Son of Grendel

Design Credit:  Chris Geisel & Greg Kirkpatrick
Double Aught Comments:  Read
Spoiler Guide:  Read

Depending on which terminal you took to get to this level you are either thinking  "What the fuck is going on?"  or  "Ok I am looking for the S'pht AI" . Confused? There go back here and think about it!

There are a total of nine terminals (0-8) on this level. You can see their in-game order on this in-game map. All but one (Terminal 4) are intralevel teleport terminals. The exit is not a terminal but a S'pht teleport pad shown in  Terminal 5  and  Terminal 8 .

Find out how the Long Views were achieved on this level. This was featured in Hastur's Workshop.

Some of the terminal images on this level contain legacy Marathon 2 textures. Find out more about this on the Textures section.

Son of Grendel (Terminal 0)

This is an intralevel teleport terminal.  It takes you from here to here.

The first image in the terminal message shows you the location of a secret area and how to access it.

The second image shows a map of this level with terminal locations. However not all the locations are shown and may reflect an earlier version of this level.

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

Aggregate Patrol Units
sector high command
destin: aggregate patrol units
ref: rogue conditioned unit
stamp: containment

Aggregate Patrol Units in Command Sector are notified of endhigh alert and watchful status, for location and containment of rogue conditioned unit.

PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

Aggregate Patrol Units
sector high command
destin: aggregate patrol units
ref: rogue conditioned unit
stamp: containment

Emphatic notification of containment order hereby declared, and command perms up to 85% local unit casualties accepted and encouraged pursuant to successful containment.  Enforcement Unit 7b.oo standing by for immediate transport and willful annihilation of rogue unit.


All Aggregate Units are duly warned and full compliance required.
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

Disconnecting... 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Son of Grendel (Terminal 1)

This is an intralevel teleport terminal.  It takes you from here to here.

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 05.10.2337
CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

threads   pull

     taught the way

like as like our hidden one

quick venge the

  hotspur here

dying in the course
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

Disconnecting... 05.10.2337
CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Son of Grendel (Terminal 2)

This is an intralevel teleport terminal.  It takes you from here to here.

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

protocol unit
destin: resolved terminal 17
ref: transport
stamp: protocol

terminal 17
coil hot, standby transport
malaport grounds enforcement
standby transport
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

Disconnecting... 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Son of Grendel (Terminal 3)

This is an intralevel teleport terminal.  It takes you from here to here.

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

protocol unit
destin: resolved terminal 21
ref: transport
stamp: protocol

terminal 21
coil hot, standby transport
malaport grounds enforcement
standby transport
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

Disconnecting... 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Son of Grendel (Terminal 4)

This is a normal terminal.  It is located here.

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

restricted access record34
lh'owon high command
destin: central garrison command
ref: alien artifact
stamp: classified

Following disappearance and probable destruction of survey team 6'vrm, survey team a'y85, rescue team 09, patrol units 4b, 77i, 13t'rh, auxiliary drone units (unspecified), and recommendation of Science Officer 1st Class Uuhr'm (Attentive) Central Garrison Command is hereby ordered surrender of all garrison resources for completion of Alien Artifact Directive

All garrison units below Attentive Rank are hereby restricted from contact with Alien Artifact pending deep level probe and arrival of Imperial Ranked Extraction Unit.
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

survey team 6'vrm
survey team 6'vrm (disband)
destin: central garrison command
ref: survey alien artifact
stamp: classified (retroactive)

Science Officer 2nd Class I'ii'ich (Willful) humbly submitting for approval endreport of survey team 6'vrm (disband) exploration and discovery ref alien artifact unearthed on south plateau, central garrison command.

Following unproductive probe of area, Science Officer 3rd Class Yyr'hy (Aggregate) determined with use of team conditioned units location of internal power source, run awashed in the subatomic fields detailed in prior survey reports.
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

survey team 6'vrm
survey team 6'vrm (disband)
destin: central garrison command
ref: survey alien artifact
stamp: classified (retroactive)

According to protocol, survey team 6'vrm moved to positions of proximity and began operations to tap and investigate unknown power source, at which time subatomic disturbance consistent with molecular disintegration recorded by autonomic team sensors, followed by disappearance of team units.

Comm signals recorded indicate probable reintegration of survey team below plateau surface, followed by unit destruction by unknown forces.  Rad bombing plateau area appeared to suppress subatomic fields and extinguish unknown alien power source.
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

survey team 6'vrm
survey team 6'vrm (disband)
destin: central garrison command
ref: survey alien artifact
stamp: classified (retroactive)

Science Officer 2nd Class I'ii'ich (Willful) humbly request reassignment.
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

Disconnecting... 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Son of Grendel (Terminal 5)

This is an intralevel teleport terminal.  It takes you from here to here.

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

central garrison directive 57
central garrison command
destin: garrison units
ref: alien artifact
stamp: broadcast

Following burial and sealant of unearthed alien artifact, all units restricted from immediate area without proper patrol stamp.  Further communications regarding alien artifact will be regarded with suspicion by Garrison Command and referred to enforcement liaison for evaluation and process.
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

Disconnecting... 05.10.2337
CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Son of Grendel (Terminal 6)

This is an intralevel teleport terminal.  It takes you from here to here.

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

overlook post 4
patrol dispatch
destin: overlook patrol unit
ref: withdrawal
stamp: expede

Overlook patrol units ordered to purge, reburn local stores for immediate scorch and withdrawal to inner courts.  Airburst following receipt of local unit verification stamp pursuant sterilization of outer areas.
standby transport
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

Disconnecting... 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Son of Grendel (Terminal 7)

This is an intralevel teleport terminal. It contains the same text as Terminal 3 above but it takes you from here to here.

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

protocol unit
destin: resolved terminal 21
ref: transport
stamp: protocol

terminal 21
coil hot, standby transport
malaport grounds enforcement
standby transport
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

Disconnecting... 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Son of Grendel (Terminal 8)

This is an intralevel teleport terminal. It is located underwater in a remote area in the north of the map and it takes you from here to here.

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 05.10.2337
CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

come below
  the long sleep ends
       bound to aught
          ever doubled as one
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

come below
  the long sleep ends
       bound to aught
          ever doubled as one
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

Disconnecting... 05.10.2337
CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

come below

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Collating and stapling: Hamish Sinclair <>
Last updated Feb 1, 2003
Project: Found Delivery terminal reformatting -