Marathon's Story Page
Marathon's Story Page |
This Day in Marathon.
Day #608. Jack is back! Jack Strider that is. Jack who hails from down under (Australia) was one of the most prolific Marathon fan artists in 2024. His portfolio is impresive ranging from Pathways Into Darkness, the Marathon Trilogy, and NuMarathon. His principal tools are Blender and Photoshop. Here is a new piece he is working on. Marine (work in progress) by Jack Strider on Marathon Discord. January 18, 2024. Jack writes: new boy coming soonHere's a second work in progress piece. Marine (work in progress 2) by Jack Strider on Marathon Discord. January 19, 2024. Jack writes: it's getting better as I go, trying to go for the M1 mullins vibe (rolled sleeves soon)Looking forward to seeing the final piece. A quick stroll through the daily Story page updates in 2024 (366 days) reveals a wealth of Jack's artwork. Here's a snapshot. Check out Jack's work on ArtStation, Instagram, and Bluesky. Jack no longer uses X. |