This file represents the sounds used in Marathon. I've listed them both by ID and by name. This list was created using Resorcerer. No reproduction or post of the contents of this file without letting me know! Enjoy. -Mike ------------------ Sort by ID --------------------- 'snd ' 1000 8250 bytes "Door Open" 'snd ' 1010 8250 bytes "Door Close" 'snd ' 1020 13546 bytes "Door Access Denied" 'snd ' 1030 33656 bytes "pistol with shell" 'snd ' 1040 9706 bytes "Lock and load" (prg) 'snd ' 1050 12864 bytes "ricco1" (prg) 'snd ' 1051 10816 bytes "ricco2" 'snd ' 1070 8901 bytes "Big guy howl" 'snd ' 1080 12458 bytes "Splursh" 'snd ' 1090 9002 bytes "Splat" 'snd ' 1110 7402 bytes "Punch" (prg) 'snd ' 1160 12714 bytes "Picked up special item" 'snd ' 1170 4682 bytes "Picked up weapon/ammo" 'snd ' 1180 4818 bytes "No ammo!" (prg) 'snd ' 1200 3066 bytes *player taking bullet hit* (prg) 'snd ' 1201 3734 bytes *player taking bullet hit* (prg) 'snd ' 1202 3099 bytes *player taking bullet hit* 'snd ' 1210 5706 bytes "Splursh II" 'snd ' 1220 4634 bytes *super shields on lava* 'snd ' 1230 3082 bytes *unknown dull wood kock sound* (prg) 'snd ' 1240 68390 bytes "Intro Music" (prg) 'snd ' 1250 5194 bytes "Switch Off" 'snd ' 1260 44488 bytes "grenade launcher w/ shell" (prg) 'snd ' 1270 24490 bytes "Rocket explosion" (prg) 'snd ' 1280 4081 bytes "Switch on" (prg) 'snd ' 1290 16454 bytes "Rocket flying by your head" 'snd ' 1310 26343 bytes "assault rifle with shell" (prg) 'snd ' 1330 2538 bytes *Hunter fire* (prg) 'snd ' 1350 9657 bytes "Compiler dies" (prg) 'snd ' 1360 4492 bytes "Compiler fires" (prg) 'snd ' 1370 5841 bytes "Compiler hit" (prg) 'snd ' 1380 5594 bytes "Compiler fire hits you" (prg) 'snd ' 1390 11586 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 1400 4570 bytes "Uhh" (prg) 'snd ' 1401 3914 bytes "Huhhh..." (prg) 'snd ' 1410 22570 bytes "They're Everywhere!" (prg) 'snd ' 1415 26538 bytes "Thank God it's you!" (prg) 'snd ' 1420 16298 bytes "aaaaaaaahhhh!" (prg) 'snd ' 1421 17322 bytes "Oooohhaaaahhhh!" (prg) 'snd ' 1430 36522 bytes "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAYAYAYA" (prg) 'snd ' 1440 15398 bytes "BIG Alien Grunt" (prg) 'snd ' 2000 5066 bytes "Terminal noise" 'snd ' 2010 6762 bytes "Beam out" (prg) 'snd ' 2020 6730 bytes "Beam in" (prg) 'snd ' 2030 3906 bytes "Alien Gun Firing" (prg) 'snd ' 2040 12374 bytes "Warrior dies from napalm" (prg) 'snd ' 2050 15978 bytes "Rocket firing" (prg) 'snd ' 2080 12330 bytes "Grenade explosion" (prg) 'snd ' 2090 12025 bytes "Grenade flying by your head" (prg) 'snd ' 2100 16682 bytes "Napalm" (prg) 'snd ' 2130 6221 bytes "Hulk" (prg) 'snd ' 2150 8968 bytes "Warrior dying" (prg) 'snd ' 2160 5077 bytes "Zeus gun hitting the wall" (prg) 'snd ' 2170 7018 bytes "Zeus gun firing" (prg) 'snd ' 2180 7178 bytes "Warrior fire hitting the wall" (prg) 'snd ' 2190 5546 bytes "Warrior fires at you" (prg) 'snd ' 2200 7001 bytes "Zeus bolt flyby" (prg) 'snd ' 2210 21716 bytes "Zeus gun charging" 'snd ' 2230 3797 bytes "Terminal login" (prg) 'snd ' 2232 3530 bytes "Terminal noise 2" (prg) 'snd ' 2240 13738 bytes "Elevator starting up" (prg) 'snd ' 2250 10982 bytes "Elevator stopping" (prg) 'snd ' 2260 8405 bytes "Alien door opening" (prg) 'snd ' 2270 5738 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 2280 9016 bytes "Alien door closing" (prg) 'snd ' 2290 10154 bytes "Shield regeneration" (prg) 'snd ' 2295 11306 bytes "Receiving Oxygen" (prg) 'snd ' 2310 18018 bytes "CRUNCH" (prg) 'snd ' 2320 7809 bytes "Boom bugs" (prg) 'snd ' 2321 5738 bytes "Bug noise 1" (prg) 'snd ' 2322 6511 bytes "Bug noise 2" (prg) 'snd ' 2330 2320 bytes "Alien Warrior attacking" (prg) 'snd ' 3000 11114 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 3010 8771 bytes "Warrior dies" (prg) 'snd ' 3011 6995 bytes "Warrior hit" (prg) 'snd ' 3020 10375 bytes "Alien noise 1" (prg) 'snd ' 3021 7669 bytes "Alien noise 2" (prg) 'snd ' 3022 7910 bytes "Alien noise 3" (prg) 'snd ' 4000 8810 bytes "Assault rifle firing" (prg) 'snd ' 4010 11875 bytes "Bomb bug exploding" (prg) 'snd ' 4040 5915 bytes *Hunter sound* (prg) 'snd ' 5000 8773 bytes "Firing bullets on droid 2" (prg) 'snd ' 5001 7794 bytes "Firing bullets on droid 1" (prg) 'snd ' 20000 4877 bytes "Bug noise 4" (prg) 'snd ' 20010 5514 bytes "Bug 1" (prg) 'snd ' 20020 4811 bytes "Bug 2" (prg) 'snd ' 20021 5576 bytes "Bug 3" (prg) 'snd ' 20030 12115 bytes *alien platform up* (prg) 'snd ' 20040 12115 bytes *alien platform down* (prg) 'snd ' 20050 10598 bytes "Big alien dying?" (prg) 'snd ' 20060 8470 bytes "Big guy dies" (prg) 'snd ' 20070 7586 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 20080 7587 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 20090 12827 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 20100 7247 bytes "Big guy fires" (prg) 'snd ' 20110 9703 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 20120 5226 bytes "Flap Flap Flap 1" (prg) 'snd ' 20121 5482 bytes "Flap Flap Flap 2" (prg) 'snd ' 20122 5226 bytes "Flap Flap Flap 3" (prg) 'snd ' 20130 6566 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 20140 2824 bytes "Computer screen turned on" (prg) 'snd ' 20180 2522 bytes "Computer noise 2" (prg) 'snd ' 20190 13924 bytes "Game over.....uuuhhh..." (prg) 'snd ' 20200 9935 bytes "Beep Beep" --------------- Sort by Name --------------- (prg) 'snd ' 4040 5915 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 1200 3066 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 1201 3734 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 1202 3099 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 20040 12115 bytes 'snd ' 1220 4634 bytes 'snd ' 1230 3082 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 20030 12115 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 20080 7587 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 20090 12827 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 2270 5738 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 20070 7586 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 20110 9703 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 3000 11114 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 1330 2538 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 1390 11586 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 20130 6566 bytes (prg) 'snd ' 1430 36522 bytes "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAYAYAYA" (prg) 'snd ' 1420 16298 bytes "aaaaaaaahhhh!" (prg) 'snd ' 2280 9016 bytes "Alien door closing" (prg) 'snd ' 2260 8405 bytes "Alien door opening" (prg) 'snd ' 2030 3906 bytes "Alien Gun Firing" (prg) 'snd ' 3020 10375 bytes "Alien noise 1" (prg) 'snd ' 3021 7669 bytes "Alien noise 2" (prg) 'snd ' 3022 7910 bytes "Alien noise 3" (prg) 'snd ' 2330 2320 bytes "Alien Warrior attacking" (prg) 'snd ' 4000 8810 bytes "Assault rifle firing" 'snd ' 1310 26343 bytes "assault rifle with shell" (prg) 'snd ' 2020 6730 bytes "Beam in" 'snd ' 2010 6762 bytes "Beam out" (prg) 'snd ' 20200 9935 bytes "Beep Beep" (prg) 'snd ' 20050 10598 bytes "Big alien dying?" (prg) 'snd ' 1440 15398 bytes "BIG Alien Grunt" (prg) 'snd ' 20060 8470 bytes "Big guy dies" (prg) 'snd ' 20100 7247 bytes "Big guy fires" 'snd ' 1070 8901 bytes "Big guy howl" (prg) 'snd ' 4010 11875 bytes "Bomb bug exploding" (prg) 'snd ' 2320 7809 bytes "Boom bugs" (prg) 'snd ' 20010 5514 bytes "Bug 1" (prg) 'snd ' 20020 4811 bytes "Bug 2" (prg) 'snd ' 20021 5576 bytes "Bug 3" (prg) 'snd ' 2321 5738 bytes "Bug noise 1" (prg) 'snd ' 2322 6511 bytes "Bug noise 2" (prg) 'snd ' 20000 4877 bytes "Bug noise 4" (prg) 'snd ' 1350 9657 bytes "Compiler dies" (prg) 'snd ' 1380 5594 bytes "Compiler fire hits you" (prg) 'snd ' 1360 4492 bytes "Compiler fires" (prg) 'snd ' 1370 5841 bytes "Compiler hit" (prg) 'snd ' 20180 2522 bytes "Computer noise 2" (prg) 'snd ' 20140 2824 bytes "Computer screen turned on" (prg) 'snd ' 2310 18018 bytes "CRUNCH" 'snd ' 1020 13546 bytes "Door Access Denied" 'snd ' 1010 8250 bytes "Door Close" 'snd ' 1000 8250 bytes "Door Open" (prg) 'snd ' 2240 13738 bytes "Elevator starting up" (prg) 'snd ' 2250 10982 bytes "Elevator stopping" (prg) 'snd ' 5001 7794 bytes "Firing bullets on droid 1" (prg) 'snd ' 5000 8773 bytes "Firing bullets on droid 2" (prg) 'snd ' 20120 5226 bytes "Flap Flap Flap 1" (prg) 'snd ' 20121 5482 bytes "Flap Flap Flap 2" (prg) 'snd ' 20122 5226 bytes "Flap Flap Flap 3" (prg) 'snd ' 20190 13924 bytes "Game over.....uuuhhh..." (prg) 'snd ' 2080 12330 bytes "Grenade explosion" (prg) 'snd ' 2090 12025 bytes "Grenade flying by your head" 'snd ' 1260 44488 bytes "grenade launcher w/ shell" (prg) 'snd ' 1401 3914 bytes "Huhhh..." (prg) 'snd ' 2130 6221 bytes "Hulk" (prg) 'snd ' 1240 68390 bytes "Intro Music" 'snd ' 1040 9706 bytes "Lock and load" (prg) 'snd ' 2100 16682 bytes "Napalm" 'snd ' 1180 4818 bytes "No ammo!" (prg) 'snd ' 1421 17322 bytes "Oooohhaaaahhhh!" (prg) 'snd ' 1160 12714 bytes "Picked up special item" 'snd ' 1170 4682 bytes "Picked up weapon/ammo" 'snd ' 1030 33656 bytes "pistol with shell" 'snd ' 1110 7402 bytes "Punch" (prg) 'snd ' 2295 11306 bytes "Receiving Oxygen" (prg) 'snd ' 1050 12864 bytes "ricco1" (prg) 'snd ' 1051 10816 bytes "ricco2" (prg) 'snd ' 1270 24490 bytes "Rocket explosion" (prg) 'snd ' 2050 15978 bytes "Rocket firing" (prg) 'snd ' 1290 16454 bytes "Rocket flying by your head" (prg) 'snd ' 2290 10154 bytes "Shield regeneration" 'snd ' 1090 9002 bytes "Splat" 'snd ' 1080 12458 bytes "Splursh" 'snd ' 1210 5706 bytes "Splursh II" (prg) 'snd ' 1250 5194 bytes "Switch Off" (prg) 'snd ' 1280 4081 bytes "Switch on" 'snd ' 2230 3797 bytes "Terminal login" (prg) 'snd ' 2000 5066 bytes "Terminal noise" (prg) 'snd ' 2232 3530 bytes "Terminal noise 2" (prg) 'snd ' 1415 26538 bytes "Thank God it's you!" (prg) 'snd ' 1410 22570 bytes "They're Everywhere!" (prg) 'snd ' 1400 4570 bytes "Uhh" (prg) 'snd ' 3010 8771 bytes "Warrior dies" (prg) 'snd ' 2040 12374 bytes "Warrior dies from napalm" (prg) 'snd ' 2150 8968 bytes "Warrior dying" (prg) 'snd ' 2180 7178 bytes "Warrior fire hitting the wall" (prg) 'snd ' 2190 5546 bytes "Warrior fires at you" (prg) 'snd ' 3011 6995 bytes "Warrior hit" (prg) 'snd ' 2200 7001 bytes "Zeus bolt flyby" (prg) 'snd ' 2210 21716 bytes "Zeus gun charging" (prg) 'snd ' 2170 7018 bytes "Zeus gun firing" (prg) 'snd ' 2160 5077 bytes "Zeus gun hitting the wall" --========================_29565985==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ============================Mike Gaines================================= = WHAT is your name? Captain Jean-Luc Picard = = WHAT is your quest? I seek the Holy Grail = = WHAT is the top velocity of a Bird of Prey? Romulan or Klingon? = = I....I don't know...AAAHHHH!!!! = THX Approved