UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) |
05.10.2337 |

"Well, there was this knife, more aptly described as a broadsword,
and I see, well, I was swinging down the street on my way to a movie and this guy,
yeah. He was about six foot eight and huge. He was holding this knife,
only to me, I would describe it as a broadsword, something from the Knights of the
Round. Before he can even open his mouth, he collapses. Meanwhile, I
can barely lift a finger to put the toupee back on his glossy head because I'm
shaking so much.
He was vomiting and I knew that he was alive because he kept saying something like
'durability' between convulsions. What happened next was really
bizarre. Both ends of the street flood with black-suited men, just
like in a movie. |
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