Where are monsters in dreams

Design Credit:  Greg Kirkpatrick
Double Aught Comments:  Read
Spoiler Guide:  Read
Vidmaster Tips & Tricks:  Read

This is the first of three dream levels. Each dream level has two paths. An obvious or easy path and a less obvious or harder path.

The design of this level leads you on both paths at the start and then splits into an easy path and a less obvious path.

Where are monsters in dreams (Terminal 0: 1st Message)

This terminal is located close to the start.

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

"Well, there was this knife, more aptly described as a broadsword, and I see, well, I was swinging down the street on my way to a movie and this guy, yeah.  He was about six foot eight and huge.  He was holding this knife, only to me, I would describe it as a broadsword, something from the Knights of the Round.  Before he can even open his mouth, he collapses.  Meanwhile, I can barely lift a finger to put the toupee back on his glossy head because I'm shaking so much.

He was vomiting and I knew that he was alive because he kept saying something like 'durability' between convulsions.  What happened next was really bizarre.  Both ends of the street flood with black-suited men, just like in a movie.
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

These men look tough and pissed off, the eyes behind their sunglasses are probably cold as my hands are getting.  I feel like my heart has stopped, I'm so damn scared.  As they start to inundate the street in black, they move with one will.

I figure that I'm dead anyway, so I reach down for the blade.  The blade is being covered by his vomit, but the hilt is clean. I can hear the men getting excited, but I can't stop.  My fingers slide around the leather hilt which is oddly cold...
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

Disconnecting... 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Where are monsters in dreams (Terminal 0: 2nd Message)

This 2nd "success" message is displayed at the end of the obvious path and takes you on to Acme Station. The level is designed to loop back to this terminal. You must make a conscious effort to go back and find the less obvious path on this level.

It is possible that this terminal message (hangar ninety six) is located on the wrong terminal. Find out why on Dream Levels and Failed Timelines section.

Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

Seven hundred and sixty one armless and legless corpses float inconspicuously around the inside of hangar ninety six.  I say that they are inconspicuous because it is their arms and legs which demand my attention.  I did this, or I could have stopped it.  Which is it?  It doesn't matter now.  I did this and could have stopped it, but nothing in nature ever follows a gaussian curve.  Sure, they'll tell you that it does.  They say that every five minutes someone dies in a car accident, but how often are there seven hundred and sixty one armless and legless corpses in one hangar?
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

Disconnecting... 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Next Level

Where are monsters in dreams (Terminal 1)

This message is displayed at the end of the less obvious path and takes you on to Aie Mak Sicur.

Only by solving the 'bridge' puzzle you can take the less obvious path.


Opening Connection to ß.4.5-23 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

I'm in the same street, and as I reach into my pocket for my keys, my eyes follow the blackened streaks of gum that pock-mark the sidewalk.  The man is gone, and someone in sanitation cleaned up the aparitions and vomit in a real hurry.  I hurry down the stairs heading for the subway, but my keys aren't in my pocket anymore.  I'll have to get in through the side window.

The subway station is very bright and shining from the sanitation team that has been sweeping a swath in front of me.  The concrete floor is losing years of tarnish, keeping only the protective layer of the gum streaks which make up constellations in an otherwise vacant sky.
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 05.10.2337

The train arrives right on time, and just ahead of a mass of dark suited men who have been following me for what seems like years now.  Between the sanitation and the suits, I must be going colorblind, but the train is here now, and those men, no, they won't catch me...
PgUp/PgDn/Arrows to Scroll Return/Enter to Acknowledge

Disconnecting... 05.10.2337

CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems, Inc. <931.461.60231.14.vt920>

Next Level

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Collating and stapling: Hamish Sinclair <Hamish.Sinclair@tcd.ie>
Last updated Feb 1, 2003
Project: Found Delivery terminal reformatting -