UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) |
05.10.2337 |

The bloody boy and his one-fisted compadre had already been
removed for corrective discipline by one of the controllers, our life-long friends
wearing sunglasses. Here at school, they only seemed interested in bleeding
noses, broken arms, measles, and sharp thrown objects. Otherwise, they remained
impassive statues with feet grown into the anaesceptic environment in which they
stood, needing as little attention as a plain white column in an all white room.
It seems odd to me now looking back at them, or looking at them again at any rate,
that they only reacted to our feces, blood and agony. Responsive only to
distress, anger or misbehavior. But this was explained to me that day, even
though I didn't understand it until now. |
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