 Pfhrenzy				1/18/96	1/19/96
   **Maps**				11/16/94	1/13/95
     68k users - Read Me!	ttro	ttxt	546	1/13/95	1/13/95
			2670	12/3/94	1/15/95
     Ignore Zero Divides				1/6/96	1/13/95
       Ignore Zero Divides	APPL	Ig0D	1794	1/6/96	1/6/96
       Readme	TEXT	ttxt	4812	1/6/96	1/6/96
     Marathon 1 Maps				12/17/94	1/13/95
       Combo Packs				1/11/95	1/13/95
         Bob World Headquarters				12/9/94	1/11/95
           Bob World Headquarters	scen	26.2	88916	7/2/95	7/31/95
           City Shape Installer	APPL	MsIN	594082	3/13/95	7/31/95
           Enjoy Bobworld!	TEXT	ttxt	874	7/31/95	7/31/95
         Combo Packs Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	12688	1/7/95	1/13/95
         companyfolder				10/13/95	11/9/95
           Company Map Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	8/7/95	8/13/95
           companymap	scen	26.2	101408	8/11/95	8/13/95
           newARshapes folder				8/4/95	10/13/95
             AR et al	TEXT	ttxt	1052	8/4/95	10/13/95
             AR Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	5/24/95	8/3/95
             New AR Shapes	APPL	sHuT	223363	3/15/95	8/14/95
           Readme	TEXT	ttxt	2152	10/13/95	10/13/95
         CyberCraft Rescue				9/16/95	1/11/95
           CyberCraft CARNAGE!!!	film	26.2	1050	9/3/95	9/3/95
           CyberCraft Rescue Map	scen	26.2	35500	5/23/95	9/2/95
           CyberCraft Rescue Physics	phys	26.2	8134	9/1/95	9/2/95
           CyberCraft Rescue Shapes patch	APPL	ZAPS	323311	9/16/95	9/16/95
           CyberCraft Rescue Sounds patch	APPL	ZAPS	58782	9/16/95	9/16/95
			2670	9/16/95	9/30/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1711	9/16/95	9/16/95
         Devil in a Blue Dress 1.2				12/9/94	1/11/95
           Crashing??	TEXT	ttxt	393	1/6/95	1/6/95
           Devil 1.2 Read Me	ttro	ttxt	25952	11/27/95	11/30/95
           Devil Installer	APPL	*TI*	1832513	11/29/95	11/30/95
           DevilAboutFAT	APPL	DEVL	339405	11/28/95	11/29/95
			2670	12/3/94	1/6/95
           Map	scen	26.2	2229432	11/16/95	11/30/95
         dogs of pfhor				12/9/94	1/11/95
           Dogs of Pfhor 2.1	APPL	MsIN	1155655	3/13/95	3/31/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	3/28/95	3/31/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	3702	3/29/95	3/31/95
         E Luna West				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	6/29/95	6/29/95
           Luna Sounds patch	APPL	ZAPS	40214	7/3/95	7/3/95
           Luna West Read-Me	APPL	Dk@P	191152	7/3/95	7/3/95
           Map	scen	26.2	955972	7/3/95	7/3/95
           Marathon v1.2 .1 (Luna) patch	APPL	ZAPS	327785	7/3/95	7/3/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	3/27/95	7/2/95
           Shape Install #1	APPL	sHuT	498942	3/15/95	7/3/95
           Shape Install #2	APPL	ZAPS	815342	7/3/95	7/3/95
         Enter the Marines				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Enter the Marines 1.0	APPL	MsIN	759389	3/13/95	5/9/95
           Hate all model	phys	26.2	8134	5/7/95	10/13/95
			2670	10/13/95	10/13/95
           Like all model	phys	26.2	8134	5/7/95	10/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	417440	10/13/95	10/13/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	2162	11/27/94	11/27/94
           Revolution Map 2				12/9/94	12/9/94
             A goof up	CWWP	BOBO	5185	10/14/95	10/14/95
             Hate all model	phys	26.2	8134	5/7/95	10/14/95
			2670	10/14/95	10/14/95
             Map	scen	26.2	416800	10/13/95	10/14/95
         Fusion's Maps				1/13/95	1/13/95
           Meteorologist				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	10/20/95	10/20/95
             Map-Meteorologist	scen	26.2	93598	10/18/95	10/20/95
             ReadMe	APPL	Dk@P	111589	10/20/95	10/20/95
             Shapes Patch	rsrc	RSED	511692	10/20/95	10/20/95
           Physics Model-marines	phys	26.2	10518	3/16/95	10/18/95
           poor mans m2 weapons 4				10/24/95	1/13/95
             Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	10/15/95	10/16/95
             poormans weapons	rsrc	RSED	497857	10/24/95	10/24/95
             ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	779	10/16/95	10/24/95
             SoundPatch	rsrc	RSED	110671	10/16/95	10/18/95
           Portal Odysseys				10/17/95	1/13/95
			2670	10/17/95	10/17/95
             Odysseys-Map	scen	26.2	102286	10/11/95	10/18/95
             OdysseysReadMe	APPL	Dk@P	128977	10/18/95	10/18/95
             PortalShapes	rsrc	RSED	643884	10/17/95	10/24/95
           To play Solo Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	555	1/13/95	1/13/95
         High&LowMap folder				11/9/95	1/13/95
           FusionBob/Rocket Trprs				11/8/95	11/3/95
             Bob sounds	APPL	mSin	221889	10/7/95	10/28/95
             BobShapeInstall	APPL	sHuT	383151	3/16/95	11/9/95
             Fusion Bob ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	4849	10/30/95	11/8/95
             Physics Model-fusionB/RT	phys	26.2	8134	10/29/95	11/3/95
           High&LowMap	scen	26.2	109512	10/29/95	11/8/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	3142	1/13/95	1/13/95
         Hutch Map folder				8/11/95	8/17/95
           Hutch Map V1.01	scen	26.2	133716	8/2/95	8/15/95
           Installers				7/20/95	8/2/95
             HutchShapeinstaller	APPL	sHuT	1444700	3/15/95	8/2/95
             HutchSoundinstaller	APPL	mSin	381645	7/17/95	8/2/95
           MapPICT	PICT	DAD2	34056	8/1/95	8/2/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	5/1/95	8/2/95
           Read Me Or Crash	TEXT	ttxt	7545	8/1/95	8/15/95
			2670	1/13/95	1/13/95
         Madd Ox/Hijacker				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Hijacker	scen	26.2	108540	8/5/95	8/28/95
           Madd Ox Bldg	scen	26.2	130612	8/25/95	8/28/95
           Madd Ox Hijacker Installer	APPL	sHuT	584771	3/15/95	8/28/95
           Madd Ox/Hijacker notes	TEXT	ttxt	1327	8/28/95	8/28/95
         Marathon Encounters				3/29/95	1/11/95
           Disclaimer	TEXT	ttxt	1216	7/14/95	7/14/95
           dogs of pfhor				12/9/94	1/11/95
             Dogs of Pfhor 2.1	APPL	MsIN	1155655	3/13/95	3/31/95
             Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	3/28/95	3/31/95
             Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	3702	3/29/95	3/31/95
           Encounters Docs.	TEXT	ttxt	5165	4/15/95	7/14/95
           Encounters. rscs	rsrc	RSED	47914	7/15/95	7/15/95
			2670	3/29/95	3/29/95
           Net Maps				5/14/95	7/16/95
			2704	5/14/95	5/14/95
             The City	scen	26.2	69036	6/4/95	6/5/95
             Warzone 1.1	scen	26.2	53916	6/19/95	7/16/95
           The Colony				5/14/95	7/26/95
             Coloney	scen	26.2	424677	6/9/95	7/26/95
             Encounters Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1137	7/14/95	7/14/95
			2704	5/14/95	5/14/95
           ¥How to Install¥	TEXT	ttxt	1795	7/15/95	7/16/95
         Marathon West				12/9/94	1/13/95
           M-West Shape Shuttle	APPL	sHuT	1719533	3/15/95	7/28/95
           Map	scen	26.2	353130	8/13/95	8/14/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	10518	5/25/95	6/17/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	3063	11/22/94	11/22/94
         Marathorn 1.0 Ä				10/3/95	1/13/95
			2670	11/26/95	11/26/95
           map	scen	26.2	526192	9/30/95	11/26/95
           Marathorn v1.0 term patch	APPL	ZAPS	293191	11/26/95	11/26/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	8/10/95	8/10/95
           Read This First . . .	TEXT	ttxt	3010	10/19/95	1/13/95
           Shapes patch	APPL	ZAPS	788948	11/25/95	11/25/95
           Sounds patch	APPL	ZAPS	138658	10/26/95	11/1/95
         Marauder Marathon Second				12/9/94	1/11/95
           Encounters Read Me	APPL	Dk@P	88952	9/4/95	9/4/95
           Encounters. shapes.rerc	rsrc	RSED	210276	7/15/95	8/27/95
           Encounters.rsrc	rsrc	RSED	249309	7/15/95	9/6/95
           Enter the Marines				12/9/94	1/4/95
             Enter the Marines 1.0	APPL	MsIN	759389	3/13/95	5/9/95
             Hate all model	phys	26.2	8134	5/7/95	5/10/95
			2670	3/29/95	3/29/95
             Like you model	phys	26.2	8134	5/7/95	5/9/95
             Mars	scen	26.2	89572	5/11/95	6/18/95
             Read Me	ttro	ttxt	3095	5/9/95	5/16/95
			2670	3/29/95	3/29/95
           Marauder				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2704	5/14/95	5/14/95
             Marauder	scen	26.2	382352	9/4/95	9/4/95
           Marauder Model	phys	26.2	8134	5/7/95	9/3/95
           Net Maps				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2704	5/14/95	5/14/95
             Warzone	scen	26.2	53916	6/19/95	7/27/95
           Shots & Shells Sounds	APPL	mSin	130139	4/6/95	4/6/95
         MCs Canyonlands.rev				12/9/94	1/11/95
           *Canyon Lands	scen	26.2	309996	6/29/95	8/14/95
           Desert shapes installer	APPL	MsIN	514741	3/13/95	7/29/95
           Travelog	TEXT	ttxt	1141	7/29/95	8/15/95
         Metas Final Test				9/20/95	9/20/95
			2670	9/20/95	9/20/95
           Meta Textures	rsrc	RSED	511563	9/20/95	9/20/95
           Metas Final Test-Map	scen	26.2	81984	8/22/95	9/20/95
           Read me before playing	TEXT	ttxt	859	9/20/95	9/20/95
         Operation Tantalus 1.0				12/8/95	1/11/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/6/95
           OT Installer v1.0	APPL	*TI*	4870907	10/22/95	12/10/95
           OT Map	scen	26.2	2060652	11/29/95	12/10/95
           OT Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	5/7/95	12/10/95
           OT Readme	TEXT	ttxt	19277	12/10/95	12/10/95
         Specuthon folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Specuthon Installer	APPL	MsIN	2777371	3/13/95	7/18/95
           Specuthon Map	scen	26.2	122716	5/7/95	5/23/95
           Specuthon README	TEXT	ttxt	3256	7/18/95	7/18/95
         UH Folder				5/9/95	1/13/95
           !EXPLICIT INSTRUCTIONS!	TEXT	ttxt	2119	5/9/95	1/13/95
           STORY INTRO (Please Read)	TEXT	ttxt	3190	5/9/95	5/9/95
           UH Map	scen	26.2	219868	4/28/95	5/9/95
           UH Music	msik	26.2	17057	3/22/95	3/22/95
           UH Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	2/11/95	5/7/95
           UH Shapes Patch 1	APPL	ZAPS	228749	5/9/95	5/9/95
           UH Shapes Patch 2	APPL	sHuT	1637343	3/15/95	5/9/95
           UH Sounds Patch	APPL	mSin	1207526	4/16/95	5/9/95
       Demonstration Maps				11/26/94	1/7/95
         Buskey's Master Wall copy				12/9/94	1/1/95
           Buskey's Master Wall Test Map	scen	26.2	10292	7/24/95	7/24/95
           map	scen	26.2	10292	7/24/95	7/24/95
           Master Wall Instructions	TEXT	ttxt	2331	1/1/95	1/1/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1534	1/1/95	1/1/95
			2670	1/7/95	1/7/95
         MarathonBridgeMap				12/9/94	12/9/94
           LIVE FREE OR DIE	TEXT	ttxt	1501	12/9/94	12/9/94
           Map	scen	26.2	35100	5/23/95	6/1/95
         Phase-O'-Rama				12/9/94	12/9/94
           (unless you really want to)	TEXT	ttxt	332	4/29/95	4/29/95
           DO NOT READ ME	TEXT	ttxt	4368	4/29/95	11/22/95
           Phase O' Rama	scen	26.2	118716	4/29/95	4/29/95
         phfunky.stairs copy				12/9/94	1/1/95
           Phfunky Stairs	scen	26.2	25228	4/22/95	4/23/95
           StairsMap ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1306	4/23/95	4/23/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/6/95
       Large Net Maps (A-M)	TEXT	ttxt	16844	1/13/95	1/13/95
       Large Net Maps (N-Z)	TEXT	ttxt	11905	1/13/95	1/13/95
       Modified Bungie Net Maps	TEXT	ttxt	4764	1/7/95	1/13/95
       Net Levels				11/16/94	1/13/95
          Crown Map v2.0Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Crown Of Worms v2.0Ä	scen	26.2	63616	7/26/95	8/16/95
           Crown ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	5675	7/24/95	8/16/95
			2704	7/24/95	7/24/95
           Notes	TEXT	ttxt	678	7/28/95	8/16/95
           Physics folder				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Crown Physics 2.0	phys	26.2	10518	8/15/95	8/16/95
			2704	7/24/95	7/24/95
           Replay folder				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2704	7/24/95	7/25/95
             Waldo Recording	film	26.2	15372	7/22/95	7/25/95
           Version History	TEXT	ttxt	2356	7/25/95	8/16/95
         *MCs Go Wif Jeza				12/9/94	1/13/95
           *Go Wif Jeza	scen	26.2	207668	4/30/95	8/19/95
           I WAN TO GO WIF JEZAÉ	TEXT	ttxt	1913	5/2/95	8/19/95
         3 maps from Billy Bob				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Net Levels	scen	26.2	104040	6/4/95	6/4/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1998	6/4/95	6/7/95
         4th Dimension				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	10/10/95	10/10/95
           Map-4th Demension	scen	26.2	65018	10/10/95	10/10/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	3322	10/10/95	10/10/95
         5D What folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           5D What? Map	scen	26.2	114756	6/2/95	6/17/95
           README	TEXT	ttxt	635	6/17/95	6/17/95
         A Map Named BillyÄ				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Billy	scen	26.2	54288	4/12/95	4/12/95
           Billy's note from home	TEXT	ttxt	1892	12/9/94	12/9/94
         Aim High				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Aim High	scen	26.2	52708	4/19/95	4/20/95
           films				12/9/94	12/9/94
             (mantis gets whupped)	film	26.2	5304	4/20/95	4/20/95
             Aim High, the movie	film	26.2	15540	4/20/95	4/20/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	53313	4/20/95	4/20/95
         Akira Complex				11/23/95	1/13/95
			2670	11/23/95	11/23/95
           Map	scen	26.2	159572	11/4/95	12/21/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	3966	11/23/95	11/23/95
         alienship				12/9/94	1/13/95
           AlienMap	scen	26.2	87548	4/28/95	5/2/95
           ReadME.	TEXT	ttxt	1114	5/2/95	5/2/95
         Alpha Dome v1.1				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Alpha Dome	scen	26.2	91948	5/17/95	5/25/95
           Alpha Dome Readme	TEXT	ttxt	2402	5/25/95	5/26/95
         Altitude Map				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Normal Map	scen	26.2	69400	4/14/95	4/21/95
           READ ME	TEXT	ttxt	5449	4/21/95	4/22/95
           Vacuum Map	scen	26.2	69400	4/14/95	4/21/95
         AmouredGideon Ä				6/2/95	1/13/95
           AmouredGideon	scen	26.2	21588	6/2/95	6/2/95
           Classified FYEO	TEXT	ttxt	323	6/2/95	6/2/95
         another.arena.ppc				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Another Arena?!	scen	26.2	27536	5/9/95	5/9/95
           Wherefore art thou?	TEXT	ttxt	2390	5/9/95	5/9/95
         aod Folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	434	12/31/94	12/31/94
           The AoD	scen	26.2	78496	5/27/95	5/27/95
         Arena extreme				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Areana_Extreme_1.0.txt	TEXT	ttxt	526	9/4/95	9/4/95
           Arena Extreme	scen	26.2	51484	9/4/95	9/4/95
         Attics and Cellars				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	9/26/95	9/26/95
           Map - Attics and Cellars	scen	26.2	34868	9/25/95	9/25/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1528	9/26/95	9/26/95
         Bathtub				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	10/3/95	10/3/95
           Map	scen	26.2	40360	9/28/95	10/1/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1805	10/3/95	10/3/95
         Birthday				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Birthday	scen	26.2	98964	4/21/95	4/21/95
           ReadMe	clpt	drag	3313	4/21/95	4/21/95
         Black Hole Arena				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	13668	11/19/95	11/19/95
           Read This	clpt	drag	555	12/9/94	12/9/94
         Black Lightning				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Lightning	scen	26.2	61092	4/26/95	4/26/95
           Read'n'Memorize	TEXT	ttxt	534	4/28/95	4/28/95
         Blessed and Broken Map Files				12/9/94	1/13/95
           B&B Read It Cipping	clpt	drag	684	12/9/94	1/3/95
           Blessed and Broken 30min Film	film	26.2	61404	4/16/95	4/16/95
           Blessed and Broken Map	scen	26.2	120864	10/12/95	10/12/95
			1702	4/16/95	4/16/95
         Bob World Headquarters				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Bob World Headquarters	scen	26.2	88916	7/2/95	7/31/95
           City Shape Installer	APPL	MsIN	594082	3/13/95	7/31/95
           Enjoy Bobworld!	TEXT	ttxt	874	7/31/95	7/31/95
         Bodybagging 1.1				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Bodybagging	scen	26.2	49576	8/28/95	8/29/95
           Welcome	TEXT	ttxt	1189	12/9/94	12/9/94
         Bunker ID #24				11/13/94	1/13/95
           Bunker ID#24	scen	26.2	42528	3/28/95	3/28/95
         Butt Monkeys of Alkatraz				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map Butt Monkeys of Alkatraz	scen	26.2	49144	7/31/95	7/31/95
           Readme-Buttmonkeys	TEXT	ttxt	1780	7/31/95	7/31/95
         Canon Food Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Canon Food.readme	TEXT	ttxt	593	7/15/95	7/15/95
           MAP	scen	26.2	51132	7/15/95	7/15/95
         Carnage Haus 1.0				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Carnage Haus	scen	26.2	40696	11/16/95	11/22/95
           Disembowel Me	TEXT	ttxt	2151	11/22/95	11/22/95
         Castle Anteries				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Castle Anteries	scen	26.2	91368	10/4/95	10/24/95
           Castle Anteries ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	2578	11/2/95	11/9/95
         Castle Tao				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Castle Tao	scen	26.2	56084	10/23/95	10/23/95
           Castle Tao Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1553	11/2/95	11/9/95
         Cathedral				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Cathedral	ttro	ttxt	683	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Cathedral	scen	26.2	66308	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Tour	film	26.2	2742	8/27/95	8/27/95
         Caves of Andrew's Onnie				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Caves of Andrew's Onnie 1.0	scen	26.2	25748	6/28/95	7/6/95
           Caves... Read Me	ttro	ttxt	2140	7/6/95	10/2/95
         Cell				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Cell	scen	26.2	20784	7/26/95	7/26/95
			2704	6/7/95	6/7/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	2141	6/8/95	9/13/95
         Chamber				11/19/94	1/13/95
           Map.Chamber	scen	26.2	124224	10/2/95	10/2/95
         Chris's Cross				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	65556	5/19/95	5/19/95
           README	TEXT	ttxt	631	5/25/95	5/25/95
         Chuck's Maps				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Chuck's House 2.5	scen	26.2	39800	5/12/95	5/12/95
           Chucks Maps Readme	TEXT	ttxt	2368	11/18/94	11/18/94
           Donut of Terror 1.3	scen	26.2	26460	4/23/95	4/23/95
           Laser Fusion Chamber	scen	26.2	27236	4/28/95	4/28/95
         click here for enlightment.1				12/9/94	1/13/95
           3 levels	scen	26.2	450432	10/3/95	10/3/95
           Canyon shapes installer	APPL	MsIN	514741	3/13/95	7/29/95
           dogs of pfhor				12/9/94	1/3/95
             Dogs of Pfhor 2.1	APPL	MsIN	1155655	3/13/95	3/31/95
             Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	3/28/95	3/31/95
             Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	3702	3/29/95	3/31/95
           my ship to no where	scen	26.2	78204	10/12/95	10/12/95
           revised for dogs of phor	scen	26.2	78284	10/14/95	10/14/95
           skizo clam down now!!!!	TEXT	ttxt	907	12/9/94	12/9/94
         Come See The Fights				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Come See The Fights	ttro	ttxt	586	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Come See The Fights	scen	26.2	37160	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Tour	film	26.2	2178	8/27/95	8/27/95
         CrashCity				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	66104	4/19/95	4/19/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	91562	4/19/95	4/19/95
         Crawlspace				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Crawlspace	scen	26.2	89292	6/7/95	6/7/95
			2704	4/29/95	4/29/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1532	4/29/95	9/13/95
         Cro-Will				12/9/94	1/13/95
           CroMap	scen	26.2	69048	5/15/95	5/16/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	3317	12/17/94	12/17/94
         Cross Hairs				11/24/94	1/13/95
           About Cross Hairs	TEXT	ttxt	705	7/17/95	7/17/95
           Cross-Hairs	scen	26.2	53392	12/9/94	12/9/94
         CYD 1.0				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	81032	6/1/95	6/1/95
           No need to read...	TEXT	ttxt	786	6/1/95	6/1/95
         dark & light Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           dark & light	scen	26.2	58512	5/5/94	5/13/95
			2704	5/13/95	5/13/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	839	11/18/94	11/18/94
         darkside.11				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	5/8/95	5/8/95
           Map	scen	26.2	31492	4/20/95	5/8/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	2325	5/8/95	5/8/95
         Deep Thought Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Deep ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	52631	4/12/95	4/12/95
           Deep Thought	scen	26.2	59688	4/12/95	4/12/95
         Digital Orange III				11/24/94	1/13/95
           Digital Orange V. 3.0	scen	26.2	60852	11/22/94	11/22/94
           Digital_Orange_V._3.0_readme	TEXT	ttxt	1799	11/22/94	11/22/94
         Disco Inferno				12/9/94	1/13/95
           disco	film	26.2	27234	11/16/95	11/16/95
           disco inferno	scen	26.2	101476	8/4/95	11/15/95
           Read me	TEXT	ttxt	2098	8/5/95	11/15/95
         Don't Fall				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	11916	10/8/95	10/23/95
           MeRead	TEXT	ttxt	601	5/24/95	11/14/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	10/8/95	10/8/95
         Downward Spiral-MKN Map				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2704	11/5/95	11/5/95
           MAP - Downward Spiral	scen	26.2	54568	10/6/95	10/7/95
           MKN Map Readme	TEXT	ttxt	2474	9/17/95	11/5/95
         dropsight Folder				12/13/95	1/13/95
           Drop Sight	scen	26.2	48724	11/29/95	11/29/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	733	12/17/94	12/17/94
         dstar.arena				12/9/94	1/13/95
           DEATH STAR ARENA	TEXT	ttxt	1219	5/2/95	5/2/95
			2670	5/2/95	5/2/95
           Map	scen	26.2	55248	5/2/95	5/2/95
         E=MCsquared				11/16/94	1/13/95
           E equals MC squared-Map	scen	26.2	44804	12/9/94	12/9/94
			2670	11/16/94	11/16/94
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	892	11/19/94	11/19/94
         Ender folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map - Ender	scen	26.2	40170	5/22/95	5/22/95
           Physics Model - Ender	phys	26.2	10518	5/2/94	5/11/94
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	3235	5/22/95	5/22/95
         Ender vs. Meta				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Ender vs. Meta-Map	scen	26.2	99178	10/8/95	10/10/95
			2670	10/9/95	10/9/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	10518	5/2/94	10/10/95
           ReadMe	APPL	Dk@P	42497	10/10/95	10/10/95
         Escalator Map				11/18/94	1/13/95
           Escalator	scen	26.2	18404	10/10/95	10/10/95
         Escher=MC.WHAT!				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Escher Readme	TEXT	ttxt	2782	9/8/95	9/13/95
           Escher=MC What!!	scen	26.2	65664	9/7/95	9/11/95
         Festung				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	85972	9/20/95	9/28/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	907	9/28/95	9/28/95
         FineLine				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	10/3/95	10/3/95
           Map - FineLine	scen	26.2	61880	10/1/95	10/1/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1770	10/3/95	10/3/95
         FleshMaps folder				11/18/94	1/13/95
           Drink Me	TEXT	ttxt	4792	8/18/95	8/18/95
           Temple of Flesh	scen	26.2	118700	4/12/95	8/18/95
           Too Much Flesh	scen	26.2	17906	12/9/94	12/9/94
         fodderwall.11				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	5/8/95	5/8/95
           Map	scen	26.2	30860	4/20/95	5/8/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	2318	5/8/95	5/8/95
         Fortress of Solitude				7/25/95	1/13/95
           FORT OF SOL read me	TEXT	ttxt	4204	7/25/95	8/10/95
           FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE	scen	26.2	40366	8/10/95	8/10/95
			2670	7/25/95	7/25/95
         FourPfhorBridge				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	25348	6/23/95	6/23/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	2718	6/27/95	12/17/94
         Freek 3 Pak				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Freek 3 Pak	scen	26.2	90140	7/22/95	10/2/95
           Freek Physics Model				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Grenadehell	phys	26.2	8134	5/18/95	6/29/95
			2734	6/3/95	6/3/95
             The Net Killerslower	phys	26.2	8134	5/18/95	6/28/95
			2670	6/3/95	6/3/95
           READ ME!	TEXT	ttxt	3560	7/15/95	7/24/95
         FunHouse folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           FunHouse	scen	26.2	29316	4/17/95	4/17/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	443	11/20/94	11/20/94
         Gimme Shelter				11/19/95	1/13/95
           Gimme Shelter	scen	26.2	49228	10/10/95	12/6/95
           just a shot away	TEXT	ttxt	1690	11/19/95	12/6/95
         Go Eat the Cat				11/13/94	1/13/95
           Go eat a cat	scen	26.2	44316	4/21/95	4/21/95
         Greg's Maps				11/13/94	1/13/95
           Greg's Maps	scen	26.2	306756	11/5/95	11/5/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	421	11/18/94	11/18/94
         Grinder v2				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	41572	5/20/95	11/1/95
           Map - 1 Player Test	scen	26.2	41604	5/20/95	11/1/95
           MeRead	TEXT	ttxt	1617	5/24/95	11/19/95
         Hall Pass v1.0				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map - Hall Pass	scen	26.2	20564	4/20/95	4/20/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1389	4/21/95	4/21/95
         Hallsofdeath Folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Halls	film	26.2	25818	11/16/95	11/16/95
           Map	scen	26.2	35740	12/9/94	12/9/94
           The writing on the halls	TEXT	ttxt	577	8/7/95	8/7/95
         HamsterMaseÄ				12/9/94	1/13/95
           <---- Kewl, awesome!				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2670	5/11/95	5/11/95
           Hamster Mase	scen	26.2	108945	5/9/95	5/11/95
           Hamsters can read	ttro	ttxt	184159	5/10/95	5/10/95
           Made by Graphic ---->				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2670	5/11/95	5/11/95
           PLAY IT NOW!!!!!				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2670	5/11/95	5/11/95
           Why won't you?				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2670	5/10/95	5/10/95
         Happyhappy				12/9/94	1/13/95
           arena	film	26.2	27672	11/16/95	11/16/95
           HappyHappyCarnageCarnage	scen	26.2	23300	8/9/95	11/15/95
           shootme	TEXT	ttxt	3804	8/25/95	11/15/95
         Hard Boiled				12/7/95	1/13/95
           Hard Boiled	scen	26.2	59768	11/13/95	12/6/95
           Put me in trash	clpt	drag	579	12/7/95	12/7/95
         Headache_PPC				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Headache	scen	26.2	57728	8/7/95	8/7/95
           Headache.readme	TEXT	ttxt	970	8/7/95	8/7/95
         Hell				5/2/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	64228	4/16/94	5/3/94
           Yet another ReadMe...	ttro	ttxt	1124	5/2/94	5/3/94
         Home Pfhor the Holidays				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Cheese me	TEXT	ttxt	3375	11/8/95	11/8/95
           HPtH 1.0	scen	26.2	97280	10/31/95	11/8/95
         Homer Dome				1/5/95	1/13/95
           HomerDome	scen	26.2	49480	4/14/95	9/12/95
         Hooligan Maps				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Career Ops v. 1.25	scen	26.2	96280	7/12/95	7/13/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1482	7/13/95	7/13/95
           Spiritu Sancti v.1.01	scen	26.2	95436	5/25/95	7/13/95
         Humor Me aka  Killer B's				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Killer B's Map	scen	26.2	46796	8/16/95	8/27/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1672	8/25/95	8/30/95
			2670	12/3/94	12/3/94
         Imprismed folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Imprismedª	scen	26.2	35036	9/25/95	9/28/95
           Rainbow of Carnage	film	26.2	24648	9/29/95	9/29/95
           Read me or be SPNKRed.	TEXT	ttxt	1953	9/29/95	9/29/95
         It's Not Easy...1.0				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	5/8/95	5/8/95
           Map	scen	26.2	40420	4/25/95	5/8/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	2342	5/8/95	5/8/95
         Jaunt				11/25/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	121108	8/20/95	9/28/95
           Read Me (2)	TEXT	ttxt	1239	11/5/95	11/5/95
         Jeff Eaton's NetMaps				11/27/95	1/13/95
           Bunker ][	scen	26.2	90160	4/18/95	4/27/95
           Don't even think of reading me	TEXT	ttxt	3317	11/27/95	11/27/95
           The Hourglass	scen	26.2	20772	9/5/95	9/5/95
           The Kellen Fields	scen	26.2	53176	6/2/95	6/2/95
         Juicy Bits O Bob				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Kill Me	TEXT	ttxt	1262	5/24/95	5/24/95
           Map	scen	26.2	40020	5/9/95	5/24/95
         KendallRedburn Levels				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map-Kredburn levels	scen	26.2	560072	8/23/95	9/12/95
           Read Me! Kendall Levels	TEXT	ttxt	3926	9/12/95	9/13/95
         kevins map collection				10/13/95	1/13/95
           companymap				10/13/95	10/13/95
             companymap	scen	26.2	101408	8/11/95	8/13/95
             Readme	TEXT	ttxt	2188	10/13/95	10/13/95
           netmaps				10/13/95	10/13/95
             netmaps	scen	26.2	72072	8/10/95	10/13/95
             netmaps readme	TEXT	ttxt	633	10/13/95	10/13/95
           newARshapes				8/4/95	10/13/95
             AR et al	TEXT	ttxt	1052	8/4/95	10/13/95
             AR Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	5/24/95	8/3/95
             New AR Shapes	APPL	sHuT	223363	3/15/95	8/14/95
           physics				8/4/95	10/13/95
             companymap				10/13/95	10/13/95
               Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	8/7/95	8/13/95
               readme	TEXT	ttxt	363	10/13/95	10/13/95
             nastyrocket				8/14/95	9/12/95
               nastyrocket model	phys	26.2	8134	5/24/95	8/4/95
               nastyrocket readme	TEXT	R*ch	712	8/4/95	8/4/95
             recoil				8/14/95	9/12/95
               recoil model	phys	26.2	8134	5/24/95	8/4/95
               recoil readme	TEXT	R*ch	707	8/4/95	8/4/95
             slowgun				8/4/95	9/12/95
               slowgun model	phys	26.2	8134	5/24/95	8/4/95
               slowgun readme	TEXT	R*ch	543	8/4/95	8/4/95
         Kids Map				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Kids Map	scen	26.2	17012	10/21/95	10/21/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	952	11/19/94	11/19/94
         Kill this thing				11/29/94	1/13/95
           Map_Kill_MUST_READ.txt	TEXT	ttxt	2422	11/29/94	11/29/94
           Map_Kill_this_thing_v1.0	scen	26.2	117588	11/29/94	11/29/94
         kill! kill! kill!  Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Kill Map	scen	26.2	91160	3/31/95	3/31/95
           kill! ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	2155	3/31/95	3/31/95
         KirkNet3				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	238792	6/8/95	6/8/95
           README	TEXT	ttxt	3460	5/25/95	6/8/95
         KRedburn Other Levels				12/9/94	1/13/95
           alpine	scen	26.2	37940	9/20/95	9/22/95
           Chess II	scen	26.2	24296	8/25/95	9/11/95
           Full Throttle	scen	26.2	48948	10/5/95	10/24/95
           New KRedburn Levels	TEXT	ttxt	2350	11/2/95	11/9/95
           Perch	scen	26.2	27380	9/25/95	10/19/95
           Rockets	scen	26.2	19524	9/27/95	9/28/95
           Shooting Gallery II	scen	26.2	25460	9/12/95	9/14/95
           subway II	scen	26.2	39952	9/18/95	9/21/95
         KriersPowerLevels1.6 folder				9/4/95	1/13/95
           Krier's Power Readme	TEXT	ttxt	7432	6/25/95	11/22/95
           MAP	scen	26.2	322892	9/1/95	11/22/95
         Land Of Dairy Queen				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Bleed on me	TEXT	ttxt	33105	9/1/95	10/2/95
           LODQ 1.1	scen	26.2	104088	8/30/95	10/1/95
         Long Way Around				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Long Way Around	ttro	ttxt	570	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Long Way Around	scen	26.2	80300	11/10/95	11/10/95
         look, ma!				12/9/94	1/13/95
           LMNH	film	26.2	10914	11/14/95	11/14/95
           Look, ma, no hands!	scen	26.2	17992	11/14/95	11/14/95
           ShootMe	TEXT	ttxt	1801	9/8/95	11/15/95
         Lost Angels				12/2/94	1/13/95
           LostAngles	scen	26.2	313936	11/13/95	11/13/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	428	1/6/95	1/6/95
         M1_ODES_NetMaps				12/6/95	1/13/95
           Ode de Carnage (readme)	TEXT	ttxt	2216	12/6/95	12/6/95
           Ode de Carnage 1.0	scen	26.2	185832	12/6/95	12/6/95
         MAD 12 Pack  Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           MAD 12 Pack	scen	26.2	848960	5/6/95	6/15/95
           MAD 12 Pack Read Me !	ttro	ttxt	6789	5/6/95	6/17/95
         mad science				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Mad Science V. 1.0	scen	26.2	36876	9/8/95	9/8/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1614	11/19/94	11/19/94
         Madd Ox/Hijacker				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Hijacker	scen	26.2	108540	8/5/95	8/28/95
           Madd Ox Bldg	scen	26.2	130612	8/25/95	8/28/95
           Madd Ox Hijacker Installer	APPL	sHuT	584771	3/15/95	8/28/95
           Madd Ox/Hijacker notes	TEXT	ttxt	1327	8/28/95	8/28/95
         Map Full				12/3/94	1/13/95
           Map.full	scen	26.2	612112	8/6/95	8/15/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	412	1/6/95	1/6/95
         Maps 10.05.95-MKN				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2704	10/3/95	10/3/95
           Map	scen	26.2	639764	9/17/95	10/3/95
           MKN Maps Readme	TEXT	ttxt	12514	9/17/95	10/3/95
         Marathon Maps				12/9/94	1/13/95
           About These Maps	ttro	ttxt	1983	8/17/95	8/17/95
           Map	scen	26.2	605160	6/3/95	6/3/95
         Marathon MultiMapPak v.3				12/9/94	1/13/95
           map	scen	26.2	572160	5/26/95	5/26/95
           MultiMapPak vol.3 Readme	ttro	ttxt	16388	5/25/95	5/26/95
         Marathon MultiMapPak v.4				1/5/96	1/13/95
           map	scen	26.2	1125972	1/5/96	1/5/96
           MultiMapPak vol.4 Readme	ttro	ttxt	24567	1/5/96	1/5/96
         marathon-map-pak-20				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Mappak 2	scen	26.2	1168120	4/20/95	4/20/95
           MultiMapPak vol.2 Readme	ttro	ttxt	30702	4/7/95	4/19/95
           Peripherals				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Inferno Physics Models				12/9/94	12/9/94
               Inferno Model -g	phys	26.2	8134	4/16/95	4/19/95
               Inferno Model 0g	phys	26.2	8134	4/16/95	4/18/95
             Marathon AO v1.2 patch	APPL	ZAPS	27326	4/15/95	4/15/95
             SC-periphs				12/9/94	12/9/94
               Physics/UseNOPatch	phys	26.2	8224	3/25/95	4/16/95
               Physics/UseWithPatch	phys	26.2	8245	3/25/95	4/16/95
               Shapes update/2.6.3p	APPL	ApMh	23950	4/16/95	4/16/95
         MarathonS.C.C.				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Drink Me	TEXT	ttxt	3273	4/15/95	4/15/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	4/15/95	4/15/95
           S.C.C.Map	scen	26.2	461872	4/15/95	4/15/95
           S.C.C.Sounds patch	APPL	ZAPS	210784	4/15/95	4/15/95
         Mayhem				12/9/94	1/13/95
           MayhemMap	scen	26.2	97924	9/21/95	9/25/95
           Read Me or Perish.	TEXT	ttxt	3577	9/21/95	9/21/95
         MCs Canyonlands.rev				12/9/94	1/13/95
           *Canyon Lands	scen	26.2	309996	6/29/95	8/14/95
           Desert shapes installer	APPL	MsIN	514741	3/13/95	7/29/95
           Travelog	TEXT	ttxt	1141	7/29/95	8/15/95
         Merry Christmas, Marathon Style				11/15/95	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	31396	11/15/95	11/15/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1595	11/15/95	12/24/95
         Meta vs. Aeon				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	10/7/95	10/7/95
           Meta vs Aeon-Map	scen	26.2	97826	10/4/95	10/7/95
           ReadMe	APPL	Dk@P	45032	10/7/95	10/7/95				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2238	6/8/95	6/8/95
           King of the Mountain(Update)	scen	26.2	12980	11/27/95	11/27/95
           Mikey's Map Pak	scen	26.2	125056	6/8/95	6/8/95
           Pictures of map-pak	PICT	8BIM	235677	6/8/95	6/8/95
           Play firstÉthen read	TEXT	ttxt	848	12/9/94	12/9/94
           ¥¥The Pi¹¥¥	film	26.2	1422	6/7/95	6/7/95
         MileHighMadness folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Mile-High Madness	scen	26.2	4980	10/24/95	10/24/95
           Read Me or Splat.	TEXT	ttxt	1262	10/24/95	10/24/95
         MondoWaldoWorldV1.3 folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Mondo Waldo World 1.3	scen	26.2	123184	7/13/95	7/25/95
           Mondo Waldo World Arena film	film	26.2	28536	8/2/95	8/2/95
           READ ME	TEXT	ttxt	671	11/20/94	11/20/94
         Mšbius Map				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Mšbius	scen	26.2	34644	9/28/95	9/28/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	2245	9/28/95	9/28/95
         MtG Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	11/17/95	11/17/95
           Marathon- the Gathering	scen	26.2	337842	9/4/95	11/17/95
           MtG ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	16151	11/11/95	11/17/95
         multiheathen.v1 Folder copy				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Awww go on, readme, be a devil.	TEXT	ttxt	2009	8/14/95	8/14/95
           Multi HeaTHen v1.0	scen	26.2	101604	8/14/95	8/14/95
         nethell.11				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Last minute notes	ttro	ttxt	494	5/1/95	5/1/95
           NetHell1.1	scen	26.2	105992	4/30/95	5/2/95
           Readme for fun!	ttro	ttxt	142296	5/1/95	5/1/95
         NetWired_1.0				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	10/4/95	10/4/95
           NetWired 1.0	scen	26.2	231452	6/26/95	10/3/95
           NetWired 1.0 README	TEXT	ttxt	6653	10/3/95	10/4/95
         Network Map				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	56068	6/6/95	6/6/95
           Missle Site	APPL	MsIN	251029	3/13/95	6/6/95
           Read me	TEXT	ttxt	1091	6/6/95	6/6/95
         Oh_Pfhuck folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           MAP	scen	26.2	62380	7/18/95	7/18/95
           Reed me	TEXT	ttxt	4123	11/20/94	11/20/94
         Painter's minipack				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	289696	11/10/95	11/11/95
           Read This or...	TEXT	ttxt	3355	11/11/95	11/11/95
         Pathfinder				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	10/3/95	10/3/95
           Map - Pathfinder	scen	26.2	58056	10/2/95	10/3/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1595	10/3/95	10/3/95
         Pfhactory Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	8/27/95	8/27/95
           Pfhactory .9b	scen	26.2	109482	8/25/95	8/27/95
           pfhactory donÕt read me!	TEXT	ttxt	1407	4/16/95	8/27/95
           pfhactory pfhilm	film	26.2	324720	8/27/95	8/27/95
         Pfhalanx				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Pfhalanx	scen	26.2	16100	9/8/95	9/9/95
           Physics model	phys	26.2	8134	5/7/95	8/28/95
           ¥Pfhalanx docs	TEXT	ttxt	1046	9/8/95	9/9/95
         Pfharting Around				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Pfharting Around	ttro	ttxt	601	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Pfharting Around	scen	26.2	94380	11/10/95	11/10/95
         Pfhor Ball				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	9/26/95	9/26/95
           Map - Pfhor Ball	scen	26.2	24172	9/24/95	9/24/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1582	9/26/95	9/26/95
         Pfhorest				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Pfhorest	scen	26.2	70240	8/21/95	9/8/95
           Ream Me	TEXT	ttxt	1289	8/22/95	8/22/95
         Pfhorever Map Ä				4/16/95	1/13/95
			2670	4/16/95	4/16/95
           pfhorever 1.0 pfhilm	film	26.2	50454	5/19/95	5/19/95
           pfhorever 1.0b1	scen	26.2	50324	4/28/95	5/17/95
           pfhorever 2.0b1	sce2	52.4	62780	12/20/95	12/20/95
           pfhorever donÕt read me!	TEXT	ttxt	3359	4/16/95	12/20/95
         Pfhornication II				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Pfhornication II	scen	26.2	42224	7/17/95	7/28/95
           PFHORNICATION II ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	2595	7/17/95	7/17/95
           Pfhorno Pfhilm 1	film	26.2	49734	7/17/95	7/17/95
           Pfhorno Pfhilm 2	film	26.2	51774	7/17/95	7/17/95
         Pfhorno Lives!				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Pfhornication Lives!	scen	26.2	46920	8/15/95	9/11/95
           Pfhornication Lives! Film	film	26.2	35052	9/12/95	9/12/95
           PFHORNICATION LIVES! ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	2627	7/17/95	9/13/95
         Pfhortress v2.0				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	104032	4/16/95	4/29/95
           To be read by literate only	TEXT	ttxt	1071	4/19/95	4/30/95
         pfhor_eng.0-6 PPC				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	75572	5/5/95	5/9/95
           What was the question?	TEXT	ttxt	2675	12/9/94	12/9/94
         PhorTheLoveOfGod folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           MAP	scen	26.2	106164	7/24/95	7/24/95
           MNB Music v2.0 folder				11/18/94	1/4/95
             MNB Music README	TEXT	ttxt	1821	7/15/95	7/17/95
             MNB Music v2.0	msik	26.2	700547	7/17/95	7/17/95
           PTLOG ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1623	7/22/95	12/17/94
         Phospfhor folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Phospfhorous- map	scen	26.2	39012	4/27/95	5/12/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1881	4/28/95	5/10/95
         Pillbox				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Pillbox	scen	26.2	34316	5/8/95	5/8/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	789	5/30/95	5/30/95
         Plan 9				11/10/95	1/13/95
           Plan 9	scen	26.2	85288	4/9/95	11/29/95
           Plan 9 Read ME	TEXT	ttxt	1029	11/10/95	11/10/95
         Plasmolysis				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Physics model	phys	26.2	8134	5/7/95	8/28/95
           Plasmolysis	scen	26.2	31828	9/21/95	9/24/95
           Read me or crash (I'm serious)	TEXT	ttxt	1833	9/22/95	9/23/95
         Platform				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Platform	scen	26.2	85000	10/23/95	10/23/95
           Platform Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1912	11/2/95	11/9/95
         Portals				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	35312	7/26/95	7/26/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	6148	7/26/95	7/26/95
         Post It				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Post It	ttro	ttxt	579	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Post It	scen	26.2	27832	11/10/95	11/10/95
         POTF v2.5				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	102896	6/11/95	7/13/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	2766	7/10/95	7/13/95
         Prison Yard				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Prison Yard	ttro	ttxt	575	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Prison Yard	scen	26.2	69780	11/10/95	11/10/95
         Proving Ground 1.1 Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           map	scen	26.2	158042	7/3/95	7/6/95
           Proving_Ground_readme11	TEXT	ttxt	2480	7/3/95	7/6/95
           The Proving Ground 1.1	scen	26.2	158042	7/3/95	7/6/95
         Psylo				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Psylo	ttro	ttxt	653	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Psylo	scen	26.2	80976	11/10/95	11/10/95
         quicksilver.11				12/9/94	1/13/95
           QuickSilver v1.1	scen	26.2	105588	2/20/95	2/23/95
           QuickSilver_v1.1_Readme	TEXT	ttxt	1874	2/23/95	2/23/95
         Rev of Death Star Arena				9/30/95	1/13/95
			2670	9/30/95	9/30/95
           map	scen	26.2	67584	9/30/95	9/30/95
           Revenge of Deathstar Arena	TEXT	ttxt	774	12/9/94	12/9/94
         Revelations V 1.0				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1870	11/20/94	11/20/94
           Revelations V 1.0	scen	26.2	42280	9/13/95	9/13/95
         Rocky's 6-Pak				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Rocky's 6-Pak	scen	26.2	263284	5/2/95	5/2/95
           To Read, or Not to Read	TEXT	ttxt	4639	12/9/94	1/4/95
         rogaland				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Rogaland	scen	26.2	58164	3/31/95	3/31/95
           rogaland info	TEXT	ttxt	973	3/31/95	3/31/95
         Rumba Office Maps				12/9/94	1/13/95
           rumba office classic	scen	26.2	58720	4/21/95	4/21/95
           Rumba Office Maps Info	ttro	ttxt	1651	8/16/95	8/18/95
           rumba office pro	scen	26.2	77188	7/6/95	7/6/95
         Rushin' Roulette Folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Rushin' Readme	TEXT	ttxt	2763	11/9/95	11/9/95
           Rushin' Roulette	scen	26.2	36372	10/18/95	11/9/95
         Satan Muffins				8/9/95	1/13/95
           Satan Muffins -Readme	TEXT	ttxt	923	8/9/95	8/9/95
           Satan Muffins Map	scen	26.2	33924	8/9/95	8/9/95
         SC-Arena-Mars				12/9/94	1/13/95
            ¥ Arena	scen	26.2	44308	9/10/95	9/10/95
            ¥ Mars Needs Carnage	scen	26.2	90964	9/9/95	9/10/95
           Read Me Whenever	TEXT	ttxt	1921	1/14/95	9/10/95
         SC-Pfhree..Stones2.6.2				4/11/95	1/13/95
			2670	4/13/95	4/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	169209	4/13/95	4/13/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8224	3/25/95	4/13/95
           ReadMe Before Playing	TEXT	ttxt	4978	4/11/95	4/13/95
         SC-RancidCafŽ				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	4/13/95	4/13/95
           Instructions for Using	TEXT	ttxt	6248	4/11/95	4/16/95
           Map/Pfhree..Stones	scen	26.2	169122	4/13/95	4/16/95
           Map/Rancid CafŽ	scen	26.2	74653	4/14/95	4/16/95
           Physics/UseNOPatch	phys	26.2	8224	3/25/95	4/16/95
           Physics/UseWithPatch	phys	26.2	8245	3/25/95	4/16/95
           Shapes update/2.6.3p	APPL	ApMh	23950	4/16/95	4/16/95
         SC-Temporal Lab 17				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Read Me Whenever	TEXT	ttxt	2013	1/14/95	10/8/95
           Temporal Levels	scen	26.2	73632	10/3/95	10/4/95
         Scorn Net Maps				11/30/95	1/13/95
           Deltitnu	scen	26.2	74300	12/1/95	12/1/95
           IcingSugar	scen	26.2	78016	12/1/95	12/1/95
           Scorn Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1372	12/1/95	12/1/95
           The Diamond	scen	26.2	59800	12/1/95	12/1/95
           Without	scen	26.2	81160	12/1/95	12/1/95
         Section13v9.0 Folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Readme for Section 13 v9.0	TEXT	ttxt	15094	4/12/90	4/28/95
           Section 13 v9.0	scen	26.2	826860	4/19/95	4/28/95
         Selenite 2.0 folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Selenite 2.0	scen	26.2	44852	5/24/95	5/24/95
           Selenite Readme please	TEXT	ttxt	1895	5/24/95	5/24/95
         Sewer v1.1				4/9/94	1/13/95
           Read-Me!	TEXT	ttxt	2372	4/6/95	6/6/95
           Sewer v1.1	scen	26.2	103492	4/10/94	4/10/94
           Sewer v1.1 (net)	scen	26.2	103492	4/10/94	4/10/94
         Shoot 'Em Up FINAL Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	11/23/95	11/23/95
           README	ttro	ttxt	3401	7/29/95	11/23/95
           S'EU SecretMap.pict	PICT	GCon	619962	11/23/95	11/23/95
           Shoot 'Em Up 1	scen	26.2	114744	4/18/95	11/23/95
           Shoot 'Em Up 2	scen	26.2	114904	4/18/95	11/23/95
         Sky's the Limit				1/13/95	1/13/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	436	1/13/95	1/13/95
           Skys the Limit 2.5	scen	26.2	44868	1/3/96	1/3/96
         Slaughter 2.0				12/9/94	1/13/95
           My Feeble attempts on TC	film	26.2	6960	6/20/95	6/20/95
           Readmeee	TEXT	ttxt	4733	6/19/95	6/19/95
           Slaughter Model	phys	26.2	8134	6/19/95	6/20/95
           Slaughter v2.0	scen	26.2	41664	6/19/95	6/20/95
         snipers.only.r2				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Snipers Only! r2	scen	26.2	87884	4/27/95	4/28/95
           Snipers Only! README!	TEXT	ttxt	4564	4/13/95	4/28/95
         solidaridad.12				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Solidaridad README	TEXT	ttxt	1344	2/28/95	2/28/95
           Solidaridad v1.2	scen	26.2	81452	2/25/95	2/27/95
         Sonny - Net				11/18/94	1/13/95
           hey, sonny...	scen	26.2	27568	9/7/95	9/7/95
         Starbase IX Ä				12/14/95	1/13/95
           About Starbase IX	TEXT	ttxt	1311	12/14/95	12/14/95
           Starbase IX	scen	26.2	112036	12/14/95	12/14/95
         Starman's Pfhor what it's worth				11/24/94	1/13/95
           Pfhor What It's Worth	scen	26.2	33934	3/26/95	4/1/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	490	11/26/94	11/26/94
         Stop the Press!				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	48360	7/14/95	7/14/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	4798	6/29/95	7/14/95
         Subway Station1.1				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2704	5/8/95	5/8/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	2329	5/8/95	5/8/95
           Subway Map	scen	26.2	37556	4/19/95	5/8/95
         SUICIDE COLLECTION 1-10				9/5/95	1/13/95
           map	scen	26.2	1018948	9/6/95	9/7/95
           Read Me Now!	TEXT	ttxt	976	5/12/94	9/5/95
         Suicide12				9/5/95	1/13/95
           Read Me Now!	TEXT	ttxt	964	5/12/94	9/20/95
           Suicide12	scen	26.2	38488	9/20/95	9/20/95
         Suicide13				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Read Me Now!	TEXT	ttxt	780	5/12/94	10/5/95
           Suicide13	scen	26.2	45312	10/5/95	10/5/95
         Suicide14				10/12/95	1/13/95
           Read Me Now!	TEXT	ttxt	838	5/12/94	10/12/95
           Suicide14	scen	26.2	68484	10/16/95	10/16/95
         Suicide15 				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Read Me Now!	TEXT	ttxt	812	5/12/94	10/23/95
           Suicide 15	scen	26.2	51140	10/20/95	10/20/95
         Suicide16				11/2/95	1/13/95
           Read Me Now!	TEXT	ttxt	812	5/12/94	11/1/95
           Suicide 16	scen	26.2	44872	11/2/95	11/7/95
         Suicide17				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Read Me Now!	TEXT	ttxt	812	5/12/94	11/13/95
           Suicide17	scen	26.2	37624	11/7/95	11/7/95
         Suicide18				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Read Me Now!	TEXT	ttxt	776	11/13/95	11/13/95
           Suicide18	scen	26.2	46828	11/12/95	11/12/95
         Suicide19				11/17/95	1/13/95
           Read Me Now!	TEXT	ttxt	776	11/13/95	11/21/95
           Suicide19	scen	26.2	59048	11/21/95	11/21/95
         Suicide20				11/17/95	1/13/95
           Read Me Now!	TEXT	ttxt	776	11/13/95	12/1/95
           Suicide20	scen	26.2	85808	12/1/95	12/1/95
         Suicide21				11/17/95	1/13/95
           Read Me Now!	TEXT	ttxt	776	11/13/95	12/18/95
           Suicide21	scen	26.2	79532	12/15/95	12/15/95
         Suicide22				11/17/95	1/13/95
           Read Me Now!	TEXT	ttxt	776	11/13/95	1/5/96
           Suicide22	scen	26.2	52776	1/5/96	1/5/96
         SuperCross				12/9/94	1/13/95
           DrinkMe	clpt	drag	655	12/9/94	12/31/94
           SuperCross	scen	26.2	58304	9/6/95	9/8/95
         Tanks & Sans				11/18/94	1/13/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	854	11/22/94	11/22/94
           Tanks and Sans	scen	26.2	74776	4/4/95	4/4/95
         Temple of Flesh				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	118700	4/12/95	10/7/95
           PleaseReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	2451	12/9/94	12/9/94
           TOF v 1				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Map TOF 1	scen	26.2	93272	4/12/95	4/17/95
             Sno&DMA in TOF	film	26.2	70998	4/17/95	4/17/95
             Sno&DMA TOF.2	film	26.2	73938	4/17/95	4/17/95
             Sno&DMA TOF3	film	26.2	98172	4/18/95	4/18/95
             Sno.Dma.Blade	film	26.2	136770	4/19/95	4/19/95
           TOF v 2				12/9/94	12/9/94
             STBD Red Team Kicks	film	26.2	154860	4/20/95	4/20/95
             TOF 2	scen	26.2	103024	4/12/95	4/20/95
           TOF v 3				12/9/94	12/9/94
             S.D vs. Q.T	film	26.2	72840	6/16/95	6/16/95
             Sno Kicks Ass	film	26.2	88842	6/4/95	6/4/95
             Sno vs. DMA	film	26.2	60960	5/19/95	5/19/95
             Sno.Doug.DMA.Hugh	film	26.2	120678	5/20/95	5/20/95
             TOF 3	scen	26.2	102144	4/12/95	4/29/95
           TOF v 4				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Sno.TFT.Blade	film	26.2	115752	6/23/95	6/23/95
             TOF 4	scen	26.2	114312	4/12/95	6/22/95
           TOF v 5				12/9/94	12/9/94
             1st play, TOF 5	film	26.2	106170	8/18/95	8/18/95
             Temple of Flesh	scen	26.2	118700	4/12/95	8/18/95
           TOF v 6				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Map	scen	26.2	118700	4/12/95	9/17/95
             Sno vs. The Weeds	film	26.2	84276	10/7/95	10/7/95
         Temple of the Pforte				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Bonus Levels	ttro	ttxt	32150	10/25/95	10/25/95
           Read Me	ttro	ttxt	44317	10/25/95	10/25/95
           Temple	scen	26.2	199156	10/25/95	10/31/95
         Tesseract				11/18/95	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	12608	11/17/95	11/17/95
           Tesseract docs	TEXT	ttxt	1001	11/18/95	11/18/95
         The "U"				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About The "U"	ttro	ttxt	573	11/10/95	11/10/95
           The "U"	scen	26.2	106240	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Tour	film	26.2	2706	8/17/95	8/17/95
         The Big Time				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About The Big Time	ttro	ttxt	564	11/10/95	11/10/95
           The Big Time	scen	26.2	45296	11/10/95	11/10/95
         The Bog Pit Ä				4/17/94	1/13/95
           For Bog's Sake Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1512	4/18/94	4/18/94
           Guided Tour	film	26.2	6402	4/18/94	4/18/94
           The Bog Pit	scen	26.2	62640	4/15/94	4/17/94
         The Brad Pack				11/30/95	1/13/95
           Read Me Damnit!	TEXT	ttxt	2358	11/30/95	11/30/95
           The Brad Pack	scen	26.2	421744	8/1/95	11/30/95
         The Check				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Check	scen	26.2	45288	4/20/95	4/20/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1086	11/22/94	11/22/94
         The Chunnel				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	9/26/95	9/26/95
           Map - Chunnel	scen	26.2	29420	9/24/95	9/24/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1701	9/26/95	9/26/95
         The Director's Cut v2.0 fo copy				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	115404	9/30/95	10/3/95
           The Directors Cut v2.readme	TEXT	ttxt	3038	7/4/95	10/3/95
         The Green Room				12/7/95	1/13/95
           green room	scen	26.2	33824	10/15/95	12/13/95
           Green_Room_ReadMe.txt	TEXT	ttxt	1168	12/7/95	12/7/95
			2670	12/7/95	12/7/95
         The Hall 1.1				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Hall	scen	26.2	114220	9/10/95	10/2/95
           Liesmich	TEXT	ttxt	2413	9/18/95	9/18/95
           Readme	TEXT	ttxt	1770	9/18/95	9/23/95
         The Joust				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2704	4/28/95	4/28/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1674	4/28/95	9/13/95
           The Joust	scen	26.2	10952	5/12/95	5/12/95
         The Joy of Death 1.0				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	1377	12/9/94	12/9/94
           The Joy of Death 1.0	scen	26.2	77268	8/29/95	9/19/95
         The Magic Roundabout				12/9/94	1/13/95
 	film	26.2	38334	9/1/95	9/1/95
           Map	scen	26.2	27416	7/25/95	7/25/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	5622	7/25/95	7/25/95
         The Man-Trap				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	55656	6/30/95	6/30/95
           Read Me - Important	TEXT	ttxt	4196	6/29/95	6/30/95
         The Pfhunky Pfhive				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	9/3/95	9/3/95
           Read Me, Please	PICT	8BIM	202779	9/3/95	9/3/95
           The Pfhunky Pfhive v1.0	scen	26.2	173600	9/3/95	9/15/95
         The Pit of Hellv1.2Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Read Me NOW!	ttro	ttxt	2375	5/13/95	5/17/95
           The Pit of Hell v1.2	scen	26.2	59584	5/17/95	5/17/95
         The Tower 1.1				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	120764	11/23/95	11/23/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	2533	6/9/95	11/23/95
         The Trap				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About The Trap	ttro	ttxt	633	11/10/95	11/10/95
           The Trap	scen	26.2	103144	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Tour	film	26.2	1866	8/17/95	8/17/95
         TheForest				10/29/95	1/13/95
			2670	10/29/95	10/29/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1592	10/29/95	10/29/95
           The Forest	scen	26.2	72300	10/22/95	12/21/95
         ThE_HoUsE_oF_GoD_v1.4				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	93676	2/23/95	2/28/95
           THOG 1.4 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	2426	2/23/95	12/31/94
         Three Net Maps Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1064	4/16/95	4/16/95
           Three Net Maps	scen	26.2	119616	4/15/95	4/16/95
         throne.of.god.10 copy				12/9/94	1/13/95
           The Throne of God README	TEXT	ttxt	955	2/23/95	2/23/95
           The Throne of God-NET	scen	26.2	104200	2/22/95	2/23/95
         ThunderDomeV.5				8/23/95	1/13/95
			2704	9/30/95	9/30/95
           ThunderDome v.5	scen	26.2	19668	7/13/95	8/22/95
           Welcome to ThunderDome!	TEXT	ttxt	1698	1/4/95	1/4/95
         trial.and.error				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	114184	4/13/95	5/10/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	4/4/95	5/10/95
           Read me!	TEXT	ttxt	5422	5/10/95	5/10/95
         Triskelion				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Read this or play Marathon	TEXT	ttxt	830	5/8/95	5/8/95
           Triskelion Map	scen	26.2	65108	5/4/95	5/5/95
         TwinTowers folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Double-click me.	TEXT	ttxt	2798	10/9/95	10/9/95
           Map-The Twin Towers	scen	26.2	102792	9/15/95	10/9/95
           Secrets for Twin Towers (lamer)	film	26.2	9984	10/9/95	10/9/95
         Ty's Wigglies				12/9/94	1/13/95
           map	scen	26.2	120864	8/23/95	9/27/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	757	12/31/94	12/31/94
         U4_8				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Net Physics Model				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	3/25/95	4/10/95
             ReadMe	ttro	ttxt	8284	4/6/95	4/10/95
           U4_2Replay				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Map	scen	26.2	87456	4/2/95	4/2/95
             Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	3/29/95	3/29/95
             Underground 4/2 Replay	film	26.2	598560	4/3/95	4/3/95
           Underground 4/8	scen	26.2	102592	4/8/95	4/8/95
           Underground ReadMe	ttro	ttxt	7407	3/26/95	4/8/95
         UCSC Hahn Student Center				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Hahn 1.2	scen	26.2	49492	5/25/95	5/25/95
           Hahn README	TEXT	ttxt	1331	5/25/95	5/25/95
         UNDERGROUND_MOD_5 folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	86380	6/16/95	6/18/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1202	11/21/94	1/4/95
         Underpass2.2				11/27/95	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	52160	5/31/95	11/30/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	4/29/95	6/4/95
           read THIS!	TEXT	ttxt	2704	6/4/95	11/30/95
         v8.12				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	5/8/95	5/8/95
           Map	scen	26.2	22212	4/18/95	5/8/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	2392	5/8/95	5/8/95
         Villa Banzai folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Read Me	ttro	ttxt	4692	4/21/95	4/24/95
           Villa Banzai 1.0	scen	26.2	122736	4/21/95	4/24/95
         Vita Flo 1.0 Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Check this out.	TEXT	ttxt	1878	5/10/95	5/10/95
			2670	5/10/95	5/10/95
           Vita Flo	scen	26.2	70144	5/7/95	5/9/95
         WaldoVoid folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Reed Mi	TEXT	ttxt	1250	10/3/95	10/3/95
           Waldo Voidª	scen	26.2	21180	10/3/95	10/3/95
         Wall In The Hole Gang				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Wall In The HoleÉ	ttro	ttxt	573	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Tour	film	26.2	2130	8/27/95	8/27/95
           Wall In The Hole Gang	scen	26.2	59084	11/10/95	11/10/95
         Watch Your Step				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Watch Your Step	ttro	ttxt	589	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Watch Your Step	scen	26.2	108396	11/10/95	11/10/95 folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           LŠs mig!	TEXT	ttxt	1400	3/26/95	3/26/95
           Map	scen	26.2	44612	3/26/95	3/26/95
         Where Is Everyone?				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Where Is Everyone?	ttro	ttxt	554	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Where Is Everyone?	scen	26.2	99096	11/10/95	11/10/95
         WhipScorpion				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map readme	TEXT	ttxt	682	4/9/95	4/9/95
           Whip	scen	26.2	87428	4/7/95	4/9/95
         WWW2				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	10/3/95	10/3/95
           Map - WWW2	scen	26.2	51988	5/7/95	9/28/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1689	10/3/95	10/3/95
         Äoolishness 1.0 Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           you're a tool if you read me	TEXT	ttxt	11741	8/1/95	12/31/94
           Äoolishness 1.0	scen	26.2	563148	6/20/95	8/17/95
       Novelty Net Maps	TEXT	ttxt	2476	1/7/95	1/13/95
       Pfhor-Style Net Maps	TEXT	ttxt	5044	1/7/95	1/13/95
       Read Me for the Read Me's (!)	ttro	ttxt	1829	1/13/95	1/13/95
       Small Net  Maps (A-M)	TEXT	ttxt	13541	1/7/95	1/13/95
       Small Net Maps (N-Z)	TEXT	ttxt	14600	1/7/95	1/13/95
       Solo Levels				11/16/94	1/13/95
         *MCs Go Wif Jeza				12/9/94	1/13/95
           *Go Wif Jeza	scen	26.2	207668	4/30/95	8/19/95
           I WAN TO GO WIF JEZAÉ	TEXT	ttxt	1913	5/2/95	8/19/95
         20 Minutes of Hell				12/9/94	1/13/95
           20 Minutes of Hell	scen	26.2	84320	6/2/95	6/2/95
           20 minutes readme	TEXT	ttxt	1148	6/7/95	6/7/95
           dogs of pfhor				12/9/94	1/4/95
             Dogs of Pfhor 2.1	APPL	MsIN	1155655	3/13/95	3/31/95
             Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	3/28/95	3/31/95
             Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	3702	3/29/95	3/31/95
         Alien Encounter Group				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Alien EncounterÉ	ttro	ttxt	637	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Alien Encounter Group	scen	26.2	51248	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Tour	film	26.2	2466	8/17/95	8/17/95
         aliens?				12/9/94	1/13/95
           ALIENS?	scen	26.2	148772	11/7/95	11/7/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1047	12/3/94	12/3/94
         ALittleMap				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map_"Big Guy Will Travel" by BH	scen	26.2	13232	3/22/95	3/22/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	407	11/19/94	11/19/94
         Attics and Cellars				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	9/26/95	9/26/95
           Map - Attics and Cellars	scen	26.2	34868	9/25/95	9/25/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1528	9/26/95	9/26/95
         Balance Is Everything				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Balance Is EveryÉ	ttro	ttxt	588	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Balance Is Everything	scen	26.2	70084	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Tour	film	26.2	1896	8/27/95	8/27/95
         Bathtub				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	10/3/95	10/3/95
           Map	scen	26.2	40360	9/28/95	10/1/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1805	10/3/95	10/3/95
         Carnage & Pfhun				12/9/94	1/13/95
           READ ME	TEXT	ttxt	396	9/26/95	9/26/95
           Thermo Man	scen	26.2	25020	9/22/95	9/26/95
         Carnage Galore				10/9/95	1/13/95
           Map Text	TEXT	ttxt	2053	10/8/95	10/9/95
           Map-Easier	scen	26.2	79512	8/25/95	10/9/95
           Map-Harder	scen	26.2	79512	8/25/95	10/9/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	10/8/95	10/8/95
         Deliverance v1.2 Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Deliverance Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	7999	4/1/95	10/15/95
 	scen	26.2	346052	5/6/95	10/15/95
           Deliverance.rsrc	rsrc	RSED	149224	8/9/95	10/15/95
         deRuyter 1.4 Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           deRuyter story	TEXT	ttxt	3872	8/7/95	8/19/95
           Map	scen	26.2	419906	8/4/95	9/20/95
           Readme First	TEXT	ttxt	3436	8/4/95	9/20/95
           ResMover and DialogRunner				6/6/93	11/25/94
             Dialog Runner/ResMover Read Me	ttro	ttxt	8200	6/11/93	6/11/93
             DialogRunner				3/7/93	11/25/94
               DialogRunner	osax	ascr	5307	2/27/93	4/25/93
			2670	6/11/93	6/12/93
               Sample Script				6/10/93	11/25/94
                 Hello.rsrc	rsrc	RSED	923	2/13/93	6/11/93
			2670	6/11/93	6/11/93
                 pets	osas	ToyS	1752	2/27/93	6/10/93
			2670	6/6/93	6/12/93
             ResMover	osax	ascr	4861	3/21/93	4/6/93
 	APPL	aplt	8610	9/12/95	9/20/95
         Desperate Pfhor Net Play				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	5/28/95	5/28/95
           Map	scen	26.2	412636	5/28/95	5/28/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	2/10/95	5/28/95
           Shapes Patch	APPL	ZAPS	24618	2/4/95	2/4/95
           ¥ How to Install ¥	TEXT	ttxt	3539	5/28/95	5/28/95
         DŽjˆ vu				12/9/94	1/13/95
           DŽjˆ vu	scen	26.2	67524	5/17/95	9/25/95
           READ ME	ttro	ttxt	3174	5/17/95	9/16/95
           Terminals	rsrc	RSED	7883	5/16/95	5/17/95
         Doom@Marathon-E1M1				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map.E1M1	scen	26.2	60828	6/5/95	6/8/95
           Patch.E1M1	APPL	ZAPS	23759	6/8/95	6/8/95
           Physics Model.E1M1	phys	26.2	8134	4/26/95	5/16/95
           Readme.E1M1	TEXT	ttxt	3798	5/16/95	8/4/95
         Downward Spiral-MKN Map				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2704	11/5/95	11/5/95
           MAP - Downward Spiral	scen	26.2	54568	10/6/95	10/7/95
           MKN Map Readme	TEXT	ttxt	2474	9/17/95	11/5/95
         E=MCsquared				11/16/94	1/13/95
           E equals MC squared-Map	scen	26.2	44804	12/9/94	12/9/94
			2670	11/16/94	11/16/94
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	892	11/19/94	11/19/94
         FineLine				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	10/3/95	10/3/95
           Map - FineLine	scen	26.2	61880	10/1/95	10/1/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1770	10/3/95	10/3/95
         FleshMaps folder				11/18/94	1/13/95
           Drink Me	TEXT	ttxt	4792	8/18/95	8/18/95
           Temple of Flesh	scen	26.2	118700	4/12/95	8/18/95
           Too Much Flesh	scen	26.2	17906	12/9/94	12/9/94
         fodderwall.11				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	5/8/95	5/8/95
           Map	scen	26.2	30860	4/20/95	5/8/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	2318	5/8/95	5/8/95
         Funny map				3/31/95	1/13/95
           Joke Map	scen	26.2	6674	3/29/95	3/31/95
           READ ME!	ttro	ttxt	3788	3/31/95	3/31/95
         Hall Pass v1.0				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map - Hall Pass	scen	26.2	20564	4/20/95	4/20/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1389	4/21/95	4/21/95
         Hulk Farm				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Hulk_Farming-Tutorial	TEXT	ttxt	5944	9/29/95	9/29/95
           The Hulk Farm	scen	26.2	72236	9/28/95	9/29/95
			2670	12/3/94	12/3/94
         Inferno II				9/22/95	1/13/95
           Inferno II	scen	26.2	101332	9/22/95	9/22/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	1304	9/19/95	9/22/95
         It's Not Easy...1.0				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	5/8/95	5/8/95
           Map	scen	26.2	40420	4/25/95	5/8/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	2342	5/8/95	5/8/95
         KABORKA folder - PPC				12/9/94	1/13/95
           KABORKA Map	scen	26.2	1044481	7/25/95	9/13/95
           KABORKA read me	PICT	ttxt	62578	8/24/95	8/24/95
         Kaborka2 - PPC				12/7/95	1/13/95
			2670	12/7/95	12/7/95
           KABORKA2 Map	scen	26.2	670240	10/2/95	12/7/95
           KABORKA2 read me	TEXT	ttxt	4183	12/7/95	12/7/95
         Kids Map				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Kids Map	scen	26.2	17012	10/21/95	10/21/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	952	11/19/94	11/19/94
         kill! kill! kill!  Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Kill Map	scen	26.2	91160	3/31/95	3/31/95
           kill! ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	2155	3/31/95	3/31/95
         Land Of Dairy Queen				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Bleed on me	TEXT	ttxt	33105	9/1/95	10/2/95
           LODQ 1.1	scen	26.2	104088	8/30/95	10/1/95
         Long Way Around				11/10/95	1/13/95
           About Long Way Around	ttro	ttxt	570	11/10/95	11/10/95
           Long Way Around	scen	26.2	80300	11/10/95	11/10/95
         look, ma!				12/9/94	1/13/95
           LMNH	film	26.2	10914	11/14/95	11/14/95
           Look, ma, no hands!	scen	26.2	17992	11/14/95	11/14/95
           ShootMe	TEXT	ttxt	1801	9/8/95	11/15/95
         marathon-map-pak-20				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Mappak 2	scen	26.2	1168120	4/20/95	4/20/95
           MultiMapPak vol.2 Readme	ttro	ttxt	30702	4/7/95	4/19/95
           Peripherals				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Inferno Physics Models				12/9/94	12/9/94
               Inferno Model -g	phys	26.2	8134	4/16/95	4/19/95
               Inferno Model 0g	phys	26.2	8134	4/16/95	4/18/95
             Marathon AO v1.2 patch	APPL	ZAPS	27326	4/15/95	4/15/95
             SC-periphs				12/9/94	12/9/94
               Physics/UseNOPatch	phys	26.2	8224	3/25/95	4/16/95
               Physics/UseWithPatch	phys	26.2	8245	3/25/95	4/16/95
               Shapes update/2.6.3p	APPL	ApMh	23950	4/16/95	4/16/95
         Mšbius Map				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Mšbius	scen	26.2	34644	9/28/95	9/28/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	2245	9/28/95	9/28/95
         multiheathen.v1 Folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Awww go on, readme, be a devil.	TEXT	ttxt	2009	8/14/95	8/14/95
           Multi HeaTHen v1.0	scen	26.2	101604	8/14/95	8/14/95
         Myriad folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           1	phys	26.2	8134	5/20/95	5/23/95
           MAP	scen	26.2	410034	5/5/95	5/23/95
           READ ME	TEXT	ttxt	2744	11/20/94	11/20/94
         Nelson				12/9/94	1/13/95
           MAP	scen	26.2	114072	5/28/95	6/12/95
           Play it, then Email me	TEXT	ttxt	878	6/12/95	6/12/95
         NightOnTheTown_1.1delta				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	9/4/95	9/4/95
           NTMap	scen	26.2	104264	8/26/95	9/5/95
           ShootMe	ttro	ttxt	679	9/4/95	9/6/95
         P-Day				12/9/94	1/13/95
           P-Day	scen	26.2	111160	4/28/95	5/13/95
           Welcome	TEXT	ttxt	1600	5/13/95	5/13/95
         Passage of Fools				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	437752	5/27/95	5/27/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1210	4/2/95	5/27/95
         Pathfinder				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	10/3/95	10/3/95
           Map - Pathfinder	scen	26.2	58056	10/2/95	10/3/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1595	10/3/95	10/3/95
         Pfhalanx				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Enter the Marines 1.0	APPL	MsIN	759389	3/13/95	5/9/95
           Pfhalanx SOLO	scen	26.2	16900	9/8/95	9/9/95
           Physics model	phys	26.2	8134	5/7/95	8/28/95
           ¥Pfhalanx docs	TEXT	ttxt	1046	9/8/95	9/9/95
         Pfhoriasis Map Ä				7/12/94	1/13/95
           Do what you want !!	TEXT	ttxt	2596	7/22/95	7/22/95
           Map	scen	26.2	168167	7/3/94	7/22/95
         Pfhorsaken Maps				12/9/94	1/13/95
           I'll be your pfhrend	scen	26.2	23788	8/1/95	8/1/95
           I'll be your pfhrend 2	scen	26.2	29356	8/20/95	8/20/95
           I'll be your pfhrend 2 demo	film	26.2	7308	7/31/95	7/31/95
           I'll be your pfhrend model	phys	26.2	8134	7/29/95	7/29/95
			2550	7/21/95	8/21/95
           Metapfhor	scen	26.2	28272	7/31/95	8/1/95
           ¥Pfhorsaken Maps Docs	ttro	ttxt	3024	7/19/95	8/18/95
         Plasmolysis				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Enter the Marines 1.0 copy	APPL	MsIN	759389	3/13/95	5/9/95
           Physics model	phys	26.2	8134	5/7/95	8/28/95
           Plasmolysis SOLO	scen	26.2	31620	9/21/95	9/23/95
           Read me or crash (I'm serious)	TEXT	ttxt	1833	9/22/95	9/23/95
         Platform				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Platform	scen	26.2	85000	10/23/95	10/23/95
           Platform Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1912	11/2/95	11/9/95
         quicksilver.11				12/9/94	1/13/95
           QuickSilver v1.1	scen	26.2	105588	2/20/95	2/23/95
           QuickSilver_v1.1_Readme	TEXT	ttxt	1874	2/23/95	2/23/95
         Sewer v1.1				4/9/94	1/13/95
           Read-Me!	TEXT	ttxt	2372	4/6/95	6/6/95
           Sewer v1.1	scen	26.2	103492	4/10/94	4/10/94
           Sewer v1.1 (net)	scen	26.2	103492	4/10/94	4/10/94
         Shockadelica				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	122604	6/17/95	7/10/95
           Play it, then Email me	TEXT	ttxt	929	7/9/95	7/10/95
         Slaughter 2.0				12/9/94	1/13/95
           My Feeble attempts on TC	film	26.2	6960	6/20/95	6/20/95
           Readmeee	TEXT	ttxt	4733	6/19/95	6/19/95
           Slaughter Model	phys	26.2	8134	6/19/95	6/20/95
           Slaughter v2.0	scen	26.2	41664	6/19/95	6/20/95
         Solo Grenade Shower!				12/9/94	1/13/95
           physics model	phys	26.2	8134	7/20/95	7/21/95
           Shwr w/Grenades Solo	scen	26.2	59188	8/2/95	9/15/95
           SWG ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1717	7/21/95	8/2/95
         Stratum Interlude				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	96292	9/25/95	10/15/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	4427	10/11/95	10/11/95
           Term Installer	APPL	????	13743	10/6/95	10/15/95
           Term Installer Notes	TEXT	ttxt	747	10/11/95	10/11/95
         Subway Station1.1				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2704	5/8/95	5/8/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	2329	5/8/95	5/8/95
           Subway Map	scen	26.2	37556	4/19/95	5/8/95
         Temple of Flesh				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	118700	4/12/95	10/7/95
           PleaseReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	2451	12/9/94	12/9/94
           TOF v 1				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Map TOF 1	scen	26.2	93272	4/12/95	4/17/95
             Sno&DMA in TOF	film	26.2	70998	4/17/95	4/17/95
             Sno&DMA TOF.2	film	26.2	73938	4/17/95	4/17/95
             Sno&DMA TOF3	film	26.2	98172	4/18/95	4/18/95
             Sno.Dma.Blade	film	26.2	136770	4/19/95	4/19/95
           TOF v 2				12/9/94	12/9/94
             STBD Red Team Kicks	film	26.2	154860	4/20/95	4/20/95
             TOF 2	scen	26.2	103024	4/12/95	4/20/95
           TOF v 3				12/9/94	12/9/94
             S.D vs. Q.T	film	26.2	72840	6/16/95	6/16/95
             Sno Kicks Ass	film	26.2	88842	6/4/95	6/4/95
             Sno vs. DMA	film	26.2	60960	5/19/95	5/19/95
             Sno.Doug.DMA.Hugh	film	26.2	120678	5/20/95	5/20/95
             TOF 3	scen	26.2	102144	4/12/95	4/29/95
           TOF v 4				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Sno.TFT.Blade	film	26.2	115752	6/23/95	6/23/95
             TOF 4	scen	26.2	114312	4/12/95	6/22/95
           TOF v 5				12/9/94	12/9/94
             1st play, TOF 5	film	26.2	106170	8/18/95	8/18/95
             Temple of Flesh	scen	26.2	118700	4/12/95	8/18/95
           TOF v 6				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Map	scen	26.2	118700	4/12/95	9/17/95
             Sno vs. The Weeds	film	26.2	84276	10/7/95	10/7/95
         The Director's Cut v2.0 folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	115404	9/30/95	10/3/95
           The Directors Cut v2.readme	TEXT	ttxt	3038	7/4/95	10/3/95
         ThE_HoUsE_oF_GoD_v1.4				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	93676	2/23/95	2/28/95
           THOG 1.4 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	2426	2/23/95	12/31/94
         throne.of.god.10				12/9/94	1/13/95
           The Throne of God README	TEXT	ttxt	955	2/23/95	2/23/95
           The Throne of God-SINGLE	scen	26.2	103912	2/22/95	2/23/95
         Tiger's Eye				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Marathon Tiger's Eye 1.0	APPL	ZAPS	26130	6/4/95	6/4/95
           Tiger's Eye	scen	26.2	110468	6/4/95	6/4/95
           Tigers Eye readme	TEXT	ttxt	1538	6/7/95	6/7/95
         Tozty Ä				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Comment Address	ttro	ttxt	8222	9/30/95	9/30/95
           Map	scen	26.2	83912	9/20/95	9/30/95
           Tozty Tour	film	26.2	10848	10/1/95	10/1/95
         Training Maps				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	15552	10/1/95	10/1/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	10/1/95	10/1/95
           Read me	TEXT	ttxt	3659	10/1/95	10/1/95
         trial.and.error				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	114184	4/13/95	5/10/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	4/4/95	5/10/95
           Read me!	TEXT	ttxt	5422	5/10/95	5/10/95
         U4_8				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Net Physics Model				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	3/25/95	4/10/95
             ReadMe	ttro	ttxt	8284	4/6/95	4/10/95
           U4_2Replay				12/9/94	12/9/94
             Map	scen	26.2	87456	4/2/95	4/2/95
             Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	3/29/95	3/29/95
             Underground 4/2 Replay	film	26.2	598560	4/3/95	4/3/95
           Underground 4/8	scen	26.2	102592	4/8/95	4/8/95
           Underground ReadMe	ttro	ttxt	7407	3/26/95	4/8/95
         UCSC Hahn Student Centeropy				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Hahn 1.2	scen	26.2	49492	5/25/95	5/25/95
           Hahn README	TEXT	ttxt	1331	5/25/95	5/25/95
         updater folder				12/9/94	1/13/95
           map	scen	26.2	156115	9/2/95	10/9/95
           Read me	TEXT	ttxt	2016	10/9/95	10/9/95
           Terminal messages	rsrc	RSED	16121	10/9/95	10/9/95
         USS Raider				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	417372	4/30/95	4/30/95
           Readme	TEXT	ttxt	6518	12/9/94	12/9/94
           USS Raider Term 1.0.2 patch	APPL	ZAPS	30619	4/30/95	4/30/95
         v8.12				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	5/8/95	5/8/95
           Map	scen	26.2	22212	4/18/95	5/8/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	2392	5/8/95	5/8/95
         Vita Flo 1.0 Ä 				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Check this out.	TEXT	ttxt	1878	5/10/95	5/10/95
			2670	5/10/95	5/10/95
           Vita Flo	scen	26.2	70144	5/7/95	5/9/95
         Watch Your Step 4				12/9/94	1/13/95
           Map	scen	26.2	108824	6/2/95	6/2/95
           Watch Your Step Note	TEXT	ttxt	1787	5/28/95	6/2/95
         WWW2				12/9/94	1/13/95
			2670	10/3/95	10/3/95
           Map - WWW2	scen	26.2	51988	5/7/95	9/28/95
           ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1689	10/3/95	10/3/95
       Solo Maps	TEXT	ttxt	8971	1/7/95	1/13/95
     Marathon 2 Maps				12/17/94	1/13/95
			2670	1/5/95	1/5/95
       Large Maps	TEXT	ttxt	6809	1/7/95	1/13/95
       M2 Maps				1/13/95	1/17/95
         Aviary				1/9/96	1/13/95
           Aviary (Arena)	sce2	52.4	26666	12/31/95	1/9/96
			2670	1/9/96	1/9/96
           Read me, or don't...	TEXT	ttxt	860	1/9/96	1/10/95
         Bear's M2 NetMapsV3				1/5/96	1/13/95
           Bear's M2 NetMapsV3	sce2	52.4	338648	1/5/96	1/10/96
           Bear's M2 NetMapsV3 Read	TEXT	ttxt	5780	1/5/96	1/10/96
           Nuclear Device	phy2	52.4	11388	1/3/96	1/5/96
           Suicide Machine	phy2	52.4	11388	1/3/96	1/10/96
           Wild Alien Weapon	phy2	52.4	11388	1/3/96	1/10/96
         Carnage within				10/14/94	10/14/94
           bono-fied chicken	TEXT	ttxt	1037	10/14/94	10/14/94
			2670	10/14/94	10/14/94
           mutiny-fun and easy	sce2	52.4	25324	10/14/94	10/14/94
         Circular Death M2 Style Ä				12/17/95	1/13/95
           Circular Death M2 Style	sce2	52.4	23872	12/17/95	12/17/95
           Circular death read me	TEXT	ttxt	266	12/17/95	12/17/95
         CruiseManª MapsÄ				1/4/96	1/13/95
           CruiseManª Maps	sce2	52.4	58256	1/4/96	1/4/96
           Read Me (M2 Maps)	ttro	ttxt	967	1/4/96	1/4/96
         DMMC Week of 1/7 Archive				1/13/96	1/14/96
           Assualt of the BOBs Film	fil2	52.4	51262	10/15/94	10/15/94
           DMMC Week of 1/7 Archive	sce2	52.4	199108	1/13/96	1/13/96
           DMMC Week of 1/7 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	4084	12/20/95	1/14/96
           Mutiny Film	fil2	52.4	17812	10/15/94	10/15/94
           Phfortress Film	fil2	52.4	88048	10/16/94	10/16/94
           Redox Reaction Film	fil2	52.4	20110	10/16/94	10/16/94
         DMMC Week of 12/10 Archive				12/17/95	12/17/95
            Week of 12/10 DMMC Readme	TEXT	ttxt	2517	12/17/95	12/17/95
           Station Em - v.a33 Folder				12/16/95	12/16/95
             Station Em - v.a33	sce2	52.4	96564	12/16/95	12/16/95
             Station Em Film-CarnaMan	fil2	52.4	38686	9/17/94	12/16/95
             Station Em Film-Jeremedia	fil2	52.4	7912	12/16/95	12/16/95
           The Alpha Room v1.0 Folder				12/14/95	12/16/95
             The Alpha Room Film-CarnaMan	fil2	52.4	33886	9/17/94	12/16/95
             The Alpha Room v1.0	sce2	52.4	25012	12/16/95	12/16/95
             The Alpha Room v1.0 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	1278	12/14/95	12/16/95
         DMMC Week of 12/17 Archive				12/20/95	12/24/95
           Arena Folder				12/20/95	12/24/95
             Arena	sce2	52.4	22172	12/19/95	12/20/95
             Arena Film	fil2	52.4	2686	12/24/95	12/24/95
           Crossroads of Hell 2 v1.0				12/23/95	12/24/95
             Crossroads of Hell 2 1.0 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	1062	12/24/95	12/24/95
             Crossroads of Hell 2 v1.0	sce2	52.4	21020	12/23/95	12/23/95
             Crossroads of Hell 2 v1.0 Film	fil2	52.4	11560	12/24/95	12/24/95
           Flick'ta Pit v1.0 Folder				12/23/95	12/24/95
             Flick'ta Pit (Hulk Pit 2) v1.0	sce2	52.4	30480	12/23/95	12/23/95
             Flick'ta Pit v1.0 Film	fil2	52.4	7774	12/24/95	12/24/95
             Flick'ta Pit v1.0 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	1062	12/23/95	12/23/95
           Halls of Death (Conv) Folder				12/21/95	12/24/95
             Halls Of Death (Conv)	sce2	52.4	36212	12/21/95	12/21/95
             Halls of Death (Conv) Film	fil2	52.4	7204	12/24/95	12/24/95
           Mountain 'O Carnage 2 v1.0				12/17/95	12/24/95
             Mountain 'O Carnage 2 Film 2	fil2	52.4	18088	9/24/94	9/24/94
             Mountain 'O Carnage 2 Film 3	fil2	52.4	9460	9/25/94	9/25/94
             Mountain 'O Carnage 2 Film 4	fil2	52.4	13984	9/25/94	9/25/94
             Mountain 'O Carnage 2 Film 5	fil2	52.4	19174	9/25/94	9/25/94
             Mountain 'O Carnage 2 v1.0	sce2	52.4	30196	12/17/95	12/17/95
             Mountain 'O Carnage 2 v1.0 Film	fil2	52.4	5026	12/24/95	12/24/95
             Mountain 'O Carnage 2 v1.0 Read	TEXT	ttxt	862	12/20/95	12/20/95
           Runaround 2 v1.0 Folder				12/17/95	12/24/95
             Runaround 2 v1.0	sce2	52.4	26360	12/16/95	12/16/95
             Runaround 2 v1.0 Film	fil2	52.4	6304	12/24/95	12/24/95
             Runaround 2 v1.0 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	1001	12/17/95	12/20/95
           Snipe World 2 v1.0 Folder				12/23/95	12/24/95
             Snipe World 2 v1.0	sce2	52.4	18404	12/23/95	12/23/95
             Snipe World 2 v1.0 Film	fil2	52.4	5128	12/24/95	12/24/95
             Snipe World 2 v1.0 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	1038	12/20/95	12/23/95
           Stairway to Hell 2 v1.0 Folder				12/17/95	12/24/95
             Stairway to Hell 2 v1.0	sce2	52.4	18900	12/20/95	12/20/95
             Stairway to Hell 2 v1.0 Film	fil2	52.4	6130	12/24/95	12/24/95
             Stairway to Hell 2 v1.0 Film 2	fil2	52.4	8608	9/25/94	9/25/94
             Stairway to Hell 2 v1.0 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	778	12/20/95	12/20/95
           The Alpha Room v1.1 Folder				12/21/95	12/22/95
             The Alpha Room v1.1	sce2	52.4	28444	12/19/95	12/19/95
             The Alpha Room v1.1 Film 1	fil2	52.4	45022	9/22/94	9/22/94
             The Alpha Room v1.1 Film 2	fil2	52.4	36358	9/22/94	9/22/94
             The Alpha Room v1.1 Film 3	fil2	52.4	30298	9/22/94	9/22/94
             The Alpha Room v1.1 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	1459	12/22/95	12/23/95
           The Beta Room v1.0 Folder				12/20/95	12/24/95
             The Beta Room v1.0	sce2	52.4	41628	12/20/95	12/20/95
             The Beta Room v1.0 Film	fil2	52.4	3706	12/24/95	12/24/95
             The Beta Room v1.0 Film 2	fil2	52.4	18142	9/25/94	9/25/94
             The Beta Room v1.0 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	907	12/20/95	12/20/95
           Walkthrough Archive				12/24/95	12/24/95
             BPXM				12/24/95	12/24/95
               Walkthrough Level 1	fil2	52.4	9652	12/10/95	12/10/95
               Walkthrough Level 2	fil2	52.4	11890	12/10/95	12/10/95
               Walkthrough Level 3	fil2	52.4	22996	12/10/95	12/10/95
               Walkthrough Level 4	fil2	52.4	10450	12/10/95	12/10/95
               Walkthrough Level 5	fil2	52.4	2314	12/10/95	12/10/95
               Walkthrough Level 6	fil2	52.4	10186	12/10/95	12/10/95
             CarnaMan				12/24/95	1/7/96
               f			0	?	?
               Walkthrough Level 2	fil2	52.4	59224	9/12/94	12/12/95
               Walkthrough Level 7	fil2	52.4	91666	9/12/94	12/11/95
           Week of 12/17 DMMC Readme	TEXT	ttxt	4279	12/20/95	12/24/95
         DMMC Week of 12/24 Archive				12/27/95	12/31/95
           DMMC Week of 12/24 Archive	sce2	52.4	144600	12/31/95	12/31/95
           DMMC Week of 12/24 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	4084	12/20/95	12/31/95
           Elevators 'R Us 2 v1.0 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	3243	12/31/95	12/31/95
           Elevators 'R Us v1.0 Film	fil2	52.4	7006	12/31/95	12/31/95
           Pfhor Pit v1.0 Film	fil2	52.4	6058	12/31/95	12/31/95
           Pfhor Pit v1.0 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	3329	12/31/95	12/31/95
           The Gamma Room v1.0 Film	fil2	52.4	7510	12/31/95	12/31/95
           The Gamma Room v1.0 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	3265	12/31/95	12/31/95
           The Puddle v1.2 Film	fil2	52.4	1894	12/31/95	12/31/95
           The Puddle v1.2 ReadMe	ttro	ttxt	3013	12/30/95	12/30/95
         DMMC Week of 12/31 Archive				1/5/96	1/6/96
           Assualt of the BOBs Film	fil2	52.4	26770	10/8/94	10/8/94
           DMMC Week of 12/31 Map Archive	sce2	52.4	165700	1/6/96	1/6/96
           DMMC Week of 12/31 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	4112	12/20/95	1/6/96
           Pfhlange 1.1 uhhh.. read me	ttro	ttxt	586	1/12/96	1/12/96
           Phflange Film	fil2	52.4	12172	10/8/94	10/8/94
           Spanker Island Film	fil2	52.4	8038	10/8/94	10/8/94
           Water World Arena Film	fil2	52.4	40726	10/8/94	10/8/94
         FireFight Ä				1/1/96	1/13/95
           Do Not ReadMe	ttro	ttxt	895	1/1/96	1/1/96
           Map	sce2	52.4	109648	12/30/95	1/1/96
           Physics Model	phy2	52.4	11388	1/1/96	1/1/96
           SC-M2-AxiocraniumV2				12/19/95	1/1/96
             M2  Axiocranium v2	sce2	52.4	109648	12/30/95	12/30/95
             Please Read (it's short)	TEXT	ttxt	2183	1/14/95	12/30/95
         House Of Pfhun Ä				1/14/96	1/14/96
           H.O.P. Readme	TEXT	ttxt	1583	1/1/96	1/14/96
           House of Pfhun 1.0	sce2	52.4	85084	1/6/96	1/14/96
			2670	1/14/96	1/14/96
			2670	1/13/95	1/13/95
         If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It Ä				12/19/95	1/13/95
           If It Bleeds ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1754	12/19/95	12/19/95
           If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It	sce2	52.4	61248	12/17/95	12/19/95
         JC Net Collection				1/14/96	1/14/96
           JC Net Collection	sce2	52.4	156668	1/2/96	1/14/96
           No, Really... "Read Me"	TEXT	ttxt	16259	1/14/96	1/14/96
         Land of the Small				1/5/95	1/13/95
           Land Of The Small	sce2	52.4	26636	12/13/95	12/13/95
         Lord of the Sky folder				1/12/96	1/13/95
           Lord of the Sky	sce2	52.4	12240	1/12/96	1/12/96
           Lord Readme	TEXT	ttxt	1994	1/12/96	1/12/96
         M2 Arena				12/30/95	1/13/95
           Arena	sce2	52.4	22724	12/31/95	12/31/95
           M2 ARENA ANDREW V NIK	fil2	52.4	93808	1/7/95	1/7/95
           M2 ARENA FILM	fil2	52.4	59902	1/7/95	1/7/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1239	12/30/95	12/31/95
         M2 Carnage Palace Deeee-Luxe				12/30/95	1/13/95
           Carnage Palace Deeee-Luxe	sce2	52.4	45696	12/31/95	1/1/96
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1232	12/30/95	1/1/96
         M2 E equals MC WHAT!!				12/30/95	1/13/95
           E equals MC WHAT!!	sce2	52.4	16984	12/31/95	12/31/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1150	12/30/95	12/31/95
         M2 Map - The Host of Seraphim				1/1/96	1/13/95
           Seraphim ReadMe	ttro	ttxt	1981	12/19/95	1/1/96
           The Host of Seraphim	sce2	52.4	25528	12/21/95	1/1/96
         M2 Mars Needs Women, v1.1				1/12/96	1/13/95
           Mars Needs Women	sce2	52.4	91804	5/8/35	1/11/96
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1377	12/30/95	1/12/96
         M2 Showered with Grenades				12/30/95	1/13/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1240	12/30/95	12/30/95
           Showered with Grenades	sce2	52.4	60112	12/15/95	12/30/95
         M2 Spiral Insanity				12/30/95	1/13/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1076	12/30/95	1/1/96
           Spiral Insanity	sce2	52.4	32632	1/1/96	1/1/96
         M2 Waldo World Arena				12/30/95	1/13/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1251	12/30/95	12/31/95
           Waldo nik v anaroo 7/1/96	fil2	52.4	135814	1/7/95	1/7/95
           WALDO NIK V JASON	fil2	52.4	99214	1/6/95	1/6/95
           Waldo World Arena	sce2	52.4	21724	12/31/95	12/31/95
         M2-Bob Hot Air Popper (PPC)				12/30/95	1/13/95
           Bob Hot Air Popper 1.0	sce2	52.4	13084	12/30/95	12/30/95
           Read me or go hungryÉ	TEXT	ttxt	852	12/30/95	12/30/95
         M2-COOL DEATH ARENAÄ				1/7/96	1/13/95
           COOL DEATH ARENA 1.1	sce2	52.4	20476	1/6/96	1/7/96
           M2-COOL DEATH ARENA 1.1 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	949	1/7/96	1/7/96
         M2MAP-HPTS_v1.0 folder				12/18/95	1/13/95
           M2MAP-HPTS_v1.0	sce2	52.4	60632	12/18/95	12/18/95
           Read Me...or don't...	TEXT	ttxt	2030	12/18/95	12/18/95
         M2MAP-The_AoD_v2.1 Release				12/18/95	1/13/95
           Read Me...or don't...	TEXT	ttxt	2492	12/12/95	1/2/96
           The AoD-v2.1 Release	sce2	52.4	87288	1/2/96	1/2/96
         map	sce2	52.4	58412	12/17/95	12/18/95
         Marathon2BridgeMap1.1 Ä				1/1/96	1/13/95
           BridgeMap1.1 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	2026	1/1/96	1/3/96
			2670	1/1/96	1/1/96
           Marathon2BridgeMap 1.1	sce2	52.4	80688	12/30/95	1/2/96
         Mars Revisited	sce2	52.4	98556	12/31/95	1/5/96
         Matt's Tool Ä				1/11/96	1/13/95
           Matt's Tool	sce2	52.4	41398	1/7/96	1/7/96
           Readme Tool	TEXT	ttxt	2056	1/11/96	1/11/96
         MKN - V8 ][				12/12/95	1/13/95
			2670	12/12/95	12/12/95
           Map2 - V8	sce2	52.4	25024	12/12/95	12/12/95
           Read Me Or Be SPNKR-ed!	TEXT	ttxt	2193	12/12/95	12/12/95
         MNB'sPfhorever-PPCv1.1				12/21/95	1/15/95
           pfhorever 2.0b1	sce2	52.4	62780	12/20/95	12/20/95
           pfhorever 2.0b1mnb1.1	sce2	52.4	62852	12/20/95	12/22/95
           pfhorever donÕt read me!	TEXT	ttxt	3359	4/16/95	12/20/95
           README	TEXT	ttxt	2862	1/15/95	1/15/95
         Modern Waldo Arena				1/3/95	1/13/95
           M2-Waldo World Arena	sce2	52.4	28288	1/3/95	1/3/95
           M2-Waldo_World_Read_Me.txt	TEXT	ttxt	857	1/3/95	1/3/95
         NetWired 2 a1				12/11/95	1/13/95
           Dementia 2	sce2	52.4	26500	12/11/95	12/11/95
           README	TEXT	ttxt	1755	12/11/95	12/11/95
           What Goes Up...(CONV)	sce2	52.4	43596	12/11/95	12/11/95
         Octagon				1/5/96	1/13/95
           M2 -- Octagon	sce2	52.4	35876	1/3/96	1/5/96
           Read Me (please)	TEXT	ttxt	1301	1/5/96	1/5/96
         Pfhactory Ä				8/27/95	1/13/95
			2670	8/27/95	8/27/95
           Pfhactory .9b	scen	26.2	109482	8/25/95	8/27/95
           pfhactory 2.0b1 8-person pfhilm	fil2	52.4	355726	12/31/95	12/31/95
           Pfhactory 2.2cs	sce2	52.4	538481	12/26/95	1/10/96
           pfhactory donÕt read me!	TEXT	ttxt	5063	4/16/95	1/10/96
           pfhactory nÕutopia screenshot	PICT	JVWR	425966	1/5/96	1/5/96
           pfhactory pfhilm	film	26.2	324720	8/27/95	8/27/95
         Pfhlush After Using				12/28/95	1/13/95
           <----  PowerPC Only!!				12/28/95	12/28/95
			2670	12/28/95	12/28/95
	Gubb	Gubb	2712	12/28/95	12/28/95
           Pfhlush After Using	sce2	52.4	58944	12/28/95	12/28/95
           Read me before pfhlushingÉ	TEXT	ttxt	1458	12/28/95	12/28/95
         Pfhorever Map Ä				4/16/95	1/13/95
			2670	4/16/95	4/16/95
           pfhorever 1.0 pfhilm	film	26.2	50454	5/19/95	5/19/95
           pfhorever 1.0b1	scen	26.2	50324	4/28/95	5/17/95
           pfhorever 2.0b1	sce2	52.4	62780	12/20/95	12/20/95
           pfhorever donÕt read me!	TEXT	ttxt	3359	4/16/95	12/20/95
         PG-M2 Mars Needs Women				1/5/96	1/13/95
           PG-Mars Needs Women	sce2	52.4	94616	1/9/96	1/10/96
           Read Me! (SimpleText)	TEXT	ttxt	4388	1/9/96	1/10/96
           Read Me! (Text Clipping)	clpt	drag	4530	1/10/96	1/15/95
           W.Hendrickson's Mars Conversion				1/9/96	1/9/96
             Mars Needs Women	sce2	52.4	91692	5/8/35	1/5/96
             Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	892	12/31/95	1/5/96
         Pit of Despair Ä				1/13/96	1/15/96
			2670	1/13/96	1/13/96
           Pit of Despair	sce2	52.4	62636	1/12/96	1/13/96
           Pit- Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	829	12/30/95	1/13/96
         Radient Levels				12/13/95	1/13/95
  this	TEXT	ttxt	2414	12/13/95	12/15/95
			2670	12/13/95	12/13/95
           M2 Radient Pools1	sce2	52.4	57608	12/15/95	12/15/95
           M2 Radient Pools2	sce2	52.4	47772	12/15/95	12/15/95
         Ringworld Ä				12/16/95	1/13/95
           Don't Read Me	ttro	ttxt	16581	12/16/95	12/16/95
           Ringworld Map	sce2	52.4	28924	12/16/95	12/16/95
         SC-M2-AxiocraniumV2				12/19/95	1/13/95
           M2  Axiocranium v2	sce2	52.4	109648	12/30/95	12/30/95
           Please Read (it's short)	TEXT	ttxt	2183	1/14/95	12/30/95
         SC-M2-B-rak-Station				12/19/95	1/14/96
            B'rak Station	sce2	52.4	122184	1/14/96	1/14/96
           Ignore Zero Divides Ä				1/6/96	1/13/96
             Ignore Zero Divides	APPL	Ig0D	1794	1/6/96	1/6/96
             Readme	TEXT	ttxt	4812	1/6/96	1/6/96
           Please Read (ppc warning)	TEXT	ttxt	2335	1/14/95	1/14/96
         SC-M2-Gravity?				12/19/95	1/13/95
           M2 Gravity?	sce2	52.4	50304	12/19/95	12/19/95
           Please Read (it's short)	TEXT	ttxt	2627	1/14/95	12/19/95
         SC-M2-Pfhor-WindsV2				12/19/95	1/13/95
           M2  Pfhor Winds v2	sce2	52.4	77984	12/30/95	12/30/95
           Please Read (it's short)	TEXT	ttxt	2280	1/14/95	12/30/95
         Simple Folder				12/19/95	1/13/95
           Simply Elegant LowG	sce2	52.4	61948	12/19/95	12/21/95
           Simply Elegant NormalG	sce2	52.4	61948	12/22/95	12/22/95
           Simply Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	2213	12/19/95	12/22/95
         Simply Elegant				12/19/95	1/13/95
           Simply Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1559	12/19/95	12/19/95
           Simpy Elegant LowG	sce2	52.4	61788	12/19/95	12/19/95
           Simpy Elegant NormalG	sce2	52.4	61788	12/19/95	12/19/95
         Stardate 9508.18				12/18/95	1/13/95
           Stardate 9508.18	sce2	52.4	58412	12/17/95	12/18/95
           Stardate 9508.18 Readme	TEXT	ttxt	3372	12/18/95	12/18/95
         Temporal Levels				12/13/95	1/13/95
  this	TEXT	ttxt	2128	12/13/95	12/13/95
			2670	12/13/95	12/13/95
           M2 Temporal Level	sce2	52.4	74272	12/13/95	12/13/95
         The Ares Project				1/8/96	1/13/95
           Ares Project ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1699	1/4/96	1/8/96
           Map	sce2	52.4	89008	1/4/96	1/8/96
         The Citadel				1/4/96	1/13/95
           Map	sce2	52.4	24588	1/2/96	1/4/96
           The Citadel Papers	TEXT	ttxt	1133	1/4/96	1/4/96
         Throw 'em inÉ				12/31/95	1/13/95
           Read me or Yeb bites it	TEXT	ttxt	1103	12/31/95	12/31/95
           Throw Them To The Lions	sce2	52.4	20940	12/30/95	12/31/95
         Torpedoes AwayÄ				12/31/95	1/13/95
           Map torpedoes Away vrs2	sce2	52.4	36008	12/29/95	1/2/96
           Marathon 2 Recording	fil2	52.4	30550	12/29/95	12/29/95
           Marathon 2 Recording2	fil2	52.4	18592	12/29/95	12/29/95
           Physics Document	phy2	52.4	11388	12/29/95	12/29/95
           Read Me-Torpedoes Away2	TEXT	ttxt	1110	1/2/96	1/2/96
         Trench Warfare Ä				12/26/95	1/15/95
           Trench Warfare	sce2	52.4	56980	12/25/95	12/26/95
           Trench Warfare Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1049	12/26/95	12/26/95
         Water Canon				1/5/95	1/13/95
           Water Cannon	sce2	52.4	36472	12/12/95	12/17/95
         WatSport folder				1/11/96	1/13/95
           Read Me-Water Sports	TEXT	ttxt	3545	1/10/96	1/11/96
           Water Sports	sce2	52.4	33492	1/7/96	1/10/96
         Wet n' Wild				1/16/96	1/16/96
            Wet n' Wild Arena	sce2	52.4	42732	1/14/96	1/16/96
			2670	1/16/96	1/16/96
           RM	TEXT	ttxt	893	1/16/96	1/16/96
         Wisp's Small Net Maps folder				1/12/96	1/13/95
           Chess Readme	TEXT	ttxt	3177	1/11/96	1/12/96
           Maps built by me	sce2	52.4	57448	1/11/96	1/11/96
       Modified Bungie Maps	TEXT	ttxt	2666	1/7/95	1/13/95
       Read Me for the Read Me's	ttro	ttxt	1829	1/13/95	1/13/95
       Small Maps	TEXT	ttxt	4349	1/7/95	1/13/95
   Bungie Catalog	APPL	Dk@P	1229582	8/31/95	8/31/95
   Cheats				11/16/94	1/13/95
     DSGE folder				12/6/94	1/11/95
       DSGE README	ttro	ttxt	863	10/16/95	12/4/95
       Durandal Saved Game Editor	APPL	DSGE	13174	12/4/95	12/4/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/11/95
     DTB-1.1 folder				12/31/94	1/1/95
       DTB README	ttro	ttxt	541	12/29/95	12/29/95
       Durandal Terminal Browser	APPL	DTB 	38296	12/18/95	12/30/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/13/95
     Marathon Cheater 4.0 folder				12/6/94	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/11/95
       Marathon cheater 4.0	APPL	MÞON	35773	11/4/95	12/4/95
       Marathon cheater FAQ	TEXT	ttxt	5892	11/28/94	12/4/95
     Marathon Sight Patch v1.1.1				12/9/94	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/11/95
       Marathon Sight Patch v1.1.1	APPL	sHuT	240634	3/15/95	11/20/95
       ReadMe	ttro	ttxt	3212	11/20/95	11/20/95
     PKSA patches Folder				4/4/95	6/14/95
       Marathon v1.0 w/PKSA patch	APPL	ZAPS	26105	3/22/95	4/13/95
       Marathon v1.1 w/PKSA patch	APPL	ZAPS	26105	3/22/95	4/13/95
       Marathon v1.2 w/PKSA patch	APPL	ZAPS	26104	4/12/95	4/13/95
       Plus_Key_Save_Anywhere_note.txt	TEXT	ttxt	565	6/14/95	6/14/95
   Demos				11/16/94	1/13/95
			2670	12/3/94	1/13/95
     Marathon 2 16-Bit Demo Ä				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2670	7/12/95	7/12/95
       Images	img2	52.4	3547963	7/11/95	10/9/95
       Map	sce2	52.4	2401400	10/9/95	10/9/95
       Marathon 2 Demo	APPL	52.4	907239	10/9/95	10/9/95
       Music	mus2	52.4	4136840	7/13/95	7/13/95
       Shapes	shp2	52.4	5322528	10/3/95	10/9/95
       Sounds	snd2	52.4	3754508	10/9/95	10/9/95
     Marathon Demo Ä				11/23/94	11/23/94
       DONÕT READ THIS!!!	TEXT	ttxt	11044	11/10/94	11/23/94
       Map	scen	26.2	460981	11/22/94	11/22/94
       Marathon Demo	APPL	26.2	638464	11/23/94	11/23/94
       Music	msik	26.2	105549	11/12/94	11/12/94
       Shapes	shps	26.2	2750704	11/17/94	11/22/94
       Sounds	sndz	26.2	832370	10/27/93	11/22/94
   Desktop DB	BTFL	DMGR	40960	1/18/96	1/18/96
   Desktop DF	DTFL	DMGR	136962	1/18/96	1/18/96
   Desktop Folder				1/18/96	1/18/96
   Devil in a Blue Dress 1.2				12/9/94	1/6/95
     Crashing??	TEXT	ttxt	393	1/6/95	1/6/95
     Devil 1.2 Read Me	ttro	ttxt	25952	11/27/95	11/30/95
     Devil Installer	APPL	*TI*	1832513	11/29/95	11/30/95
     DevilAboutFAT	APPL	DEVL	339405	11/28/95	11/29/95
			2670	12/3/94	1/13/95
     Map	scen	26.2	2229432	11/16/95	11/30/95
   Editors				11/16/94	1/6/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/13/95
     Marathon 1				1/5/95	1/15/95
       LiteEdit Ä				11/23/95	1/6/95
         LiteEdit	APPL	£Edt	22890	11/10/95	11/23/95
         Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	4214	11/23/95	11/23/95
       M1 Physics Model Editor v1.1				2/3/91	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/15/95
         Marathon Physics Model Editor	APPL	mh¥¥	422644	2/3/95	2/3/95
         Physics Model Editor Docs	APPL	Dk@P	105366	2/3/95	2/3/95
       Marathon Sight Patch v1.1.				12/9/94	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/11/95
         Marathon Sight Patch v1.1.1	APPL	sHuT	240634	3/15/95	11/20/95
         ReadMe	ttro	ttxt	3212	11/20/95	11/20/95
       Marathon Sound Transporter				12/9/94	1/15/95
         Read Me	ttro	ttxt	3072	4/6/95	4/6/95
         Sound Transporter	APPL	mStr	49565	4/6/95	4/6/95
       mia 1.0b19				12/12/94	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/15/95
         Map	scen	26.2	70408	12/11/95	12/11/95
         Map Making Tutorial	TEXT	ttxt	6712	4/10/95	12/11/95
         Mia 1.0b19	APPL	MIA!	754158	4/1/95	11/8/95
         Mia Docs	TEXT	ttxt	24887	2/20/95	12/11/95
       MSE Folder				3/13/95	3/27/95
         Almost a PR	PICT	8BIM	18921	3/15/95	3/15/95
			2670	3/16/95	3/16/95
         MSE	APPL	MsED	37934	3/26/95	3/27/95
         MSE Readme	TEXT	ttxt	21561	3/15/95	3/27/95
         Shape Installer	APPL	MsIN	3597	3/13/95	3/23/95
         Transfer Modes	TEXT	ttxt	1293	3/16/95	3/20/95
       MSI 2.0b1 folder				4/7/95	4/11/95
         MSI 2.0 Readme	ttro	ttxt	4184	4/3/95	4/6/95
         MSI 2.0b1	APPL	ShpE	237185	4/6/95	4/6/95
       MultiMusicMovieMaker0.5				1/13/95	1/13/95
         MultiMusicMovieMaker 0.5	APPL	MMMf	11810	12/17/94	12/17/94
         MultiMusicMovieMaker0.5 README	TEXT	ttxt	10102	7/20/94	12/17/94
       OPEv1.4 folder				12/30/95	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/15/95
         OPE ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	15362	1/11/95	1/11/95
         OPE v1.4	APPL	OPE^	107142	12/30/95	12/30/95
       Pfhorte Handbook 1.2 Ä				12/9/94	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/15/95
         Pfhor from Home	scen	26.2	53992	4/9/95	9/24/95
         Pfhor from Home Read Me	ttro	ttxt	1555	9/24/95	9/24/95
         Pfhorte Handbook 1.2	APPL	Dk@P	301401	9/24/95	9/24/95
         Pfhorte Handbook 1.2 Read Me	ttro	ttxt	1635	8/27/95	9/24/95
         PHRS Volume 1				12/9/94	1/11/95
           Alien Wall Reference (PICT)	PICT	ttxt	140939	7/31/95	8/22/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/11/95
           Read Me - Volume 1	ttro	ttxt	2262	7/31/95	8/1/95
         PHRS Volume 2				12/9/94	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/11/95
           Marathon Set 1 Reference (PICT)	PICT	ttxt	132375	7/31/95	8/22/95
           Read Me - Volume 2	ttro	ttxt	2280	7/31/95	8/1/95
         PHRS Volume 3				12/9/94	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/11/95
           Marathon Set 2 Reference (PICT)	PICT	ttxt	135467	7/31/95	8/22/95
           Read Me - Volume 3	ttro	ttxt	2280	7/31/95	8/1/95
         PHRS Volume 4				12/9/94	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/11/95
           Marathon Set 3 Reference (PICT)	PICT	ttxt	135557	7/31/95	8/22/95
           Read Me - Volume 4	ttro	ttxt	2280	7/31/95	8/1/95
         PHRS Volume 5				12/9/94	1/11/95
           Control Panel Reference (PICT)	PICT	BOBO	187586	7/31/95	7/31/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/11/95
           Read Me - Volume 5	ttro	ttxt	2309	7/31/95	8/1/95
         PHRS Volume 6				12/9/94	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/11/95
           Object - Monsters (PICT)	PICT	ttxt	86755	7/31/95	8/22/95
           Object - Scenery (PICT)	PICT	ttxt	68085	7/31/95	8/22/95
           Object - Weapons (PICT)	PICT	ttxt	54365	7/31/95	8/22/95
           Read Me - Volume 6	ttro	ttxt	2305	7/31/95	8/1/95
       Pfhorte.PPC.libs				4/15/95	4/17/95
         DragLib	shlb	cfmg	2032	7/22/94	7/22/94
         InterfaceLib	shlb	cfmg	218854	2/16/94	4/27/94
         MathLib	shlb	cfmg	124299	1/27/95	1/27/95
         ObjectSupportLib	shlb	cfrg	31463	12/1/93	12/1/93
       Pfhorte1.0d23Ä				12/9/94	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/15/95
         Pfhorte.readme	ttro	ttxt	20779	3/16/95	8/13/95
         Pfhorte.tutorial	ttro	ttxt	6398	4/8/95	8/13/95
         PfhorteFAT	APPL	SJI2	1075902	8/12/95	8/13/95
         scripting notes	ttro	ttxt	7736	6/21/95	8/13/95
         Scripts				12/9/94	12/9/94
           #MakeControlPanel	TEXT	MPCC	1113	8/7/95	8/7/95
           Make 1x Recharger	TEXT	MPCC	661	7/10/95	8/7/95
           Make 2x Recharger	TEXT	MPCC	607	7/10/95	8/7/95
           Make 3x Recharger	TEXT	MPCC	607	7/10/95	8/7/95
           Make Alien 2x Recharger	TEXT	MPCC	612	7/10/95	8/7/95
           Make Alien 3x Recharger	TEXT	MPCC	612	7/10/95	8/7/95
           Make Alien Pattern Buffer	TEXT	MPCC	616	7/10/95	8/7/95
           Make Alien Platform Switch	TEXT	MPCC	617	7/10/95	8/7/95
           Make Better Door	TEXT	MPCC	921	7/24/95	8/7/95
           Make Door	TEXT	MPCC	666	7/3/95	7/9/95
           Make Hallway	TEXT	MPCC	887	7/3/95	7/9/95
           Make Light Switch	TEXT	MPCC	609	7/10/95	8/7/95
           Make Oxygen Panel	TEXT	MPCC	604	7/10/95	8/7/95
           Make Pattern Buffer	TEXT	MPCC	611	8/7/95	8/7/95
           Make Platform Switch	TEXT	MPCC	612	7/10/95	8/7/95
           Make Repair Switch	TEXT	MPCC	610	7/10/95	8/7/95
           Make Terminal	TEXT	MPCC	606	7/10/95	8/7/95
           Multi Sided Poly	TEXT	MPCC	664	8/7/95	8/7/95
           New Stairs	TEXT	MPCC	2016	8/7/95	8/7/95
           Split Line	TEXT	MPCC	504	7/3/95	7/9/95
         Tutorial Maps				12/9/94	12/9/94
           light switch map	scen	26.2	5224	4/8/95	4/8/95
           platform map	scen	26.2	4472	4/8/95	4/8/95
           simple map	scen	26.2	2904	4/8/95	4/8/95
           teleporter map	scen	26.2	4472	4/8/95	4/8/95
       Pfhorte_1.0d25Ä				12/9/94	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/15/95
         Map	scen	26.2	22280	12/9/94	12/9/94
         Pfhorte.readme	TEXT	ttxt	22787	3/16/95	9/11/95
         Pfhorte.tutorial	TEXT	ttxt	6398	4/8/95	6/18/95
         PfhorteFAT	APPL	SJI2	1104960	8/13/95	9/11/95
         scripting notes	TEXT	ttxt	7736	6/21/95	8/7/95
         Scripts				12/9/94	12/9/94
           #MakeControlPanel	TEXT	MPCC	1192	8/7/95	8/27/95
           Br'fin Stairs	TEXT	MPCC	3027	8/7/95	8/27/95
           Make 1x Recharger	TEXT	MPCC	681	7/10/95	8/27/95
           Make 2x Recharger	TEXT	MPCC	627	7/10/95	8/27/95
           Make 3x Recharger	TEXT	MPCC	627	7/10/95	8/27/95
           Make Alien 2x Recharger	TEXT	MPCC	633	7/10/95	8/27/95
           Make Alien 3x Recharger	TEXT	MPCC	633	7/10/95	8/27/95
           Make Alien Pattern Buffer	TEXT	MPCC	638	7/10/95	8/27/95
           Make Alien Platform Switch	TEXT	MPCC	637	7/10/95	8/27/95
           Make Better Door	TEXT	MPCC	921	7/24/95	8/7/95
           Make Door	TEXT	MPCC	666	7/3/95	7/9/95
           Make Hallway	TEXT	MPCC	887	7/3/95	7/9/95
           Make Light Switch	TEXT	MPCC	629	7/10/95	8/27/95
           Make Oxygen Panel	TEXT	MPCC	624	7/10/95	8/27/95
           Make Pattern Buffer	TEXT	MPCC	632	8/7/95	8/27/95
           Make Platform Switch	TEXT	MPCC	632	7/10/95	8/27/95
           Make Repair Switch	TEXT	MPCC	630	7/10/95	8/27/95
           Make Terminal	TEXT	MPCC	627	7/10/95	8/27/95
           Multi Sided Poly	TEXT	MPCC	664	8/7/95	8/7/95
           Split Line	TEXT	MPCC	504	7/3/95	7/9/95
         Tutorial Maps				12/9/94	12/9/94
           light switch map	scen	26.2	5224	4/8/95	4/8/95
           platform map	scen	26.2	4472	4/8/95	4/8/95
           simple map	scen	26.2	2904	4/8/95	4/8/95
           teleporter map	scen	26.2	4472	4/8/95	4/8/95
       Pfhred v 1.3				4/6/95	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/15/95
         Marathon Colors	CLUT	MpŽd	2382	9/14/91	5/24/95
         Marathon Colors (Photoshop)	8BCT	MpŽd	768	5/24/95	5/24/95
         Pfhred 1.3	APPL	MpŽd	145917	7/28/95	8/3/95
         Pfhred Docs	TEXT	ttxt	22821	4/6/95	8/1/95
         Pfhred.txt	TEXT	R*ch	2285	4/6/95	7/28/95
         Revision History	TEXT	ttxt	4282	7/28/95	7/28/95
       PfUG v.2.2	APPL	Dk@P	507819	8/22/95	8/22/95
       Term Installer 2 Ä				10/31/95	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/11/95
         Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	8937	10/31/95	10/31/95
         Term Installer 2	APPL	*TI*	34916	11/29/95	11/29/95
     Marathon 2				1/5/95	1/5/95
       Alchemist.b2 Folder				12/15/94	1/11/95
         Alchemist 1.0b2	APPL	M2AL	457908	11/29/95	12/14/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/15/95
         Read Me - Bug List	TEXT	ttxt	1878	12/8/95	12/14/95
       DOPE 1.2				12/31/95	1/11/95
         DOPE Readme	TEXT	ttxt	11354	1/11/95	1/11/95
         DOPE v1.20	APPL	DPE^	126403	12/31/95	12/31/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/15/95
         M2 Default Set	mSe2	DPE^	49218	12/31/95	12/31/95
       DurandalTerminalBrowser folder				12/15/94	1/5/95
         DTB README	ttro	ttxt	406	12/15/95	12/15/95
         Durandal Terminal Browser	APPL	DTB 	15166	12/15/95	12/15/95
       M2 Sound Converter				11/1/95	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/11/95
         Listing_of_M2_sounds_w_names.tx	TEXT	ttxt	16255	12/21/94	12/21/94
         M2 Names	TEXT	ttxt	6103	12/21/95	12/22/95
         M2 Sound Converter 0.5b.txt	TEXT	ttxt	8434	11/1/95	12/27/95
         M2 Sound TMPL.rsrc	RSRC	Doug	950	11/1/95	12/27/95
         Sound Converter Fat 0.5§	APPL	M2sc	21589	12/25/95	12/27/95
       Map Making Assistant 1.0d3				12/27/95	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/15/95
         Map Making Asst. (ReadMe)	TEXT	ttxt	3093	12/20/95	12/27/95
         Marathon Map Making Guide	poco	reno	115301	12/20/95	12/27/95
       Pfhorte.2.0a7Ä				12/30/95	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/15/95
         Pfhorte 2.0a7 Fat	APPL	Pfh2	1139929	12/8/95	12/30/95
         Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	6522	10/2/95	12/30/95
       Pfhorte.2.0a8Ä				1/2/96	1/11/95
			2670	1/11/95	1/15/95
         Pfhorte.2.0a8	APPL	Pfh2	1150582	12/8/95	1/2/96
         Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	7135	10/2/95	1/2/96
   Films				1/6/95	1/7/95
     foolish films 7/3				12/9/94	1/6/95
       Iolair/a_Äool/Morgan/GK (WW)	film	26.2	93630	7/3/95	7/3/95
       Iolair/Genghis Khan/a_Äool (CP)	film	26.2	142356	7/3/95	7/3/95
       read me & know what to look for	TEXT	ttxt	11327	7/18/95	7/20/95
       Xaos/a_Äool/Genghis Khan (5D)	film	26.2	78090	7/3/95	7/3/95
       Xaos/a_Äool/Genghis Khan (E=MC)	film	26.2	165576	7/3/95	7/3/95
       Xaos/Genghis Khan/a_Äool (WW)	film	26.2	162282	7/3/95	7/3/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/13/95
     M2 films				1/7/95	1/7/95
			2670	1/7/95	1/7/95
       P, J, T - EMBM Net Film				1/6/96	1/7/95
         P, J, T - EMBM	fil2	52.4	252754	1/2/96	1/2/96
         ReadMe! - SimpleText	TEXT	ttxt	1380	1/6/96	1/6/96
         ReadMe! - Text Clipping	clpt	drag	1522	1/6/96	1/7/95
       Really-cool-M2 DOPE-films				11/29/94	1/7/95
         BOBs_every_where	fil2	52.4	6550	11/8/95	11/8/95
         Marathon 2 Recording	fil2	52.4	6028	11/11/95	11/11/95
         really good map	fil2	52.4	6280	11/12/95	11/12/95
         Really-cool-DOPE-film	fil2	52.4	5134	11/12/95	11/12/95
     Marathon Madness Films				12/9/94	1/6/95
       5 ON 1 AGAINST CYB.	film	26.2	160284	11/18/95	11/18/95
       Elim Rd 1, brkt 1	film	26.2	75360	11/18/95	11/18/95
       Elim Rd 1, brkt 2	film	26.2	59592	11/18/95	11/18/95
       Elim Rd 1, Brkt 3	film	26.2	108996	11/18/95	11/18/95
       Elim Rd 1, Brkt 4	film	26.2	44166	11/19/95	11/19/95
       FINAL, 4-PLYR	film	26.2	139536	11/19/95	11/19/95
       FINAL-REVVY VS. CYB.	film	26.2	57060	11/19/95	11/19/95
       Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	2/8/95	9/2/95
       ROUND 1	film	26.2	176532	11/18/95	11/18/95
       Round 2	film	26.2	155772	11/18/95	11/18/95
       ROUND 3	film	26.2	188436	11/18/95	11/18/95
       round 4	film	26.2	136638	11/18/95	11/18/95
       ROUND 5	film	26.2	188076	11/18/95	11/18/95
       ROUND 6	film	26.2	170448	11/18/95	11/18/95
       Semi 1	film	26.2	108594	11/19/95	11/19/95
       Semi 2	film	26.2	108474	11/19/95	11/19/95
       Tourney Grid	XLS4	XCEL	11821	11/12/95	11/19/95
   Graphics				11/16/94	1/6/95
     Artwork Of Craig Mullins				11/18/94	1/6/95
       Battle (hires)	PICT	8BIM	119092	7/20/95	7/20/95
       Compiler	PICT	8BIM	319760	2/14/95	7/26/95
       Death of a Hulk	PICT	8BIM	227432	5/6/95	7/26/95
       Death of the Hulk (gamma)	PICT	8BIM	163094	7/19/95	7/26/95
       Marathon Marine 2	PICT	8BIM	254272	7/18/95	7/26/95
       Marathon Marine 2 (hires)	PICT	8BIM	1045532	7/19/95	7/26/95
       marine 1 (hires)	PICT	8BIM	208686	7/19/95	7/26/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/13/95
   Help				11/16/94	1/13/95
     Cool *Default* Icons				2/21/95	2/23/95
       Custom Icon rsrcs	rsrc	RSED	19080	2/21/95	2/21/95
       Durandal says, "READ ME!!!"	ttro	ttxt	7293	2/21/95	2/23/95
       Original Icon rsrcs	rsrc	RSED	19022	2/21/95	2/21/95
     DTB-1.1 folder				12/31/94	1/1/95
       DTB README	ttro	ttxt	541	12/29/95	12/29/95
       Durandal Terminal Browser	APPL	DTB 	38296	12/18/95	12/30/95
     Full Marathon Walkthrough	APPL	Dk@P	800549	11/17/95	11/17/95
     Grenade Jumping FAQ 1.0				1/6/96	1/7/96
       #2 The Ledge	film	26.2	522	1/6/96	1/6/96
       #3 Backwards	film	26.2	708	1/6/96	1/6/96
       #4 the Hard Jump	film	26.2	798	1/6/96	1/6/96
       #6 Easy Climb	film	26.2	792	1/6/96	1/6/96
       #7 Hard Climb	film	26.2	624	1/6/96	1/6/96
       Air Jump	film	26.2	660	1/6/96	1/6/96
       Grenade Jumping FAQ	TEXT	ttxt	12972	1/6/96	1/7/96
       Map	scen	26.2	14520	1/6/96	1/7/96
			2670	1/6/95	1/13/95
     Ignore Zero Divides Ä				1/6/96	1/6/96
       Ignore Zero Divides	APPL	Ig0D	1794	1/6/96	1/6/96
       Readme	TEXT	ttxt	4812	1/6/96	1/6/96
     Map Making Assistant 1.0d3				12/27/95	1/6/95
       Map Making Asst. (ReadMe)	TEXT	ttxt	3093	12/20/95	12/27/95
       Marathon Map Making Guide	poco	reno	115301	12/20/95	12/27/95
     Marathon Cool Icons 1.0				3/5/95	3/5/95
       Cool Icons Readme	ttro	ttxt	2198	3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
       MaraCheats Ä				3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
       MaraEditors Ä				3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
       MaraFilms Ä				3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
       MaraGames Ä				3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
       MaraMagazine Ä				3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
       MaraMaps Ä				3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
       MaraMusic Ä				3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
       MaraPatches Ä				3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
       MaraPhysics Ä				3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
       MaraShapes Ä				3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
       MaraSounds Ä				3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
       MaraText Ä				3/5/95	3/5/95
			2670	3/5/95	3/5/95
     Marathon File Manager Ä				12/9/94	1/6/95
       Marathon File Manager	APPL	Dnt¾	920527	4/5/95	4/5/95
       Read Me	ttro	ttxt	101386	4/5/95	4/5/95
     Marathon Sight Patch v1.1.				12/9/94	1/6/95
       Marathon Sight Patch v1.1.1	APPL	sHuT	240634	3/15/95	11/20/95
       ReadMe	ttro	ttxt	3212	11/20/95	11/20/95
     Marathon-Phile Juggler				9/15/95	1/6/95
       Maps				9/15/95	9/15/95
       Marathon-Phile Juggler	APPL	RICK	171135	9/15/95	9/15/95
       Music				9/15/95	9/15/95
       Physics				9/15/95	9/15/95
       Shapes				9/15/95	9/15/95
       Sounds				9/15/95	9/15/95
       Uhh...words	ttro	ttxt	3606	9/15/95	9/15/95
     MarathonSpoilerGuide2.0.txt	TEXT	ttxt	111371	12/26/94	12/26/94
			2670	1/19/96	1/19/96
   Magazines				11/16/94	1/15/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/13/95
     MaraMag October '95				11/27/94	12/3/94
       Gatorade	phys	26.2	8134	9/25/95	9/25/95
			2670	10/24/95	10/24/95
       Marathon ARA Directory	STAK	WILD	25033	10/17/95	10/24/95
       Marathon Software Catalog	APPL	Dk@P	63195	10/24/95	10/24/95
       Mšbius Map				9/28/95	10/24/95
         Mšbius	scen	26.2	34644	9/28/95	9/28/95
         Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	2245	9/28/95	9/28/95
       October '95	APPL	Dk@P	415506	10/24/95	10/24/95
       Quake				10/24/95	10/24/95
			2670	10/24/95	10/24/95
         Quake1	PICT	GKON	56516	10/18/95	10/18/95
         Quake2	PICT	GKON	54352	10/24/95	10/24/95
       You killed Bob!	sfil	movr	23152	9/15/95	9/16/95
     MaraMagaz Aug '95 folder				11/27/94	12/3/94
       August 1995	APPL	Dk@P	614538	8/18/94	8/18/94
			2670	8/18/94	8/18/94
       Marathon 2 Cheat 1.7 Ä				12/9/94	12/9/94
         Marathon 2 Cheat 1.7	APPL	m2gc	13231	7/31/95	7/31/95
         You Are Going To ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	3106	7/30/95	7/31/95
       Marathon II Screen Shots				8/18/94	8/18/94
         M2_Purp_Comp.jpg	JPEG	JVWR	32611	8/18/94	8/18/94
         M2_Shotgun.jpg	JPEG	JVWR	25429	8/18/94	8/18/94
         M2_Terminal.jpg	JPEG	JVWR	28898	8/18/94	8/18/94
         M2_Title.jpg	JPEG	JVWR	40617	8/18/94	8/18/94
         M2_Underlava.jpg	JPEG	JVWR	47015	8/18/94	8/18/94
         M2_Water-Sky.jpg	JPEG	JVWR	21169	8/18/94	8/18/94
       Marathon Marine 2	PICT	8BIM	337227	12/9/94	12/9/94
       Marathon Software Catalog	APPL	Dk@P	57372	8/18/94	8/18/94
     Maramagazine Nov 95 folder				11/27/94	1/13/95
       Attack On The Xanthan				10/29/95	11/21/95
         Credits And Legal Junk	TEXT	ttxt	3291	10/29/95	11/6/95
         Installing	TEXT	ttxt	3239	10/29/95	11/6/95
         Map	scen	26.2	94624	11/1/95	11/5/95
         Terms	TerM	MteR	68978	11/3/95	11/5/95
         The Story Thus Far	TEXT	ttxt	4397	10/29/95	11/6/95
       Full Marathon Walkthrough	APPL	Dk@P	800549	11/17/95	11/17/95
			2670	11/21/95	11/21/95
       Marathon ARA Directory	STAK	WILD	33225	10/17/95	11/21/95
       Marathon vs. Doom	TEXT	ttxt	11444	10/28/95	11/21/95
       November 1995	APPL	Dk@P	229662	11/21/95	11/21/95
     Marathon Feb '95				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2670	2/2/95	2/2/95
       MaraModelEdit Folder				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2550	2/2/95	2/2/95
         Marathon Physics Model Editor	APPL	mh¥¥	422644	2/3/95	2/3/95
         Physics Model Editor Docs	APPL	Dk@P	105366	2/3/95	2/3/95
       Marathon Cheater 2.5 folder				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2550	1/31/95	2/2/95
         Marathon cheat 2.5	APPL	MRAÞ	32649	1/5/95	1/5/95
         Marathon cheater FAQ	TEXT	ttxt	6188	11/28/94	1/6/95
       Marathon Magazine 2/95	APPL	Dk@P	289092	2/9/95	2/9/95
       Shape Installer folder				12/9/94	12/9/94
         Marathon Shape Installer	APPL	ShpI	36111	2/8/95	2/8/95
         Readme -- Shape Installer	ttro	ttxt	1539	2/8/95	2/8/95
     Marathon Magazine December '95 				1/15/95	1/15/95
       Alchemist b2 Folder				12/17/95	12/24/95
         Alchemist 1.0b2	APPL	M2AL	457908	11/29/95	12/14/95
         Read Me - Bug List	TEXT	ttxt	1878	12/8/95	12/14/95
       ARA Directory	STAK	WILD	90568	12/23/95	12/23/95
       Bunker Safari folder				11/29/95	12/25/95
         Bunker Safari Description	TEXT	MSWD	5353	11/28/95	11/29/95
         Map (1x Health)	scen	26.2	49980	12/25/95	12/25/95
         Map (2x Health)	scen	26.2	49980	12/25/95	12/25/95
         Map (Original)	scen	26.2	49980	11/29/95	11/29/95
         Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	6/11/95	7/30/95
       December '95	APPL	Dk@P	314637	12/24/95	12/24/95
			2670	12/24/95	12/24/95
       Marathon Software Catalog	APPL	Dk@P	90605	12/24/95	12/24/95
       NetLink Directory	STAK	WILD	90568	12/23/95	12/24/95
       NetLink Remote 1.0.1				12/16/95	12/24/95
         1.0 -> 1.0.1 Changes	TEXT	ttxt	496	12/17/95	12/17/95
         Debug Patch Ä				12/16/95	12/16/95
           Bogus Debug Init	INIT	????	726	12/14/95	12/14/95
           Bogus Debug README	TEXT	ttxt	945	12/14/95	12/16/95
         NetLink Control Ä				12/11/95	12/16/95
           About NetLink Control	TEXT	ttxt	2959	12/11/95	12/16/95
           NetLink Control	APPL	NtLk	123881	12/1/95	12/14/95
           NetLink Guide	poco	reno	123839	12/6/95	12/16/95
         NetLink Docs Ä				12/16/95	12/16/95
           Installing NetLink	TEXT	ttxt	3447	12/16/95	12/16/95
           NetLink Guide (text only)	TEXT	ttxt	28013	12/16/95	12/16/95
           NetLink License 1.0	TEXT	ttxt	5984	12/16/95	12/16/95
           Registration Ä				12/16/95	12/16/95
             JoeK's Key.pgp	PKey	MPGP	272	12/15/95	12/15/95
             Pay by Check	TEXT	ttxt	2736	12/16/95	12/16/95
             Pay by NetCash	TEXT	ttxt	1659	12/16/95	12/16/95
             Registration Info	TEXT	ttxt	6613	12/15/95	12/16/95
         NetLink Remote	adev	MRNl	75170	7/17/95	12/17/95
         NetLink Shortcuts Ä				11/9/95	12/16/95
           About Shortcuts	TEXT	ttxt	1488	12/11/95	12/16/95
           NetLink Connect	APPL	????	6302	12/1/95	12/1/95
           NetLink Disconnect	APPL	????	6280	11/25/95	12/1/95
           NetLink Setup	APPL	????	6760	11/25/95	12/1/95
         README FIRST	TEXT	ttxt	3881	12/16/95	12/16/95
     Marathon Magazine September				10/26/94	12/3/94
			2670	9/15/95	9/15/95
       Marathon Battle	PICT	8BIM	57397	4/20/95	9/13/95
       Marathon Software Catalog	APPL	Dk@P	59371	9/15/95	9/15/95
       Predator				12/9/94	12/9/94
         Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	8/14/95	8/14/95
         Predator Sound	rsrc	RSED	54224	8/14/95	8/14/95
         Read Me!!!	TEXT	ttxt	879	8/14/95	8/14/95
       September '95	APPL	Dk@P	368422	9/15/95	9/15/95
       TERM Editor v1.2b3 Ä				12/9/94	12/9/94
         Marathon TERM Editor v1.2b3	APPL	MteR	834703	8/11/95	9/13/95
         READ-ME 1.2.3 TERM Editor 1.2b3	TEXT	ttxt	9624	8/4/95	8/11/95
     Marathon March '95				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2670	3/15/95	3/15/95
       Marathon GIF	GIFf	BABL	494246	3/6/95	3/15/95
       March 95	APPL	Dk@P	395984	3/15/95	3/15/95
       New Interface	PICT	8BIM	74439	3/1/95	3/1/95
       Phun Textures				12/9/94	12/9/94
         Employee Door	PICT	8BIM	13821	2/14/95	2/14/95
         Have You Seen Me?	PICT	8BIM	13587	2/14/95	2/14/95
         Marathon Computers	PICT	8BIM	12095	2/14/95	2/14/95
         No Smoking	PICT	8BIM	18009	2/14/95	2/14/95
       Physics Models				12/9/94	12/9/94
         Cooler Weapons 2.1				7/5/90	11/25/94
           Cooler Weapons	phys	26.2	8213	12/9/94	12/9/94
			2704	7/5/90	7/5/90
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	3444	7/5/90	7/8/90
         Everyone for themselves	phys	26.2	8134	2/1/95	2/4/95
         Gecko's Weapons				12/9/94	12/9/94
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	2/5/95	3/12/95
           Read Me First!!	TEXT	ttxt	1580	3/8/95	3/12/95
         Kamikaze	phys	26.2	8134	1/31/95	2/6/95
         MaraGuns3 Ä				12/9/94	12/9/94
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	2/14/95	2/25/95
           There's some odd stuff in there	TEXT	ttxt	5359	2/25/95	2/25/95
       Put me in Font Folder	FFIL	DMOV	61155	10/8/94	3/15/95
   Music				1/6/95	1/13/95
     Holiday Music	msik	26.2	152862	11/30/94	11/30/94
			2670	1/6/95	1/13/95
     MNB Music v2.0 folder				11/18/94	1/6/95
       MNB Music README	TEXT	ttxt	1821	7/15/95	7/17/95
       MNB Music v2.0	msik	26.2	700547	7/17/95	7/17/95
     MultiMusicMovieMaker0.5				1/13/95	1/13/95
       MultiMusicMovieMaker 0.5	APPL	MMMf	11810	12/17/94	12/17/94
       MultiMusicMovieMaker0.5 README	TEXT	ttxt	10102	7/20/94	12/17/94
     SWC Music Ä				12/9/94	1/16/95
       Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1073	1/16/95	1/16/95
       SWC Music	msik	26.2	122974	4/6/95	4/6/95
   NetLink Remote 1.0.3				12/16/95	1/10/95
     Debug Patch Ä				12/16/95	12/16/95
       Bogus Debug Init	INIT	????	726	12/14/95	12/14/95
       Bogus Debug README	TEXT	ttxt	945	12/14/95	12/16/95
			2670	12/17/94	1/13/95
     NetLink Control Ä				12/11/95	12/16/95
       About NetLink Control	TEXT	ttxt	2972	12/11/95	1/9/96
       NetLink Control	APPL	NtLk	123881	12/1/95	12/14/95
       NetLink Guide	poco	reno	123839	12/6/95	12/16/95
     NetLink Docs Ä				12/16/95	1/9/96
       Common NetLink Problems	TEXT	ttxt	6245	1/9/96	1/9/96
       Installing NetLink	TEXT	ttxt	3462	12/16/95	1/9/96
       NetLink Guide (text only)	TEXT	ttxt	27888	12/16/95	1/9/96
       NetLink License 1.0.3	TEXT	ttxt	6046	12/16/95	1/9/96
       Registration Ä				12/16/95	12/16/95
         JoeK's Key.pgp	PKey	MPGP	272	12/15/95	12/15/95
         Pay by Check	TEXT	ttxt	2750	12/16/95	1/9/96
         Pay by NetCash	TEXT	ttxt	1559	12/16/95	1/9/96
         Registration Info	TEXT	ttxt	6626	12/15/95	1/9/96
     NetLink Remote	adev	MRNl	75273	7/17/95	1/8/96
     NetLink Shortcuts Ä				11/9/95	12/16/95
       About Shortcuts	TEXT	ttxt	1501	12/11/95	1/9/96
       NetLink Connect	APPL	????	6302	12/1/95	12/1/95
       NetLink Disconnect	APPL	????	6280	11/25/95	1/9/96
       NetLink Setup	APPL	????	6760	11/25/95	1/9/96
     README FIRST	TEXT	ttxt	3894	12/16/95	1/9/96
   Operation Tantalus 1.0				12/8/95	1/6/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/13/95
     OT Installer v1.0	APPL	*TI*	4870907	10/22/95	12/10/95
     OT Map	scen	26.2	2060652	11/29/95	12/10/95
     OT Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	5/7/95	12/10/95
     OT Readme	TEXT	ttxt	19277	12/10/95	12/10/95
   Patches				11/26/94	1/13/95
     Bob Fro!!! v1.1				12/9/94	12/9/94
       Bob Fro Installerv1.1	APPL	MsIN	179494	3/13/95	3/31/95
			2670	3/25/95	3/25/95
       Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	4120	3/25/95	3/31/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/13/95
     KPTshapes folder				11/19/94	1/13/95
       KPTshapes info	TEXT	ttxt	1160	3/17/95	3/17/95
       Shapes KPT patch	APPL	ZAPS	1423038	3/15/95	3/17/95
     Marathon v1.2 Updater				12/9/94	1/13/95
       Marathon v1.0==>v1.2 Updater	APPL	ApMh	270757	3/23/95	3/23/95
       Marathon v1.2 Release Notes	TEXT	ttxt	2710	1/21/95	3/23/95
     poor mans m2 weapons 4				10/24/95	10/24/95
       Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	10/15/95	10/16/95
       poormans weapons	rsrc	RSED	497857	10/24/95	10/24/95
       ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	779	10/16/95	10/24/95
       SoundPatch	rsrc	RSED	110671	10/16/95	10/18/95
   Physics Models				1/5/95	1/6/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/13/95
     Marathon 1				1/5/95	1/13/95
       **NEW HEAVY WEAPONS**				12/9/94	1/6/95
         **SMOKE GUNS!**	phys	26.2	8134	8/29/95	8/29/95
         Acid Gun!	phys	26.2	8134	8/15/95	8/29/95
         Compiler blot!!	phys	26.2	8134	2/20/95	4/23/95
         Cool weapons	phys	26.2	8134	2/5/95	8/4/95
         Electric Bolt 	phys	26.2	8134	2/20/95	4/23/95
         Fusion maina!!!!	phys	26.2	8134	5/4/95	5/4/95
         Goo	phys	26.2	8134	2/20/95	4/22/95
         Hulk slap	phys	26.2	8134	4/23/95	4/23/95
			2704	8/29/95	8/29/95
         READ ME FIRST!	TEXT	ttxt	981	8/29/95	8/29/95
         Spark	phys	26.2	8134	4/23/95	4/23/95
         staff 	phys	26.2	8134	4/23/95	4/23/95
         Sting	phys	26.2	8134	4/23/95	4/23/95
         super marine	phys	26.2	8134	8/16/95	8/16/95
       Alien Civil War				12/9/94	1/6/95
			2670	6/6/95	10/6/95
         Physics Model	phys	26.2	10518	9/29/95	10/6/95
       Awesome Sniper III				12/9/94	1/6/95
			2670	9/30/95	9/30/95
         Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	9/26/95	9/30/95
         Read me or I'll sue!!!	APPL	Dk@P	45830	9/30/95	9/30/95
         Sniper III Shapes	APPL	MsIN	90177	3/13/95	9/30/95
         Sniper III Sounds	rsrc	RSED	4435	9/30/95	9/30/95
       Bob Blaster	phys	26.2	8134	2/1/95	2/1/95
       Bob Launcher	phys	26.2	8134	2/1/95	2/1/95
       COOL Weapons	phys	26.2	8134	2/2/95	7/5/90
       Dont Try This At Home Kids				12/9/94	1/6/95
         Don't come any closer	TEXT	ttxt	1089	11/27/94	11/27/94
         Jeremy's Stand Super Waaay Back	phys	26.2	8134	2/21/95	8/25/95
         Jeremy's Stand waaaaaaaay back	phys	26.2	8134	2/21/95	8/16/95
       Effects Models				2/8/95	1/5/95
         Extra Effects	phys	26.2	8134	2/8/95	3/6/95
         READ ME if you like	TEXT	ttxt	5504	3/10/95	3/10/95
         Special Effects	phys	26.2	8134	2/9/95	2/16/95
       Everyone for Themselves	phys	26.2	8134	2/1/95	2/4/95
       Fireball	phys	26.2	8134	1/12/95	1/12/95
       Flying	phys	26.2	8134	2/1/95	2/1/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/6/95
       Kamikaze	phys	26.2	8134	1/31/95	2/6/95
       Kickback Guns				12/9/94	1/6/95
         Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	5/22/95	5/26/95
         Read me	TEXT	ttxt	817	8/24/95	8/24/95
       M1 Physics Model Editor 1.1				2/3/91	1/5/95
         Marathon Physics Model Editor	APPL	mh¥¥	422644	2/3/95	2/3/95
         Physics Model Editor Docs	APPL	Dk@P	105366	2/3/95	2/3/95
       Marathon-Weapons of DOOM				12/9/94	1/6/95
         Exploding Barrels 2.0				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2704	3/18/95	3/18/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8221	3/12/95	3/18/95
           Read Me!	TEXT	ttxt	1238	3/18/95	3/18/95
         The Complete DOOM				12/9/94	12/9/94
           BFG/Shotgun Combined Installer	APPL	MsIN	192898	3/13/95	7/13/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	7/13/95	7/13/95
         The Complete Shotgun Kit				12/9/94	12/9/94
			2670	3/27/95	3/27/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	3/27/95	3/27/95
           Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1421	3/27/95	3/27/95
           Shotgun Shapes	APPL	MsIN	187748	3/13/95	3/27/95
           Shotgun Sound	rsrc	RSED	15879	3/27/95	3/27/95
         The Goods				12/9/94	12/9/94
           BFG9000 Shapes patch	APPL	ZAPS	52500	3/30/95	3/30/95
			2670	3/31/95	3/31/95
           Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	3/27/95	3/31/95
           READ-ME	ttro	ttxt	4368	3/31/95	3/31/95
           the GAME	sgam	26.2	158714	3/25/95	3/31/95
         Weapons of DOOM.doc	TEXT	ttxt	2543	7/13/95	8/26/95
       Misc.				12/9/94	1/6/95
         -44+TOTZ Model	phys	26.2	8134	8/25/95	8/25/95
         Guns	phys	26.2	8134	8/24/95	8/24/95
       Mr. man	phys	26.2	8134	9/8/95	9/11/95
       Net Physics Model 1.5				12/9/94	1/6/95
         Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	3/25/95	4/10/95
         ReadMe	ttro	ttxt	8284	4/6/95	4/10/95
       PG-Fun-With-Grenades				2/7/95	1/5/95
         PG-Bullet Flyby Model	phys	26.2	8134	2/1/95	2/1/95
         PG-Bullet Flyby Patch	APPL	ZAPS	40217	2/1/95	2/1/95
         PG-Fun With Grenades	phys	26.2	8134	2/4/95	2/6/95
         PG-Fun With Grenades READ ME	TEXT	ttxt	2229	2/6/95	2/7/95
       Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	2/12/95	3/7/95
       Physics Model/FUN	phys	26.2	8134	2/11/95	3/3/95
       Physics Suite				2/13/95	1/5/95
         Network	phys	26.2	8134	2/4/95	2/13/95
         Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	1477	2/13/95	2/13/95
         Shotgun	phys	26.2	8134	2/4/95	2/13/95
         Solo	phys	26.2	8134	2/4/95	2/13/95
       Really great stuff! folder				12/9/94	1/6/95
         Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	10/2/95	10/3/95
         Save Seventeen	sgam	26.2	144708	5/25/95	10/2/95
       SC-EnhancingFiles2.6				1/17/95	4/13/95
			2670	1/18/95	1/18/95
         Physics Model/Enh2.6	phys	26.2	8222	3/11/95	4/11/95
         Physics Model/Fun2.6.1	phys	26.2	8209	3/25/95	4/13/95
         Read Me Whenever 2.6	TEXT	ttxt	8868	1/14/95	4/13/95
         Sounds	sndz	26.2	2611548	2/25/94	4/13/95
       Super Gun	phys	26.2	8134	8/18/95	8/19/95
       The Ultimate Physics Model				12/9/94	1/6/95
			2670	9/30/95	9/30/95
         Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	2/4/95	3/17/95
         Read me! (or not)	TEXT	ttxt	1900	3/19/95	3/19/95
       Trippy Model (QUITE)				2/8/95	1/5/95
         Read me or be SAD!	TEXT	ttxt	5313	2/8/95	2/8/95
         Very Trippy. VEEERRRY.	phys	26.2	8134	2/6/95	2/8/95
       Ultimate Sharp Shooting				12/9/94	1/6/95
         Physics Model	phys	26.2	8134	8/20/95	8/20/95
       What Bigger Guns? Ä				3/9/95	1/5/95
			2670	3/9/95	3/9/95
         What Bigger Guns?	phys	26.2	8134	3/9/95	3/9/95
         What Bigger Guns? ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	5129	3/9/95	3/9/95
     Marathon 2				1/5/95	1/11/95
       Bear's M2 NetMapsV3				1/5/96	1/13/95
         Bear's M2 NetMapsV3	sce2	52.4	338648	1/5/96	1/10/96
         Bear's M2 NetMapsV3 Read	TEXT	ttxt	5780	1/5/96	1/10/96
         Nuclear Device	phy2	52.4	11388	1/3/96	1/5/96
         Suicide Machine	phy2	52.4	11388	1/3/96	1/10/96
         Wild Alien Weapon	phy2	52.4	11388	1/3/96	1/10/96
			2670	1/6/95	1/6/95
       KoolGunz_Physics_v2				1/1/96	1/3/95
         Kill me!	TEXT	ttxt	1139	12/31/95	1/2/96
         KoolGunz Physics	phy2	52.4	11388	1/1/96	1/2/96
         Whats new	TEXT	ttxt	905	12/31/95	1/2/96
       LMIF_Physics				12/21/95	12/22/94
         LMIF_ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	2898	12/19/95	12/21/95
         Look Ma, I'm Flying!!	phy2	52.4	11388	12/19/95	12/21/95
       M2 Physics Model Editor 1.0b2				12/15/94	12/22/94
         Alchemist 1.0b2	APPL	M2AL	457908	11/29/95	12/14/95
         Read Me - Bug List	TEXT	ttxt	1878	12/8/95	12/14/95
       Mara2-Cool-Physics folder				12/31/94	1/6/95
         Getting Physical	TEXT	ttxt	1195	12/31/95	12/31/95
         Physics Document	phy2	52.4	11388	12/29/95	12/31/95
       Snarf 'em Physics - M2				12/31/95	1/2/95
         Let's snarf 'em!!	TEXT	ttxt	1227	12/31/95	1/1/96
         Snarf 'em	phy2	52.4	11388	12/31/95	1/1/96
   Read me 1st	ttro	ttxt	13335	1/15/95	1/15/95
   Read Me 2nd...	ttro	ttxt	3043	1/15/95	1/15/95
   Shapes				11/30/94	1/13/95
     Betty				11/26/94	1/6/95
       Betty Bobs 1.1	APPL	ZAPS	847116	8/7/95	8/12/95
       Map	scen	26.2	11080	5/9/95	8/12/95
       Sounds.Betty patch	APPL	ZAPS	264424	7/28/95	11/25/95
       Sounds.Betty ReadMe!	TEXT	ttxt	816	11/25/95	11/25/95
     Bob Fro!!! v1.1				12/9/94	1/13/95
       Bob Fro Installerv1.1	APPL	MsIN	179494	3/13/95	3/31/95
			2670	3/25/95	3/25/95
       Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	4120	3/25/95	3/31/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/13/95
     KPTshapes folder copy				11/19/94	1/13/95
       KPTshapes info	TEXT	ttxt	1160	3/17/95	3/17/95
       Shapes KPT patch	APPL	ZAPS	1423038	3/15/95	3/17/95
     New Shapes				11/19/94	1/16/95
       Read Me	TEXT	ttxt	595	11/22/94	11/22/94
       Shapes	shps	26.2	6557320	12/9/94	12/9/94
     Shells Shape Installer 2.0				9/6/95	1/6/95
       Read Me. Do it. Doit Doit Doit.	TEXT	ttxt	2054	9/6/95	9/8/95
       Shell Gun Sounds	rsrc	RSED	73232	9/6/95	9/6/95
       Shells Shape Installer 2.0	APPL	MsIN	168273	3/13/95	9/8/95
   Sounds				11/16/94	1/15/95
     BetterSounds folder				11/18/94	1/15/95
       I HOPE YOU DIE!	TEXT	ttxt	966	9/10/95	9/10/95
       Mara2 Better gun & deth SNDs	rsrc	RSED	207060	3/27/95	9/10/95
     Bettys & Bobs				11/26/94	1/15/95
       Betty				11/26/94	1/11/95
         Betty Bobs 1.1	APPL	ZAPS	847116	8/7/95	8/12/95
         Map	scen	26.2	11080	5/9/95	8/12/95
         Sounds.Betty patch	APPL	ZAPS	264424	7/28/95	11/25/95
         Sounds.Betty ReadMe!	TEXT	ttxt	816	11/25/95	11/25/95
       Bob				11/26/94	11/26/94
         Cheeky Bobs ReadMe!	TEXT	ttxt	891	11/25/95	11/25/95
         Shapes-Cheeky Bobs patch	APPL	ZAPS	222881	11/25/95	11/25/95
     Hysterical Snds Ä				12/9/94	1/15/95
			2670	1/18/95	1/18/95
       Read Me Whenever	TEXT	ttxt	5179	1/14/95	1/21/95
       Sounds Funny	sndz	26.2	2798289	2/25/94	1/14/95
			2670	1/6/95	1/13/95
     MaraSounds_SMS_b40 Folder				11/19/94	1/15/95
       SMS For Hire	TEXT	ttxt	1463	4/30/95	4/30/95
       Sounds SMS b40	sndz	26.2	1499472	2/25/94	4/21/95
     Marathon Brutal Sounds				12/9/94	1/15/95
       Marathon Brutal Soundpatch	TEXT	ttxt	2634	1/5/95	1/6/95
       Old ReadMe	TEXT	ttxt	1502	12/10/94	1/6/95
       ReadMe	APPL	ApMh	917130	1/5/95	1/6/95
     Marathon Slaughter Sounds				12/9/94	1/15/95
       Eat Me First	TEXT	ttxt	967	12/28/94	12/28/94
       Sounds	sndz	26.2	1263918	10/27/93	12/28/94
     Marathon Sound Transporter				12/9/94	1/6/95
       Read Me	ttro	ttxt	3072	4/6/95	4/6/95
       Sound Transporter	APPL	mStr	49565	4/6/95	4/6/95
     SC-EnhancingFiles2.6				1/17/95	1/15/95
			2670	1/18/95	1/18/95
       Physics Model/Enh2.6	phys	26.2	8222	3/11/95	4/11/95
       Physics Model/Fun2.6.1	phys	26.2	8209	3/25/95	4/13/95
       Read Me Whenever 2.6	TEXT	ttxt	8868	1/14/95	4/13/95
       Sounds	sndz	26.2	2611548	2/25/94	4/13/95
     Shots & Shells Sounds	APPL	mSin	130139	4/6/95	4/6/95
     Updated Sounds file	sndz	26.2	1424612	2/25/94	1/1/95