The Pyrrhic Victories

There are in fact three Pyrrhic victories in Pathways Into Darkness. The first occurs if you fail to escape the pyramid before the nuclear device detonates. You save the world but lose your life in the process.

This is the only time you will see the reference to Pyrrhus.

The second Pyrrhic victory occurs if you do not have a radio beacon and fail to reach a minimum safe distance before the bomb goes off.

The radio beacon is required to signal the extraction team. It takes ten minutes for them to arrive (by helicopter) and another ten minutes to reach a minimum safe distance. Without a radio beacon it takes you eight hours to reach the extraction team on foot. Thus we can conclude that the extraction team are waiting at the minimum safe distance. Lucky for them, unlucky for you! ;-)

The third Pyrrhic victory occurs if you fail to reach a minimum safe distance even after signalling the extraction team.

Not true! You actually kill your extraction team as well. Good going soldier!

Having escaped the pyramid you must of had less than 20 minutes left before the bomb went off! You needed a total of 20 minutes to reach a minimum safe distance. Why did you call the extraction team to certain death? Face it soldier you suck!

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Hamish Sinclair
Last updated Aug 18, 1998