*** The Bungie Newsletter ****

	Volume 3
	September 28th, 1998

Welcome to the latest edition of the Bungie Newsletter. As we come closer 
to finishing up Myth II: Soulblighter, important developments related to 
the game are starting to pile up. For all the news you need to know, read 


Table of Contents

1. Bungie's Version of Resource Management
2. Fear & Loathing - The Editors
3. Myth II: Soulblighter Supports lots of Hardware
4. No Blood for the Masses
5. Myth II: Soulblighter gets European Support from GTI
6. Upcoming: Tournaments at MacWorld San Francisco
8. Hear from our Sound Guys
9. What's next from Bungie?
10. How to (un)subscribe to the Bungie Mail List


1. Bungie's Version of Resource Management

These days everyone knows that the rainforests and spotted owls are 
endangered natural resources, but few realize that the nation's supply of 
CD-ROM plastic is also dangerously 
low. Bungie Software, in a bold new initiative, has come up with a 
solution: recycling real-time strategy game CDs. Since RTS is one of the 
most popular genres in computer gaming, reclaiming the plastic from RTS 
CDs will prevent the clear-cutting of whole forests of plastic trees.

When a PC gamer sends us their CD for StarCraft(tm), Age of Empires(tm) 
or Total Annihilation(tm), they'll get $10 off the price of pre-ordering 
Myth II: Soulblighter. Regularly $49.99, they'll get one of the first 
copies off the line for $39.99. Macintosh gamers can bolster precious 
stocks of plastic by sending in their Command and Conquer(tm) and 
WarCraft II(tm) CDs. The 
same terms apply. 

For instructions on how to save the Earth and save big on Myth II: 
Soulblighter go to https://www.bungie.com/store and fill out the 
pre-order form. Then print the screen with your information, and send it 
along with the original CD of your game to the indicated address. 

2. Fear & Loathing - The Editors

Isn't it better to use the tools than to be one?  That's exactly what you 
can do when Myth II comes out.  We'll be including Fear & Loathing - the 
very tools our map designers use - in the retail package.

Fear is the tag editor, which allows users to manipulate the many 
cross-platform data files, or tags, that control the characteristics of 
units, objects, sounds and most other elements in the Myth world. 
Loathing is the map editor, which unites a user's map texture with the 3D 
mesh that makes it into a terrain, and governs the placement of units, 
sound sources and other game elements on that terrain. Together these 
tools allow a user to create an entirely new Myth world from scratch, or 
modify existing Myth levels into bizarre permutations of the originals. 

One of our designers used his daily allotted free time (about 20 minutes) 
to make exploding chickens shoot out of the dwarves' butts.  Just imagine 
what you'll think of.  Plus, all the cool new maps you make can be traded 
on the net as plug-ins and used on bungie.net too!

3. Myth II: Soulblighter to Support Hardware

Myth: The Fallen Lords was the first real-time strategy game to take 
advantage of true 3D hardware acceleration.  With Myth II: Soulblighter, 
hardware support is even more impressive than with its predecessor... 3D 
audio support brings disturbingly realistic blood-curdling screams into 
your home from any angle, while 3D graphics show you the curdling blood 
in stunning detail.  It's an all-out assault on the senses!

Myth II: Soulblighter utilizes Glide for 3Dfx, Redline for Rendition, 
Rave for ATI, and Direct 3D to pick up an enormous variety of 3D hardware 
boards. But the support doesn't end there.  In addition to 3D graphics 
acceleration, Myth II: Soulblighter will support the 3D audio features in 
Creative Labs Environmental Audio cards as well as Aureal 3D's A3D 

4. No Blood for the Masses

Being sensitive to the corruption of our youth today, Bungie has taken a 
unique step to bring our gaming experience to as wide an audience as 
possible.  With the release of Myth II: Soulblighter, Bungie has 
perfected the "No-Blood" option which eliminates the Animated Gore that 
is so prevalent in the game.  With the no-blood option enabled, sprays of 
blood are replaced by showers of stars, and explosions will scatter bits 
of armor, but not limbs and heads, over the battlefield

While acknowledging that although the gore in the Myth series is somewhat 
comical, Bungie's sales director David Joost said, "being a parent 
myself, it makes me feel good that we're able to offer our products with 
a feature that parents can use to be proactive in what their children are 
exposed to."  Users will have the ability to choose whether they want the 
gore or not and can password protect the no-blood setting.

5. Myth II: Soulblighter gets European Support from GTI

All of our fans in Europe will be happy to learn that Bungie's selected 
GT Interactive Europe, Ltd. as our European distribution partner for Myth 
II: Soulblighter.  Highlights of the deal will ensure a timely release in 
Europe and quality localized versions of the game.  GTI will be handling 
all EC countries including France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain and 
the UK.  Bungie has also committed to assuring compatibility among all 
the localized versions across bungie.net.  As we all know, carnage is 
quickly becoming one of this country's fastest growing export businesses.

6. Upcoming: Tournaments at MacWorld San Francisco

Not content to sit at home in front of the couch all day, Bungie has 
arranged for a sojourn to the bay area to show off the latest and 
greatest (which certainly includes Myth II and possibly some surprises) 
at the annual MacWorld convention.

In addition to showing the latest and selling our wares, there will be 
tournaments sponsored by show management for fans to participate in.  For 
more info check out this page: http://www.macworldexpo.com

8. Hear from our Sound Guys

Bungie continues to enjoy a successful relationship with our beloved 
sound engineers at Total Audio (It's amazing how well you can get along 
with someone once you've gotten the pictures developed).  This month 
we've featured them on our web site with an interview about the 
intricacies of audio design for computer games.  Check it out at 

9. What's next from Bungie?

Y'all may be surprised to learn that the blokes at Bungie have had their 
hands full for the last year with more than just Myth II: Soulblighter.  
Look for a big announcement about our new stuff soon.

10. How to (un)subscribe to/from the Bungie Mail List
To unsubscribe from the bungie news list send an email to: 
listserv@bungie.com and include the following in the message area:

unsubscribe bungie-news <email address>

To subscribe send a similar message with this in the body:

subscribe bungie-news <email address>

Contents are Copyright 1998 Bungie Software Products Corporation.  All 
rights reserved.  All trademarks referenced are the property of their 
respective owners.  Comments about the Bungie Newsletter, questions for 
customer support, and requests to join the cause should be directed to 
<support@bungie.com>.  Look for our advertisements in major gaming 
publications nationwide, then buy our games.