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This page is designed to give you that little extra insight into the minds of Bungie - the creators of Marathon. Enjoy.

0. Arrival





In the data fork of the map file is Arrival..umanity
The arrival of humanity at Tau Ceti perhaps?
1. Bigger Guns Nearby


Marathon Internal Engineering Documents - Doors Manual
2. Never Burn Money
AMS = Automatic Manufacturing Systems.
Circuit board goes astray... oh dear!
The infamous Gheritt (or Gherrit) White term. But what's it doing here? ;L052 is The Rose (SAVEBOB). In its place on The Rose is Durandal's "Happy" term.
Interesting to see that this terminal is decribed as random, yet the Gheritt White terminal is not. Maybe there is something to old Gheritt afterall.
In the data fork of the map file is Never Burn Money.duction?
3. Defend THIS!
;Beginning of counterattack ;L030.MAD.ENTRY
MAD? Who me? No! MAD = Marathon's Automatic Defenses. The original name of this level was M.A.D.


James B. Miller discusses Rampancy


Monsters?!?!?!... Tycho is being a~*ssimilated. A scary terminal to read? Or does it refer to those monsters Bernard St~~~ and Durandal?


4. Couch Fishing
;CounterAttack!: ;L040.Couchfishing.ENTRY ;


Crist as in the CRIST Sol orbiters, or Cargo and Resources In-System Transports.

;CounterAttack!: ;L049.Couchfishing.EXIT ;(Main Communication dish on the Marathon is ready for repair)

Presumably refers to the dish array on G4 Sunbathing. Long way to go before we get there. Maybe G4 Sunbathing was planned for early in the story or indeed Couch Fishing later?
5. The Rose
The first of two 'save enough Bobs' levels


Third Martian War, 2345-48 E.A.D.
D.Happy = Durandal's Happy term.
In the data fork of the map file is The Rose. BETTER
This might imply two things. A renaming of the level to The Rose which was perhaps thought better or simply a better version of an older Rose map.
6. Smells Like Napalm, Tastes Like Chicken!



Durandal sulks at the bottom of a hole. If you read it your stuck!
7. Cool Fusion
;L070.fusiongun. Entry
The level on which you find the Fusion Gun. Suggests that this is were the name Cool Fusion came from.
In the data fork of the map file is Cool Fusion. Cool
8. G4 Sunbathing
Dish? Well this is the level where you have to reset the dish array.
In the data fork of the map file is G4 Sunbathing.ceport
A spaceport? G4 Sunbathing is described as a Landing Station in the terminals, thus a spaceport would make sense.
9. Blaspheme Quarantine



Tyhco's terminal on this level.
In the data fork of the map file is Blaspheme Quarantine.pa.Seal
10. Bob-B-Q
In the data fork of the map file is Bob-B-Q.eue
11. Shake Before Using...
TRAP? May reflect the fact that this level has a number of traps.
Durandal's simulacrum term in the room with the long bridge.
Poor old McYultry's journal is random shit?! I wonder if he know that?
In the data fork of the map file is Shake Before Using... Alex
An Alexander Seropian level.
12. Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!


Interesting six FIRE's in a row. Four in the one above. Yet only five in the actual level name.
13. Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap
;L130.Colony ship for sale cheap. Entry

;L131.Colonyshipforsale.COLONY ADD.Term1

ADD? Yep the old spell checker missed that one. ;-)
14. Habe Quiddam
Aha! Note the spelling QUIDAM, only one D. This corresponds with the spelling in Bungie's credit term on "Ingue Ferroque" Habete Quidam (Have Some). So now we have four ways to spell this phrase: Habe Quiddam, Habe Quidam, Habete Quidam, Habete Quiddam. Makes you wonder doesn't it? ;-)


15. Neither High nor Low
Interesting. The core center has a lift and numerous doors at different heights. The sort of thing you would expect in a supply center.
16. Pfhor Your Eyes Only...

17. No Artificial Colors

BOBLEVEL? The rescue Bernhard Strauss level. Also has lots of Simulacrums.
18. Unpfhorgiven
In the data fork of the map file is Unpfhorgiven.e pfhor this
Nice one. One of the hardest levels to Vidmaster. But who should we not pfhorgive for this level?
19. Two Times Two Equals...
In the data fork of the map file is Two Times Two Equals......or
A clue to the answer perhaps?
21. Eupfhoria
In the data fork of the map file is Eupfhoria.en
22. Pfhoraphobia

23. Ain't Got Time Pfhor This...

20. Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones...

Refuel at the 3X recharger and grab all that ammo.
The log of Bernard Strauss. Or is Bernhard Strauss?
24. Welcome to the Revolution...


Tycho's term on Revolution
Now this is interesting. BEST (things) IN LIFE are free perhaps? The S'pht are certainly free.
25. Try again
Obviously a comment on our gaming skills up to now. ;-)
;L251.Suckysucky.secret bungie message
Bungie's tips for "sucky" players ;-)
Interesting the level name CHARON DOESN'T MAKE CHANGE was originally used in Pathways into Darkness. Maybe it was going to be used in Marathon as well. Made it into Marathon 2 though.
26. Ingue Ferroque
Note the spelling of "inque".
Bungie's credit terminal.
Now it's spelt correctly... sort of. ;-)
27. Mars Needs Women

28. Carnage Palace Deeee-Luxe

In the data fork of the map file is Carnage Palace Deeee-Luxe.eL L r L
This is probably garbage but I've added it anyway.
29. 5-D space

30. Arena

31. E equals MC WHAT!!

In the data fork of the map file is E equals MC WHAT!!.ores
32. Showered With Grenades

33. Spiral Insanity

34. Waldo World Arena

35. What Goes Up, Must Come Down

36. You don't need to see my I.D.

1. Waterloo Waterpark

2. The Slings & Arrows of Outrageous Fortune

3. Charon Doesn't Make Change

4. What About Bob?

5. Come and Take your Medicine

In the data fork of the map file is Come and Take your Medicine.oy
6. We're Everywhere

7. Ex Cathedra

In the data fork of the map file is Ex Cathedra.gin'
8. Nuke And Pave
In the data fork of the map file is Nuke And Pave. Marge
9. Curiouser and Curiouser...

10. Eat It, Vid Boi!

11. The Hard Stuff Rules...

12. Bob's Big Date

In the data fork of the map file is Bob's Big Date., ya ya ya
13. Six Thousand Feet Under

14. If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay

15. Sorry Don't Make It So

In the data fork of the map file is Sorry Don't Make It So.n Your Toast?
On this level you are. One of the hardest to Vidmaster. And the levels just get harder.
16. For Carnage, Apply Within

17. Begging For Mercy Makes Me Angry!

18. The Big House

In the data fork of the map file is The Big House.use.a.ya ya
19. This Side Toward Enemy

20. God Will Sort The Dead...

21. My Own Private Thermopylae

22. Kill Your Television

In the data fork of the map file is Kill Your Television. ya
23. Where the Twist Flops

24. Beware of Abandoned Rental Trucks

In the data fork of the map file is Beware of Abandoned Rental Trucks.cks
25. Requiem For a Cyborg

26. Fatum Iustum Stultorum

In the data fork of the map file is Fatum Iustum Stultorum.ya
27. Feel the Noise

28. All Roads Lead To Sol...

In the data fork of the map file is All Roads Lead To Sol....ol...
29. Thunderdome

30. Shangri-La

31. No Disintegrations

32. Ok, honeybunny

33. Lack of Vision

In the data fork of the map file is Lack of Vision.ngler
This one is interesting. When I first saw it my immediate thought was Michael Spindler but of course it would have to .ndler to be that. Oh Well.
34. Flight of the Toolator

35. Giant Flaming Pit of Lava

36. House of Pain

In the data fork of the map file is House of Pain.y BOOM-STICK!
Ash (Army of Darkness) about his shotgun: "This ... is my BOOM STICK!!!"
37. 16th Parallel

38. One Hit Wonder

In the data fork of the map file is One Hit Wonder.Floor; Population you
39. Ok, Who Wants Some?

40. Everyone's Mortal But Me

41. 5-D Space

Page created July 7th 1996.