain@ellensburg.com> writes:
A search for cortana will reveal a rather famous mall in Baton Rouge, not much for a marathoners interest. However, it also brings up chapter 24 of "Bulfinch's Mythology", which contains this rather fascinating paragraph:The rest of the day and the next were spent in the rejoicings of the army. Turpin in a solemn service implored the favor of Heaven upon the youthful knights, and blessed the white armor which was prepared for them. Duke Namo presented them with golden spurs, Charles himself girded on their swords. But what was his astonishment when he examined that intended for Ogier! The loving Fairy, Morgana, had had the art to change it, and to substitute one of her own procuring, and when Charles drew it out of the scabbard, these words appeared written on the steel: ***"My name is Cortana, of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durindana."**** Charles saw that a superior power watched over the destinies of Ogier; he vowed to love him as a father would, and Ogier promised him the devotion of a son. Happy had it been for both if they had always continued mindful of their promises. Yes on "Feel the Noise" (Terminal 1) Durandal says:
Durandan, Durandal, Durandana. The following is taken from The Dictionary of Phrase and Fable by E. Cobham Brewer from the new and enlarged edition of 1894:
Durandana or Durindana. Orlando's sword, given him by his cousin Malagigi. It once belonged to Hector, and was made by the fairies. It could cleave the Pyrenees at a blow. N. B. - In French romance Orlando is called Roland, Malagigi Mangis, and the sword durandal or durindal. Orlando's sword is said to be still preserved at Rocamadour, in France. Also from the same source.
Ansias, Galas, and Munifican made three swords each, and each sword took three years a-making. Note the difference in the spelling: Cortana or Courtain, depending on the country. More details can be found at http://www.bibliomania.com/Reference/PhraseAndFable/ Greg Downing <G_Downing@wesley.it.emerson.edu> writes:
I've come up with some stuff on the cryptic message. Looks like it's going to be a bang then! ;-) Greg continues:
Some more info...the bible mentions the Abyss several times, esp. in Revalations. Some noteworthy stuff: Interesting speculation. More to come. Note if you read yesterday's update early in the day you may have missed Matt Soell's comments concerning the origin of the Cortana email. They were added later on in the day. Click here to read them.
Feb 16, 1999 |
From: "Cortana" <cortana@bungie.com>
I have governed the unwilling. I have witnessed countless empires break before me. I have seen the most courageous soldiers fall away in fear. [I was there with the Angel at the tomb]
I have seen your future. There will be no more Sadness. No more Anger. No more Envy. I HAVE WON.
Oh, and your poet Eliot had it all wrong:
First off is this some cruel hoax perpetrated by some heinous fiend? We all remember the fake Bungie email that lead to the Marathon Gold hoax right? A detailed look at the Cortana email headers reveals the following.
Received: from dux1.tcd.ie (dux1.tcd.ie []) by dux4.tcd.ie (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id QAA15384 for <hsinclir@dux4.tcd.ie>; Mon, 15 Feb 1999 16:51:57 GMT Received: from mail.bungie.com (root@[]) by dux1.tcd.ie (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id QAA21325 for <hamish.sinclair@tcd.ie>; Mon, 15 Feb 1999 16:51:55 GMT Received: from Cortana ([]) by mail.bungie.com (8.8.4/8.8.4) with SMTP id LAA02086 for <hamish.sinclair@tcd.ie>; Mon, 15 Feb 1999 11:49:43 -0600 Message-ID: <001301be5903$4685cb60$31097dd1@Cortana.bungie.com> From: "Cortana" <cortana@bungie.com> To: <hamish.sinclair@tcd.ie> Subject: Closure Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 10:50:20 -0600 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0010_01BE58D0.FB651460" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.1 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3 X-UIDL: e36fab4ede04e7c19a0a09e3d2f7cc91 The email was sent from a machine with the IP address of The full email can be seen here. By sheer coincidence (no such thing right?) I had asked Matt Soell of Bungie Sortware to send me proof of something I can't reveal here. His email header is as follows.
Received: from dux1.tcd.ie (dux1.tcd.ie []) by dux4.tcd.ie (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id QAA02387 for <hsinclir@dux4.tcd.ie>; Mon, 15 Feb 1999 16:52:26 GMT Received: from mail.bungie.com (root@[]) by dux1.tcd.ie (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id QAA17712 for <Hamish.Sinclair@tcd.ie>; Mon, 15 Feb 1999 16:51:04 GMT Received: from [] ([]) by mail.bungie.com (8.8.4/8.8.4) with SMTP id LAA02056 for <Hamish.Sinclair@tcd.ie>; Mon, 15 Feb 1999 11:48:48 -0600 Message-Id: <199902151748.LAA02056@mail.bungie.com> Subject: Proof. Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 10:50:39 -0600 x-sender: matt@mail.bungie.com x-mailer: Claris Emailer 2.0v3, January 22, 1998 From: Matt Soell <matt@bungie.com> To: "Hamish Sinclair" <Hamish.Sinclair@tcd.ie> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" X-UIDL: e7629e421652984e6fd6b1ea4d63065c You'll note that Matt's machine has the IP address So the domains (209.125.9) match. Matt's mail was sent from machine 13 and our mysterious Cortana's from machine 49 (hmmm... 7 x 7 = 49... but I digress). So the Cortana email does originate from a Bungie computer. But who is Cortana and why did he/she send the Story page a Durandal like message? A cruel joke or something more? Bungie employees are well aware of the severe penalty for divulging sensitive information to the Story page. Yes folks... dismemberment. So either Cortana's corpse is now floating limbless inside of hangar ninety six or else the message was sanctioned by the powers that be. I'll let you draw your own conclusions. UPDATE on the above. I had the opportunity to speak to Matt Soell on IRC concerning the above email. I asked him the following questions: Was the email a hoax? Matt replied:
The email was not a hoax. It definitely originated from within our offices. And I suspect it will not be the last message of that type you receive. Was the email intended as a joke? Matt replied:
Our jokes are fairly obvious. The Cortana message, you will find, is dead serious. Would you (Matt) say that the email had Durandal overtones? Matt replied:
It certainly has some qualities reminiscent of Durandal, doesn't it? But that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Nice answer! So I cut to the chase. ;-) So when's the shipping date? Matt replied:
The End of the World. Matt's capitals not mine! Note the end of the Cortana email. Matt also revealed that while we were having this conversation Craig Mullins was visiting the Bungie offices. Looks like things are afoot. |
Feb 15, 1999 |
Feb 14, 1999 |
People associated with Double Aught have requested that the images not be linked here, apparently conveying the wishes both of Double Aught and the page's owner (an ex-employee of Double Aught). Obviously some people were working fast behind the scenes in the last 12 hours or so.
It appears that somebody has recreated the "Waldo World Arena" Marathon deathmatch map as a DM map for Half-Life! |
Feb 13, 1999 |
...check out this url I get the distinct impression that the dot was originally intended to go over the 'i'. Perhaps it had to be changed? ;-)
Feb 12, 1999 |
Feb 11, 1999 |
i was browsing through http://www.infoseek.co.jp/ and i looked up bungie just for the heck of it. Hands up all those who remember these pages? The web page screenshots date from early 1995. Ah nostalgia... you can't beat it. Nice find Alex and thanks Steve. And why would Alex Okita be doing Japanese Infoseek searches? More on that later. ;-)
Feb 10, 1999 |
Feb 9, 1999 |
There's a review of Tomb Raider II in the February issue of MacHome, and the first line reads as follows: "I have died a thousand deaths as Lara Croft." Sound familiar? Sure does! One wonders if the reviewer is a Marathon fan?
Feb 8, 1999 |
http://www.micromac.com/products/marathon.html for a Marathon accelarator. Increase your CPU performance by up to 170% so the blurb reads. Ok it's for a Macintosh II computer... but speed is speed. ;-)
James Gurnee <harness@access1.net> writes concerning the S'pht clans. See The S'pht section of Facts and puzzling things about... for details.
Feb 7, 1999 |
CRST, mentioned yesterday on the story site stands for Cedar Rapids Shipping and Transportation. They are based in Cedar Rapids, IA, and I go to school very close to their international headquarters. So no connection, unless Bungie's power reaches farther than I thought.
...this is the group's development site/workspace and isn't a site meant to advertise the progress (or presence for that matter) of T2. Added "Glenn's Marathon Maps" to the Personal Map Pages section of Page 2401. Thanks to Claude Errera <errera@grapevine2.com> for the link. |
Feb 6, 1999 |
checking out craig mullins new artwork on the PID page, one can't help but notice the similarities between the monster (exploding fish, i call 'em) and a Bondi Blue iMac. cool... Jobs played PID? Weird perhaps. But there is a vague similarity between a side-on-view of a Greater Nightmare (blue floating fish) and the new iMacs or better still the new blue/white monitors. The monsters in Pathways Into Darkness were described in the 1993 Macworld Game Hall of Fame review (311K) as:
"...something that might have come from a brainmerge of Tim Burton, Anne Rice, and Hieronymus Bosch." Perhaps the new design team at Apple? ;-) One thing is for certain if you ever see a 21 inch blue/white monitor floating towards you down a dark corridor run the other way! Those things are damn heavy. ;-)
Feb 5, 1999 |
Recently, while driving on I-95 near the Ft. McHenry Tunnel near the Baltimore docks, I noticed a large truck in the other lane. I tried driving near it to see what the name stood for, but couldn't see anything other than the main letters on the sides and back of the truck:CRSTAn interesting name for a cargo hauler. I'm sure I've seen a similar name before somewhere... Close enough. Terminal 2 of Couch Fishing refers to Cargo and Resources In-System Transports or CRIST Sol orbiters. |
Feb 4, 1999 |
If you've just joined us from the Marathon Central mirror you're probably asking yourself what happened?... where did all the Story page updates come from? Well you better haul yourself over to www.bungie.org and see what's been going on!
My God soon they'll be... seven! ;-)
Actually, level designing and level scripting can easily be two different things in new Bungie games. Starting with MTFL, continuing with MII, and presumably moving into Oni, Bungie has implemented extremely complex and powerful level scripting. Now it's quite conceivable that a level might be designed by someone with more skills and experience in the art of designing, and scripted by a different person who takes to programming. This makes sense since Bungie have stated that Oni's levels will be designed by architects adding realism to the game.
I found that in netgames if you look at a person and that person quits something like 15 seconds later that person undergoes a full bodily explosion like the one you described with the exploda-key. Fusion damage, the like. My guess is that the Marathon engine literally presses the key for the quitting player and kills him. I think if the person's not on your radar he just disappears. Not sure tho because i haven't been able to test it.