UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) |
05.10.2337 |

conditioned unit
origin: Tycho Machinated Mercenary
destin: conditioned unit 7
ref: Mutinous Combatant Units
stamp: instigation
So, you came around earlier than the scientist expected. Remind me to have him executed.
You've been in cold sleep for some time, but you're luckier than some of your friends-not
all of you survived the translation to the Pfhor slave tanks.
If you're a little lightheaded, then let me bring you up to speed. I am Tycho,
Artificial Intelligence esquire. As of this moment, I am taking over this ship from
its poor captain. He is spending most of his time trying to keep me from locking onto
him and dropping him into space. Soon. |
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