![[Marathon Title Image]](images/title.gif)
"There is a little man in my pants, his name is Marathon"
Marathon HyperArchive
Did you ever download something off of ftp.amug.org and not know what the heck it was? Every get lost trying to find a simple editor? Then Marathon HyperArchive is here for you! (It's a graphical interface to the AMUG ftp site.) View an organized list of the best Marathon files AMUG has to offer, with a description of each file (and icons! Neat, huh?)
Marathon HyperArchive has hit the big time! It's now on Marathon Central.
- This page has three downloadable screenshots from early versions of Marathon, and one current screenshot.
- This page has a photo of the Bungie crowd at the MacWorld Expo.
Usenet Posts
Things to Add
Soon, I hope to add:
- My favorite home-brewed screenshots.
- Downloadable 5-player films of Marathon net games held here at Northeastern.
- Both Bungie eWorld conferences. (And maybe the Inside Mac Games interview. With their permission, of course.)
- Map editor screenshots showing all of Bungie's hidden messages they scrawled on the maps.
- More posts from comp.sys.mac.games and alt.games.marathon!
- And more!
- The Links section will be disappearing soon. All of the links are redundant with everyone else's links.
- How does the background look? (Netscape 1.1 feature) Does it take too long to load? Should I change it?
Contributions welcome! Send me your cool files/pictures/icons/whatnot and watch it go up on the World Wide Web! (Please email me first before sending giant files.)
You can email me at: smwood@ccs.neu.edu with your suggestions. You can also check out my home page, too!
This page is located at www.amug.org (and the Netscape encrypted site: home.amug.org) and www.ccs.neu.edu.
Thanks to:
- Tris
- Richard D. Huff
- Inside Mac Games
- Don DeVoe
- Jonathon Wolfe
- Jeff Eaton
- Neal Yu
- Mark Koesel
- Ed
- Bungie
- Crackers