People, Companies and Web Sites that are (almost) as cool as Bungie:

Newer Technologies

Official RAM Suppliers to Bungie Software!

Inside Mac Games magazine

Always the first with a scoop.

Cyberian Outpost

The finest software store on the Web. They even supply release dates. :)

Apple Computer

They make Macs.

Power Computing

They make Mac clones.


Makers of way-cool removable storage devices.


Development tools that rule.

Slurpee's Marathon 2 Page

A clearinghouse of Marathon 2 info. One of the best.

The Marathon HyperArchive NorthWest

A great source for third-party, maps, tools, etc.

Marathon's Story

Hamish Sinclair and a cast of thousands discuss the intricate plot of the Marathon games. Words cannot express how cool this site is.

The NetLink Remote Home Page

Want to play Marathon net games over a modem connection, but don't have the money or the patience for Apple Remote Access? Joe Kloss and his handy-dandy NetLink extension will help you stick it to The Man.

The Marathon Palace

The place to be if you enjoy chatting with other Marathon players in a surreal graphical environment.

Ellison Wonderland

A page dedicated to Harlan Ellison, the greatest living science fiction author.

Emulation on the Macintosh

The future of computing lies in 8-bit emulation.

The Merattic Theater Company

Join Pam, the Bungie Cruise Director, as she and the rest of this intrepid gaggle of dramatically-inclined folks single-handedly bring culture and style back to Chicago's theater scene.

The Dome Wars Home Page

Dome Wars is a cool shareware game for the Mac. It has stifled our productivity on numerous occasions.

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Last Updated June 12, 1996.