July 2000
Map Name: World Tour NetPack V 1.1
Author: Gery Simmons
Created for: Marathon Inf
Map type: Net/Solo
Net type: Carnage, KOTH, Ball
•Archive size : 311k (hqx)
•Creation date: 2000.7.10
N o t e: If you want to make sure I notice your map make sure to drop me a line.
motm faq

I thought this had already gone to the archives a long time ago... I guess not:) Maps by Gary Simmons are always worth your time, always. Anyway, the flow is good and if you want to learn split-poly tech, Gary is the one that came up with it, there's no better place to learn it, well maybe his webpage does it better. Give it a try on Solo, it's not easy to stay alive for more then a few minutes. My only thought is, why didn't Gery make a shapes patcher to give the BoBs a proper weapon:)

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