Welcome to Pathways Into Darkness!

Pathways Into Darkness is the first Macintosh game to utilize real-time texture-mapping!
Pathways will be in stores August 1993
Suggested Retail Price: $69.99, Street Price: $39-$45

For more information contact:
Bungie Software Products Corporation
PO Box 7877
Chicago, IL 60680-7877
(312) 493-2849
Fax: (312) 493-4557
America Online: BungieSoft
AppleLink: BUNGIE

This document should help you install and play the Pathways Into Darkness Demo.
Demo Version A1: 7/2/93


  • Macintosh Computer with 8-Bit (256) Color display.
  • System 6.0.5 or higher.
  • 2 Meg of free RAM.

    Double Click on the Pathways.sea file to decompress the software.
    Once decompressed, you should see a "Pathways ƒ" folder to your hard disk.
    The following four files must be in the Pathways folder for Pathways to run correctly:
    1) "Pathways Demo" - application file
    2) "Shapes" - graphics file
    3) "Maps" - map data file
    4) "Sounds" - sound file

    Also included with the demo are a few saved games for you to try.

    For the active panning stereo sound feature, you need System 7.0 or higher and Sound Manager 3.0.
    To install Sound Manager 3.0, drag the Sound Manager 3.0 Extension and the Sound Manager 3.0 Control Panel on to your System Folder and then restart your computer. Note: Future versions of the System Software (after 7.1) might already contain Sound Manager 3.0 (Check your system software manual for details). Open the Sound Manager 3.0 Control Panel and select the stereo output option.

    Double click on the Pathways application. After Pathways has loaded, choose New from the File Menu.

    There are a few things you can do to speed up the animation in Pathways.

  • Make your World View window smaller
  • Chose Preferences from the File Menu and select Low Resolution Mode
  • Make sure nothing is running in the background (i.e. open applications, print monitor, control panels, etc...)

    Walk Forwards: Up Arrow, or 8, or P
    Walk Backwards: Down Arrow, or 5, or :
    Turn Left: Left Arrow, or 4, or L
    Turn Right: Right Arrow, or 6, or "

    Dodge Left: Command Key + Left Arrow, or X, or ] or 7
    Dodge Right: Command Key + Right Arrow, or Z, or [ or 9

    Look Left: Shift Key + Left Arrow
    Look Right: Shift Key + Right Arrow

    Use Weapon: Space Bar, or Return Key, or Enter Key
    You can switch between weapons in your inventory using the number keys (the ones above the letters, NOT the keypad)
    i.e. Pressing the 1 key wields the knife, pressing 2 readies the Walther P4, etc...

    Use Crystal: Tab Key

    You can also use the mouse to control your character. To do this, open the Preferences Dialog from the File Menu and select the mouse control option. The mouse button uses the readied weapon. To dodge with the mouse, hold down the command key and move the mouse left or right. To look with the mouse, hold down the shift key and move the mouse left or right.

    When navigating, the mouse cursor will be invisible. To get the cursor back press escape or the ~ key.

    In Pathways Into Darkness you are a Special Forces agent with a mission to save the world from a hostile alien demon. To complete your mission you must detonate a small nuclear device at the bottom most level of the demon's tunnels. To complete the mission and survive you must return to the surface and signal an extraction team to pick you up.

    For this mission, you and your team were heavily equipped to complete the job. Unfortunately, thanks to a botched paradrop, most of your equipment was either damaged or taken by the other team members. You have only a Survival Knife, Flashlight, Colt .45 (with no ammo), Small Canvas Sack, Pen and Paper and Watch. Note: You do not have a small nuclear device or a radio beacon (bummer).

    Running, Dodging and Climbing

    Use the cursor keys to navigate through all the corridors and tunnels. Running forwards is slightly faster than running backwards.

    Hold down the command key and press the left or right cursor key to dodge left or right. Dodging is like side stepping and is particularly useful for avoiding enemy fire. It would be to your benefit to learn how to dodge successfully. It is also effective to hide behind corners to avoid incoming projectiles.

    To climb a ladder, walk towards it until the message, "You see a ladder going up [or down]." appears in the message window and then press the Climb Button or choose Climb from the Actions Menu.


    Your Pen and Paper serve as an auto-mapping device. Double clicking on the pen and paper brings up a map of all terrain you have visited. It is a good idea to check the map every now and then to stay sane.


    You may rest by pressing the Rest Button or choosing Rest from the Actions Menu. Resting replenishes your health. Resting also takes time. Remember, you're on an important mission here (with a time limit), we don't want you sleeping on the job all the time! While resting, your screen will go black and you will be blind to any attacks. If you are attacked, Pathways will wake you up immediately. Be careful where you sleep.

    Using Weapons

    A weapon must be readied before it can be used. To ready a weapon, double click on it in the inventory window. The wielded weapon appears in the bottom of the world view window. Any previously wielded weapon is put away. Most weapons require ammunition. If you have multiple clips for a weapon, they are automatically loaded as they are needed. Beware though, it takes about a second to load a new clip, and that one second can be the difference between life and death in the heat of battle. Press the Space Bar to use a wielded weapon.

    Using Crystals

    Crystals are very powerful objects. We know very little about them. A crystal must be readied before it can be used. To ready a crystal, double click on it in the inventory window. The activated crystal's name appears in the player window, below the power bar. The power bar displays the crystal's current power. The power bar must be full before the crystal can be discharged. Press the Tab Key to discharge the crystal.

    It is not known how many kinds of crystals you will come across, nor what the effects of most of them are. The Yellow Crystal allows you to talk to dead people.

    After each use, the crystal will recharge itself. Be warned: after each successive use, the crystal will recharge more slowly until, finally, it will shatter and become useless.

    Picking Up, Dropping, Examining, and Using Objects

    To pick up an object, walk towards it until the message, "You see X." appears in the message window and press the Search Button or choose Search from the Actions Menu. You should also search any bodies (non-monster) you come across.

    Search brings up the search dialog. Select the items you want from the list and press the Take Button. A picture of each item appears in the right side of the dialog. When you are finished press the Done Button.

    To drop an item, select it in the inventory window and press the Drop Button or choose Drop from the Actions Menu.

    To examine an item, select it in the inventory window and press the Examine Button or choose Examine from the Actions Menu. Examining will give you a brief description of any object. Examining notes will read them.

    To use an item, double click on it in the inventory window.

    Opening Doors, Pulling Chains

    Many doors will open when you walk up to them. Be careful, some doors will close behind you and lock. Some doors require you to do something special before they will open ("Open Saskatchuan?, Open Sasparilla?, Open Sarasota?").

    If you walk up to a chain hanging from the ceiling, Pathways will ask you if you want to pull it. Pull chains at your own risk.


    The health bar in the player window keeps track of your vitality. When the health bar reaches zero, you are dead. Try to prevent this from happening. In the unfortunate event that it does happen you will be allowed to return to the place where you last saved the game. Remember, you may rest to regain health points.

    Saving The Game

    You can save your game by choosing Save from the File Menu.


    The game starts at 6:13 AM on Sunday morning. You must detonate the nuclear device before 2:00 PM on Wednesday to complete the mission. In addition, keep in mind that if you wish to survive, you must escape to the surface and signal the extraction team with a radio beacon. Allow ten minutes for pickup, and another ten minutes to reach minimum safe distance. Also, keep in mind that resting takes up a lot of time. Try not to rest too much.


    A sub-directive of your mission is to collect any artifacts or treasure you may come across. These items will be studied by top archaeologists and may provide answers to the origins of the Universe.


  •     Search all human bodies you come across.
  •     Don't run out of time! This is easily accomplished by resting too much.
  •     Learn to dodge effectively in order to avoid getting hit by projectiles.
  •     Conserve crystals for when you really need them.
  •     Hide behind walls to avoid enemy fire.
  •     Talk to all dead people.
  •     Use the map if you get lost.
  •     If you run out of ammunition, don't forget about your Survival Knife.
  •     Expect the unexpected.


    With the exception of navigating and firing. Pathways can be played with the mouse.

    With the exception of sorting your inventory, Pathways can be played entirely with the keyboard.

    You can use the command-key equivalents in the Window Menu to switch between windows.

    While the message window is active, you can use the Cursor Keys to scroll up and down.

    While the player window is active, you can use the Cursor Keys to scroll up and down.

    While the inventory window is active, the following keys perform the described functions:

    Cursor Keys Select objects in your inventory Return Key Use selected object Command-Cursor Down Open selected container Command-Cursor Up Close selected container

    In addition, while interacting with dialogs, typing the first letter of any button name is equivalent to clicking the button. For example, to press the Take Button in the Search Dialog without using the mouse, type the letter ‘T'.