Marathon Infinity includes two tools for creating your own Marathon adventures. Forge is our very own Map editor and Anvil lets you add your own graphics, sounds and physics. In addition to the tools, Infinity also has an interactive tutorial program that guides you through making your own maps. Use both of these powerful tools to create your "own" Marathon worlds.


Used by Bungie to make the fabulous maps in Marathon 2 and Infinity, Forge is the ultimate world building tool. You can modify existing Marathon maps, or more importantly create your own Marathon maps. Forge has many features that make it easy to use:

The Forge Tool Pallette:

Change elevations in Visual Mode:

Check out the icons that show item placement:

Forge's Item Dialog:

NEW!! Check out the Forge FAQ!


Anvil is a highly configurable tool that lets you add your own graphics, sounds and physics to any Marathon 2 or Infinity map. By modifing existing physics and shapes, you can make Marathon to your liking. For example, you can make the assault rifle fire rockets, or better yet, you can make Juggernauts your friends (so you can use them to kill those nasty Bobs). Also, now you can embed physics models into each individual map.

With Anvil you can do crazy things like:
Download this
cool physics model made with Anvil!

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Last Updated October 25, 1996.