UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) |
05.10.2337 |

Well done, its old hat from here, Bernhard was constantly having
me do redirect-subterfuge work back on Mars, it was easy then, and its only gotten easier.
Somehow the Pfhor have built a ship even faster than mine, and its hiding out now over the
southern pole of Lh'owon, waiting for us. I guess its captain underestimated the
sensitivity of my sensors. The Pfhor have been following me around for the last
several years, trying to capture the ship, or perhaps wondering what I'm up
to. Lately they've been staying very close. They know I'm on to
Anyway, get back here and get strapped down, because our captured Pfhor scoutship
wasn't designed for comfort during high speed atmospheric excursions. We're
going to give the Pfhor a surprise. |
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