[Load the image, freak.]
The DUALITY Engine

-True 3D
-Polygonal Character Models
-Shadow Casting
-Real Time Dynamic Lighting
-Translucent and Transparent Texture Mapping
-Millions of Colors
-Screen Size of 640x480 and up (hires & lores)

The registered version will ship with Double Aught's development tools:

-SANDBOX our map editor and 3D modelling tool
-TOYBOX a drag-and-drop resource editor which imports models from .lwo format
-an introduction to GUIDEC, Duality's OOP runtime code and its compiler

GuideC and Duality's modular file structure allow end users, even non-programmers, to customize their entire game. Scenario designers will appreciate how easy it is to add models, modify enemy behavior and change game physics with our user-friendly development tools.

Licensing queries to Greg Kirkpatrick please.


Text and Images © 1997 Double Aught, Inc. Webmaster