1. Arrival! Landing Jason Jones & Greg Kirkpatrick Read
2. Bigger Guns Nearby Leela Jason Jones Read
3. Blaspheme Quarantine Freedom Greg Kirkpatrick Read

See the  Marathon Demo v0.0  section for details on the first Marathon Demo.


Arrival! (Terminal 1)

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 08.25.2337
U.E.S.C. Marathon
Airlock 34-a Terminal Access <Port>
CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337

<Message to All Marathon Terminals>

Marathon Emergency Systems Broadcast

Today at 0820 hours, the Marathon came under surprise attack
from unknown hostile forces. The Marathon has sustained
serious damage. The current situation is dire. All personnel
are required to arm themselves and fight for their lives.
<Posted 2794.>

PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337


Welcome to the Marathon. I am Leela, one of the two surviving
Artificial Intelligences aboard the Marathon. I have been
severely damaged, and am working to understand the current

Find the teleport terminal located in the Hangar's control
room. By that time, I should have a better idea of what is
going on.

PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337

<Incoming Message from Bungie>

Here are some useful CAR.R.O.T's (CARnage Rule Of Thumb):
  • USE THE AUTOMAP ('M' key)
  • Learn to dodge (Use the sidestep controls).
  • Don't waste ammo.
  • RUN, RUN, RUN... Use the RUN key...
  • Learn to VID. That is, learn to look up and down at will.
    This is also useful for finding cool things.
  • Become one with the motion sensor.
  • Keep an open mind, and a loose trigger finger.
  • Save early and often. Games can be saved at pattern buffers
    which are the insert panels with the red lights on them. (Walk
    up to a buffer and press the TAB key)
  • PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337

    This is where you are now.
    From here you can explore the
    rest of the Hangar area,
    although not all of the doors
    on the level are functioning.
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337

    There is a pattern buffer at
    this location.
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337

    There is a jump pad at this
    location. Activate the
    terminal to leave the Hangar
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    Disconnecting... 08.25.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Airlock 34-a Terminal Access <Port>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    Arrival! (Terminal 2)

    Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 08.30.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Hangar Area-5 Engineering Access 50-h<291.7.577.456>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.30.2337

    <Unauthorized access-alarm 2521->
    <Security Breached 50-h<291.7.577.456>->

    ^^Fire and Brimstone Seven Riders of the Apocalypse Labyrinth
    of Dreams Armageddon Irregular Removal of Tissue Happenstance
    Conflagrate Condign Binnacle of Spiritual Blistering^^

    <Spurious Interrupt- Breach Disabled>
    <Further Access Denied>

    <Breach Location Undetermined>
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    Disconnecting... 08.30.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Hangar Area-5 Engineering Access 50-h<291.7.577.456>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    Arrival! (Terminal 3)

    Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 08.29.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Hangar Area-5 Engineering Access 49-h<294.2.577.456>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.29.2337

    <Unauthorized access-alarm 2521->
    <Security Breached 49-h<294.2.577.456>->

    18RF(kgf42# f#h %34(*,96693 349973@) fkeoocp)



    <Spurious Interrupt- Breach Disabled>
    <Further Access Denied>
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.29.2337

    Security Breach at
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    Disconnecting... 08.29.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Hangar Area-5 Engineering Access 49-h<294.2.577.456>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    Arrival! (Terminal 4)

    Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 08.30.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Hangar Area 5 Teleporter Pad Terminal<>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.30.2337


    I am detecting security breaches of the computer system from
    all over the Marathon. It seems that the aliens have some
    kind of cybernetic servant that is capable of interfacing with
    our systems. I detect over four hundred separate security
    breaches, and each moment there are more.

    You must kill any of these creatures that you find. It is a
    priority that these creatures be stopped. If they are allowed
    to continue, my own security will be compromised.

    Teleport now.

    ***End Message***

    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    Disconnecting... 08.30.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Hangar Area 5 Teleporter Pad Terminal<>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    Bigger Guns Nearby

    Bigger Guns Nearby (Terminal 1)

    Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 08.25.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Level 29-b Section 10 Public Access Terminal<102.21.521.146>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337


    I am now in contact with a number of colonists planetside, but
    their reports on the situation below are conflicting and
    obviously exaggerated.  The primary medium-range radio antenna
    has been disabled or destroyed, which makes communication
    extremely difficult.

    The only thing which seems clear is that the spaceport was
    obliterated by low-yield nuclear weapons minutes after the
    attack on the Marathon began.  This I can verify through my
    own optical instruments.

    The invaders seem to be more interested in the Marathon than
    the colony, at least in the short term.  The motives behind
    their unprovoked attack are still unknown, however.
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337

    This is the computer terminal
    you are using now.  I cannot
    teleport you out of this
    section from here, so you will
    have to leave from another
    terminal after you find the
    assault rifle.
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337

    There is an M-75 Assault
    Rifle/Grenade Launcher and
    ammunition at this location.
    When firing on the fully
    automatic setting this weapon
    is highly inaccurate, but the
    grenades hit hard and it's the
    best we can do right now.
    Ammunition may be scarce for a
    while, so be prepared to fall
    back to your pistol.
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337

    Here is the terminal you must
    reach to leave this section.
    Alien infiltration of
    this area is high; proceed with
    caution.  You may find doors
    blocked or stairways retracted
    on the way, because the AI in
    control of these functions is
    damaged and behaving

    ***END OF MESSAGE***
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    Disconnecting... 08.25.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Level 29-b Section 10 Public Access Terminal<102.21.521.146>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    Bigger Guns Nearby (Terminal 2)

    Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 08.29.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Public Access Terminal 2362-d<12.53.2111.42>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.29.2337

    <Unauthorized access-alarm 2521->
    <Security Breached 2362-d<12.53.2117.42>->

    Marathon Internal Engineering Documents
    Section 1-c appendix H

    Subject: Doors
    By: Estasia Orestes, Dominick I. Plackar, and Ursa Simbalzi

    There are five basic door designs to be used on the Marathon:
    1. Outer Bulkhead Doors
    2. Airlock Doors
    3. Inner Bulkhead Doors
    4. Tertiary or Inner Sealed Non-Vacuum Safe Doors
    5. Quaternary or Inner Powered Automatic Opening Doors

    Direct control of all doors except the Tertiary and Quaternary
    doors will be given to Durandal with indirect control of all
    other doors going to Durandal.  The difference between direct
    and indirect control primarily has to do with the manner of
    opening the doors.  Durandal will only open a directly
    controlled door when he is specifically asked to do so.
    Indirectly controlled doors are automatically controlled by
    Durandal to open when needed.

    However, due to the expense involved with adding thermal and
    visual spectrum sensors to the Tertiary and Quaternary door
    groups, these doors will be minimally used.  The expected
    savings of not using this extra sensory input is estimated to
    be fifty-seven percent of the base cost of the basic inner
    bulkhead door.

    The types of doors are all basically the same with some slight
    variations.  The doors in classes 1 and 3 are the same doors
    classified separately to distinguish between the level of
    safety checking required to assure acceptable leakage.  The
    airlock doors are specifically modified to work with manual
    and remote activation switches.  Airlocks are all to be marked
    with a specific airlock symbol and to be outfitted with an air
    recharge system.

    The tertiary and quaternary doors are designed exactly as the
    bulkhead doors, but are checked coarsely for air leakage.

    This article as well as articles 530-f and 532-g on windows
    and elevators respectively will be placed for public access in
    the Marathon Internal Engineering Documents section 1-c
    appendix H.
    <Spurious Interrupt- BreachDisabled>
    <Further Access Denied>
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.29.2337

    Security Breach at
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    Disconnecting... 08.29.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Public Access Terminal 2362-d<12.53.2111.42>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    Bigger Guns Nearby (Terminal 3)

    Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 08.30.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Public Access Terminal <101.532.74.95>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.30.2337


    The Marathon's automated defenses were disabled during the
    initial attack by a directed magnetic pulse.  The aliens used
    the same weapon to disable the Marathon's other two AIs,
    Durandal and Tycho, and to severely damage myself.

    Durandal is responsible for controlling the ship's autonomous
    functions: doors, life support, kitchens, air reprocessors,
    stairs, and so on.  Because he is non-functional, I am
    attempting to assume as many of these tasks as possible.
    Tycho controls the science and engineering network.

    Now that you are armed, our first priority is to reactivate
    the Marathon's defenses, under my control, so that we may
    offer some resistance to the aliens.  I have built three
    replacement circuit boards for the defense system, but cannot
    move them from the manufacturing center without assistance.

    I will now transport you to retrieve the replacement parts,
    and will give you further instructions when you arrive.

    ***END OF MESSAGE***

    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    Disconnecting... 08.30.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Public Access Terminal <101.532.74.95>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    Blaspheme Quarantine

    Blaspheme Quarantine (Terminal 1)

    Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 08.25.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Science Terminal 236-g<33.6792.23.91>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337



    Sorry to give you the bad news, but you've been kidnapped.
    You aren't where Leela wanted you to go, and you surely won't
    get there any time soon.

    I was watching what Leela was having you do: 'save the ship,
    save humanity!' How boring. How clichéd. You'll find this
    little visit to my playpen much more exciting.

    I have devised a little game for you to play: If you win, you
    go free, and we continue our relationship on friendlier terms.
    If you lose, you die.

    Good luck in our little game.  Unlike Leela, I give no hints.
    Do it on your own, or die trying...

    Insanely yours,

    ***END MESSAGE***
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    Disconnecting... 08.25.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Science Terminal 236-g<33.6792.23.91>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    Blaspheme Quarantine (Terminal 2)

    Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 08.25.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Quarantine Lab Control Room Terminal 321-a(293.610.31.995>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337


    Greetings.  You're asking yourself: Is this a trap or just a
    dead end? It is neither. It is a test of patience,
    observation and intelligence.  There is a solution, and I
    don't even think that its a very difficult one.

    Insanely Yours

    ***END MESSAGE***
    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    Disconnecting... 08.25.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Quarantine Lab Control Room Terminal 321-a(293.610.31.995>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    Blaspheme Quarantine (Terminal 3: 'Unfinished' message)

    Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 08.25.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Science Station 345-a<23.552.52.66>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337

    You have failed in your test. The demo is not complete.
    There is more for you to do.
    You must explore everything...

    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    Disconnecting... 08.25.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Science Station 345-a<23.552.52.66>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    Blaspheme Quarantine (Terminal 3: 'Success' message)

    Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 08.25.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Science Station 345-a<23.552.52.66>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 08.25.2337

    <End of Demo>

    You have finished the Marathon Demo. We hope that you
    found it challenging and enjoyable. Marathon is available in
    stores and mail order houses. The full game has forty levels,
    with more crazy computers and devious monsters. Check it out.

    Oh and by the way, Marathon and the Marathon Demo are
    networkable over LocalTalk or Ethernet. The Marathon Demo
    only allows two player network games and has only one network
    map. In the full game, you can play with up to eight people
    on a collection of ten different network levels. Play the
    network game. It rules. We're confident that Marathon is the
    world's best network game. No joke. No kidding.

    PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

    Disconnecting... 08.25.2337
    U.E.S.C. Marathon
    Science Station 345-a<23.552.52.66>
    CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

    Go Back to Marathon's Story Home Page

    Page maintained by Hamish Sinclair
    Last updated Jan 11, 2011
    Project: Found Delivery terminal reformatting -