news from the brownstone cliffside






february 6, 1997

Released 5, as well as a few other things, including the long awaited ck on infinity and a brand new set of netmaps for Marathon Infinity. They can be found here.

Electrosphere, the other candidate for oo5, can be found here.

december 7, 1996

Updated the first page of Hastur's Workshop to make it a little easier to hop around.

Grendel managed to fix a few bad links, and he added a page on monster path building so everyone could understand how those devious little critters move about.

november15, 1996

Released 4.0.
Crashed my machine 38 times creating it, but GifBuilder rocks nonetheless.

Previous versions can be found here:
1.0 - Original Site Design
2.0 - Static TV Design
3.0 - Prague Streetsign Method

Fixed a broken link in the friends page, replaced it with a very interesting new link.

november11, 1996

Porsche, Nike, Carnegie Hall, Harley Davidson,
Ferrari, Virgin Records, FAO Schwarz and Double Aught?

Click here to find out how we're keeping such illustrious company.

Thanks to the IPPA for recognizing our site with their Award for Design Excellence.

november 4, 1996

Added Hastur's Workshop to the Double Aught lineup.

A peek inside the mind of Double Aught's most feared denizen. With illustrations and step by step instructions, the thick veil of mystery is brushed aside as you learn to reproduce the devious tricks and nefarious polygons of Marathon Infinity's mapmakers.

Ask yourself, "Is Hastur a Jjaro?"

october 13, 1996

Designed the Prague streetsign method page. It can be found here.

october 7, 1996

October 7? Hmm.
Changed the main page slightly today. ;-)

If you're fond of the original home page, you can find it here.

october 4, 1996

Added the Powered by Grayphics logo to the main page, fixed some minor html errors (color), and updated a mail link.

Thanks to Grayphics Digital Imaging for hosting our site!

october 3, 1996

Today marks the official launch date of the Double Aught web. Browse around, poke into things, and (hopefully) enjoy what we've put together. One thing you might want to check out is our Marathon Infinity page, with text, art, and some of the flavor of the game.
