Sept 19, 2012 (Wednesday)   92:1:42:42

Happy Marathon's Story Page day. :)

This day seventeen years ago the Story page went live... and some people have never been the same since.

19 of the 9th... or 919... depending on your location.

Thanks to poena.dare <> and his amazing screw-on encyclopaedic head
for remembering.

Sept 1, 2012 (Saturday)   110:6:33:41

If you missed out on the last two months here is quick review of some of the highlights:

Bungie day (7th July) saw the release of Doc Hopper's original Marathon Classic HUD.
Old-timers need only install.

Mickey <> posts the video portion of the IMG interview with
Bungie Software from Jan/Feb 1995 on YouTube. You can read that particular interview here.

Crosshairs in Marathon? Oh yes indeed. Official ones too. President People made the discovery.

In retro mood, nay retro mode... Doc Hopper extracts the contents of the Marathon alpha Shapes
file to reveal the largest lunar landscape panorama... ever.

A fitting epitaph for Doug Zartman? Orihaus has the low down. (Please note Doug is still alive)

Those extractions keep coming... Doc Hopper does the Marathon betas.

Rebus? A new word of the day on the Story page. But what does it mean... come to think
of it what does B.U mean?

Philtron reanimated the Volunteers series with the largest Story forum post... ever!

Who put those cryo-storage units WAY up there?

The Marathon Infinity Map Making Contest in all its gory glory.

Memories of Traxus? Philtron speculates that we had and the Marathon's Story just got
that little bit more intriguing... 17 years on. :)

A missing date on the Marathon Timeline section? Oh yes indeed! Who's trying to hide
the tru7h here?

Bungie hides stuff on their CDs?  Who would have guessed.

An old unearthed Bungie webpage called  Going Once, Going Twice...SOLD! created
by Matt Soell.

Bungie hides stuff on their web site and gives stuff away for free. Yeah right... and hippos can fly. ;)

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Page maintained by Hamish Sinclair
Last updated Sept 19, 2012