From: (Quanah S. Harjo)
Subject: PID Weapons
Message-ID: <>
Keywords: PID
Organization: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 1994 20:45:06 GMT
Lines: 16

The question about PID grenades made me think of another question:  Why
are the weapons that the special forces troops sent in with so outdated?
Has there ever been an explanation of this?  The M-79 Grenade launcher
is an example of this.  When Bungie made the game, the M-79 wasn't
standard issue anymore, the M-203 launcher/M-16 combo was standard.  THe
main character is carrying a .45.  The standard issue is a 9mm Beretta,
although I guess special forces could carry whatever sidearm they
considered better.  And the M-16s all seem to have bent barrels, a
problem with older M-16s but one that was (supposedly) cleared up in the
M-16A2.  Is there a reason, or was it just done for dramatic purpose?

| /\|/\   Exquad Fett  |  It Flies It Dies  |
| --$--  Flight Leader | Loyalty Beyond All |
| \/|\/  Merc Squadron | Where's my Check?  |
Quanah S.