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![]() Chat Forum with special guest Tuncer Deniz
Unfortunately the log is not complete since the server running the Forum died at Welcome to the Inside Mac Games Chat! Welcome to the games chat room LC: Hello gents Methos: aka, Bungie West's big project tuncer has arrived tuncer just left tuncer has arrived Durandal: hey LC kentaro: hi. kentaro: ? LC: Lophan! Cadilon: hey! LC: Long time no see! LC: Greetings Tuncer tuncer: hey folks kentaro: heya Lophan! :) Cyril: hello Tuncer orange: hey tuncer kentaro: Hi. tuncer: quite a crowd kentaro: :) LC: heh shpanky: hi tuncer orange: hopefully we'll get some more Cadilon: yep Durandal: hey Tuncer tuncer: howdy durandal AngryPsycho: All hail Tuncer! We're not worthy etc.. LC: hehe Rorgore has arrived AngryPsycho: So, lay it on us, Tuncer. BobJam: Rory, Die. Rorgore: No. Bastian has arrived. Bastian: Blam orange: nate! ChrisM: Tuncer will be answer your questions tonight. We ask you to be patient... especially if there are several questions asked at once. kentaro: hi everyone... :) Durandal: hey Bas BobJam: ook, moderation! BobJam: This'll be fun. Bastian just left. kentaro: censorship?? tuncer: hehe ArticApe has arrived. Bastian has arrived. kentaro: this is nuts. shpanky: Hi Tuncer. I have played many online games, thru many game serviame servime serviame servime serviows for 2 players at a time) Kali, Mplayer, Ten etc.. and played many games (quake, moto racer, forsaken etc..) I guess my question is this, I usually connec darryl has arrived. LC: Whaps Kentaro with his Lemurstickª Bastian: Lets try that again kentaro: wow, you type fast! Bastian: Hi, kids midwest has arrived Bastian: And Tuncer shpanky: oh my!! kentaro: :: smacks LC : Rorgore: yo steve Bet: ahhhhh, Cyril, thankee, I almost missed something I would midwest: hey rory Nosfaekill has arrived. Cadilon: . kentaro: Tuncer is silent (?) Rorgore: Tuncer will have to type 500 wpm to answer the questions in time. orange: re nate kentaro: heya Nos. tuncer: sh, can you complete your question BobJam: Heya steve Bastian: Actually... I was gonna say something Nosfaekil: hey kent midwest: het jammer Bastian: I've decided to learn how to code Macs kentaro: .score Bastian Bastian: er for Macs Kusanagi: Tuncer has not yet been activated. celos has arrived. Rorgore: 'code Macs'? Nosfaekil: woo, go bastian LC: )-HINT: Use whispers for greetings...hehe-( Lophan has arrived. Rorgore: code _on_ macs you mean? shpanky: question: the jest of the garble was.. how does myth and bungie.net accomplish the incredible feat of giving gamers virtually lag free gaming expirience compared to other online games and gaming services (quake etc..)? kentaro: you can whisper on this? oh... :) Nosfaekil: =P Bob: .score Tuncer Bet: Question: Is there a place that there are Marathon games still played on a regular basis? Bastian: This way, I will be able to exploit the open Mac market Rorgore: Myth isn't a bandwidth intensive game, that's why. lustygoat has arrived. Rorgore: Quake is. tuncer: Answer: It's fast because bungie.net does not relay any of the packets kentaro: Bet, yeah, my computer. shpanky: i can play myth with 8 players with a decent gaming expierience, yet i cannot even play quake midwest: Bet, yeah on Marathon tuncer: we let the internet handle all the game routing of the packets Bastian: I could tell you the technical reasons for that, shpanky, sometime tuncer: the only thing bungie.net is used for is a gathering place for games tuncer: next question LC: (raises hand) orange: question: whats bungiewest working on tuncer: ga LC Kusanagi: bungie.net is also used as an answering service. eviscerator has arrived. Rorgore: When you play on bungie.net, you aren't connecting _through_ bungie.net, you are connecting to the IP of the person that hosted it. BobJam: QUESTION: M2 patcher? Lophan: :) Rorgore: if you get me. Cadilon: . Nosfaekil: uhm.. unmoderated chats = evil ArticApe: ... BobJam: Go back to AOL BobJam: ;) eviscerator: was anyone having trouble connecting to b.net today? shpanky: aye, i see. thnx. games should follow your lead in that respect. kudos Bet: Another Question: where can I get Pathways? With a Prima guide? And what about Operation Desert Storm? :) Kusangi: yes, what's up with the M2 patcher? midwest: yes.Tuncer..I have a question Rorgore: yeah, Yeah! Bastian: Tuncer: Why won't Bungie employess come play with the "old school" anymore? LC: QUESTION: What news CAN you give us regarding Expansion Pack, 3rd party maps on bnet, and real editing tools? kentaro: old school? Rorgore: Anyway, this is fun and all, but I'm leaving. midwest just left. tuncer: ANSWER: I knew this was coming Rorgore: laters LC: hehe Rorgore just left. LC: But of course! tuncer: right now we have no plans for an expansion pack orange: heh Silvermane has arrived. Bastian: Welcome to my life, Tuncer... :) Nosfaekil: heh tuncer: we'll be announcing two new products at E3 at the end of May Lophan just left. kentaro: yay. Bet: alright Server does a wobbly here TheSeeker has arrived. tuncer has arrived. TheSeeker: hi ChrisM has arrived. tuncer: hey seeker TheSeeker: Server die? Just us now? Bastian has arrived. Cadilon has arrived. ChrisM: Yes. We've added loads of RAM to see if we can stabalize things. Bastian: Hmmm... some people need to learn how to code... lustygoat has arrived. TheSeeker: The party returns Bastian: Before I get dropped again... tuncer: the guy who wrote Webstar wrote this chat thing Mick has arrived. TheSeeker: Better doc too...I waste time entering a nickname w/ a space in it orange has arrived. tuncer: so it should be good tuncer: it's still in beta I think Bastian: QUESTION: How did Myth do in terms of sales compared to other RTS games Bob2 has arrived. Cadilon: I know IMG is sponsoring this and all, but if this keeps up maybe we should go to #Myth tuncer: It did pretty well Cyril has arrived. Bastian: pretty well = tuncer: but since Bungie was still kinda unknown in the PC world BobJam has arrived. BobJam: Christ BobJam: Just use IRC tuncer: we didn't get the initial orders like a Blizzard or Microsoft gets Kusanagi has arrived. BobJam: Java sucks Bastian: ? tuncer: Overall though, it did well, our best seller yet Kusanagi: heh orange just left. orange has arrived. tuncer: next Methos has arrived. ChrisM: Here's the standard reminder... ChrisM: Remember to start your questions for tuncer with "QUESTION:" so they may be easily identified. Bastian: I heard about how Ensemble and Cavedog felt about the reasons you started slow, I just wanted to check BobJam: QUESTION: Any news on the Marathon 2 patcher? midwest has arrived. Bastian: Makes sense, I guess DrMelon has arrived. Mick: Hey Chris ChrisM: Hey Mick. tuncer: We haven't touched or will not touch the Marathon 2 code tuncer: again tuncer: ;-) tuncer: next Mick: Chris- Have you ever heard of the game "Catalyst?" midwest just left. lustygoat: QUESTION: If you won't touch the marathon code again, will you give it away, like Id and the doom code? DrMelon: How do you pronounce tuncer? :) Bob2: QUESTION: Any chance of letting someone else touch the Marathon 2 code? shpanky has arrived. tuncer: lustygoat, i seriously doubt it, but i'll ask the programmers tomorrow ChrisM: Yes, I vaguely remember Catalyst. Can you refresh my memory? Mick: I remember reading about it in IMG about a year ago.. about how it would revolutionize the firt-person texture mapped games for the mac... Nosferatu has arrived. BobJam: QUESTION: Are you still recieving requests to publish games for others? ChrisM: Right. I think it turned out to be vaporware. Eviscerator has arrived. Cyril: QUESTION: Are you guys going to make more first person games? shpanky: whew! finnally! this is soo tough to get into Mick: I could give you the actual issue if you give me a sec.... hang on DrMelon: Is it pronounced "Ton-Sir"? Eviscerator: am I in? Eviscerator: is IMG bussy or what? tuncer: BobJam, yes, we get some sometimes, but we feel it's better to concentrate on our own games DrMelon: Come on guys...I'm serious here DrMelon: :) tuncer: Cyril, not now, but who knows in the future tuncer: DrMelon, yes! TheSeeker: Hey Melon, go listen to the voices in the graveyard... tuncer: next question ;-) DrMelon: I can't make em out...yet TheSeeker: QUESTION: Is Bungie going to be getting a little more communicative ever? (BTW, thanks for coming tuncer) orange just left. ChrisM: Standard reminder warning... ChrisM: Remember to start your questions for tuncer with "QUESTION:" so they may be easily identified. Bastian: Better keep that "Sir" part respectful, DrM... he's a toughie on the battlefield... :) tuncer: Seeker, how so? shpanky: QUESTION: tuncer can you give us any info on what Bungie has in plans for us on tr us on t us on tmonth? shpanky: ? Kusanagi: QUESTION: will the main character (if there is one) for your BW scifi game be a woman? Bastian: When he shows up, that is... DrMelon: IE: 3rd Party Maps status... tuncer: Seeker, we've always been pretty secretive about our future plans, if that's what you mean tuncer: shpanky, well, at E3 we'll be announcing two new games Mick: Chris- I got the issue... Jan/Feb 96, screenshot and everything Cyril just left. TheSeeker: QUESTION: We bnetters clamor for so much (minor interface changes, scoring changes, etc), will we ever be told what you plan on addressing? orange has arrived. orange: quite evil Nosferatu: Question: tuncer, does Bungie have any input in the Daimyo project? Bastian: Gotta love the feeble attempts of a Mac Java coder, orange Bastian: :) orange: i say we use irc :) Mick: Chris- from a company called "Deilution" tuncer: Seeker, let's just say we're working on major changes to bungie.net, we'll BobJam: QUESTION: Why are you using Java when it sucks so much? IRC is much better. Eviscerator: QUESTION: is one of the next games going to be myth, you say? tuncer: have more info at E3 Mick: Chris- Strange... so much info on it too TheSeeker: heheheh Bob2: Use Apple Runtime for Java rather than Netscape/IE Mick: Chris- Still there? Bob2: .....far more stable tuncer: Nosferatu, not at this time. daimyo is a very ambitious project and they need a publisher Eviscerator: oops i ment another Myth 2 Eviscerator: oops Eviscerator: hehe orange: as i said before i crashed, please release the marathon 1 2 infinity source tuncer: Eviscerator, wish i could say, wait till E3 ChrisM: Mick-- yes. Digesting your info! I think it's just one of those projects that ran out of cash. Cadilon: QUESTION: How expandable is Myth? New maps, obviously, but what about new characters? tuncer: Orange, you got it ;-) Eviscerator: ;-) when is E3 bye the way? Bastian: Cadilon: Very Kusanagi: Kusanagi: QUESTION: will the main character (if there is one) for your BW Kusanagi: scifi game be a woman? darnit Kusanagi: QUESTION: will the main character (if there is one) for your BW Kusanagi: scifi game be a woman? orange: tuncer, no hints about whats gonna be at E3? orange: thanks tuncer ;) Mick: Chris- 'shame... looked like a promising game Kusanagi: ugh! ChrisM: May 27-30 Kusanagi: sor-ry Eviscerator: thanks chris tuncer: Cadilon, Myth is quite expandable, but creating new characters is very difficult tuncer: it would require highly skilled artists Eviscerator: Myth is "shit"! Cyril has arrived. Eviscerator: :-) tuncer: Kusanagi, hmm, can't say right now Ash has arrived. Ash: Dear god Ash just left. Rolend has arrived. Nosferatu: my concern with new characters, is that it may take away from the exquisit playbalance that exists now Rolend: There we go... Now, "Dear God" Kusanagi: Ha, chicks rule. :^) tuncer: Very true Nosferatu Eviscerator: am I wrong or is Myth a no name game on the PC side? Methos has arrived. Eviscerator: well close to no name tuncer: Hopefully some of the third-party map editors are close to being done Bastian: It has a name, Eviscerator ChrisM: Standard reminder... ChrisM: Remember to start your questions for tuncer with "QUESTION:" so they may be easily identified. Bastian: Hey! TheSeeker: QUESTION: Are there any questions you CAN answer tuncer: Seeker, YES! Bastian: No comment, tuncer tuncer: See, I answered TheSeeker: heheheheh...I asked for it Cyril: QUESTION: How many copies of myth have you guys sold? orange: QUESTION: when is the ass kicking chair going to be released? Kusanagi: QUESTION: What color is the wind? DrMelon: QUESTION: What happens in 15 days?QUESTION:QUESTION:QUESTION: lustygoat has arrived Eviscerator: geez...I hope you can type fast tuncer: Well, we've shipped over 300,000 copies so far Nosferatu: Question: tuncer if hindsight were 20/20, would you do anything different with Myth, the game or the engine? tuncer: Don't know exactly how many have sold though Journeyman has arrived. tuncer: Nosferatu, yes! Bob2: I bought one DrMelon: Why did myny thing write Question 3 times??! :) Journeyman: I'm tellin' ya, gotta get a G3 tuncer: First, better support for 3rd party map editors Silvermane has arrived. orange: statement: you should pay the admins with all that money tuncer Bob2: any can anyone account for the other 299,999? tuncer: And make the game a little easier Bastian: Did I hear that right shpanky: gosh, stupid java, QUESTION: tuncer can you give us an ideal of what Bungie has in plan for us on the 22cnd of this month? shpanky: QUESTION: will these two new games being announced at e3 in any way a MYTH 2? shpanky: im having 5 minute lag time between when i ask a question and when it actually comes up, so forgive me if i ask a question that has been adressed shpanky: QUESTION: tuncer does Bungie have any plans or announcements coming on the 22cnd of this month? shpanky: ? shpanky: QUESTION tuncer is there any truth to the rumor that bungie plans on making an announcement on something on the 22cnd of this month? tuncer: A lot of people found it difficult tuncer: Shpanky, 28th, at E3 Journeyman: Okay... what was I going to ask.. Journeyman: ah yes TheSeeker: Tell 'em to save game more often ; ) Eviscerator: hopw far along are the games you are going to anounceQUESTION Journeyman: Chris- Have you ever thought of doing a company spotlight on Prest Studios? Eviscerator: a demo? Cyril: if it makes you feel any better tuncer, I didn't have a problem with the difficulty level Silvermane: when was the last issue of Bungievision newsletter out? tuncer: Eviscerator, one was started over a year ago, the other about 5 months ago Methos: QUESTION: What prompted the storyline presented in Myth? Journeyman: Chris- I've been following their company since the beginning.... orange: QUESTION: do any of the new games create a new genre or revolutionize an existing one? TheSeeker: QUESTION: Are you guys interested in suggs for Myth tweaks/expansion packs/Myth II? ChrisM: JourneyMan - yes, it's come up. We want to start doing more company spotlights with IMG. Eviscerator: K thanks Silvermane: I have one here that sez the prize for the map making contest was a computer orange: methos, hinduism tuncer: And we have a 3rd game in development that won't be done until end of 1999 Nosferatu: Question: tuncer, do difficulty levels have any bearing on multiplayer games? BobJam: Yeah, I seem to remember the prize for the map making contest winner being a computer Eviscerator: he won't say if their even will be a myth2 shpanky: the codex reports of something on in 16 days (which is the 22cnd) are you denieing an annoiuncement on that date? tuncer: ahhh, i'm lost Eviscerator: :-) tuncer: shpanky, dennying Bastian: Sour grapes, GoC boi? Ely has arrived. Journeyman: Chris- I know enough that I could probably write one for Presto, but have you ever considered interviewing them? shpanky: ardon Bastian? shpanky: pardon even TheSeeker: QUESTION: Is Bungie interested in suggs for Myth tweaks/expansion packs/Myth II? tuncer: Nosferatu, no, difficulty levels have no bering on multiplayer game Bob2: QUESTION: Is thre any tru7h in the recent BungieRumors stories? Bastian: That thing about "the codex reports" tuncer: Seeker, sure, post on alt.games.myth DrMelon: Actually, it should be 15 days...If they were updating right shpank...some Myth sites...sigh tuncer: I read it every day Journeyman: Chris- .. with the whole issue of their new game "Beneath".. Bastian: Sounds so much like the papers combating each other here tuncer: Bob2, none ;-) Journeyman: Chris- ...which might not come to the mac.... ChrisM: Journeyman -- Cool. shpanky: sour grapes Bastian? not at all. simply curious. why such a poor attitude Bas? Have i offended you? orange: question: will the new games create a new genre or radically change an existing one TheSeeker: QUESTION: What about email tuncer? And do you guys follow any of the web site forums? Journeyman: Chris- Presto has been 100% loyal to the Mac since day one, and now this sudden change of events DrMelon: Do you look at Myth sites? tuncer: hmm, don't have much time to be web browsing ;-) Cyril: QUESTION: When are you going to update the letters to the webmaster? =) tuncer: but I do check out alt.games.myth TheSeeker: heh...I saw Jason Jones' 2 posts Journeyman: Chris- That and I don't think IMG has ever interviewed them tuncer: Cyril, hmm, a question for the webmaster TheSeeker: I predict a flooding of the newsgroup Silvermane: QUESTION: Why did the Bungievision newsletter imply the prize for the mapmaking contest was a computer? tuncer: DrMelon, I sometimes check out the Myth Codex Journeyman: Chris- Just thought it would be an interesting issue for the mag Cadilon has arrived. Bob2: QUESTION: Who is the webmaster? BobJam: QUESTION: Why is the compression on the myth cutscenes so terrible? Journeyman: Chris- ever think about it? BobJam: They get all pixelized. Journeyman: Chris- doing an interview with them? tuncer: BobJam, good question, lots and lots of color changes Bastian: Wow!!! 20 minutes without a crash! Eviscerator: yeah tuncer: we kinda pooched the compression a bit on the cutscenes Ely just left. Eviscerator: I crashed 2 times tuncer: we're going to be looking at QT 3.0 for future compression on our cutscenes DrMelon: Mine do that too!!..pixels from the last screens stay lit and stuff? ChrisM: Journeyman -- I think so. I'm speaking about it now to Rafi. DrMelon: How can I fix that? Methos: QUESTIOn: Cutscenes' for what;-) BungieRumors has arrived. ChrisM: Standard reminder -- Remember to start your questions for tuncer with "QUESTION:" so they may be easily identified. orange: question: why were the mahir skrael etc left out of myth when they were 90% finished Cadilon: QUESTION: Is working at a famous software company as glamorous and profitable as it? seems? tuncer: Methos, Cutsscenes for Marathon 2000! BungieRumors: testing tuncer: Just kidding ;-) tuncer: Orange, good question Kusanagi: he keeps winking! BobJam: heh lustygoat: *meaningless words to keep from being booted* tuncer: While the mahir was cool looking, his attack was a bitch to get right DrMelon: QUESTION:How long will this chat go on? Kusanagi: anyone have visine? tuncer: Jason worked on him for a while, but it was just too difficult ChrisM: Until 12:00 TheSeeker: and when's the next chat? tuncer: The skreal just plain stunk, i though ChrisM: Next week, same time. tuncer: thoguht TheSeeker: uh, next Bungie chat I meant orange: any myrkridia for myth 2? BungieRumors: QUESTION: did tuncer ever visit bungierumors? Eviscerator: skreawhat are the skreal? I herd of them tuncer: Yes, tuncer checked out bungierumors the other day, great stuff BungieRumors: heh Methos: QUESTION: How many serial numbers did tuncer get in his email? Bob2: and all true DrMelon: seemed kinda just tossed into this one.. (the myrkridia) DrMelon: They seemed cool though DrMelon: I wish we saw more of them orange: QUESTION: did Doug Zartman read the Vedas before writing the myth story? tuncer: Jason Jones did most of the Myth story BungieRumors: QUESTION: do you think the limits placed on the creation of third party maps reduced myth's longevity as a game? tuncer: Can anyone say "Glen Cook"? Bastian: Been there, done that TheSeeker: Glen Cook Kusanagi: Glen Cook Bastian: Ooh, let me answer that 3rd party one, tuncer! :) tuncer: bungierumors, in the long term, and in complete honesty, yes Rolend has arrived. shpanky: QUESTION the advent of a 3dfx version for Myth was a fantastic ideal in my opinion. On the upcoming Bungie games... are there any plans for them having voodoo support, or better yet... take advantage of voodoo II ? Kusanagi: i must have one of those implants Journeyman just left. BungieRumors: :nod: tuncer: shpanky, absolutely! DrMelon: Question: How long, and what do you do, in a reg. BUngie workda tuncer: I think within a few years, all our games will be hardware only Eviscerator: voodoo 2 is just improves frame rate tuncer: just my opinion, not bungie's Rolend: QUESTION: How about the Power VR second generation chips, and the RIVA TNT chips alboy has arrived. BungieRumors: 3dfx and voodoo are the same thing... Nosferatu has arrived. Cyril: QUESTION: What about RAVE support? Eviscerator: yeah? tuncer: We're looking into Power VR, RIVA, and RAVE for future products, but nothing Bob2: QUESTION: Any chance of releasing the patch to allow me to use my CyberMaxx with Marathon? Eviscerator: I'm a rave dude tuncer: has been announced yet ;-) Kusanagi: QUESTION: What do marathon fans have to look forward to from Bungie? shpanky: 3dfx is the maker of the voodoo chip, to be precise :) tuncer: Bob2, uhhhhh _leet has arrived. Bob2: QUESTION: Or even VR helmets with Myth ;-) _leet just left. BungieRumors: heh tuncer: Kusanagi, not much, to be honest. retro has arrived. BungieRumors: Bob, that's about as likely as the promised M2 update being released Bastian: Ouch TheSeeker: Hey Kus, how about a Marathon Myth total conversion Rolend: Blech.. VR helmets, consumer ready ones all suck. tuncer: Maybe one day we'll go back to Marathon, but who knows Bob2: Hey, I have total confidence that Bungie will 'do the right thing' ;-) Methos: hmmm TheSeeker: QUESTION: Has the Myth engine been licensed out? Eviscerator: me 2 bob shpanky: QUESTION with a game as great as Myth, are their any plans on bringing it to a console system? and if so which one... playstation, nintendo 64? tuncer: Seeker, nope, not yet orange: QUESTION:any sequels to games before marathon (pid minotaur etc) TheSeeker: QUESTION: Is Bungie considering licensing it? DrMelon: ------- tuncer: shpanky, we thought about it, but the playstation and N64 doesn't have enough memory tuncer: Myth is a memory hog Rolend: QUESTION: Minotaur kicks ass, any chance on re-releasing, or doing something similiar to it again? retro: I don't know how you would control it BungieRumors: QUESTION: since so many of the original marathon people have one way or another left bungie, do you think returning to marathon may not work out? (if bungie every did) Cadilon: (just some stupid words to keep from timing out) tuncer: Seeker, yes, for the right price ;-) BungieRumors: ever Eviscerator: QUESTION: will a "next myth" use like 3d models as men not sprites? tuncer: Hmm, Jason Jones is still at Bungie, so a return to Marathon is still feasible Methos: QUESTION: How did Bungie get into the recent Sprockets programming with Apple? tuncer: but I'm pretty sure he's not interested in doing a Marathon game right now Bastian: Why license Myth's engine when it is easily duplicable? alboy just left. Bastian: Sorry Cyril: another anti idle thing Mick has arrived. TheSeeker: To get the $ before they think to dupe it...heh Kusanagi: no one is going to care by that time, BR Mick: sorry... shpanky: tuncer.. but surely Bungie could get ahold of some developement kits for the upcoming blackbelt (saturns upcoming console) is bungie looking into that possibility? Mick: damn POS BungieRumors: consoles suck BungieRumors: :) tuncer: shpanky, for future consoles, yes Eviscerator: yeah my sega saturn really sucks BungieRumors: no expandability in consoles, add ons are a big part of why people buy games Mick: Sega Saturn is pretty cool... Mick: woah... Silvermane has arrived. TheSeeker: QUESTION: Does Bungie have any opinion about games & Rhapsody? Mick: hey Evis, mine rocks! retro: microsoft is providing the OS for a few consoles.... Eviscerator: no games for sega saturn like haveing a mac Kusanagi: QUESTION: Would bungie ever consider creating a fighting game? Bastian: QUESTION: Why don't Bungie employees ever play with us anymore(except Max and Charlie)? retro: Sega and PSX I believe Mick: but once Sega Katana comes out.... Rolend: QUESTION: Any Chance in BUNGIE re-releasing Minotaur with TCP/IP support!? tuncer: Hmm, Rhapsody, from what we understand, will mainly be a server/business OS Mick: Katana is gonna kick some serious tail.. Mick: anyway... tuncer: So right now we have no plans for Rhapsody Bob2: QUESTION: I've seen Marathon in the blue box, but will the source be available for porting to the yellow box? Mick: Chris? Nosferatu: Question: tuncer has anyone ever seen a breakdown of who bought Myth, I would have expected to see more U.K. people on Bungie.net. Silvermane: QUESTION: are you going answer my questions? tuncer: Rolend, maybe.... Bastian: Rhapsody is like NT when it comes to games, from a coding standpoint orange: tuncer bungie should go to wwdc apple is going to stress games and stuff BungieRumors: heh Rolend: QUESTION: It's a necessity for people like me:) Bob2: Bungie.Net is too slow from Europe BungieRumors: bob, if you are on a decent isp it should be ok Bob2: If you want more Europeans online, you need some Europe based proxies tuncer: Bob2, i'll ask the programmers about releasing the source code, but i bet the idea tuncer: will get shot down TheSeeker: Ah well, Carmack's .plan seemed to have some hope for Rhapsody Bob2: same for the asian market no doubt Mick: Chris- just had to ask... I wouldn't necessarily have to visit the company to do a company spotlight, would I? ChrisM has arrived. shpanky: QUESTION tuncer do you consider yourself a gamer (other than a game maker) and if so what OTHER games do you enjoy? Kusanagi: QUESTION: Would Bungie ever consider making a fighting game? Mick: Chris- just had to ask... I wouldn't necessarily have to visit the Mick: company to do a company spotlight, would I? ChrisM: Mick -- Yes? Bob2: QUESTION: And if not a gamer, what exactly do you do for Bungie? TheSeeker: QUESTION: How about some fluff? What's your fave units/maps/games? tuncer: Yes, I consider myself a gamer, I love strategy games, flight sims. ChrisM: Mick -- no, not really. It helps, but it isn't necessary. BungieRumors: QUESTION: do you find all these questions stressful? ;) Eviscerator: I think we all know the answer to that one ChrisM: Well, it's getting near 12:00 folks, so we're going to wind it down... retro: QUESTION: Any news on Myth conversions? Mick: Chris- So, with your permission, can I do the Company Spotlight for Presto? Bastian: Ack! Time to go do my Student Gov. junk... tuncer: bungierumors, yes BungieRumors: heheheh Bastian: Bye all... tuncer: maybe we can have a chat after e3 to discuss the new games Silvermane: well, this was less than informative Mick: Chris- Alright, cool Bastian: tuncer, come play sometime ChrisM: Any last questions for tuncer? orange: QUESTION: can you make a completely vague comment on the genre of the new games Kusanagi: QUESTION: Would Bungie ever consider or is Bungie working on a fighting game? Bastian just left. shpanky: QUESTION a chess player i assume? (gathered from the encredible strategy you have allowed for in Myth) unlike MANY other brainless build as fast as you can RTS Mick: Chris- Thanks, I'll see ya 'round sometime ChrisM: Mick -- cya tuncer: orange, hmm, revolution and evolution....how's that? BungieRumors: QUESTION: do you find working for bungie satisfying and something you could continue doing for years to come? orange: all i wanna know thanks DrMelon: What is your b.net name??! :O) Eviscerator: thats vague tuncer: Kusanagi, doubt it, but who knows Bob2: QUESTION: Why did you mislead people on the prize for the Marathon map making competition? tuncer: bungierumors, yes! Mick just left. tuncer: Bob2, I have no idea what you are talking about ;-) TheSeeker: QUESTION: So, what's yer fave units/maps/games? And least fave? Kusanagi: he winked again! tuncer: My favorite unit is the berserker ChrisM: Well, I thank you all for coming. Please join us next week, when our guest will be... Dr. Joyce Brothers. Bob2: clearly a sense of guilt ChrisM: : ) Kusanagi: got a twitchy eye. tuncer: favorite net map is creep Eviscerator: you wanted to make a game like brave heart orange: hmm sex tuncer: Bob2, I have no idea, i swear shpanky: THANKS tuncer, very kid of you!!! shpanky: kind even orange: thanks tuncer TheSeeker: thanks tuncer; hope to chat again Cyril: yes thanks for comeing and talking to us BungieRumors: QUESTION: what did you have for breakfast thismorning? Eviscerator: QUESTION: was the zerk the first units you came up with? tuncer: no problem BungieRumors: heh retro just left. tuncer: baby carrots orange: dark units came first i think ChrisM: Baby carrots? Ugh....! BungieRumors: i'm straining to think of some more intelligent questions. tuncer: No, i think the first unit was the thrall shpanky: Cris M can we get a copy of the chat dialog somehow? Methos: Ditto orange: thrall is the best unit in the game imo Eviscerator: well when I first herd about myht you said you were trying to make it like braveheart TheSeeker: I've been saving most of the dialog Eviscerator: the zerk is william wallace tuncer: Eviscerator, well, Braveheart "inspired" us Methos: have you been bounced out? Nosferatu: thanks for this time,tuncer, and thanks for the most addictive game I've ever played, see you on Bungie.net ChrisM: Maybe; if tuncer activated the log. TheSeeker: have the last 30-40 min. of it BungieRumors: QUESTION: do you think craig mullins will ever do art for another Bungie game in the future? His work kick ass! Bob2: Oh no. tuncer will be exposed Trolld has arrived. Cadilon has arrived. Methos: ? Methos: nto the recent Sprockets programming with Apple? Nosferatu just left. Silvermane: the truth will come out Eviscerator: yeah thats what it said I think Kusanagi: QUESTION: Why did Bungie register the domain "Blam.com"? tuncer: bungierumors, good question, maybe shpanky: QUESTION: tuncer... did you actiate the log for God's sake man !? Cadilon just left. tuncer: nope, sorry tuncer: we registered blam? cool! TheSeeker: shpanky, I have most of this chat saved to disk ChrisM: Well folks, we're going to wind it down now. Bob2: I'm sure we can reconstruct it ;-) Eviscerator: yeah it was that art was cool Silvermane: why would he want to log ignoring the hard questions? TheSeeker: heheheh tuncer: hehe Trolld just left. TheSeeker: ChrisM, you'll have to reduce us to chunky salsa first! Bob2: That Marathon Story Page will have the log shpanky whispered: can you email it to me? pretty pretty please? ChrisM: Gee, now if I can only make the server crash again... : ) BungieRumors: don't trust the story page TheSeeker: heheheheh BungieRumors: hamish is on bungie's payroll Eviscerator: my HD fell asleep HEHE! Bob2: It's BungieRumors that we shouldnt trust TheSeeker: I'll prob send to GoC, VR, & Codex BungieRumors: trust no one. Bob2: But You're Hamish aren't you? Own up. shpanky: good man ChrisM: Well folks, tuncer and I are going to call it a night. TheSeeker: Well I hope Bungie graces us all again w/ a chat sometime ChrisM: We thank you for coming. BungieRumors: heh, er, hamish is sleeping, it's like 4am where he is shpanky: Thanks tuncer ChrisM!!! tuncer: see ya guys, thanks! Silvermane just left. |